Just checked in on the Nunnery there and I see that there are replies in my Origins Thread (Uncensored)
Post in thread 'Origins Thread (Uncensored)'
I thought I had already made this clear, Roundy* refused my GDPR request but did delete my posts and banned me. For some reason he left some (posts of mine) in that thread.
To keep the momentum up - nothing more.
*The stupid, effeminate, illiterate short roundy fuck who apparently did acquire a crappy engineering degree from a crappy Irish university (how is open to conjecture - he's that retarded) and then promptly skedaddled to America to work as a barman for decades, before at pensionable age becoming a taxi driver come busker come conman
Excellent point: Roundy's a spoofing cunt by trade. Whatever engineering exam he passed was likely akin to my A+ in Mechanical Drawing class of five senior years. The only reason they placed me into the class was because I was already selling artwork for a couple of years before I even began secondary school through to the Leaving Cert.
Mechanical drawing', sez I?
Yes, you're an artist - you're halfway there.
So I thought about it and attended the class; great teacher, cool enough bloke gave me loads of room to do things my own way. Then, more to spite him than anything else (
his Da was our PE teacher, he was nearly 70yrs old) I thought I get one back at him for not berating his own Da about my unwillingness to climb the bars, swing around on the hoops, use the horse thing to launch myself into the air, etc - so he booted me out of PE.
Grand - suits me fine: I need my fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and spine for better things, ie: making music, making art, making money.
Then the pre-Inter Cert exams came up, and I hatched a plan.
I took the paper he (the son) gave us, studied the rhombic triacontahedron at the top of the page, and decided to do the three elevations/projections my own way. Step one was create the three 90degree angles perpendicular to each other and trace only the outer main lines that constituted the general shape. I used a hard tip pencil for the light sketches, and a softer fatter tip for the major outlines. Everything else I just guessed at and added and erased a few lines so he'd think I was aware of any (fake) errors and corrected them. In reality, it was entirely composed of errors, but it looked right: each elevation in soft tip appeared to mimic the other two.
I get the results back the next week: A+.
I wait until the next class (the last one before the actual Inter Cert) and showed him how I came to the conclusions I did.
As I was pointing out certain lines to him, I could see his jugular tightening up and his face reddening.
So this one here is obviously bullshit - it shouldn't even be there, in fact: how did YOU miss that one?'
I left the sheet with him and knew he'd look even closer later, only to find that all three were spoofs, none of them actually connected as they should.
'You'd be a great engineer' he says to me.
Nah, mate: I know how to spoof'.
Roundy likely has an Inter Cert exam paper from his chippy class at age thirteen.
Hammer and nails, doesn't even know what a ball/peen is for.
Thinks chisels are only large screwdrivers.
Monkey/wrench - the two words guaranteed to make him laugh.
The fat little spoofer.
Did you see his shit about his twenty mile walks?
Or when he said his BMI is well low, and that he benches twice his own weight: 'not bad for a man entering middle age' he says.
The Middle Ages - perhaps.
Still, at least we know EXACTLY where his soft spots are.
They constitute his entirety.