
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Wait - Paradosis?

Wasn't that another Swordid handle?

Or am I mistaken that you're referring to Jambo?

Edit - I am.
No, I've never delved into Jambo's ancient online history to see what turned up. Maybe one of these days.

Speaking of ancient history, @Jambo, did you watch that Tony Hancock video I posted yesterday? You went very quiet after it.

Well just how many parallels in your respective psychologies were lapooned in it that must have horrified you at some level?

Amazing isn't it though. That was 1961, long before the internet was even invented.
No, I've never delved into Jambo's ancient online history to see what turned up. Maybe one of these days.
Speaking of ancient history, @Jambo, did you watch that Tony Hancock video I posted yesterday? You went very quiet after it.
lol Ignoring your insane posts is not the same as "going quiet"

Well just how many parallels in your respective psychologies were lapooned in it that must have horrified you at some level?

Amazing isn't it though. That was 1961, long before the internet was even invented.
Well Jambo, you've gone all quiet again there. Are you thinking of all those times you beat your mangled, pitiful little pink sausage to the fantasy of a wealthy young radical conservative catholic cailin with a taste for guns, strutting around in a gold bikini? But actually sitting at the other end of your computer wasn't what you thought at all?

You know why he did that to you, by the way?
Dear-good fucking jayzus, but please make it stop - my skin's crawling.

That'll teach them refugees and make 'em turn around and go home to their deserts.

Christ, where do these fuckers get this shit from?
That's a whole new level of cringe right there. The sad bastard can't even rhyme properly.

Why has Feeney become so enamoured with the Big Smoke anyway considering he hails from the wilds of Roscommon?
It's a big day for culchies when they come up to visit 'de kappatill city' for the shopping and a plate of beans and chips at Forte's on O'Connell Street.

They consider it haute cuisine.

Then they bring a stick of rock back home for the neighbours - with 'Dublin' inscribed in black sugar.


Post in thread '"Tommy Robinson" arrested at "March Against Antisemitism" Rally.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...ch-against-antisemitism-rally.645/post-105680

I still can't get over that username 😆 although it does appear to be her

Has she lightened up a little bit, I mean, don't her usernames always have a sort of religious connotation, isn't SwordOfStZip desecration or something?

Anyway, can someone please explain to me how Taylor Swift having a dick is:

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.


the action of plotting or conspiring.

Huh 🤔

I still can't get over that username 😆 although it does appear to be her

Not his style of writing - and remember: Roundy is using Val's account whenever Val isn't.

Same shit here - bet you ten bucks it's Roundy's son.

Has she lightened up a little bit, I mean, don't her usernames always have a sort of religious connotation, isn't SwordOfStZip desecration or something?

He - he is a male human, not a female, not even close.

This twat, on the other hand is dumber than a box of piss:

It's her, Mowl Mowl

By the way, if you're not good at this (a natural like me) then you can always do some basic sleuthwork

So, for example, when we only had one post to go on, I just took something from it that might be identifiable, a single word - Fascistic, and plugged that into Gaychat search, lots of results for Golah.. Spelled that way i.e. capitalised

Nope, it ain't.

By the way, if you're not good at this (a natural like me) then you can always

You're a twat, Jimmy.

A malleable little man who learned a few big words.

do some basic sleuthwork

It's not even a word, so no.

So, for example, when we only had one post to go on, I just took something from it that might be identifiable, a single word - Fascistic, and plugged that into Gaychat search, lots of results for Golah.. Spelled that way i.e. capitalised

The thing about it is blah, blah something, blah, blah, Jews, blah, Hasidic, blah-blah orthodox, blah-blah, Jews.

But if it pleases you to think you're one-to-one with a lapsed-catholic Nordie Jewess, then crank on - he'll love you long time for that.
... So, for example, when we only had one post to go on, I just took something from it that might be identifiable, a single word - Fascistic, and plugged that into Gaychat search, lots of results for Golah.. Spelled that way i.e. capitalised
You're a gobshite, Jambo. Loads of the creeps use the word. Search under user "The Field Marshal" on the site for example.
This is the same James "super sleuth" Dawson whose "sleuthing" turned up the thing underlying the problems this country has as something some vicious, ignorant yanks termed "antiwhiteism"?

You're some fucking chimp, Jambo.

Here's a tip for your future "sleuthing" - Watch how that creep continually turns adjectives into Nouns.

It's not a grammatical error, it is a rhetorical device.

Like how the creep always refers to "Hitlerism" (saying things like that this "Hitlerism" is "... very much out of fashion...", to deny the constancy in human nature of elements like fascism or antisemitism.

I.e. It was just an odd momentary idealism that some people got sucked into, the same as "Fascistic".)

And that's apart from the same habits of missed words, and vocabulary, idioms,and manner of speaking that you can observe across the two handles, and you can observe always these type of "devices".

Or consider the pious 50's style catholic persona that was born in their "Ratio Et Fides" handle post Paradosis.

Paradosis: "... Oh crap; I think I showed that I have a huge interest in the early Irish Church..." ....... Getting away from Vatican II type cowardice faithful Catholics know that homosexuality is caused but they people NOT wanting to have God infront of or inside them. Also there are no homosexuals, only homosexual desires and acts. Its not rocket science...".

Also noting in the above again that there are no homosexuals, only what he later decides to only refer to as "Homosexualism".

Similarly there are no Nazis, rather they are "... NSADP members who were horrified to discover the details of the Shoah and repudiated Hitlerism because of it...", etc).

That's what his capitalising "Fascistic" is about.
Trying to teach Jambo even the most basic approach to copping himself on is like attempting to educate a monkey how to clean out his hard drive history.

Or even wipe his own arse.
This is the same James "super sleuth" Dawson whose "sleuthing" turned up the thing underlying the problems this country has as something some vicious, ignorant yanks termed "antiwhiteism"?

You're some fucking chimp, Jambo.

Here's a tip for your future "sleuthing" - Watch how that creep continually turns adjectives into Nouns.

It's not a grammatical error, it is a rhetorical device.

Like how the creep always refers to "Hitlerism" (saying things like that this "Hitlerism" is "... very much out of fashion...", to deny the constancy in human nature of elements like fascism or antisemitism.

I.e. It was just an odd momentary idealism that some people got sucked into, the same as "Fascistic".)

And that's apart from the same habits of missed words, and vocabulary, idioms,and manner of speaking that you can observe across the two handles, and you can observe always these type of "devices".

Or consider the pious 50's style catholic persona that was born in their "Ratio Et Fides" handle post Paradosis.

Paradosis: "... Oh crap; I think I showed that I have a huge interest in the early Irish Church..." ....... Getting away from Vatican II type cowardice faithful Catholics know that homosexuality is caused but they people NOT wanting to have God infront of or inside them. Also there are no homosexuals, only homosexual desires and acts. Its not rocket science...".

Also noting in the above again that there are no homosexuals, only what he later decides to only refer to as "Homosexualism".

Similarly there are no Nazis, rather they are "... NSADP members who were horrified to discover the details of the Shoah and repudiated Hitlerism because of it...", etc).

That's what his capitalising "Fascistic" is about.
You sad bastard Jambo.

I think Jambo is so far gone that the only way anyone can get through to him is to talk in memes, white supremacist catch phrases and single syllables.

Jambo. Can you hear us in there (from within your indoctrinated empty idiot brain with its simplistic chess and poker algorithms, and databases of stupid memes)?

What's with you and that ghoulish lying old man freak Golah, hey?

You sad bastard Jambo.

I think Jambo is so far gone that the only way anyone can get through to him is to talk in memes, white supremacist catch phrases and single syllables.

Jambo. Can you hear us in there (from within your indoctrinated empty idiot brain with its simplistic chess and poker algorithms, and databases of stupid memes)?

What's with you and that ghoulish lying old man freak Golah, hey?

lol The Left Jews can't meme?

I've expressed my disdain for framing things as woke, wokeism, being anti-woke etc. before. It really doesn't explicitly say much about antiwhiteism and I prefer the term cultural Marxism instead of woke anyway

Secondly, painting yourself as some sort of 'centrist' is laughable. You're a mentally retarded (low IQ), paranoid, psychotic, anti-white Jew

As for SwordOfStZip, presumably the connection you're making between me and her, her and I, is antisemitism. Which is all you're really concerned about at the end of the day
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