

I recall I did explain to you before.

Your cards are theoretically 100% knowable in detail.

The real world is unknowable in detail.

I recall I may have been pointing out to you before (with reference to your replacement theory and other white supremacist "models" of the world) that predictions are always dogmatic (though the dogma can be modified in the light of further evidence).

Let's say you assert based on observation (counting) that the next card to be turned up will be a king with probability 0.3, a queen with probability 0.2, and the rest of the cards combined, probability 0.5.

What I was trying to explain to you was that is a shorthand version of saying "... I predict (with certainty) that the value of a variable called the probability of a king being turned up equals 0.3, and the value of a corresponding variable for the queen being turned up equals 0.2, and the value of another corresponding variable for the rest of the cards being turned up equals 0.5.

I was trying to get across to you that you are not predicting events, but rather you are predicting certain abstract entities called the probabilities of events, which can be variously interpreted, for example, in the present case, as an assertion that if you were to repeat the turning up of cards over and over say a few hundred times, 30% of the time the occurrence would be a king, and so on for the three events we outlined - but there could be no other events.

Thus it follows that you do not make predictions about the real world, which is unknowable in detail.

Rather you make predictions about some simplified abstraction from the real world - of which you can become certain (the probability model is, of course, an abstraction of this kind).

And your computer-like approach to the world appears to be incapable of making this distinction.

I think that is why you put so much faith in these simplified abstractions of the real world, models as such, and take them literally.

It gives you certainty. A dumb machine-like certainty. A delusional certainty.

Whereas if you were able to acknowledge the world as it really is, you would need to adopt a strategy of living better able to handle it.

Now, I'm serious. You know what the best strategy discovered so far, is to best deal with the world as it really is?

Hint, it's the exact opposite to the strategy you semi literate chimps on the likes of arsefields or Stormfront adopt to deal with the world.

What is it, and why might it work in light of what I have just explained to you?
You're an idiot without a single redeeming mental feature.

I don't think you've ever demonstrated you've understood anything anyone ever said to you on these fora, unless it was been packaged up as a meme or referred to one.

Never mind shoshin.

Maybe that's another reason you are susceptible to theories like "replacement" and "white genocide" and "anti-whiteism" etc.

I.e. You have no idea of the process of refutation. Thus you easily become the victim of the hate mongers peddling these type of theories.

Go on back to your chess then. Anything other than a prescribed set of rules, like chess, and set of possibilities, and your simplistic computer like brain goes into deadlock, throws up some stupid meme as a "does not compute" error code.

You know you're not talking to your idiot "A-Team" here, Jambo, you sad twat.
You're an idiot without a single redeeming mental feature.

I don't think you've ever demonstrated you've understood anything anyone ever said to you on these fora, unless it was been packaged up as a meme or referred to one.

Never mind shoshin.

Maybe that's another reason you are susceptible to theories like "replacement" and "white genocide" and "anti-whiteism" etc.

I.e. You have no idea of the process of refutation. Thus you easily become the victim of the hate mongers peddling these type of theories.

Go on back to your chess then. Anything other than a prescribed set of rules, like chess, and set of possibilities, and your simplistic computer like brain goes into deadlock, throws up some stupid meme as a "does not compute" error code.

You know you're not talking to your idiot "A-Team" here, Jambo, you sad twat.
I've told you, you're not complicated, wrong, but not complicated

And I'm probably more acutely aware of your talking points than anyone else on Irish political fora
You're an idiot without a single redeeming mental feature.

I don't think you've ever demonstrated you've understood anything anyone ever said to you on these fora, unless it was been packaged up as a meme or referred to one.

Never mind shoshin.
Never mind the shoshin

Maybe that's another reason you are susceptible to theories like "replacement" and "white genocide" and "anti-whiteism" etc.
I.e. You have no idea of the process of refutation. Thus you easily become the victim of the hate mongers peddling these type of theories.
This is actually quite hilarious.. refutation, with you?! What would be the point exactly and why do you think you're called - The Soapbox Dunce (which I came up with on the spur of the moment and quite like)

You're not able to be refuted (at least to yourself) because you're not able (and unwilling) to debate

Replacement theory being the classic example. How times have I told you that that refers to a conspiracy theory, offered you the challenge of proving me wrong, for example googling it and from the (dozens of) results citing just one or two that don't say that it's a conspiracy theory

And your definition of it being a theory in Roc's World doesn't count because Roc's World is as real as Wayne's World

Go on back to your chess then. Anything other than a prescribed set of rules, like chess, and set of possibilities, and your simplistic computer like brain goes into deadlock, throws up some stupid meme as a "does not compute" error code.

You know you're not talking to your idiot "A-Team" here, Jambo, you sad twat.
I'm channeling Jambo, he's coming in loud and clear:

"... Hey guys, I just spent the whole morning watching a load of fascinating two hour podcasts on another favourite game of mine... you have to watch them... these guys crush their opponents... Jambo..."

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