
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

God, the state of him. It strikes me he has the same pathetic "swagger" as that ex-postman chap who went around kicking dogs, that Philip Dwyer. It's so cringeworthy.

They're retards. They're like the type of old fellows who get really into Airsoft or Paintball, buy all their own gear, and live out their dreams of being Rambo, or James Bond, unloading on all those who ever put them down, imagine they're getting their revenge on all those who ever laughed at them sitting in the corner in the dunce's hat; all the mean dogs that smelt out the inclinations in them and bit them in their flabby arses. Something very similar going on with Dan.

Declan all big now Mammy - see, Mammy?

Vroooom-vroooom goes the big engine.

Vrooom, vrooooooom, vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom...
Haha.. is anyone surprised that 'billy ran for the hills here?

He's perfectly content for the calling of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians what it is as antisemitic, but the last thing he would want is the "more overt" (chortle) 'white supremacist' antisemitism to be widely understood (then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down for the Juice)
And off he pops (after giving a pat on the head to his patsy here, Mowl Mowl) content that he has all the dumb anti-whites arguing that the 'white supremacists' are the REAL antisemites! in his stupid thread on Gaychat
When you look closer, see how his right foot can't reach as far as the driver's foot-rest?

That's down to his general roundiness and overall midgety scale.

Then check his left arm, which can't reach as far as the left hand grip?

The roundy little cunt has no shame.
Claims to walk five miles a day (in his dreams) and thinks he lives in 'the most beautiful place on Earth' (Southie).
Stands around five-foot squash.
Fat, midget, and a right cunt all rolled into one big Taco Bell shell filled with intestines and shredded cow's sphincter muscle.
And off he pops (after giving a pat on the head to his patsy here, Mowl Mowl) content that he has all the dumb anti-whites arguing that the 'white supremacists' are the REAL antisemites! in his stupid thread on Gaychat

And off Jambo goes on another screaming rant into the void.

Much ado about nothing.
You really really struggle with basic comprehension, Jambo. I think everything just has to be parsed according to your dumb collection of memes and slogans. If it doesn't fit, you feed it in anyway. Regardless, what comes out the other end is simply illustration that simplistic AI is about as useful as a bacon sandwich at a bar mitzvah.
You really really struggle with basic comprehension, Jambo. I think everything just has to be parsed according to your dumb collection of memes and slogans. If it doesn't fit, you feed it in anyway. Regardless, what comes out the other end is simply illustration that simplistic AI is about as useful as a bacon sandwich at a bar mitzvah.
You really really struggle with basic comprehension, Jambo. I think everything just has to be parsed according to your dumb collection of memes and slogans. If it doesn't fit, you feed it in anyway. Regardless, what comes out the other end is simply illustration that simplistic AI is about as useful as a bacon sandwich at a bar mitzvah.

He's on a roll today, our jambo.


And see??

A 'white supremacist' just commented in the thread.

And see-see???

Next thing is the bowl/wall interface of Jambo and his spaghetti-bollock tantrums.
Hahaha (taking screenshots in case kosher Gaychat deletes the posts)

What a sad bastard you are, Jimmy D.

Have you no shame, or did that go down with your Ma after she slashed her wrists at the sight of you?

Baha all you like - you're still an idiot.

Haha! The fucking state of you, Mark!

You wouldn't know which end of a gun to point or which end to suck.

You have all the talent of a screeching sea gull on O'Connell Street with mangled talons and a severe dose of nits.

By the way, when approximately from now forward are you supposed to be dead?

Any plans to fulfill a bucket list?

And I'm not talking about a bucket of Val's slurry either.

What's on yours?

I mean, just the top three for example?
Mods vs Roc_ers

Post in thread 'Dublin Anti-Mass Migration protest, 13 July 2024' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...igration-protest-13-july-2024.944/post-106400


Possibly we will have your buddies, the halfwit fascist populists in power, and a country perhaps along the lines of Russia - totalitarian, authoritarian, organised along nationalistic ethnic lines, upholding the idea of the all powerful nation state.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to - civic 'nationalism', 'multiculturalism', 'liberal democracy'..

What a fucking dope 🤣
Sounds like Jambo "does not compute" again, there's been yet another "race condition" and deadlock in the Cpu that some cosmic joker seems to have substituted for Jambo's brain. Fuck's sake someone change his programme before we all die of boredom.
Sounds like Jambo "does not compute" again, there's been yet another "race condition" and deadlock in the Cpu that some cosmic joker seems to have substituted for Jambo's brain. Fuck's sake someone change his programme before we all die of boredom.
Another retarded, content free post from you..
These two ancient fucking aul-fellas desperately trying to appear young and vital makes Mowl laugh.

Goddamn, but are there any lengths these mongs won't go to get their fifteen minutes?

Val's teeth, Roundy's big mad roundy head atop his roundy little chassis?

No wonder Ireland's fucked - if these two are the best y'all can come up with.


Wrong on all counts, Mister Swordizip. I consider what I do as being a public service, a lone voice on the Irish intersnots who'll refuse at any stage to quit lampooning the mongs and minions who look to yaps like you for political/spiritual advice. You're a fucking freak: a late-stage useless Irish aul fella reminiscing on your youth and previous vitality, both of which have by now utterly failed you. I don't even need to lampoon you any more - I simply tell people that they're idiots to believe you're a girl. But they still trust in you, or so it appears, and so you keep toying with them.

If you really wanted to do some good for Ireland and her people, then a precipitous death by rope or gun would suffice.

But remember: I'll keep on doing what I do for one simple reason - it amuses me.

Greatly, in fact. The daily grind you and your suckers endure is abysmally puerile. Doesn't it ever bore you reading Clarke/Connolly or Saul trying to act all hard and ready for the fight? You have an Aul Fella too, as well as a roundy and deluded little man over in Boston who makes statements like:

'Two of our men have been taken, send in the troops clowns'.

It's pitiful to see how low you're willing to go to try to get one over on any of your perceived foes, and we all know perfectly well that without your mod hammer you're nothing but a spineless rat tied into a wheelchair and kept up on the top floor - for everyone's safety. So hang in there. It won't be long before I have your name, address, work and social welfare history, sexual history (that won't take too long) and current viral diseases. You seem to think that you're above reproach, but let me tell you: you've made lots and lots of enemies over the years, and while most of them are now either in hospital, retirement homes, prison, or elsewhere, a number of them are still around and they hate you even more than I do (I don't actually hate you, I find you amusing - though likely not in the manner you might hope) who are chipping away at the coalface gathering intel on you. For me. And you know what that means, right?

You think Roundy had it tough?

He was just a warm-up act, a support show for the main gig.

You think I'm bitter? Haha! Now, there's a funny joke even Val would get. See, I live in the heart of the capital of the world's happiest country. I relish my freedom up here, I'm very happy in my work, I have a beautiful and secured home, I'm surrounded by a quality of life normally reserved for Ireland's upper classes. I pay my taxes without a flinch, because I see exactly where it all goes: into making my already enhanced quality of life even better than it already is. I truly do pity Irish people these days. You sad bastards don't even seem to realize the goldfish bowl you live in, with me outside laughing in at you.

For all your yap over the years, for all the names and all the lies about being a female - what have you actually achieved?

Can you tell me even one viable thing that's come of all the hours and days and weeks and months and years and decades you've put in?

For no money, eighteen to twenty hours a day? For losers like Declan or Tadhg? Add up the hours of a week of your online idiocy? Add up the weeks, then the months, then all of it. What have you got? A massive gaping hole where your blackened soul used to be. That's all you are really are, right? A loser who thinks a ban-hammer is a god-given tool of the just and righteous. It ain't, you old fool. It's stolen a huge chunk of your existence and dumped it into the trash. You'll never get those hours and days and weeks back. If anything, the more you lose the more you'll continue to use by slapping your hammer harder today than last week. And what good was it then - or right now? See? That's called losing. That's a clear sign of your own bitterness at not having a life, and worse again: hating me for having one that just keeps on getting better and better each passing day.

Take a look in the mirror, Swordid - those wrinkles aren't going away, not any more than the glint in your scuttery-eye will ever go away.

The thing is that I know you know I'm right, that I outsmarted you all. That I got out and did so in style. You all want to try it out for yourselves but you haven't a fucking clue where to begin. Let me fill you in: for the likes of you - there's no start point. There's only an ominous cloud of a slow but inevitable death to look forward to now. You're alone. You have no-one. I often wonder if it's because you're a alone that you offer yourself for twenty-one hours a day to a job that doesn't pay.

I'm still dancing, still laughing - miles above the bedlam and insanity you call life in Urrland.

So keep me in mind - I'm on your horizon and getting closer and closer every passing day.

Sticking you like I did Roundy will bring an even sweeter reward.

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