
Nordic News

Do any of the Nordic countries have a scumbag problem on par with Ireland?

Well, there are a few neighbourhoods that are considered badlands areas associated with drinking and doping. But in terms of mindless vandalism, no. Not at all. Tagging, graffiti, and other public arena artworks have designated areas for writers/taggers to create large scale pieces of graffiti art and not only is it legal and licensed for by the council, there are also incentives like reduced prices on spray cans for registered artists who get to choose a wall and have their work displayed for a period of time.

Boozing in public isn't allowed, but it's generally overlooked so long as you're not disturbing anyone or causing any public affray. Also, because of the return/deposit system we've had since forever, there's always someone who's going to collect your cans and bottles for the refund.

Vandalism, in the Irish sense, is extremely rare. Smashing up your own hood and its various public facilities (or someone else's) will result in someone ratting you out. Finns will not sit by and watch their neighbours destroy or damage the community. It's all of our taxes after all that pay for public services. If kids smash things up, the parents get the bill. Last week one fraught Mother was on social media warning the neighbours about a gang of four or five kids who frightened her son on his way back from school. The entire community was alerted and finally one person phoned in the names and addresses. They didn't hit him or rob him, just intimidated him enough to reduce him/her to tears; the parents were both angry and concerned for other kids to whom the same might happen. So now it's in the hands of social services and the local police.

Burglary? Extremely rare in the apartment blocks. Out in the sticks? Even less so, everyone knows everyone, and unlike say in Monaghan, Ireland - where thieves like Saul and his 42yr old son who rob the pensioners in their beds reside - the whole community will come together for the sake of the victim, and to make sure the fucker who robbed them goes down, publicly and with lots of local fanfare. Nobody stands by while any individual or group to decide to go on a mindless rampage.

Stolen cars? Again, extremely rare. You can buy a second hand beat-up junkster and use any of the driving/rallying/stunt parks for free. There are dozens of rally parks exclusive to drivers, not pedestrians. It's also very popular with the adults, not just the kids.

Shops and stores all use both camera and security staff. Every shopping centre has security present and known thieves and other shyters will be tailed from the moment they enter. All stores are alerted by security and the thief usually gets caught and busted, the cops will take them away.

Drunkenness on the streets is tolerated at night, but not all night either, mind you. There's always a strong cop presence around the city on the weekends, in marked/unmarked cars, marked vans, meat wagons, motor and pushbikes, and even horses during the tourist seasons. Drugs will be taken off the streets along with their users. If you want to have a smoke, then do so without making a meal of it, they'll likely give you a stern nod and walk on. Discretion is the better part of valor: show them some respect and assurance and they'll leave you be.

But there are of course exceptions. Rednecks coming to town usually end up in the tank if they can't comport themselves, as physical violence will be attended to immediately and with prejudice. Messing around on the buses gets you booted off. Same with trams, metros, trains, and taxis. Racist attacks will be attended to equally as it would between any two Finns. Pick-pocketing? Nah, never hear much about it. Intimidation and threats will likely be phoned in immediately by any bystander. Sexual crimes like rape, etc? Again, extremely rare: but there are place/clubs/late nite scenes that are notorious for rohypnol-type assaults. I've called that one in myself and had one little scumbag reefed for mixing drugs sourced off the Dark Web for making rohypnol-type liquids for junkies coming down on heroin, he was cooking it up in his bathtub. But it also works on witless ladies who don't cover their drinks. Very dangerous, not even the bouncers can estimate whether a young lady being carried out the door is genuinely drunk or doped by a stranger, but they will stop you and ask for your ID. Refuse to show it and the cops will arrive.

Mindless destruction of the sort I used to see in Ballyer, Clondalkin, Tallaght, and various other housing estates simply doesn't happen up here. Every bus stop has a digital display telling you everything you need to know including your connections to other public transport options. Smashing it up for the sake of vandalism just doesn't happen, but in Ireland, and Dublin especially? They smash it up because they can, no other logic to it.

Kids wandering home from school with a smartphone in hand. These are young kids, the parents are trying to teach them about independence by letting them walk alone or take public transport (free for the wee ones) back home after the school day is done. Try interfering with a kid in that situation and you WILL pay a hefty price as well as likely serving time. The family unit is sacred to the Finnish culture and lifestyle. Messing around with someone's child will also see you getting some what-for of your own when you get sent down and your record/credit rating marked permanently: this way landlords, banks, credit unions, and potential employers can all see your record by request, just like your banking details. Keep fucking up, your credit rating continues to drop. Even the welfare system will penalize habitual criminals, so you might also end up on the streets. Which is fine in summer, but homelessness in winter has only one result. Mostly, they end up in either the tank or else a state hostel (in at 2200 and booted out again at 0600). Try that lifestyle for a few days and watch your whole world fall completely and irrevocably into sand and slip through your fingers. It's very hard to get back up if you fall, even your own family/community will likely shun you.

But apart from all that, it's very safe, very clean, extremely efficient, everything works, everything's on time, not even a meter deep of snow in a few hours stops or delays routines. Young ladies can wander about freely, even in the parks in the city centre. Kids too, though not too late, lest a cop ask why there's a seven-year old in the city at eleven at night with school the next day. So people always try to do the right thing, and those who can't for whatever reasons, will likely be asked if they need help by an alert copper or security guard.

It's nothing like Dublin, not even remotely.

And even less like Ireland, thank fuck.

Even the smallest village in this country has scumbags galore unfortunately - some varieties more dangerous than others.

I've never had any problems with the rural or traveling community. If I happen to meet a traveler, I can tell them about my own family helping out the families living at the Labre Park halting site just outside Ballyer. They've always been great to me whenever I worked for them. They didn't just pay me the agreed fee, but they often threw in some hash, weed, and maybe a bottle of something to drink on the way home. Never a bother with them. But then again, I'm dealing with all sorts of people when in work mode and I have to speak the language of each one to both get and keep the work.

That's the nature of business diplomacy and knowing how to charm your clients. It's one thing to rent out a skill and nothing else. But I turn a fee-paying work gig into a performance piece that includes everyone present, especially the kids. They get that part for free, and they love it: but that's not why I do it that way. It's simply more efficient for me to get from A to B during the working day/night in any business premises I find myself in.

If it's a pub or restaurant, then I'm going to need access to every window/door/display area/shopfront in the place, so getting people to move out of my way is far easier when I have them in the palm of my hand.

The same applies to every other area of my working life: a positive result requires a positive input.

Doing things half-arsedly isn't going to work out - you have to make the client feel that they need you, that you're part of their team, that you can take a small instruction and act on it to create an even bigger and better end-result that they probably weren't even expecting. Charm, an ability to read the other guy's mind, some people power all helps make the day better for everyone involved, and once I'm finished, I'm gone. No hanging around, no pints thanks, I have more work to do in your other pub/restaurant/club and I DO NOT drink alcohol (or smoke weed) in any hostelry I'm hired into.

I like to travel - it's why I got into music and art: I also like/prefer to work alone. It's far more efficient, though occasionally there's so much to do I'll either hire in an artist to finish what I started (the draughting and outlining takes the most time, once it's done I can let someone else do some colour-by-numbers for a small fee).

So, I may be from Ballyfermot, but I'm also an international brand.

Getting flown in for doing artwork is even cooler/more rock'n'roll than getting flown in for music work. I get to do my own thing, by myself and for myself, I handle the clients, the work-load, and most of all: the people who eat/drink/listen/play at any of my clients workplaces. If I were your typical Ballyer skanger? Forget it already. No fucking way would I have an international client list like the ones I had. Not everyone from Ballyer is a skanger: and we're a lot more surprising and of far more substance than all that. Mostly because we started out on the bottom, not the top. It's easier to fall and lose everything than it is to begin at the bottom and work your way to the top.

So scumbags are what they are, and the rest of us try our best to offer something to the world beyond our mere presence.

Independence, initiative, ability, discipline, respect, awareness, decency and manners, all coupled with originality make the world turn happily.#

Being a dishonourable vandal bastard and violent thieving scumbag is a world away from me - and mine.

So I'm glad I'm as far away from the type you refer to as I am.

I'm a one-man ambassador of Irish culture, and I do a very good job of it.
Here's a typical news article from a Nordic neighbour Ireland still seems to think is an eastern block country: Tallin, Estonia.

Travel between Finland and Estonia is heavy throughout the year. Partly for the cheaper shopping, but also for weekend or even mid-week overnight cruising breaks. Depart Helsinki southern dock at 1900, arrive at Tallin after a very slow sailing (during which we party like hell) and then awaken to the open port and the short walk into the Old Town of Tallin, an amazing and timeless city that truly feels like a foreign world.

Estonia is moving at a rapid pace, and it's former image of being a rather dour and grim post-Soviet capital has been updated to the city being a hot-spot for emerging IT ideas and themes, a Europe-wide attraction for long or short visits, and trade is growing rapidly. So much so that I would even predict that wonderful Estonia will surmount Finland's hold on the OECDs 'World's Happiest Country' at the next announcement of the results. Those of you who've already been there know what I'm talking about. Those who don't are in for a wonderful surprise. Estonian people are highly educated, very highly motivated, and the younger generations live in a blissful awareness of the recent dark post-Soviet past without getting bogged down by it, much as we do in Ireland with our own dark history. IT and technological exports are growing at a rapid rate, and the economy is booming - albeit far more carefully than the in the Irish model.

I was asked recently by a curious Finn what the Irish people's reaction to the recent Irish budget was, considering the fact that a huge portion of the money being flung around by FF/FG/Greens was the very recently acquired funds from the Apple tax case: €14Bn washed notes. I was asked why it wasn't set against the national debt but I had only one answer: the end result will show Ireland in an even worse mess than she's in right now, and that Irish politicians are not to be taken seriously, even if their actions cause deep and surreptitious international scrutiny. Irish political parties are essentially like childish schoolyard gangs: they have their pals and they have their enemies, though it's often hard to tell which is which at times as the game of political musical chairs tends to distract Paddy and Biddy's ability to see the wood for the trees. That €14Bn will buy the coalition lots of friends and lots of votes. But future Irish generations will be born into the same debt after the current shower are all in the ground.

Sending in the world bank accountants back more than a decade ago doesn't appear to have chastened them either: they even found ways to claim that the attentions of the European Central Bank were a boon to Ireland's financial security. And Paddy fell for it. Paddy has few pals who exist on the level he does, but given that Ireland refuses to learn from Finland, I wonder if the Irish might instead look to Estonia to see how their economy and culture has grown at the rate it has, thereby offering a far higher standard and quality of life that might well spur the Irish on to get their act together and run a mature government NOT mired in the events of the previous century in general and the current one in particular.

Paddy is very immature: he thinks that any number of mistakes, errors, fuck-ups, or blatant cons are all part and parcel of political/economic life.

They aren't.

Neither is going billions of euros over budget with a children's hospital and then allowing yourself to be held to ransom by the contractors you hired to build it for you, or splashing the cash via those Apple taxes before any inquiries from the greater EU area regarding claims on their reported entitlements to portions of same. Those two are going to bite Ireland in the bollocks. One doesn't simply get handed €14Bn and decide to toss it in the air in a free for all without there being consequences. Life's not like that. Simon Harris hasn't the maturity to see it: he's young, inexperienced, he's NOT a negotiator, he's a second rate diplomat, and the new children's hospital is very much his ball and chain.

Estonia has completed her new tram system for the capital city of Tallin both under budget and ahead of time.

Think about that.

Regarding the life and work of one of Finland's most outrageous characters, Pekka Siitoin. Born in Varkaus, Finland on May 20th 1944, died December 8th 2003. Finns from the furthest extremes of the northern wilds are amazing characters. They have this reserve of hardiness that's quite a sight to behold. Fighting against the elements in Finnish Lapland takes a resolve not many can aspire to. But if you're born into it, then you can deal with things far better if you can create for yourself an outlet to vent your frustrations with life. Pekka Siitoin was a classic example of what can happen to you if you allow the elements to overcome you so much that you turn to drink, drugs, satanism, theatre absurd, and generally being and doing whatever the fuck you want to to help in dealing with the frozen conditions all around as well the lack of any proper daylight.

Pictured above in 1976 in his military outfit (not a Finnish one, but a Nazi one he acquired from a army surplus shop).

He loved to make people laugh, but he also loved the scare the bejeezus out of them by swinging in and out of character as himself one moment, Hitler the next, then Satan, and finally god himself. He sometimes surrounded himself with other crazy rednecks who played along with him more out of boredom with the mundane life of and in a permanent state of wintery darkness. When he came down to Helsinki, he was considered a harmless madman who really ought to be sectioned lest he kill himself - or anyone else.

Some Finns remember him with jocularity, others with hushed awe. What else can you do regarding a devil-worshiping drunken recluse (kind of like AN2, Myles, Saul, et al) who was considered a total eccentric and something of a laughing stock too. He cast spells on people he disliked or who he felt were plotting against him. He always reminded me of Tony Halme, the Finnish far right goon who wrestled, boxed, did some MMA, drank like a fish, ran for office and got voted in by a section of rednecks from up north who they thought would at least give them a few laughs.

Halme was assigned to a diplomatic post in the EU HQ, which was kind of when the penny dropped with these far right idiots who voted him in for the kicks and were now terrified of what he might do to Finnish international relations if he was allowed to speak his rhetoric. Halme was a Nazi, a violent homophobe who famously had the term 'EXIT ONLY' on his lower back with an arrow pointing to his arsehole. An outspoken nationalist, he was lampooned by every newspaper in the country bar the early True Finns type party literature. Later he would put a shotgun in his mouth and blow his own head off. The funeral was poorly attended, his record sank, everything that constituted his life was erased from the history books and he was consigned to the garbage bucket of national shame. I met him a few times over the years and one late night we had a run-in at a nightclub downtown when he said I bumped his elbow and made him spill his drink. I told him to grow a pair of balls and shut the fuck up. The half dozen ladies who surrounded him all bust their bags laughing at my audacity. Halme was too thick to figure out whether I was goading him or sharing a laugh with him, and was entirely nonplussed. But then he laughed along with the ladies, just in case, while I remained calm and collected. Got my drink, gave him a Ballyer grin and a cheeky wink, and returned to my table.

Another bizarre character who hung out with Siitoin was Kalervo Palsa from Kittilä, a crazy Finnish artist who specialized in paintings of men hanging themselves, usually by their own penis, which was depicted as growing out of the crotch, under the perineum, up the length of the spine, up over the neck and head, and the rope dropping from the head of the penis on which they hung. Sometimes the penis protruded out of the crotch area and up the front of the body and over the head. Hung. Dead. Masses of them, all slightly different, all depicting the same thing: every man kills the thing he loves, starting with himself.

A typical mixed media work by Palsa:

I went to see a retrospective of his work at Kiasma, the national art gallery. The French television show 'Eurotrash' were in town filming an article for their show which lampooned the most eccentric people and places all across Europe. I was interviewed for the clip by the two male twins who dressed as bald women on the show. Bizarre, unprecedented, etc, etc.

Sitiion is still considered a fucking lunatic who really should have been inside. But one has to remember that the isolation in which many redneck Finns live in up north can be very oppressive. Mix in some Viina and mushrooms and you're on your way to the moon. Mentally, at least. Here's some of his spoken word samples put to dark techno, it harks a little of Children Of Bodom, a Finnish death metal band named after a satanic ritualistic killing which happened a few years back in the country town of Bodom, north of Helsinki.

You can find another thread about this crazy bastard's life here:

Quote: 'He was rabidly anti-Catholic and through that supportive of the "Loyalist cause" which was reciprocated by the most scuzzy elements in Ulster in terms of having an appreciative interest in him. I wonder did he also make any impact on the South to during the 1970s and 1980s?'

His impact on the world at large is at best minimal.

Anyone taking him seriously seriously needs their fake 'I'm a girl - with bollocks' head checked.

Especially twats like Swordid, the sad little man in the wheelchair who prefers to dress as and act as a female when in reality, his grey old balls are hanging down by his knobbly knees. Arsefield's: heh, trannies, loads of them: Val, Declan, Swordid. They make Siitoin and Halme appear intelligent, humanistic even. Imagine being so sad and lonely that you study pretty much full time sourcing things onlineabout Finland and Finnish people in order to try to troll the Mowl? Swordid's as gay as a tea party in drag. He actually DOES fancy the Mowl. Wants to hug me and pat me, comb my hair for me, fawn at my feet licking the sweat from between my toes and loving every minute of it, eh.

Poor Swordid: he has no life at all to speak of.

Poor Swordid.
Post in thread: https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...annabe-political-philosopher.1059/post-119805

Actually Mister Zippy, I came to Finland to get away from evil rat bastards like yourself. I'd heard of Siitoin but never investigated him until I saw that exhibition at Kiasma of Kallervo Palsa's retrospective some years ago. Ever been to an exhibition of any kind, Grey Balls? No? Ahh, sure. Ever even left the house? No?

See, I'm interested in participating in actual culture, unlike you sitting on the sidelines cribbing and moaning in your wheelchair. I don't need to pretend I'm something or anything that I'm not either - which is another one of your many lies.

You have no life whatsoever, you do accept at least that much, right?

Ever sucked a man off, Swordy? Do you swallow or spit? Can you tell what the man ate for dinner by the taste of his semen? Tell us all about your lock-in shut-in life of total isolation. You're dead inside, aren't you? You have absolutely nothing in your life that brings you any joy at all, right? This is why you strut about pretending to be a girl, isn't it? How long have been at this shit? You were already well known when I arrived from Twenty Major's moshpit onto P.ie. Back then you were a mod, and those days, mods strutted around like, like.. ..like Mike Strutter, didn't you? You really thought you were all that, didn't you? You sad cunt:

Look at you now? It's twenty-something years later. And you're still modding 24/7. So we know you have:

(a) no kids
(b) no friends
(c) no tits
(d) grey balls
(e) a rusty wheelchair
(f) absolutely nothing at all to do.

Your only 'job' is modding for fat fools like Declan.

How does that make you feel? Powerful? A bit stupid, really? Ashamed? See, it really doesn't matter - because we all know you're going to be the same dick-less laughing stock you are now in another ten years time. Unless somebody pushes your wheelchair in front of a bus, something I myself would relish. There'd be no crunching of bones, because yours have all atrophied. Even your thick skull. There'd definitely be a pool of piss, that urostomy pouch you wear is always full, innit? Your blood wouldn't be even noticed, especially if it's raining. But the fun part would be trying to separate your various limbs and guts from the metal and leather of your wheelchair seat and apparatus. Your mangled remains wouldn't be missed, Mister Bloke Male-Tranny.

I despise rats like you, your slimy way of slithering after me in my wake makes me want to throw something sharp and pointy at you. All day. The mere thought of you makes my skin crawl. And I'm not the only one - so you'd better wind your broken neck in before I give you a hiding the likes of which you've needed for decades. You're a shut-in, the only sex you've ever had is with a tissue box and a paid-upfront pornography channel. The sort that features midgets, unusually fat people, people missing limbs, blind and deaf people, very very old women getting gang-banged by huge black blokes. Kiddie porn, lots of it. Even the sort you have to use the Dark Web for. Spastics and retards getting raped by their carers - fly on the wall style. Little children too, right? I mean, very very young infants who (like you) have to wear nappies. Your Ma booted you out, didn't she? That council house you were given because you're physically retarded? You only use and heat the one room, don't you? You use the rest for 'storage' right? Those buckets of piss under your table: does your once a month carer rinse them out for you? When's the last time you were able to take a shite with it becoming a national disaster, Mister Zips?

Y'know - when you die (likely screaming my name) nobody will ever know, care, or even remember you: your lifetime achievements add up to zero.

How does that make you feel?

Do you have any feelings, Swordy?

Ever loved anyone?

Ever been loved by anyone? No?

Ahh, that's really sad - but kind of logical too.

Nobody wants to be around a windbag like you anyway, nobody cares about the shit you fawn over - in the real world, none of it matters. Your opinions about this that and the other mean fuck all outside these chat boards - and you're addicted to them, aren't you? If you had to go two days without modding a site, do you think you could teach yourself to walk again or are you a permanent cripple who's also sadly ugly as sin - inside and out?

You smell of pee-pee, right?

Your boxers are usually caked up before you change them, right?

Or do you simply turn them inside out and back to front to save on washing powder?

How many pairs of knickers have you got pinned to the wall?

Do you enjoy the feel of lingerie?

Is it silky and smooth?

Or is it like the piles of shite underneath your wheelchair?

How much more of a sad bastard could you really be, Swordy?

Not much - right?


Try not to let the Mowl be the last thought that you have before nodding off at half past seven in the morning after another day's slog.

You utterly useless cancer-bag bog-standard queer fucker.
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Mike Strutter is another character from Paul Kaye's zany sense of humour. He's also the face behind Dennis Pennis, the red carpet glamour-pusses worst enemy. He basically gets to have a word with whatever star of whatever movie on the meet and greet and handshakes on the red carpet. Once he has their attention, he rips into them live on camera. He's fucking hilarious. Here's a bit of Pennis in action:

Mad as a brush, really. His heyday was back twenty years ago, but his work is timeless in that it's just as funny today as it was back then. The Mike Strutter character is based on David Kleinfeld, the lawyer played by Sean Penn in the Al Pacino film Carlito's Way, and a little of the heavy side of Joe Pesci.
One day soon I'm going to buy the complete series of The Sopranos along with the complete series of Breaking Bad, which I'm told is excellent.

The Sopranos were regularly on Finnish TV, but because a few channels hosted it, it was difficult to understand without the proper chronology.

These two will be something to enjoy during the depths of winter next January onward.

I got a lovely hi definition flat-screen TV from a neighbour who moved out: 30' screen, excellent picture quality and sound. Super slim and lightweight. I added two CD/DVD/MP3 players, and then my computer audio output through a mini-mixer and then into my Teac amplifier. There are other channels free so I added the module of my TD6 digital drum-set, a mono input for my guitar, and a mic input for whatever: recording live instruments like saxophone and violin.

Of course the rear of the amp section is a spaghetti junction of cables, so they're all labeled for fast results.

Finnish television is a great tool for learning new ways to adapt to changing trends in spoken Finnish among the younger generations. They have a patter all of their own, unless they're speaking to any elder Finnish persons: then they speak very formal Finnish. These people were the reason we managed to survive and rebuild after The Winter War. Using Finnish street slang with them is considered highly rude and disrespectful. They did, after all - give us the quality of life we lead today, which is the envy of the world in our consistently winning first prize in the global quality of life stakes.

We don't want to win it again, everyone's had enough of it - and the attention that comes with it (though never ever from Ireland - which is bizarre).

Give it someone else and let us get on with enjoying Finnish life without masses of hungry bums descending on us looking for a slice.
Breaking Bad is ok but a bit overrated, overhyped and at times cartoonish, so you're not really missing out on much.

The Sopranos on the other hand is a timeless masterpiece though... the complete series DVD boxset is worth every penny. It did such a good job of portraying Jersey mob activities that real life mafia members thought there were insiders helping out with the show's writing.

Amazing intro as well.

I don't subscribe to any paid Finnish television channels, and so I really only use the TV for live news and documentaries.

Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, Estonian, and Russian and lots of other international channels show up on the channel list one day but not the next.

It's weird, and I haven't the patience to be investing into watching the first half a document not knowing if the second half is going to be available next time.
Always loved that Only Fools and Horses episode where Del gets mixed up with a local Don in Miami.


Seems you guys are getting a more wintery experience in Ireland than we are up here in the Arctic Circle. We're well into the third week of November, and while we had a heavy snowfall the weekend before last, it didn't stick and was gone again by next morning. Helsinki hasn't seen any snow since. It's still hovering around the plus seven/eight mark, which is unheard of at this time of the year. Today sets a new record in unusual weather patterns hitting the Nordic region. Clear blue skies, the blinding sun, the full moon over the weekend hung low and wonderful in the night sky.

I changed out my wardrobe three weeks ago, but still haven't needed to use the fur coat and winter boots.

We'd normally be well under the snow by now, but while we're basking in sunshine up here, Malaga and the general eastern coast of Spain is getting flooded. Ireland's due some snow and sleet later today. Global warming never seemed so warm. For now, at least. They're saying that we'll get a big flurry of snow in Helsinki on Wednesday, so once it begins, it won't stop for months. The change of the clock shortens the days enormously, but the dawns are very beautiful. Like this morning: up, out, and at it by 0530, it's now midday and time for a nap. Then sauna. Then food. Need to shore up the energy levels before winter really kicks in.

Enjoy the rain and the cold, boys: it's time to wrap up.

'Significant snowfall'??


No fucking wonder you saps are the most cossetted little shower of savages. You get your nappies changed by the state every passing day. When they say jump, you ask how high. When they whip you because they can, you take it. You even ask for more. What sort of fucking people are the modern Irish? Where's your balls? That 'fighting Irish' spirit? It went south with your Granddads, I imagine.

Last night in Helsinki the first real snows of the winter season fell, as predicted, right on time. Not only that, but accuracy regarding the nature of the fall. We were told to expect up to four centimeters by dawn. People need to get their cars sorted, winter tyres replacing the standard version. Parents pulling out the snow gear: toboggans to pull the kids along the pavement/bicycle lane; cross-country skis and long poles for getting down to the schools and nearby shopping centre each day. Or even the pub or a restaurant in the evenings. All skis jammed into a purpose-built snow-pile for your convenience and eye candy.

In fact, the snows have continued to fall and now we've had around five to seven centimeters, with lots more falling as I write. Big fluffy flakes, they fall slowly on the gentle breeze creating a real winter wonderland. NOW it's time for fake furs and hats, big boots and long poles for walking. And it'll continue like this until March next year. We need the snow to reflect the lights through the long winter nights, No snow means a grim and grey outlook, but thankfully not this year. It's been the latest date for snowfall in many years: usually we'd be balls-deep in the white stuff by now. Late arriving winter (by a month at least) means a shorter winter experience, at least down here in the south.

I see the tanned lads over in Crooksling were on telly last night moaning about the condensation on the walls of their field tents? The state's going to move them indoors into the (long term) empty buildings as their little fingers and cute little tootsies are getting all cold and shivery at night. Poor fellas. They deserve better than this, no? They're fleeing war and persecution cold dinners and no fun, so do your best for them, eh.

You know they'd do the same for you, right?
Happy Finnish Independence Day.

Kiitos paljon!

It was spent doing traditional Finnish things like baking lemon-stuffed chicken, having very hot sauna and cold beer, and the Grand Ball at President Alexander Stubbs' palatial residence on Market Square. The turnout was magnificent, the streets were lined with people wearing their traditional student's caps and national medals awarded for various acts of kindness and indeed for the by-now very rare remaining soldiers of The Winter War on the steps of the parliament building, a very historic spot smack dab in the middle of the worst skirmishes during the First World War.

Sanna Marin and her husband Markus Räikkönen (although the pair are divorcing) made a huge entrance and stole the show. The dignity and stateliness of their walk through the palace to greet President Stubbs and his lady wife Suzanne Elizabeth Innes-Stubb held court in the main hallway with the National Symphony Orchestra playing in the background. The few remaining war veterans were given a standing ovation for their services to the country, then presented with medals for bravery and courage, grit and determination - the classic Finnish sisu.

Sanna and Marcus - they kind of put your Norma Foley's, Eamonn Ryan's and Roderick O'Gorman's to shame, eh?


Meanwhile, over in Ireland:


Oh dear, the helmet headed bint:


What the flying fuck IS that hairdo about?

Looks like a fucking helmet on her head.

Ireland's sexiest incumbent?

Is she a nun or something?

Or did the silly bint actually PAY someone to do that to her?

Wait - is she really a bloke under that helmet?


What's with the Liam Gallagher eyebrows anyway?
Fifteen Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Finland:

1. Finland is known as the "Land of a Thousand Lakes," but in reality, it has around 188,000 lakes, making it one of the most lake-dense countries in the world.

2. The Finnish language is part of the Uralic language family, making it very different from most other European languages, with no relation to English, French, or German.

3. Finland is the home of the sauna, and there are approximately 2 million saunas in a country of just over 5 million people, meaning there’s about one sauna for every 2.5 people.

4. Finland consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries in the world according to the World Happiness Report, thanks to its high standard of living, excellent education system, and strong social safety nets.

5. Finland’s education system is internationally recognized for its excellence, with no standardized tests until the age of 16 and a focus on collaborative learning rather than competition.

6. Finland is the birthplace of the popular mobile game "Angry Birds," which was created by Finnish game developer Rovio Entertainment and became a global sensation.

7. The country is known for its long winters, but many people embrace the cold by participating in activities such as ice swimming and ice fishing, often followed by a sauna session to warm up.

8. Finland has more forested land than any other European country, with forests covering about 75% of its total land area, making it a haven for nature lovers and outdoor activities.

9. The Finnish tradition of "sisu" is a unique concept that represents determination, resilience, and the ability to persevere through tough challenges, even in the face of adversity.

10. Finland is home to Santa Claus, who resides in Lapland, a northern region of the country. The Santa Claus Village, located near Rovaniemi, is a popular tourist destination year-round.

11. Finland has a strong coffee culture, and it has one of the highest per capita coffee consumption rates in the world, with the average Finn drinking about 12 kg (around 26 pounds) of coffee per year.

12. Finland is the birthplace of the sport of pesäpallo, which is a form of baseball and is considered the national sport of the country.

13. The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are often visible in Finland, especially in Lapland, making it one of the best places in the world to witness this stunning natural phenomenon.

14. Finland boasts a large number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the old wooden town of Porvoo and the beautiful Kvarken Archipelago, which is located in the Gulf of Bothnia.

15. Finland has a unique legal system that includes the concept of "everyman's right," which allows people to roam freely in nature, pick berries, mushrooms, and enjoy outdoor activities, regardless of land ownership.

Any of you have anything to say about Ireland in the same manner?

I mean, fifteen reasons why a pint of Guinness is more expensive in Dublin than it is up here won't cut it - neither will mickey-measuring contests about which sites have the most traffic. It ain't Arsefield's either, by the way. Ireland's dead. She killed herself. You've killed and maimed too many tourists and nobody cares about Dublin city anymore bar the drunks. It's a filthy fucking hole in the ground and there's nothing this generation can/will do to improve it. You're a liar. You're a rip-off country and culture. You're not to be trusted with anything, least of all votes for things that matter. You don't care who's in power or what they're about because you'd rather gripe about it than get up off your arses.

Me? I got up, then I got out. Now I'm laughing. Smiling out loud too. Loving life, loving the laughs I get from you gombs thinking you're all over it it. You ain't. You're so far back in the past you have no idea what time it is nor what season you're in. You don't even know whose slave you are at the moment. You do what you're told. You spit, shit, shout, and roar when you're told to. You have next to no autonomy at all. You have nothing left to be proud of either. You sold it all for a handful of magic beans dealt out by con-artists and then you planted them in concrete. Your best days are long since passed. Your recent general election was a clown car pile-up - and few of you even took the time to bother voting: because you know there's no point, right?

I vote. Every time. Not because I have to but because I insist on it: my taxes afford me that right. I pay them very happily and never lie: mostly because I don't need to. I see where my taxes go all around me, hence us being the happiest nation in the world. While you live in a shit-hole that hates your guts and would happily see you emigrate or die - it's all the same to dear old Ireland. She's rather over-crowded but she's too weak to say no. She doesn't even have the courage to ask the ECB for help in paying down the debt incurred by so many immigrants pounding on her front doors and looking for any way into the kip so they can sponge up as much and as long as they can. Paddy and Bridie aren't very welcome abroad these days. Everyone knows what you are, you cheap slut. Everyone knows you're riddled with STDs and nits. Nobody bar the hungriest of cunts wants to play with you.

In twenty years from today Ireland will be a distant memory, sung about in dreary old ballads by The Dubliners and The Wolf Tones.

List fifteen things Ireland has that nobody else has (bar the national debt and a global reputation for kiddie-fiddling) and let's see who's happier, shall we?

Or maybe list fifteen things that would change Ireland for the better?

I dare you.
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