
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

It sorts the wheat from the chaff because if someone can't (or won't) pass or get a (at least) reasonable Leaving Cert then they aren't suitable for further academic pursuance in a college or university

And that's how it works in Ireland, is it Jimmy?

You're just too fucking dumb for words.

Excellent post. I loved studying history in Maynooth but absolutely hated secondary school and its examination system. More often than not the Irish education system encourages dull cunts to rote-learn their way to callings such as teaching etc.

Exactly - it's a test of memory capacity, nothing more.

I can still ream off Pythagoras' Theorum like it was yesterday. Sin, Cos and Tan as well. I can wax lyrical on Wordsworth's 'Fair Daffodils' at a glance. I know how dykes are built, bridges spanned, and who kicked who's ass in world wars one and two. I can name the capital cities of any countries you need to know. I'm a champion spelling-bee winner several times over (I quit it after a few years, it wasn't worth the accolades having to do other kid's work for them).

Most of the lay teachers at St John's College were local men who came back to teach in their homes towns.

They brought us such wonderful gifts: kicks in the legs, slaps to the ears, punches to the throat.

They learned nothing, and they taught me nothing.

I made me - I am who I am because I didn't take the clatters readily.

I made me into a better person, nobody else.

Teaching and other civil service positions being the job of choice for any culchies who couldn't make it into the Gardai or inherit the family farm.


Among those types there's no legitimate love for learning, or curiosity about the world...it's all about cramming for exams, learning only what's necessary in order to get from point A to point B.

Jambo honestly prides himself on his school days.

He's probably still in them.

Low babies.

Some of the smartest people in the world didn't go through third level. My own father hadn't and was an intelligent, interesting man with a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity concerning how the world works. I'd much rather be in the company of such people than some thick culchies, desperate to get into a civil service position (avoiding the need for immigrating to Oz and Amerikay)...while being some of the dullest cunts you'll ever come across. Fuck the Irish education system and its obsession with careerism.

Bang on.

This is were Jambo is lost: he thinks that by allowing 'duh system' to tell him what to do and how well he's doing it. He's the living embodiment of a failed state education system. If his third level years (sniggers) taught him anything, then why is he a dole-sponging loser who never leaves the house? Is that the best the Irish education system has to offer? A failure who lost a million euros playing poker? (sniggers) If the system is so well functioning, then why are there so many replacements in town? Riddle me that?

Jimmy: why are you sitting on your arse at home in bed while I'm conquering the Nordic world? Didn't they tell you anything about procreation? Y'know, your little willy and what it's for? You have a responsibility to create children, without them, Ireland's future is fucked. Why are you spilling your seed into a crusty sock instead of a women with child-bearing hips? Don't you care what happens to your country? Any little pitter-patter of tiny feet on your linoleum-covered floor? No? What's the problem? Can't get it up for an actual woman? Have you tried getting drunk first to bolster your confidence? You know, a bit of Dutch courage to garnish the lager?

If I'm the end result of no inter certificate, no leaving certificate and no City & Guilds certificate (I was on of the last calligraphers ever hired in by the Irish state) which I had to apply for from Dublin City Council instead of the state, for whom I worked directly. That's how shitty these fuckers are, so I don't dance for them. Any and every certificate I was ever awarded is now likely turned to dust in my Mam's attic. Instead, I had a masterplan: do as needed until the bridge was first built, then burnt.

Now I live a life of (certified) happiness and comfort, confidence and trust.

Just ask the lads over at the OECD, Jimmy - they'll give you the billy that I'm right - and how very sadly wrong you are, matey.

Your third level hasn't done much for your life prospects, now has it?

You're still within a mile of where you were born.

All your ideas come from the one place.

You don't seem to have anything at all going on in your dim little world.

When was the last time your 'third level' papers actually made a gainful return to you?


Oh, I see.

Never's a long, long time, Shay.

Have you tried wrapping your certs around your little willy to see if they're nubile and up to much?


Give it a go, you can thank me later.
And that's how it works in Ireland, is it Jimmy?
Yes. It was called the CAO, in my day at least

You're just too fucking dumb for words.

Exactly - it's a test of memory capacity, nothing more.

I can still ream off Pythagoras' Theorum like it was yesterday. Sin, Cos and Tan as well. I can wax lyrical on Wordsworth's 'Fair Daffodils' at a glance. I know how dykes are built, bridges spanned, and who kicked who's ass in world wars one and two. I can name the capital cities of any countries you need to know. I'm a champion spelling-bee winner several times over (I quit it after a few years, it wasn't worth the accolades having to do other kid's work for them).

Most of the lay teachers at St John's College were local men who came back to teach in their homes towns.

They brought us such wonderful gifts: kicks in the legs, slaps to the ears, punches to the throat.

They learned nothing, and they taught me nothing.

I made me - I am who I am because I didn't take the clatters readily.

I made me into a better person, nobody else.


Jambo honestly prides himself on his school days.

He's probably still in them.

Low babies.

Bang on.

This is were Jambo is lost: he thinks that by allowing 'duh system' to tell him what to do and how well he's doing it. He's the living embodiment of a failed state education system. If his third level years (sniggers) taught him anything, then why is he a dole-sponging loser who never leaves the house? Is that the best the Irish education system has to offer? A failure who lost a million euros playing poker? (sniggers) If the system is so well functioning, then why are there so many replacements in town? Riddle me that?

Jimmy: why are you sitting on your arse at home in bed while I'm conquering the Nordic world? Didn't they tell you anything about procreation? Y'know, your little willy and what it's for? You have a responsibility to create children, without them, Ireland's future is fucked. Why are you spilling your seed into a crusty sock instead of a women with child-bearing hips? Don't you care what happens to your country? Any little pitter-patter of tiny feet on your linoleum-covered floor? No? What's the problem? Can't get it up for an actual woman? Have you tried getting drunk first to bolster your confidence? You know, a bit of Dutch courage to garnish the lager?

If I'm the end result of no inter certificate, no leaving certificate and no City & Guilds certificate (I was on of the last calligraphers ever hired in by the Irish state) which I had to apply for from Dublin City Council instead of the state, for whom I worked directly. That's how shitty these fuckers are, so I don't dance for them. Any and every certificate I was ever awarded is now likely turned to dust in my Mam's attic. Instead, I had a masterplan: do as needed until the bridge was first built, then burnt.

Now I live a life of (certified) happiness and comfort, confidence and trust.

Just ask the lads over at the OECD, Jimmy - they'll give you the billy that I'm right - and how very sadly wrong you are, matey.

Your third level hasn't done much for your life prospects, now has it?

You're still within a mile of where you were born.

All your ideas come from the one place.

You don't seem to have anything at all going on in your dim little world.

When was the last time your 'third level' papers actually made a gainful return to you?


Oh, I see.

Never's a long, long time, Shay.

Have you tried wrapping your certs around your little willy to see if they're nubile and up to much?


Give it a go, you can thank me later.
Yes. It was called the CAO, in my day at least

You've never had a day, JImmy.

All you've ever had is nightmarish ground-hog experience.

Anyway, about you COA or whatever you call it: when's the last time it was of any benefit to you or yours?

You don't need to give me exact dates, by the way.
You've never had a day, JImmy.

All you've ever had is nightmarish ground-hog experience.

Anyway, about you COA or whatever you call it: when's the last time it was of any benefit to you or yours?

You don't need to give me exact dates, by the way.
Getting a (non-worthless) degree is of benefit to anybody
Fam Shox

Post in thread 'Have you any opinions on/experience with African Taxi drivers in Ireland?' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...rican-taxi-drivers-in-ireland.931/post-104721

Shambolic isn't scared of the spades and ragheads colonising his area in Galway (it's the roaming loyalist death squads that he's frightened of) because.. he's sound.

This is the same guy who wanted to form a political movement called - The Truth League.

Which would tailor the nationalist (so-called) message so as to not offend POCs.. because he worked with many of them during his time driving a taxi and they were also, indeed, sowund.

Why don't you just admit (mostly to yourself) that you're terrified of being thought of as a 'racist' - that wouldn't be sound, as per, irony of ironies, your Jewish mind-controllers.
That’s gas. We were talking only last week of Dan and Jambo’s shared proclivities in bigging up transient account balances in (other peoples’) speculative games, wasting their lives in general, and having racist ideas in general. Now you’re actually telling us Jambo that you had the same “education” as Dan, that you also took some low CAO point college course in engineering - which career you then left behind striking out for the greener shores of making poker/silver bets online? So did you do the same course as Dan or what? Is that why you were on his “nationalist” sites, gently nibbling on his puckered up scrote all these years?
The minute I mention Jew this fuckwit👇shows up

That’s gas. We were talking only last week of Dan and Jambo’s shared proclivities in bigging up transient account balances in (other peoples’) speculative games, wasting their lives in general, and having racist ideas in general. Now you’re actually telling us Jambo that you had the same “education” as Dan, that you also took some low CAO point college course in engineering - which career you then left behind striking out for the greener shores of making poker/silver bets online? So did you do the same course as Dan or what? Is that why you were on his “nationalist” sites, gently nibbling on his puckered up scrote all these years?

Get over to The Great Replacement "Theory" thread and try to defend your lies there..
Well Jambo, it's on topic in this discussion too. Recalling that the so-called "Jewish problem" was in reality a problem of people and nations that blamed their dysfunction on Jews. Nothing has changed.
Fam Shox

Post in thread 'Have you any opinions on/experience with African Taxi drivers in Ireland?' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...rican-taxi-drivers-in-ireland.931/post-104721

Shambolic isn't scared of the spades and ragheads colonising his area in Galway (it's the roaming loyalist death squads that he's frightened of) because.. he's sound.

This is the same guy who wanted to form a political movement called - The Truth League.

Which would tailor the nationalist (so-called) message so as to not offend POCs.. because he worked with many of them during his time driving a taxi and they were also, indeed, sowund.

Why don't you just admit (mostly to yourself) that you're terrified of being thought of as a 'racist' - that wouldn't be sound, as per, irony of ironies, your Jewish mind-controllers.

Even your own Z Team members are turning on you, Che.

What's that?

You know - that gang of the willing and able you formed with your little gayboys on various sites?

All of whom fucking loathe you now.

You just can't catch a break, can you?

What's that?

An opportunity to excel and become the real man your 'turd level' education gave you.

You're unemployable really - we all know that, so we give you a little squeeze room to hide your shame at being such a crap liar - like you are with everything else.
At least Val has a following, Jambo - even if if he a right fucking culchie-loon.


You haven't a sinner soul who gives a flying beige poop what you say, think, or (not) do.

The good news is that you finally found your audience: a dark vacuum of nobody and nothing to it.

Well fucking done, Champ.
I can still ream off Pythagoras' Theorum like it was yesterday. Sin, Cos and Tan as well.
I can wax lyrical on Wordsworth's 'Fair Daffodils' at a glance. I know how dykes are built,
Well you are one

bridges spanned, and who kicked who's ass in world wars one and two. I can name the capital cities of any countries you need to know.
I don't need to know anything from you, not least stuff that's just common knowledge

I'm a champion spelling-bee winner several times over (I quit it after a few years, it wasn't worth the accolades having to do other kid's work for them).
You can't even spell 'theorem' you dumb fucking spoofer 😆 but you do know (which I doubt) that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides of a right angled triangle? Good 4 u, you passed primary school. As for trigonometry, you don't know WTF that is

This reminds me of your sporting talents that you were telling us about the other day, yet you couldn't so much as kick or throw a ball. The only thing you've been good at your entire life, or that you've put your mind to, is being a spoofing faggot

Most of the lay teachers at St John's College were local men who came back to teach in their homes towns.

They brought us such wonderful gifts: kicks in the legs, slaps to the ears, punches to the throat.

They learned nothing, and they taught me nothing.

I made me - I am who I am because I didn't take the clatters readily.

I made me into a better person, nobody else.


Jambo honestly prides himself on his school days.

He's probably still in them.

Low babies.

Bang on.

This is were Jambo is lost: he thinks that by allowing 'duh system' to tell him what to do and how well he's doing it. He's the living embodiment of a failed state education system. If his third level years (sniggers) taught him anything, then why is he a dole-sponging loser who never leaves the house? Is that the best the Irish education system has to offer? A failure who lost a million euros playing poker? (sniggers) If the system is so well functioning, then why are there so many replacements in town? Riddle me that?

Jimmy: why are you sitting on your arse at home in bed while I'm conquering the Nordic world? Didn't they tell you anything about procreation? Y'know, your little willy and what it's for? You have a responsibility to create children, without them, Ireland's future is fucked. Why are you spilling your seed into a crusty sock instead of a women with child-bearing hips? Don't you care what happens to your country? Any little pitter-patter of tiny feet on your linoleum-covered floor? No? What's the problem? Can't get it up for an actual woman? Have you tried getting drunk first to bolster your confidence? You know, a bit of Dutch courage to garnish the lager?

If I'm the end result of no inter certificate, no leaving certificate and no City & Guilds certificate (I was on of the last calligraphers ever hired in by the Irish state) which I had to apply for from Dublin City Council instead of the state, for whom I worked directly. That's how shitty these fuckers are, so I don't dance for them. Any and every certificate I was ever awarded is now likely turned to dust in my Mam's attic. Instead, I had a masterplan: do as needed until the bridge was first built, then burnt.

Now I live a life of (certified) happiness and comfort, confidence and trust.

Just ask the lads over at the OECD, Jimmy - they'll give you the billy that I'm right - and how very sadly wrong you are, matey.

Your third level hasn't done much for your life prospects, now has it?

You're still within a mile of where you were born.

All your ideas come from the one place.

You don't seem to have anything at all going on in your dim little world.

When was the last time your 'third level' papers actually made a gainful return to you?


Oh, I see.

Never's a long, long time, Shay.

Have you tried wrapping your certs around your little willy to see if they're nubile and up to much?


Give it a go, you can thank me later.
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