
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

I see that Plonker found a Gript journalist to echo a EMJesque talking point -

Post in thread 'The current status of the anti-Mass Migration Protest sites, especially Coolock' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...test-sites-especially-coolock.946/post-107329

It's funny isn't it, both @roc_abilly and Plonker will deny that Irish people are white, two cheeks of the same arse? 🤔
Obviously I'm quite used to the refrain - "We're not white, we're Irish", from Irish nationalists but it seems daft to me
I see that Plonker found a Gript journalist to echo a EMJesque talking point -

Post in thread 'The current status of the anti-Mass Migration Protest sites, especially Coolock' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...test-sites-especially-coolock.946/post-107329

It's funny isn't it, both @roc_abilly and Plonker will deny that Irish people are white, two cheeks of the same arse? 🤔
I'll tell you whats really funny: you posting at other sites who can't hear you and couldn't care less.

You really are an awful gobshite, Jimmy.
Obviously I'm quite used to the refrain - "We're not white, we're Irish", from Irish nationalists but it seems daft to me

Oh dear, oh dear.

You're some fucking cabbage, boy.
I see that Plonker found a Gript journalist to echo a EMJesque talking point -

Post in thread 'The current status of the anti-Mass Migration Protest sites, especially Coolock' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...test-sites-especially-coolock.946/post-107329

It's funny isn't it, both @roc_abilly and Plonker will deny that Irish people are white, two cheeks of the same arse? 🤔
And here's a novel idea, instead of trying to absolve ourselves of a crime (and letting other whites take the blame) by denying that we're white.. How about the message being - No White Guilt
Sword is quite hard to decipher

And the fact that she's wrong about so much doesn't exactly help
And the thing is, I'm quite sure that she's been exposed to white nationalism, for real. Yet she doesn't seem to know what it is

Heck, I don't even know 💯 why she's an antisemite (I could tell you why a WN is, no problemo)

I get the impression that you're trying to paint me as a misogynist again, Mowl.

I told you, I'm not a misogynist. In fact, here's one of my (oft-repeated) lines that I saved to my hard drive, unfortunately my hard drive died so it's kindof from memory now -

"I'm not a misogynist. I don't care what someone has between their legs so long as they think like a man."

See? Q.E.D. de facto not a misogynist
Brian Nugent: accosting young Irish girls out to rubberneck the goings on at the Coolock paint factory protest.

Creepy fucker singling out shy and bashful young wans who are tired of these immigrants 'rapin' arr childurn an rapin' arr wimmin' and 'derr all juss rapiss and murdererrs comin' inta arr cuntry wirrou' a pazzport or anythin' an' day sneak inta the country so it just goes ta show ya how dangerous dee arr..'

All the intellectual capacity of a bottle of Val's piss laced with the blood of Roundy's arse.

Good man, Marcus: when you're getting your arse handed to you, demand that the man doing it be deleted.

You're one sad, sorry, and pathetic little cunt. Your gang all know about your burglar son, yet they stand by you? Question: would you overlook another member's family activities when it comes to robbing from vulnerable old pensioners? I saw you freaking out about the old and man and the even older woman out in Coolock getting clattered and pepper sprayed for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Isn't that exactly what your son does?

Middle of the night, in a bedroom in some cottage out along some lonely boreen with a pensioner lying asleep in their bed while you lad goes through her jewelry, he bloomers, her purse and her pension book? You're a fucking scumbag. I hope whatever cancer you've got throttles you. You and your whole gang of filthy racist animals. How long do you have left? Did the doctors give you an estimate?
Ahhh, yeah: you've been up all night trying to have another poster banned from the site because you don't agree with him? What's your actual problem, cancer boy? That you can't debate a man you claim you're smarter than? So you want him booted out so you can post your lame smilies and emojis to your heart's content? Tell me, does posting this :sneaky: make you a hard man?

Or this:👌?

Or how about three of them together, like this :sneaky:👌:cool: ?

You have some fucking nerve, culchie boy.

Go and clatter that bastard son (he's forty-fucking-three for jaze sake) of yours and boot him out like I told you to. Housing a known and convicted burglar while claiming to be a nationalist and a patriot is utterly fucking reprehensible, you dying little rat.
Brian Nugent: accosting young Irish girls out to rubberneck the goings on at the Coolock paint factory protest.

Creepy fucker singling out shy and bashful young wans who are tired of these immigrants 'rapin' arr childurn an rapin' arr wimmin' and 'derr all juss rapiss and murdererrs comin' inta arr cuntry wirrou' a pazzport or anythin' an' day sneak inta the country so it just goes ta show ya how dangerous dee arr..'

All the intellectual capacity of a bottle of Val's piss laced with the blood of Roundy's arse.

Is that the third time now that you've posted that video? Do you have a thing for the pretty red-haired Irish girl? 🤔
Is that the third time now that you've posted that video?

Nope: I posted a still from it a couple of days ago.

Maybe a link too, seeing as it's Brian Nugent from Arsefield's - roving culchie reporter for Roundy Kelly over the pond.

Do you have a thing for the pretty red-haired Irish girl? 🤔

I have absolutely nothing for any Irish female no matter the colour of her hair.

I just found the video and the pair of teenage young wans he selected a rather pathetic effort at generating some distasteful/creepy content for his sicko buddies over on Arsefield's. Considering the inappropriateness of Scoilairebocht/Nugent being a man in his late fifties to mid-sixties. Of all the people to single out, two teenage girls who haven't a fucking clue what's going on or what any of this means isn't exactly suitable content.

Or would you consider what he did perfectly appropriate?

They're dumb teenagers desperate to get on 'de telly' so references to rapists and murderers isn't exactly going to set either of their respective parents hearts alight with pride. Under 18's shouldn't be targeted so some dirty aul-fella can get close enough to them to smell which shampoo they used the previous night. Using under-informed and nervously giggling little girls should have been spotted for what it is - creepy as shit type behaviour. Then deleted forever.

By all means interview the adults, but not the fucking kids - you don't/shouldn't need to be told this.
Nope: I posted a still from it a couple of days ago.

Maybe a link too, seeing as it's Brian Nugent from Arsefield's - roving culchie reporter for Roundy Kelly over the pond.

I have absolutely nothing for any Irish female no matter the colour of her hair.

I just found the video and the pair of teenage young wans he selected a rather pathetic effort at generating some distasteful/creepy content for his sicko buddies over on Arsefield's. Considering the inappropriateness of Scoilairebocht/Nugent being a man in his late fifties to mid-sixties. Of all the people to single out, two teenage girls who haven't a fucking clue what's going on or what any of this means isn't exactly suitable content.
Or would you consider what he did perfectly appropriate?
Eh, yeah, why wouldn't I?

They're dumb teenagers desperate to get on 'de telly' so references to rapists and murderers isn't exactly going to set either of their respective parents hearts alight with pride. Under 18's shouldn't be targeted so some dirty aul-fella can get close enough to them to smell which shampoo they used the previous night. Using under-informed and nervously giggling little girls should have been spotted for what it is - creepy as shit type behaviour. Then deleted forever.
They're to some extent probably parroting what the eh, elders say but they're more clued in than you

By all means interview the adults, but not the fucking kids - you don't/shouldn't need to be told this.
What r u suggesting we do with Brian? Blast him into space, like this? -

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