

Jambo, the point was made clear, anyone could understand it.
I told you, I'm not interested in your general nonsense

I asked you, specifically, what point you were trying to make as regards AI (and chess), which is what your previous post incoherence mostly consisted of

So we are endeavouring to understand what is wrong with people like you and others like you who have this compulsion to copy and paste on Irish discussion fora all this white supremacist ('white nationalist') online propaganda and other related simplistic nonsense and slogans such as you deal in.

The context is that these "influencers" of yours recruit at the fringes, from the exact same constituency of you and the Arsefielders - the young and naive, old but dumb as a bag of bricks, the malcontent, the dispossessed, the mentally sick etc.

Or recall the defense lawyer for those Capitol Hill "rioters". What did he put forward as the defense after talking to many of them? He said, they were “... all short-bus people. These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum...”

So that is the point. Read the post again if the point sailed over your head.

So after roc_abilly roc_abilly's attempt at derailing the thread with his "white supremacy" rubbish, let's get back to the chess.

And what better way to do it than to step back in time.

So as mentioned in post #58, roc was asked what is black's move in this game, which was subsequently the basis for the OP in my Chess thread on Arsefield's -

For which I posted a still from this position -

roc's answer (eventually) was, and I'm paraphrasing as the posts have since been deleted -

"Oh Jambo, anyone (who knows how to play chess) knows that white's knight is coming to swoop down to take black's queen or rook."

lofl.. Complete and utter BOLLOX (bafgarb)!

Of course, black only has one move (to defend against mate) Qe7 and then that draws a defender from his (twice attacked) bishop so he'll be down a piece, that's why Pinkamena has a little gloat. But to her surprise (and laughter) her young opponent (having a bad day :)) completely misses it, mat.
Mowl Mowl will be pleased to know that Pinkamena has gotten older (natural causes), improved her rating and is demolishing her opponents in quick time, watch -

(I'm happy to walk through that one for Mowl too if he so wants)
Mowl Mowl will be pleased to know that Pinkamena has gotten older (natural causes), improved her rating and is demolishing her opponents in quick time, watch -

(I'm happy to walk through that one for Mowl too if he so wants)

So, as promised, I'll walk Mowl Mowl through this game.

I think we'll start here, after white plays Qg4 -

So it's said in chess that you shouldn't bring your queen out into the open too early, it's vulnerable to attack, forcing it to move, losing tempo and can even get trapped. But white's threat Qxg7 is very real, not only on black's g pawn but black's rook as well.

This must be defended against. Pinkamena chooses to defend with her king moving Kf8, which may seem like it was worth it for white because she's now lost castling rights. Pinkamena could have defended by pushing her g pawn but perhaps without a bishop to fianchetto she didn't like that option.

Moving forward a little bit.. black launches her first attack on white's queen with h5 -

White's queen is forced to move and then afterwards Pinkamena moves Ne7, she wants to move her knight next to f5, attacking white's queen again but white plays Bg5, pinning the knight (if she moves it the white bishop can take her queen).

I'll pause it there and ask Mowl Mowl to consider black's next move 🤔

(to be continued)...
So, as promised, I'll walk Mowl Mowl through this game.

I think we'll start here, after white plays Qg4 -

So it's said in chess that you shouldn't bring your queen out into the open too early, it's vulnerable to attack, forcing it to move, losing tempo and can even get trapped. But white's threat Qxg7 is very real, not only on black's g pawn but black's rook as well.

This must be defended against. Pinkamena chooses to defend with her king moving Kf8, which may seem like it was worth it for white because she's now lost castling rights. Pinkamena could have defended by pushing her g pawn but perhaps without a bishop to fianchetto she didn't like that option.

Moving forward a little bit.. black launches her first attack on white's queen with h5 -

White's queen is forced to move and then afterwards Pinkamena moves Ne7, she wants to move her knight next to f5, attacking white's queen again but white plays Bg5, pinning the knight (if she moves it the white bishop can take her queen).

I'll pause it there and ask Mowl Mowl to consider black's next move 🤔

(to be continued)...
So where were we..

Yes, I think a lot of you would have seen black's next move, Qa5. So we're now here on the video (not long to go) -


So after Qa5, Pinkamena is out of the pin and white's a-pawn is hanging. White then plays the rather inexplicable Nh3 -


And that is a tough one to explain. You'd think if white was to move the knight it would be (the defensive) Ne2, try to shore up the position as white is now in serious peril.

Presumably Nh3 was with the intention of the knight joining a future kingside attack on Pinkamena's king, which is never going to happen because he's about to get mated.

(to be continued)...
I wouldn't want to let the weekend pass by without finishing the walkthrough of this game for the Mowl Mowl.

So where were we..

Yes, after Qa5, Nh3.. What's black's next move? Here's the "photo" again -


First of all, a lot of eagle-eyed chess players will have noticed a major weakness in white's position - the doubled pawn on c3.

But it's currently defended by white's queen, so perhaps go ahead and gobble white's a-pawn, Qxa3? That leaves white without a pawn on the a and b files and black with a passer, or passed pawn on the a file. But let's not forget that they're playing blitz (speed chess) so longer term plans are arguably less of a factor.

But what would Qxa3 relinquish?

That's right, it would relinquish the pin (an absolute pin) on white's pawn on c3 and in fact Pinkamena can now play the very strong Nxd4 straight away (which I'm sure her opponent didn't cop).

But she's patient, she first plays what could be described as a zwischenzug (German) or intermezzo (Italian) in-between move, Nf5.

Remember we said that she wanted to move her knight to f5 to attack white's queen again?

After white's queen is forced to move with little option as to where, then the move Nxd4 is played which attacks the queen again, forcing it from the third rank and after Qxc3+, not fucking around, Pinkamena delivers the fatal blow in efficient manner. Checkmate.

Roll it there, Roisín (or Collette) -

(The End)
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This online chess streaming American kid, HaydenCoolBoi, was algorithmed into my YouTube feed and I thought that it was quite funny, if a little juvenile :)

Might be a good insight though into how a chess player thinks as he narrates his games as he's playing them..

It's just a (90 minute) livestream so perhaps only for the hardcore chess fans, like Mowl Mowl -

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