

So now that K Kangal has confirmed himself as another Doggy (doesn't know how to play chess but does know how to use a chess engine), I thought that I would give a clue (before the lines are closed) and here it is -

I'm not sure what language is being spoken but if it's Finnish perhaps Mowl Mowl can translate..

Kangers K Kangal, what's the best move for black here, what did the engine tell you? 😆
I mean, it's not like I didn't give you enough clues..

Perhaps you need some..

So now that K Kangal has confirmed himself as another Doggy (doesn't know how to play chess but does know how to use a chess engine), I thought that I would give a clue (before the lines are closed) and here it is -

I'm not sure what language is being spoken but if it's Finnish perhaps Mowl Mowl can translate..
Yes, the move is Qh7+ (queen sacrifice)

Mowl Mowl is probably wondering - "Was that a smothered mate, Jam?"

Well, sort of. In a classic smothered mate the (short-range) knight (which can jump over other pieces) delivers mate with the checkmated king unable to move because it's blocked by its own pieces.

But here we see that there isn't a piece on g8.. and that's where the white bishop on c4 comes in. Heavily under attack by black's two most powerful pieces, if the black king could move to g8, it would be all over.

The bishop in chess is nicknamed the sniper.


Mowl Mowl has been PMing me furiously! since I mentioned this in the Arsefield's Hall of Shame thread.

So after Qxa6+, bxa is forced.. and then you need to visualise a little here where the black pawn is now, and then it's Nb5+ and what's that, yes correct, a double check, we mentioned that earlier on in the thread and with a double check the king invariably has to move (in this case to a8) and then white delivers mate with the rook..


The final position looks like this (I've been a bit lazy (not) drawing all of the pieces on Chessboard Image but you get the picture) -

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