
Nordic News

I couldn't tell you - I live in Finland.

There are a couple of hundred Irish people up here, but I have nothing to do with any of them.

The St Patrick's Day jolly next month brings them all together at the ambassador's residence, a beautiful period house in Eira, down south of the city centre.

I never go to that bash any more - the Irish who show are there for the free drinks and always have traditional Irish 'sing-song' in full-on scrum mode wearing their Ireland jerseys. I always dressed formally for the event when I used to attend: the Finns who are invited to join us for the party are very valuable contacts who own businesses and run Irish pubs.

But as soon as the tapas starts being dropped and stepped into the carpets, I leave. That's when the shit hits the fan and the whole crew get rat-arsed drunk.

It's a rather disgusting sight to be honest - I really wouldn't recommend it, the Finns who attend usually leave at the same time as me.

Most younger people understand and speak a little English, but it's their fourth language after Swedish and Russian.

Older people don't speak English and you should not address the very elderly in English. Many of them are war veterans and Winter War heroes. Speaking to them in English, even at the embassy, is considered highly rude. Learn a few phrases at least before you come here; a little effort will take you a long way. No effort will probably end up with you leaving.

This country isn't for everyone, if you can't handle the seasons, then forget it - there's no way you'll last.

Last Irish/blogger guy I helped out got a job up in Tampere working with airplanes: he started on the Monday and left the next Friday.

I see that a lot.

If you have any specific questions about Finland, I'll try to help you.

If you need information about Iceland, then this wan might be a help:

I totally understand.

I left just at the end of the last century - just in time for Paddy and Bridie to go nuts on their spending spree.

I hated the place by then anyway, not to mention her people.

I'm much happier up here, I could never feel this way about Ireland or Irish people.

Which is why I only ever come back for major family events or else work - but even the work angle isn't worth the sheer fucking hassle any more.

If you're interested in Nordic life, come over for the 1st of May, it's called 'Vappu' and it's the first big party of the year which signals the end of winter time and the fall of spring and summer. The whole country goes ballistic. The party usually lasts two to three days, depending on the weather. The streets are full, everyone's out dancing and partying, and it pretty much continues like that until the official end of summer and the beginning of autumn, a very sombre time in Finland.

At the moment it's a brisk minus eleven here by the sea and I just came from lenkkisauna with the neighbours.

On Mondays, the two communal saunas are divided to men and boys in sauna one (the seriously fucking hot one) and the ladies and girls in sauna two (the regular and extremely hot one) which is part of our community effort. The neighbourhood I live in is the most desirable address in the entire country for regular folk. There are more expensive neighbourhoods, but they're not like Arabianranta.

Rents are nominal, cheaper than Ireland by forty/fifty percent.

Quality of build/architecture multiple times better than Ireland.

Outside the packed ice has blackened on the pavements and fresh snows fall every few days, but it's still very slippy, you have to know how to dress for this country. But the opposite is true for summer: winter is dark and cold, but in summer? The sun doesn't go down below the horizon at the height of the season. It's fucking hot, we all head up north to our little cottages on the lakes to live in the wild, miles from any civilization. We have midnight sun parties.

Like these:

Still feel like coming up?

Thanks for the reply.

I for some reason thought you were living in Norway!

Finland sounds like they know what they are doing, is the climate cold or is it quite easy to get used too?
Thanks for the reply.

I'm that kind of guy.

I for some reason thought you were living in Norway!

No, not me.

Up here in Murmansk we care little of things warm and/or dry.

Norway is far too expensive for our national budget: up here in Murmansk we're just enjoying spending our time slaughtering the whales, getting mad out of it, then cooking and eating the whale meat. We also like processing the blubber, using the bones to build our houses, the silken baleen for the parachutes we sell to Putin, to have some oil for our lamps, and basically not giving much of a fuck otherwise. Here:


Finland sounds like they know what they are doing, is the climate cold or is it quite easy to get used too?

To the best of my knowledge, Finland doesn't take any major offense at being gendered.

But as far as I'm aware: the Finnish climate is cold - except for some periods when it isn't.

Also: one can get used to anything if they have to: just look at all those Jews in those weird holiday homes in Germania back in the 1940's?
One thing I love about the Nordic peoples is their intolerance for corruption and tomfoolery in politics. Your average rural Irish cute hoor gombeen yokel would be out on his arse in a couple of weeks I'd imagine.

The cute hoor probably laughs to himself at what he's allowed get away with in Ireland when he sees a Finnish politician getting fired from office...simply for using a few euro to buy nappies. I also doubt your average Finn or Swede would be thick enough for gombeen-man to pull the wool over their eyes.
One thing I love about the Nordic peoples is their intolerance for corruption and tomfoolery in politics. Your average rural Irish cute hoor gombeen yokel would be out on his arse in a couple of weeks I'd imagine.

The Irish mentality about things wouldn't last ten seconds up here.

Finns have no tolerance for small talk.

Or bullshit.

The cute hoor probably laughs to himself at what he's allowed get away with in Ireland when he sees a Finnish politician getting fired from office...simply for using a few euro to buy nappies.

Jaze knows Sanna had it rough from day one (internationally) and even now many refuse to commend her on her successes.

But Finnish stoicism is like that: she wears no expression on her face when she bites back, which I really like.

I also doubt your average Finn or Swede would be thick enough for gombeen-man to pull the wool over their eyes.

When the traveling people from Ireland drove their convoy up here to 'go on the dole' and settled in car park just outside Tampere, they were watched like hawks: they dumped run-off diesel into a lake, trapped wildlife for food, made a fucking mess of the place, shitting in bags and throwing them away. They tried the welfare offices for cash and nobody would speak to them in English.

The cops eventually ran them back to Turku and out to sea on the ferry.

Done and dusted.
I'm glad those wasters got thrown out of the country for their behaviour in the pristine Nordic wilderness. Aren't people made to work for their welfare up in Finland?

It's different in Ireland where able-bodied adults with no debilitating disabilities are allowed claim the dole for life, without lifting a finger. Along with the other benefits there's literally zero incentive to take up a minimum wage job. I feel bad for those in low wage jobs in Ireland who have to work their arses off only for their next door neighbours to be in a better financial position despite sitting around all day. But I suppose who could blame such individuals considering that if the opportunity arises to live a more comfortable life by not working then people are naturally going to exploit it. It's human nature to do so. Again, I'm not referring to anybody with genuine physical and mental disabilities who are unable to work, but perfectly able-bodied men and women of working age.

There's also the issue of Ireland's draconian criminal justice system. Not only does it take seven years for certain offences to become spent, but drug-taking isn't included in that list. So, (a) you smoke weed, (b) you're caught and prosecuted, (c) that offence will always be available for prospective employers to view. Considering how backwards Ireland is in its view of drug use getting caught smoking weed is a death sentence, hence the only way for a large portion of the population to survive outside of crime is to claim welfare benefits. The result is hundreds of thousands of additional able-bodied citizens unable to find work, regardless of whether or not they've served their probation and / or prison sentence.
I'm glad those wasters got thrown out of the country for their behaviour in the pristine Nordic wilderness. Aren't people made to work for their welfare up in Finland?

In certain circumstances, yes: but it's not an across-the-board directive.

Malingerers are easily weeded out as the state can access your bank accounts.

It's different in Ireland where able-bodied adults with no debilitating disabilities are allowed claim the dole for life, without lifting a finger. Along with the other benefits there's literally zero incentive to take up a minimum wage job. I feel bad for those in low wage jobs in Ireland who have to work their arses off only for their next door neighbours to be in a better financial position despite sitting around all day. But I suppose who could blame such individuals considering that if the opportunity arises to live a more comfortable life by not working then people are naturally going to exploit it. It's human nature to do so. Again, I'm not referring to anybody with genuine physical and mental disabilities who are unable to work, but perfectly able-bodied men and women of working age.

Some people build their lives around the general avoidance of physical labour and instead direct their attentions to maintaining their position on the lowest rungs of the ladder but at the same time they know it can't get any worse, so that becomes the foundation they build the lifestyle on.

Single Mother Syndrome was/is rife in Ireland among young girls who like their freedom but hate working for it. Nine to five in some rag factory sewing machine hell-hole making overalls for labourers? No? Don't like it? Solution? Get pregnant. After that it's a cakewalk. The house, the bills, the necessities - prams, nappies, whatever? Welfare office. No car? Middle of nowhere two-bed gaff with pipes that groan all through the night when the neighbour gets up for a piss? Welfare office. And there are many in Ireland who take great pride in their enterprises: they think they're getting one over on 'the man'. They hate their political betters and have little understanding of how the real world works but welfare is a nice soft pillow if you know how to play it.

I knew one geezer running two dole claims in Dublin under two slightly different names, one of which was inadvertently misspelled on an official document which he used to set up a second claim. He got away with it too. Dole, rental fees, food dockets, free stuff from voluntary organizations, healthcare (that's a big one in Ireland) via The Medical Card - an apparently indomitable document that saved you thousands every year.

And that's just the indigent Irish: your new 'guests' have that shit down to a fine art.

In multiple languages too.

Information is freely bandied about. If one scammer nails an angle, they'll milk it until the risk is too high, then spread the word so that others hop aboard the good ship and it becomes bigger than any one person if it goes belly-up, which it likely will once the lid is lifted and everyone's at it. You can't just 'undo' what happened. It's like when the Irish ATMs started throwing out cash money that one night years back and the queues were half a mile down the street with the hoodies and the cans and the rucksacks.

Working class Irish people consider a good scam an honourable thing. Because when you step up and do it and score, that takes nuts. And so long as nobody is left bleeding or broken, it's a gentleman's game. The logic being: 'the man is scamming you, you know this' so getting one back is an attractive proposition, especially if you too have a scam they're not wide to.

I've worked in pubs all over, Dublin suburban dive bars in Tallaght, Clondalkin, Crumlin, Dolphin's Barn, Thomas Street, you name it: the pubs are full of heads scamming everything they can while sucking the dole at the same time. Paddy isn't stupid about these things: he saw Varadkar snidely set him up with his 'rip off' bullshit while creaming the highest wages anywhere in modern politics outside America. Paddy sees what's going on. He wants his end too. And he knows nobody is going to hand it to him so he has to figure out a way to boost his end until a proper number shows up that he can take a big chance and win big-time, or else sink and become another boring drunk at the bar at three in the afternoon.

Stop kidding yourselves: it's not just Jamal and Kateriina who are nailing the freebies list: Paddy and Bridie are serious professionals when it comes to this shit.

Right under your noses: they're often the same ones who show up for the protests, likely hoping it'll kick off and they can score a few new track suits and runners from Marathon Sports. White Irish, born and bred. Faces as sunken as that painting by Edvard Munch.

There's also the issue of Ireland's draconian criminal justice system. Not only does it take seven years for certain offences to become spent, but drug-taking isn't included in that list. So, (a) you smoke weed, (b) you're caught and prosecuted, (c) that offence will always be available for prospective employers to view. Considering how backwards Ireland is in its view of drug use getting caught smoking weed is a death sentence, hence the only way for a large portion of the population to survive outside of crime is to claim welfare benefits. The result is hundreds of thousands of additional able-bodied citizens unable to find work, regardless of whether or not they've served their probation and / or prison sentence.

Tattoos have become the latest scam for dodging shitty jobs. It all started with that stupid tear-drop borstal boys used to give themselves. One beneath the right eye for every sentence in the Big House they served. That way, when they get out - nobody in their right would hire them. They have fuck all interest in working. For anyone. Even themselves. Instead it was dole scams to cover the staples, and scams to pay for the parties.

Take a look a your high street junkies in Dublin?

They don't exactly look new and fresh to drug problems, do they?

These guys are as professional as your legal, political, and elite classes with fancy addresses in tax-free havens where the sun always shines.

So I find it hilarious reading Irish bloggers - especially the hard-core all-day every-day sort: they too are 99% likely to be on:

(a) the sick
(b) mental illness
(c) back problems

Who else would fund these fuckers? You have twats like Declan Kelly who pays $1,390 every twelve months to do what now? Tell you about his van? The people he drives around? The tips he gets? He's a sixty-six year old grandfather with a living wife and a number of grandchildren: and he drives a van around. And you complete fucking idiots think he's all that? A wizened auld white-haired culchie gobshite who says stuff like:

'...I would have been well known to all in Ballinspittle in those years..'

And mean it.

This is the caliber of mongrel that Irish people admire?

Are you fuckers completely fucking retarded?

Fuck off.
Excellent post.

Doing a nixer on the side while claiming welfare is still fairly commonplace in Ireland. There's fellas getting +€200 a week from the social while doing zero-taxed, under the table jobs on the sly. Being an honest citizen in Ireland doesn't really seem to get you anywhere in the end. If one is willing to stick their neck out and be confident enough to flout the laws of the land then it seems to pay off. One thing I'll always remember from The General (1998) is Martin Cahill collecting his weekly payment while making millions on the side. Yet at least that was funny, along with his constant trolling of the Gardai. 😅
Cahill is exactly the mentality I was referring to: that couple of hundred a week in dole cash was sweeter to him than any scam cash because it came from the man, from the state. He wasn't going to miss out on it either because (a) it felt great sticking one back at the state that held him down, and (b) because he'd likely keep it separate to his hidden cash so that it provided him a financial alibi.

Paddy and Bride know this, and it's the exact same reason you have welfare lifestyles as they are in Ireland: a council house out on some sprawling estate like Clondalkin. The 4-wheel drive parked in next door's driveway (for a fee/protection/favour) and an adjoining hidden hatch in the attic for quick escape and/or loading hot gear into and out of the house. The criminal makes the scam happen, the neighbours offer protection, and the community benefits by having a local heavy with power and influence who'll return favours granted two-fold.

€200 a week isn't going to make you rich, not unless you know how to boost more on top of that. Selling hash, pills, smack, etc. Robbing houses (like Saul's lad) and factories. Private small businesses like garages and specialist mechanics stores: loads of hot gear that sells fast for used cash. And basic kleptomania, some folks are simply addicted to shoplifting. They aren't doing it for the two skirts, a blouse and some frilly knickers: they're doing it because it boosts the buzz they're already enjoying from the hit they shot up a few hours ago. And they know that if they do get caught, they'll be back on the high streets within a couple of hours lifting wallets and picking handbags for phones/cash.

The coppers know all this perfectly well, but they too get a boost when they can actually send one down, even if they're out again before the weekend. This keeps the coppers in a job. I mean ask yourself: if Irish coppers could shut down everyone's operations overnight - would they actually do it?

Fuck no: that'd be like shooting yourself and your gang in both feet.

The legal establishment needs the scumbags back out and committing more and bigger crimes every passing day because if the feed is switched off, where are your elite classes going to get their end from? The free legal aids, the doddery old judges, the barristers, lawyers, Martin Nolan, the additional bit-part actors like psychologists and mental health specialists. The cops, their bosses, the state itself. It's ALL exponentially connected. This circus show is a magic roundabout of endless cash for those who are in a position to grab it. And they ALL do, don't be kidding yourself. Nobody goes into politics in Ireland for the greater good. And Paddy knows this. He can't do it himself because he hasn't the education or the connections, so he stays at his end of the field and does his thing there while the better-off do their thing down the other end. They occasionally meet in the middle and the ref flips a coin.

Win or lose you still win.

Ireland is as professional at her game as any number of Nigerian princes are with theirs.

Some scams are crappy, bloody, messy affairs that involve inhumane degrees of extreme violence as a matter of course. Drugs in particular. But even then you'll see that crack-addicted cunt from the flats getting a boost from the local heavies for filling in/visiting/wasting problem people. Those who owe money. Those who grass. Those who borrow dope on the long finger and get too fucked up on their own supply to repay their betters their dues. Plus a vig. Even at the micro level the scams are endless.

It's the one thing the working class Irish know all too well: they we're educated enough to man the production lines spewing out the tubes of glue and boxes of potato chips, but not well enough to know how to improve our station after years of graft. And what has Paddy to show for it? Lung cancer from the fumes? A suicidal mindset at his rage over being used like a farm animal? Of course he's looking for a scam, they all are. Everyone. Ireland admires them, has a tear in her eye for them. And even a cunt like Cahill? They wrote songs about him. Wrote books too. Made a movie about him. Sold endless column inches on him even after he was gunned down. In fact, even more so. See? Every dodgy situation offers a new angle - if you know what to look for.

People write poems about me. Seriously. They refer to Ballyer and my working class background. They make sleazy accusations about my childhood school days dealing with the rotten priests and fucked-up christian brothers. Wishing with all their hearts that I was raped - because that would make them feel better about themselves. They do this to try to hurt/rattle/provoke me. But it's a scummy Irish sewer-pipe way of behaving so I leave them to it. Culchies will always side with other culchies before any jackeen. That's just how Ireland is. Like attracts like - which is why I left it all behind. I didn't fit in. Too smart to be a failure or a drop-out, or even a gurrier, but too well self-educated to swallow the Kool Aid. Too inspired and independently-minded to suck at the teat, and with not enough patience to watch Paddy take three days doing what should take half an hour. That's the real problem with being intelligent enough to see the beneath the veil and recognizing your opponent.

Because he's your neighbour, your local representative, your dealer, your fence, landlord, and boss.

Show me a 'true Irish man' and I'll show you the fake and blackened halo around his thick skull.

Ireland is criminally bent and corrupt in the exact same way Nigeria/Columbia is: yet Ireland thinks she's a better class of whore?

Maybe she is - I wouldn't know.

I saw all I needed to see.

That's all in the past.

Thank fuck.
It's much funnier in Finnish, Jambo.

Do you speak any other languages than English, Jimmy?



It's much funnier in Finnish, Jambo.

Do you speak any other languages than English, Jimmy?

Mais qui


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