
Nordic News

Amazing sunsets up here since last Saturday. Tonight's is absolutely mesmerizing. Clear blue skies make for very cold air but when the sun bursts through everything feels so much warmer. By 1830 the sun's behind the blocks to my southern view but the sky lights up in salmon and peach tones and the stars sparkle and glint like water's flowing over them. It's simply magical. Makes me want to cry with happiness.

One of the things I truly love about Finland is have distinct seasons which behave as they're expected to.

Right now we're on the cusp of the coming spring - you can smell it on the air and see it in the melting of the last of the black ice. By the end of this week the teams will be out sweeping up and boxing the grit on the pavements for next year. Each block has a one tonne container somewhere accessible and the janitors spread it when winter snows begin to fall and keep on layering more and more of it until seasons end. So now the pavements are clear of snow and ice but are still covered in grit.

This requires a change of footwear: winter boots are put into storage and out come the summer shoes right as the flowers and trees start to bloom.

Ireland has one season: it's mostly shite, but.

And it lasts the whole fucking year.


Sad bastards.
Fifteen centimeters of snow overnight in Helsinki, just as the last of the heavy melt of the season looked like it was over.

Now everything's white again: it's beautiful.

The whitened bay looks awesome and frozen over but walking on it would be suicide.

Still, I just might.
I saw that last night on the news, and there was a gang of girlies swimming and bathing in one of the hot springs only a few feet away from flowing lava.

Looked very beautiful and kind of dangerous too, which adds a frisson of its own.

Of course, Val would never dare do such a thing as bathe and cleanse - I reckon the same applies to Jambo though.

Great. And because you were wrong, dozens if not hundreds of Swedes are dead, hundreds if not thousands are bereaved, thousands have been raped, hundreds of thousands terrorised, and hundreds of thousands ethnically cleansed.

These people should all be sentenced for every crime committed by their pets, and sentenced with a ruthlessness that would send shockwaves around the world. They're mass murderers, mass rapists, and war criminals more generally by proxy.


Jambo, this is Stockholm:

And this is Dublin:

The former is a thriving capital city and the latter a broken-down shit-hole full of homeless scumbags and rapists, bums, losers, dole-scrounging rats with the ethics of a Cavan man. While you're focused on finding targets outside Ireland to take your sad little potshots at, your own capital city has turned into a homelessness hell on earth, with rats running freely down your high streets terrorizing the natives.

That makes YOU part of the problem.

You do precisely NOTHING to cause any change for the better.

Your lazy-arsed form of nationalism (which is basically: sign on, buy beer, sit down with your device all day and night taking potshots) is an abject failure.

You're nothing but a needy and addicted knacker who can't shut up because to stop shouting and yelling would mean you have time to think.

Which you don't - think, that is.

You're a perfect example of the modern Irish loser.

Great. And because you were wrong, dozens if not hundreds of Swedes are dead, hundreds if not thousands are bereaved, thousands have been raped, hundreds of thousands terrorised, and hundreds of thousands ethnically cleansed.

These people should all be sentenced for every crime committed by their pets, and sentenced with a ruthlessness that would send shockwaves around the world. They're mass murderers, mass rapists, and war criminals more generally by proxy.

Mowl Mowl, do you think the criminal politicians should face justice for their crimes?
The rain on the tarmacadam: washing the shit away, the piss, the spits, the trash, the needles, the bottles and cans, the McDonald's wrappers, the fights outside the GPO, the homeless lining the bridge walls, the piled up traffic, everyone in such a hurry (mostly trying to get things done quickly with an urgent view to getting out again as fast as you can) and the complete lack of any Irish people at all in the shops and on the streets.

Ireland's a failure because her people failed her.

People like Jambo here:

Mowl Mowl, do you think the criminal politicians should face justice for their crimes?

I think bums like you ought to be made to work: the heavier and more pointless the work, the better.

Earn that dole, loser.
Jambo, this is Stockholm:

And this is Dublin:

Incorrect Mowl, that is an aerial shot of architecture in Stockholm and a close-up shot of some tents and rubbish.

The former is a thriving capital city and the latter a broken-down shit-hole full of homeless scumbags and rapists, bums, losers, dole-scrounging rats with the ethics of a Cavan man. While you're focused on finding targets outside Ireland to take your sad little potshots at, your own capital city has turned into a homelessness hell on earth, with rats running freely down your high streets terrorizing the natives.

That makes YOU part of the problem.

You do precisely NOTHING to cause any change for the better.

Your lazy-arsed form of nationalism (which is basically: sign on, buy beer, sit down with your device all day and night taking potshots) is an abject failure.

You're nothing but a needy and addicted knacker who can't shut up because to stop shouting and yelling would mean you have time to think.

Which you don't - think, that is.

You're a perfect example of the modern Irish loser.
Incorrect Mowl, that is an aerial shot of architecture in Stockholm and a close-up shot of some tents and rubbish.

A Scandinavian city you've never been to and know fuck all about.

Good man - you're so restless and needy you're actually doing my job for me: making an arse of yourself.
Heh, heh, heh!

And in first place this year in the league of 'World's Happiest Country' the award goes to.. ..wait for it.. ..yes, that's right: Finland.

That's the seventh year on the trot for us, even eclipsing Ireland's one pride and joy of being winner of the Eurovision three times in a row.

So we'd like to first thank Sauli Niinisto for his wonderful and dignified service to the nation, along with Sanna Marin for her efforts in keeping us at the top of the global class. Current president Alexander Stubb doesn't really get any credit for this year's win as he's only in the job a month or so, but we're happy enough with his efforts thus far. On a personal note, I'd like to thank you sad bastards for being as envious and green-eyed as you are: we know it hurts, just don't pour salt on it and you'll learn to live with it.

Here's to you, Ireland: to your national debt, to your 1,250 homeless Irish persons vying for tent space alongside the 140,000 imported problems your wonderful ex-Taoiseach landed you with. Here's to the scabies, the cold and damp, the endless rain, the angry refugees stabbing your children and their teachers too. To the junkies and pickpockets who add so much colour and drama to your high streets. To the rip-off prices that have seen your international reputation take a dive after trying to gouge your tourists to fill your pockets - bad move, that. Here's to your three-ringed circus for a parliament house, and all the clowns who tread the boards there.

But mostly, here's to me: my happiness, my comfort, my surroundings, my many and varied successes, and my sheer joy at sharing this announcement with you sad fucking losers who just can't seem to get enough of your country battering your head around the place day after day. Here's to my never having to set foot on that shitty little rock ever again bar one more vital visit. I'm thrilled to know I'll soon be clearing out the last signs of my ever having even been on the shitty little island at all. Here's to my becoming a Finnish citizen with broad smile of my face and a selection of beers in my fridge. Not to mention five jars of assorted weed strains to enjoy while thinking about how happy I am and how happy everyone around me is.

Here's to the coming springtime: soon enough the sun will stay above the horizon for weeks at a time and the flowers shall be many and colourful.

To the fine Finnish ladies with their high cheekbones and piercing eyes, and their unbridled lust for this Irish boy.

Finally a word of commiseration to you all back on the blighted little rock: take a deep breath and look into the mirror, suck a flat Guinness down your neck, and think your lucky stars those refugees haven't kicked your front fucking doors in. Yet. You fuckers are on your own - don't forget that. Nobody within the entire EU body gives a flying fuck what happens to you. They all see it the same: you did it to yourselves, you stupid fucking cunts.


Do Finland / Sweden/ Estonia have the same problem with feral scumbags as Ireland does?

The rule up here is that if the little bastard is under sixteen and is a re-offender, the parents take the hit.

Usually in cash fines, orders to keep the little cunt under curfew (or be fined further) and as soon as he/she's of age, then they'll stand for themselves in court. We're well aware of how extreme criminality is in many other countries, but up here we live in apartment blocks and burglaries are rare. If they happen and the burglars get caught, they go down, publicly. Their name is rinsed out in public, they'll never get a bank loan, they'll never get a decent job, and prospective (private) landlords won't let to them, and they cannot apply for state housing either.

In short - fuck up consistently and you'll be fucked up in equal measure.

Cash fines for individual offenders are graded against income/savings/land/etc.

A working class person will get hit badly enough to sting and teach a harsh lesson - the wealthier will see a larger chunk taken off their plate.

Kids are answerable to the law via the family unit - this is the basic moral code of justice up here.

But in general these things have never been a problem to me. I've lost numerous phones, always got them back via Lost & Found. I've never been mugged, attacked, robbed, cheated, or otherwise. If a neighbour leaves their (outer) door open, I'll close it. We have two doors: the main heavy one which opens out, and another (fireproof) inner door that opens inwards. This helps heat retention and noise levels. I've gone out before and got into the elevator thinking my main door is closed only to return an hour later and it's still open.

Nothing touched, taken, or otherwise.

Need some new sunglasses/phone/gold rings/umbrellas?

Hit Lost & Found and describe your favourite type - they'll bring a box load to choose from.

You have to show your ID and it gets logged - if it turns out later that you conned them, you'll get dragged up and fined for being a cunt.

It works - there are few grey areas - fuck up and you will be fucked up.
See? Poor Jambo's even worse than Myles when it comes to trying to cope with a post more than three words long.

It upsets his sense of balance and puts a wobble in his cerebellum.

But sure isn't that what Dutch Gold's for?

t: totally
l: lame
d: drunken
r: rat
PS: psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst, JAMBO?

It's now 1828 (GMT+2) and I'm still in your ear.

Care to revise your earlier scenario?


Ahhhh, sure...
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