Jaze, I forgot all about his weekly report, apologies folks.
Take a look around you, Jambo: see all these men wandering around your capital city in the dead of night looking for anything not nailed down?
And you have an issue with some Aussie half-pipe yapping about Kevin Sharkey?
No fucking wonder the shitty little island's sinking with the weight: you're the planet's garbage disposal, an open sewer for any newcomers.
Anyway, this will do for now.
So it seems Fishbait decided to flex his Irish credentials and weigh in with this -
Post in thread 'Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe'
Of course that's a big problem, one that overshadows the issue of your women and children not being safe any more.
And (not racist) bonus points because he's a 'based' BLECK!
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Fucking useless.
Of course he has no idea who Sharkey is and now it'll be back to posting tweets in the Ukraine thread, funny memes in his funny meme thread (and anywhere else he can think of) and Tucker Carlson videos (and funny Biden memes) in the US Politics thread.
You've never met Sharkey, have you?
I have.
The guy's a gentleman, very sharp, very funny too. He used to present a show called MegaMix and on one of the nights he introduced one band I was sitting in with at a gig in Christchurch Cathedral. After the recording (it was broadcast the following week) we hit The Pink Elephant and we talked for hours about Ireland, the church state, the mother and babies homes, Ballyfermot, the priests, the government, the collusion, the dark, dark history of Ireland's recent past (the manager of the band I sat in with is black, born in a M&BH and raised out in the sticks in a large family of adopted kids) and the likely results for the future of Ireland.
None of us could see this shit-show coming though - not one of us.
In fact, if any of us were to have predicted/described the current state of things, we'd have been laughed at.
It wouldn't have been believable, simply not possible.
Look at you now?
Jezus fucking fuck - look at you now.
You're a moron, Jambo: keep fiddling, let it all burn, tear it all down and start again from scratch.
I might have included: 'before it's too late' but sadly that boat's already sailed - and sunk.
You poor fucking sods.