
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Dan should unban my account and let me smash these guys

For once, I agree with you there.

Roundy will expect you to grovel and be subservient with your next name-change and member/account limitations.

But if he does take you back, he knows it'll accelerate his site into oblivion. Nobody wants you around, and I don't say that maliciously, but as a matter of fact. You're one guy who we all know who could start a fight with yourself because your anger blurs your self-awareness so much.

Another option might be trolling Val's videos on youtube under a new name. Val needs it to be short and sweet, so rabbit-holing him isn't going work. You'd need to drop the faux IQ game as well as linking strangers to strange sites. Try it out for a day and see how you get on. If you do, then we can maybe consider making a bet on the outcome. What we'll bet with is unclear, but we can work it out.

Politics.ie have you on a lifetime ban? I got one too, but in my case it was SO fucking worth it - I put the site staff into overdrive for around ten days until it all exploded in their faces. So they deleted me and banned me, and all that was left of me was in the quotes others took from my posts. It was legendary. A genuine stretching of the envelope to find the point of critical mass.

I know nothing about Boards and have never really looked at the daily content on it, but what I've seen appeared rather juvenile to me.

Or - and this is a biggy: start your own site and reveal to yourself the value of your daily blogging. See if anyone comes along to challenge you; it's a risk and it takes a bit of time, but if you go about things the right way, then maybe you'll find your audience is out there somewhere. Or not. After all, if the Mowl can attract ten thousand lost Irish souls, then maybe you can earn even a few members by linking it to the Isle. I doubt Roundy would let you do that, but you can try anyway. He's dependent on Zippy to moderate for him, but he 'accidentally' deleted him. Now he has no one scrape his toilet bowl of a site, so you can putt up posts for hours before he wakes up and sees them.


I mean, you can't call yourself James Dawson.com because I wiped that name out and bequeathed you the handle 'Jambo' - which stuck like superglue.

For your banner/avatar you could use an image that people can identify you with: maybe a screaming kid with an upturned bowl of spaghetti.


For once, I agree with you there.

Roundy will expect you to grovel and be subservient with your next name-change and member/account limitations.

But if he does take you back, he knows it'll accelerate his site into oblivion. Nobody wants you around, and I don't say that maliciously, but as a matter of fact. You're one guy who we all know who could start a fight with yourself because your anger blurs your self-awareness so much.

Another option might be trolling Val's videos on youtube under a new name. Val needs it to be short and sweet, so rabbit-holing him isn't going work. You'd need to drop the faux IQ game as well as linking strangers to strange sites. Try it out for a day and see how you get on. If you do, then we can maybe consider making a bet on the outcome. What we'll bet with is unclear, but we can work it out.

Politics.ie have you on a lifetime ban? I got one too, but in my case it was SO fucking worth it - I put the site staff into overdrive for around ten days until it all exploded in their faces. So they deleted me and banned me, and all that was left of me was in the quotes others took from my posts. It was legendary. A genuine stretching of the envelope to find the point of critical mass.

I know nothing about Boards and have never really looked at the daily content on it, but what I've seen appeared rather juvenile to me.

Or - and this is a biggy: start your own site and reveal to yourself the value of your daily blogging. See if anyone comes along to challenge you; it's a risk and it takes a bit of time, but if you go about things the right way, then maybe you'll find your audience is out there somewhere. Or not. After all, if the Mowl can attract ten thousand lost Irish souls, then maybe you can earn even a few members by linking it to the Isle. I doubt Roundy would let you do that, but you can try anyway. He's dependent on Zippy to moderate for him, but he 'accidentally' deleted him. Now he has no one scrape his toilet bowl of a site, so you can putt up posts for hours before he wakes up and sees them.


I mean, you can't call yourself James Dawson.com because I wiped that name out and bequeathed you the handle 'Jambo' - which stuck like superglue.

For your banner/avatar you could use an image that people can identify you with: maybe a screaming kid with an upturned bowl of spaghetti.
Yeah, you post endless amounts of retarded shit and lies that I don't even really bother to read


Post in thread 'An Open Letter to Atheists' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/an-open-letter-to-atheists.710/post-104209

"How many of the logical science grounded atheists stood up and publicly said that the covid farce was a totally anti science and based on flawed premises and unproven treatment.?"

I don't know, do you?
Of course, jpc may be a bit of a daft bugger (still struggling with what an apostrophe's for) but I'd be willing to wager that he knows that that number is at least one, yours truly (still hasn't anything to do with atheism)

"Just to pick a single relevant subject for them."

It's relevant to atheism how? 🤔
Of course, jpc may be a bit of a daft bugger (still struggling with what an apostrophe's for) but I'd be willing to wager that he knows that that number is at least one, yours truly (still hasn't anything to do with atheism)

Even losers like JPC don't give a rat's ass, Jimmy.
The thread is entitled -

An Open Letter to Atheists​

A Plea that they approach the question of God’s Existence in a scientific and rational manner.

And you are supposedly one (atheist)

What's left (before your bedtime), 15 minutes, tops. Any chance of some content, no?

Hi, Saul Bucket..

If I may make a suggestion: if you think your time is almost up, then remember - it's your family who'll be left to pick up the pieces you left scattered in your wake. For them to read about your world views and xenophobia in the nasty manner you delivered them would be a shame upon the name . and would likely have them marked as persons of interest in the very neighbourhood you live in.

You have options: one is to ask Roundy for a complete deletion of every post attached to your (fake/obsequious) name Coal, Gas & Peat. Delete all those references to the n*ggers and w*gs and drowned babies you referred to in various moments over the last eighteen to twenty months of your being radicalized by half-wits and morons. That denizen of filth and hate you dwell in over on the gay bar site will keep all your material up after you're gone - so either delete the whole lot yourself, or ask Roundy to do it for you. Believe me - when you're breathing out your last gasps, you'll regret having not removed your racism from your accounts online. If they're all that's left of you, then that's what people will think of you. So consider your families' position on that.

I see where you live - there's nothing for miles around.

The only times I've ever been to Monaghan were those times I drove across it coming back from the Atlantic Coast in Donegal.

You appear to be surrounded by large farms and few houses. I would imagine then that your neighbours and yourself all know each other intimately well, even if they live two hundred meters down the road. Imagine someone was to pass them your details and they were to search you out and read what you had to say? Would you be okay with that as your legacy?

If I were in your shoes - I'd make a plan in advance, and make sure you have someone to trust in if you should happen to want to delete your racism.

Doesn't matter how 'IRA' your neighbourhood is, what matters is how racist Arsefield's is.

Does your wife or any of your kids know about your online travails? Have you mentioned your hobby to them?

Do they know your passwords? Maybe you should consider leaving a note in your posthumous requests that one of the kids deletes your account? Asking Roundy to do this for you would be a major error: do NOT trust that fat fuck - he'll be shaggin' your wife two hours after you're getting used to the tight confines of a cheap bamboo coffin. Don't let your family AND Knockatalon down.
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Could be another wind-up to see if we're easily triggered.

All that bothers me is the possibility that Saul's been keeping schtum about his online activities with his family. Maybe the Missus thinks he's addicted to gaming or whatever, and knows nothing about this other side of his nature. Between being easily led, gullible, and reactive, he's torn in so many ways his arse and his ears and closer to each other than his brain and his gob.

Or maybe it's all just a spoof to pass the time and have a few cheap laughs.

Who knows?

Hi, Marcus..

If I may make a suggestion: if you think your time is almost up, then remember - it's your family who'll be left to pick up the pieces you left scattered in your wake. For them to read about your world views and xenophobia in the nasty manner you delivered them would be a shame upon the name . and would likely have them marked as persons of interest in the very neighbourhood you live in.

You have options: one is to ask Roundy for a complete deletion of every post attached to your (fake/obsequious) name Coal, Gas & Peat. Delete all those references to the n*ggers and w*gs and drowned babies you referred to in various moments over the last eighteen to twenty months of your being radicalized by half-wits and morons. That denizen of filth and hate you dwell in over on the gay bar site will keep all your material up after you're gone - so either delete the whole lot yourself, or ask Roundy to do it for you. Believe me - when you're breathing out your last gasps, you'll regret having not removed your racism from your accounts online. If they're all that's left of you, then that's what people will think of you. So consider your families' position on that.

I see where you live - there's nothing for miles around.

The only times I've ever been to Monaghan were those times I drove across it coming back from the Atlantic Coast in Donegal.

You appear to be surrounded by large farms and few houses. I would imagine then that your neighbours and yourself all know each other intimately well, even if they live two hundred meters down the road. Imagine someone was to pass them your details and they were to search you out and read what you had to say? Would you be okay with that as your legacy?

If I were in your shoes - I'd make a plan in advance, and make sure you have someone to trust in if you should happen to want to delete your racism.

Doesn't matter how 'IRA' your neighbourhood is, what matters is how racist Arsefield's is.

Does your wife or any of your kids know about your online travails? Have you mentioned your hobby to them?

Do they know your passwords? Maybe you should consider leaving a note in your posthumous requests that one of the kids deletes your account? Asking Roundy to do this for you would be a major error: do NOT trust that fat fuck - he'll be shaggin' your wife two hours after you're getting used to the tight confines of a cheap bamboo coffin. Don't let your family AND Knockatalon down.
You truly are a garbage human being
You truly are a garbage human being

You talking to Saul? Or to me? I mean surely an ex-Z Team member wold get a word of encouragement from you, their one-time Dear Leader? Have you sent any commiserations out Monaghan way? No? There's your problem, Jimmy: the least you could do is offer a few words of sympathy to a guy you used to lead around the place like a mongrel mutt in heat.

Are you seriously expecting ME to pity the racist cowardly-bastard backstabbing little cunt??

Fuck that.

Let him think on his sins. Let him pray to whoever the fuck he wants to find a port in his storm. I have precisely fuck all sympathy for any cunt who speaks like Saul does, along with his emojis: ;)👌

We had a bit of a rustle on here only last week with you using the term N*ggers in whatever form of English so that the site owner had to run it through a washing cycle. Like yourself, Saul's an idiot. He thinks the shit he gets up to won't come back to bite him in the bollocks. He knows the only way to clean up the mess he's leaving behind him is deletion. So I advised as per his worth: very little.


You're nothing but scum to me, no matter what mood you're in.

Look closely at Saul's wasted life - then take a long hard look in the mirror, spit-shine.

Your end is nigh too.

Try to live a bit before you die: turn off your Commodore for half an hour and take a walk in the rain. Think on your sins. Think of all that you've done in the last few years and tell what it's all been worth? Friends come and friends go. People change. Saul used to nestle himself under my wing and I tried to steer the idiot in the right direction. But he refused my advice and decided to tough it out on his own. That forty-odd year old son of his? That unemployed alcoholic burglar? That's exactly where Aughrim was lost. No wonder he's sick now - he's had to swallow so much shit over the last few years that you'd think it might have copped him on to himself?

Not a fucking chance - a loser when he started and a loser now he's done.

Tell us: if a person decides to be a nasty fucking bastard preaching hate against women and children, does he get a free pass when he finds he's terminal? Is that what you think needs to happen here? Pretend he wasn't a racist scumbag and that he was a great man for the GAA, who donated money to rebuild a statue of the virgin Mary down by the water pump? All previous misdemeanors eased? That he's now: 'a man of the people in the community, never drank - never drank, but he's out of sorts now, he lost his way somewhere around the inception of Arsefield's and his demise on the Isle'.

You want to see real actual human scum, Jambo?

Read through his most recent posts and then tell me where your screwed-up sympathies lie - you stupid fucking cunt, cop onto yourself, we all know you have no conscience. You're a just another unwanted mongrel in an a lost dog's home. You're despised as much as he is - so at least you two can console each other a bit and have Roundy take you back to rabbit-hole his four remaining members.
You don't care if anyone's "racist", you're just a pathetic loser

Hah hah!

Well, if being a loser is living in the world's happiest nation, doing the things I love most to do, getting well paid for it, being surrounded by the world's most beautiful women, having access to more treats for my taxes that you dream of, then call me a loser.

Or if the real loser is the one who falls apart when he sees that what used to be one of his own mates and fellow gang-members is slowly dying he and sincerely believes that he's entitled to a free pass for his troubles, then you can keep it. He's never had any problems without your aid in the more recent past, so let him account for what he's both done and said in the eighteen months since I ripped your Z Team apart. Ain't my fault the bloke has cancer. Ain't yours either. Maybe best to let him decide what's best for himself?

I doubt any sane person who just got word that their time is limited due to impending painful death would choose to live out their last gasps on sites like these. But if he wants to do it live across all channels, why not let him?

As for you - you fucking hypocritical cunt-bucket spittoon-licker - you can take your hypocrisy and ram it forcefully up your arse.

Your double standards are fucking laughable.

Sad, sad, sad little bastard.
Hah hah!

Well, if being a loser is living in the world's happiest nation, doing the things I love most to do, getting well paid for it, being surrounded by the world's most beautiful women, having access to more treats for my taxes that you dream of, then call me a loser.

Or if the real loser is the one who falls apart when he sees that what used to be one of his own mates and fellow gang-members is slowly dying he and sincerely believes that he's entitled to a free pass for his troubles, then you can keep it. He's never had any problems without your aid in the more recent past, so let him account for what he's both done and said in the eighteen months since I ripped your Z Team apart. Ain't my fault the bloke has cancer. Ain't yours either. Maybe best to let him decide what's best for himself?

I doubt any sane person who just got word that their time is limited due to impending painful death would choose to live out their last gasps on sites like these. But if he wants to do it live across all channels, why not let him?

As for you - you fucking hypocritical cunt-bucket spittoon-licker - you can take your hypocrisy and ram it forcefully up your arse.

Your double standards are fucking laughable.

Sad, sad, sad little bastard.
If even 10% of your mentally retarded, assholic self online here was eh, manifest IRL then no one (with an ounce of sense) would want anything to do with you. I'm quite sure that when people see you IRL they cross the road
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