
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Now, now, Mister Bucket. It's a well established fact that you are the father of a known criminal in the greater Monaghan area who robbed from grannies and granddads as they slept in their beds, and then sold the gear he robbed for drink money so he wasn't under your feet all day and night; so it's no shock to anyone bar your Arsefield's pals that you yourself are a liar, a thief, enabler of Irish-born thieves, protector of Irish-born thieves, and therefore a dupe nationalist by lie and by fakery.

And as you well know, when Mowl bites down on you he sinks his teeth deep and doesn't let go - try wriggling your lazy dole-sponging arse out of that one, cunt.


Moore Street traders have always been on their own, you fucking twat - just ask the tax man. Yeah, Moorse Street is a fucking dump. It stinks all the time: piss and puke, shite and rotting fruit and vegetables, rats running wild, garbage dumped anywhere and everywhere. Pickpockets, street dealers selling drugs. Migrants in shoe-box sized 'mobile phone repairs and unlocking' shops selling weed and hash. Dealing in stolen phones, laptops, you name it.

Those Roma you see hanging around aren't anything unusual for the entire EU. We have them up here: litter louts, smashing stuff when they're drunk. Clattering their wives and kids around in broad daylight on the streets. Mooching at the metro stations and picking pockets. You can spot them a mile off in the national dress-code. Except up here we don't just watch them closely, we report them. The cops move them along. It usually ends in tears when some bloke is carted off after trying to punch a female copper. In short, nobody wants them around, anywhere. So we keep them moving, on the hop all day every day.

As for your big, brave bollocksology in 'barging through them'?

You utterly fucking stupid and cowardly cunt.

When you physically and aggressively barge into one of their women, their men go after your women. When you step up to one of their men with threats and warnings of violence, their men batter the shite out of the next Irish weakling that passes them. When you 'let them know what you think of them' they'll return the favour by going after the Irish old Dears trying to run their stalls. They'll start lighting up the plastic bins, ganging up on traders and shop-keepers and robbing everything not nailed down before legging it (at a fairly moderate pace, what with the complete absence of any active security or law) and by the time you're at home having your first tin of many, many cheap beers, Moore Street is still afire after your big-balls cowardly-bastard rodent behaviour.

You shouldn't even fucking need this to be explained to you, but given the rat-like sewer-dweller you are, I have to tell you anyway. It's cowardly bastards exactly like you who cause the most fucking trouble and backlash for your own fellow Irish folk. For every scumbag like you who shows their disdain through yellow-ratty teeth, they have half a dozen. Every time you spit at their feet, that's another young Irish girl going to have her bag, phone, shoes, jacket, and virginity stolen.

You were always a fucking loud-mouth bullshitter though, so none of this comes as any surprise.

You're the problem, arseholes exactly like you - cunts who think they're one step above the drunks, junkies, and knackers that roam your capital city.

You ain't.

You're a fucking shit-stirring coward.

Next time, try stopping and looking one of them in the eye and telling him exactly what you think rather than throwing him a dirty look and some muttered profanities before quickly hopping onto the Red Line home to your beans on toast, you utterly fucking cretinous scumbag. Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you.

Sincerely -



Post in thread 'An Open Letter to Atheists' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/an-open-letter-to-atheists.710/post-107960

This would be for the confirmed atheists on the site rather than for casual consumption.

Who would that be? I can't think of any since I left and Fishalt left (who was last seen doing his 'agnostic' routine anyway).

Secondly, someone should really tell the theists that atheists don't actually watch their tedious videos (due to a lack of interest).


Post in thread 'An Open Letter to Atheists' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/an-open-letter-to-atheists.710/post-107960

This would be for the confirmed atheists on the site rather than for casual consumption.

Who would that be? I can't think of any since I left and Fishalt left (who was last seen doing his 'agnostic' routine anyway).

Secondly, someone should really tell the theists that atheists don't actually watch their tedious videos (due to a lack of interest).
It's like Dawkins said to the boy O'Connor - WTF would you (an atheist) do a degree in theology 😆
Mowl, also an atheist,

No, active atheism requires me to either agree or deny the existence of a God.

I do neither - because it's beneath me to even consider the one or the other.

What's the point in arguing about a myth?

Cuchulain wore knickers: debate me.

would rather scratch his eyes out after pouring cement in his ears than watch that video 🤣

..or any of your videos, links, postcards, quotes, songs by Oasis, gossip about Liam G, and lies about yourself.

Eh, thanks?

No, active atheism requires me to either agree or deny the existence of a God.
Come again?

I do neither - because it's beneath me to even consider the one or the other.

What's the point in arguing about a myth?

Cuchulain wore knickers: debate me.
..or any of your videos, links, postcards, quotes, songs by Oasis, gossip about Liam G, and lies about yourself.
I suppose you were a bad example to give because you're not really interested in anything

Y'see Jimmy, the problem with the likes of yourself and other dopes like Free And Clean over on Arsefield's is that you guys think the Roma peoples are all the same. Freeloading scabs who couldn't and wouldn't hold down a job even if their wife and children's lives depended on it. Bums, thieves, beggars, drunks, doping their infants into unconsciousness to scab up a few euro on a street corner for the husband's drink. You painted them all with the same brush: fuck the Roma, fuck off home to Romania. When in fact that's not the only place they're from. When in fact the very Roma you have in Ireland are the same we got sent: from Romania. Except we whipped them into line: we sent them to school, we don't allow them to beg in the streets. If they toss their litter and smash a window, they'll both pay a fine and pay for the damages. Same applies to their kids: it comes back to the parents if the child is under sixteen/eighteen. If they miss a language class, their day money is dropped. If they're continually late or disruptive, they're turfed out. If the welfare people see they have nowhere to go and nothing to be doing, we offer them the cost of their flight back home. If they refuse, the immigration people handle it, not the citizens in the streets.

Ever been to Romania, Jimmy?


Ahh, sure..

Lookit, tell you what? Here's two things you may not have even considered - or seen before.

The Romanian parliament house in Bucharest, built by Ceausescu after he tore down hundreds/thousands of nearby family homes:

Or this one, the nearby orthodox cathedral (which isn't quite finished as yet):


Bucharest is a buzzing vibrant city well on her way to being another Finland/Estonia on the digital stage, and a country with a very high quality of life if you happen to be willing to work for it. Take a trip to the city, it's affordable, like Prague was in the 1990's but with far less dodgy fuckers hanging around. And do you know why there are so many dodgy Roma fuckers hanging around Dublin?

Here's the bad news, Jimmy.

In the post-Ceausescu times, the poor were treated like the Jews in Germany being shifted into the ghettos. Their lives were made near impossible by the state and in due course, many/most of them died. But the remaining few stuck around long enough for Romania to enter the EU pact. Guess what happened next, Jimmy? No idea? Well, here: the Romanian state made sure they were ineligible for the national schools, for even the most basic of jobs, they were segregated from the wider population for so long they took to begging in the streets even though they knew they might well get dragged in and battered to a pulp. So over time, the state convinced them that they'd really be far better off in countries like Ireland where they'll get handed money as soon as they arrive, and if they play their cards right, they'll have a nice fucking house too - paid for by the Irish people.

Naturally, this all sounded very attractive, so Romania helped them along with their plane fares, a change of clothes so they didn't look obviously destitute on arrival (hello migrant lads in Ireland in fake Gucci/Adidas/Puma/Sony labeled free gear) and a printed sheet of paper showing them the way from the airport to the immigration offices in Dublin city. Now you're stuck with them. Now your buddies over on Arsefield's also hate them and want to batter them but they're too fucking yellow to do it (hello free and clean - you fucking rat-headed twong) so instead they walk quickly past them muttering under their breath.

For all your Celtic Mutt arrogance, you got what you deserved: a generation of bums who'll produce another generation of bums to take over from them.

You should have been watching what WE did, not Germany, France, Spain or any other massively populated EU country who could try to contain them.

Nope, they were sent to you because you're fucking weak, too desperate to be liked, and too stupid to see the Trojan horse they just landed on your main streets. Now you're stuck with them, and their fellow Romanians are laughing their holes off. They have work, money, a little freedom, and a stunningly beautiful country in any season of the year. They simply manipulated the message and told their knackers that paradise existed - in Ireland.

They bought the whole chicken - and arrived on your doorsteps, in your dole offices, up top of the housing waiting lists.

You have the worst possible dregs of another EU country on your laps.

And you let it happen, you didn't even try to stop it - instead y'all decided to have bonfire parties at buildings desinated to house them until proper houses are ready for them to move into. For free. You and yours can go wank a donkey as far as your future is concerned. On more than one occasion last winter I found myself downtown and I spotted one of them on a street corner during a minus fifteen storm of horizontal wet snow: on his/her knees, face buried in his/her hands, and a baby under a blanket, unconscious. I went to the security guy at the nearest department store and told him that 'the Roma person begging over there has a baby in their arms, it's minus fifteen, can you please call this in before the infant dies'?

Cops were there in minutes and the spot they were begging on soon snowed over.

The baby was first priority: they'd doped it up with diazepam in the milk formula. Baby sleeps for ten to twelve hours at a time, and even if the begging shift for the Roma adult is six hours, the next Roma beggar is handed the same baby to keep the scam going. When that baby finally wakes up, another doped up baby is handed over.

That's your future - all of it.

The actual Romanians remaining in Romania?

They're laughing at you - over shrimp cocktails and foie gras.

At the opera, listen to Carmen, wearing handmade suits and shoes, and more jewelry than the Beatles can shake a stick at.

You poor stupid fucking cunts, I told you not to look anywhere else but Finland, but you ignored me because you hate me. Or more specifically: that I got out and sailed up the ladder to a far far better quality of life than you'll ever know, here in the World's Happiest Country year seven.


In a row.


Fooling the Irish is like stealing heroin from a Roma infant-child's nappy.

Moore Street traders have always been on their own, you fucking twat - just ask the tax man. Yeah, Moorse Street is a fucking dump. It stinks all the time: piss and puke, shite and rotting fruit and vegetables, rats running wild, garbage dumped anywhere and everywhere. Pickpockets, street dealers selling drugs. Migrants in shoe-box sized 'mobile phone repairs and unlocking' shops selling weed and hash. Dealing in stolen phones, laptops, you name it.

Those Roma you see hanging around aren't anything unusual for the entire EU. We have them up here: litter louts, smashing stuff when they're drunk. Clattering their wives and kids around in broad daylight on the streets. Mooching at the metro stations and picking pockets. You can spot them a mile off in the national dress-code. Except up here we don't just watch them closely, we report them. The cops move them along. It usually ends in tears when some bloke is carted off after trying to punch a female copper. In short, nobody wants them around, anywhere. So we keep them moving, on the hop all day every day.

As for your big, brave bollocksology in 'barging through them'?

You utterly fucking stupid and cowardly cunt.

When you physically and aggressively barge into one of their women, their men go after your women. When you step up to one of their men with threats and warnings of violence, their men batter the shite out of the next Irish weakling that passes them. When you 'let them know what you think of them' they'll return the favour by going after the Irish old Dears trying to run their stalls. They'll start lighting up the plastic bins, ganging up on traders and shop-keepers and robbing everything not nailed down before legging it (at a fairly moderate pace, what with the complete absence of any active security or law) and by the time you're at home having your first tin of many, many cheap beers, Moore Street is still afire after your big-balls cowardly-bastard rodent behaviour.

You shouldn't even fucking need this to be explained to you, but given the rat-like sewer-dweller you are, I have to tell you anyway. It's cowardly bastards exactly like you who cause the most fucking trouble and backlash for your own fellow Irish folk. For every scumbag like you who shows their disdain through yellow-ratty teeth, they have half a dozen. Every time you spit at their feet, that's another young Irish girl going to have her bag, phone, shoes, jacket, and virginity stolen.

You were always a fucking loud-mouth bullshitter though, so none of this comes as any surprise.

You're the problem, arseholes exactly like you - cunts who think they're one step above the drunks, junkies, and knackers that roam your capital city.

You ain't.

You're a fucking shit-stirring coward.

Next time, try stopping and looking one of them in the eye and telling him exactly what you think rather than throwing him a dirty look and some muttered profanities before quickly hopping onto the Red Line home to your beans on toast, you utterly fucking cretinous scumbag. Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you.

Sincerely -

Y'see Jimmy, the problem with the likes of yourself and other dopes like Free And Clean over on Arsefield's is that you guys think the Roma peoples are all the same. Freeloading scabs who couldn't and wouldn't hold down a job even if their wife and children's lives depended on it. Bums, thieves, beggars, drunks, doping their infants into unconsciousness to scab up a few euro on a street corner for the husband's drink. You painted them all with the same brush: fuck the Roma, fuck off home to Romania. When in fact that's not the only place they're from. When in fact the very Roma you have in Ireland are the same we got sent: from Romania. Except we whipped them into line: we sent them to school, we don't allow them to beg in the streets. If they toss their litter and smash a window, they'll both pay a fine and pay for the damages. Same applies to their kids: it comes back to the parents if the child is under sixteen/eighteen. If they miss a language class, their day money is dropped. If they're continually late or disruptive, they're turfed out. If the welfare people see they have nowhere to go and nothing to be doing, we offer them the cost of their flight back home. If they refuse, the immigration people handle it, not the citizens in the streets.

Ever been to Romania, Jimmy?


Ahh, sure..

Lookit, tell you what? Here's two things you may not have even considered - or seen before.

The Romanian parliament house in Bucharest, built by Ceausescu after he tore down hundreds/thousands of nearby family homes:

Or this one, the nearby orthodox cathedral (which isn't quite finished as yet):


Bucharest is a buzzing vibrant city well on her way to being another Finland/Estonia on the digital stage, and a country with a very high quality of life if you happen to be willing to work for it. Take a trip to the city, it's affordable, like Prague was in the 1990's but with far less dodgy fuckers hanging around. And do you know why there are so many dodgy Roma fuckers hanging around Dublin?

Here's the bad news, Jimmy.

In the post-Ceausescu times, the poor were treated like the Jews in Germany being shifted into the ghettos. Their lives were made near impossible by the state and in due course, many/most of them died. But the remaining few stuck around long enough for Romania to enter the EU pact. Guess what happened next, Jimmy? No idea? Well, here: the Romanian state made sure they were ineligible for the national schools, for even the most basic of jobs, they were segregated from the wider population for so long they took to begging in the streets even though they knew they might well get dragged in and battered to a pulp. So over time, the state convinced them that they'd really be far better off in countries like Ireland where they'll get handed money as soon as they arrive, and if they play their cards right, they'll have a nice fucking house too - paid for by the Irish people.

Naturally, this all sounded very attractive, so Romania helped them along with their plane fares, a change of clothes so they didn't look obviously destitute on arrival (hello migrant lads in Ireland in fake Gucci/Adidas/Puma/Sony labeled free gear) and a printed sheet of paper showing them the way from the airport to the immigration offices in Dublin city. Now you're stuck with them. Now your buddies over on Arsefield's also hate them and want to batter them but they're too fucking yellow to do it (hello free and clean - you fucking rat-headed twong) so instead they walk quickly past them muttering under their breath.

For all your Celtic Mutt arrogance, you got what you deserved: a generation of bums who'll produce another generation of bums to take over from them.

You should have been watching what WE did, not Germany, France, Spain or any other massively populated EU country who could try to contain them.

Nope, they were sent to you because you're fucking weak, too desperate to be liked, and too stupid to see the Trojan horse they just landed on your main streets. Now you're stuck with them, and their fellow Romanians are laughing their holes off. They have work, money, a little freedom, and a stunningly beautiful country in any season of the year. They simply manipulated the message and told their knackers that paradise existed - in Ireland.

They bought the whole chicken - and arrived on your doorsteps, in your dole offices, up top of the housing waiting lists.

You have the worst possible dregs of another EU country on your laps.

And you let it happen, you didn't even try to stop it - instead y'all decided to have bonfire parties at buildings desinated to house them until proper houses are ready for them to move into. For free. You and yours can go wank a donkey as far as your future is concerned. On more than one occasion last winter I found myself downtown and I spotted one of them on a street corner during a minus fifteen storm of horizontal wet snow: on his/her knees, face buried in his/her hands, and a baby under a blanket, unconscious. I went to the security guy at the nearest department store and told him that 'the Roma person begging over there has a baby in their arms, it's minus fifteen, can you please call this in before the infant dies'?

Cops were there in minutes and the spot they were begging on soon snowed over.

The baby was first priority: they'd doped it up with diazepam in the milk formula. Baby sleeps for ten to twelve hours at a time, and even if the begging shift for the Roma adult is six hours, the next Roma beggar is handed the same baby to keep the scam going. When that baby finally wakes up, another doped up baby is handed over.

That's your future - all of it.

The actual Romanians remaining in Romania?

They're laughing at you - over shrimp cocktails and foie gras.

At the opera, listen to Carmen, wearing handmade suits and shoes, and more jewelry than the Beatles can shake a stick at.

You poor stupid fucking cunts, I told you not to look anywhere else but Finland, but you ignored me because you hate me. Or more specifically: that I got out and sailed up the ladder to a far far better quality of life than you'll ever know, here in the World's Happiest Country year seven.


In a row.


Fooling the Irish is like stealing heroin from a Roma infant-child's nappy.
Mowl Mowl reminds me a bit of the theists on Arsefield's (some of them anyway)

He (Mowl) is on here every day trying to convince us, the dumb Irish, that the Frozen Wasteland (where he's exiled) is grrrreat!

Why can't he just be content that he's living in the 'World's Happiest Country', allegedly

Same with the theists, why can't they just be content in their faith, accept that it's not scientific and stop fighting (shadowboxing really) atheists

Ouch, etc.

Mowl Mowl reminds me a bit of the theists on Arsefield's (some of them anyway)

You still spend your days day-dreaming about me? How pleasant for you.

You can always tell when Jambo's back is up against the wall.

He doesn't want any of this to be true, so he denies it's happening at all.

He (Mowl) is on here every day trying to convince us, the dumb Irish, that the Frozen Wasteland (where he's exiled) is grrrreat!

Seven, Jimmy.



You are dumb, you are Irish, and you are fucked.

Why can't he just be content that he's living in the 'World's Happiest Country', allegedly

Why can't you just admit that Ireland's fucked, has been fucked for a long time, and will remain fucked for the foreseeable future?

Me? I'm fucking loving my life, another blistering sunshiney day and babes all over the joint.

Spice o' life, Jimmy - spice o'life.

Same with the theists, why can't they just be content in their faith, accept that it's not scientific and stop fighting (shadowboxing really) atheists

Same with you, the endless whining, the misery of another failed and miserable Irish summer, the rain, the cold and the damp, the cost of living, the shrinking bank account, the dole queue, the white bread and crisp sandwiches, the bums on the streets, the lack of options, the shitty news day after day, the dead kids crashing their E-scooters, the men drunk ans hopeless Irish driving their cars into trees and stone walls. Simon fucking Harris. Mary-Lou, your one hope of some degree of 'Irish first' tossed out with the leftovers of last night's beans on toast. But anyway.

Look! Over there!

Oooh - it's a rat, let's chase it!

He (Mowl) is on here every day trying to convince us, the dumb Irish, that the Frozen Wasteland (where he's exiled) is grrrreat!

It's really killing you. I can tell, Jimmy. Even when you try your best to contain your raging jealousy, you still spring leaks all over the place. I know you aren't happy where you are and I know you know I know you're miserable mostly with yourself for being the failure unto yourself you actually are. So forgive me if I have to laugh at your sad attempts at trying to minimize as best you can the quality of life we lead.

See, if it were Ireland (like it was in let's say the period 2003 to 2006) then you cunts couldn't show it off enough. You thought you'd finally made it onto the world stage. You lot were so fucking desperate to be noticed you all set about inflating the bubble and the Celtic mutt as much as you could: spend now, worry later. That was a major error, and not just for the most obvious reasons, like your national debt.

You should have done what we did: kept your head and shut the fuck up.

But that's how we roll: we're discreet, on the down-low.

You twats started screaming it off the rooftops to anyone who'd listen, then they began to descend on your doorstep looking for handouts. You gave them shitty and menial little tasks and kept stuffing your faces with fish and chips while they scrubbed your floors. It hurts when you find the tables have turned, right?

That's what really galls you, drags you down, makes you jealous, makes you need someone to get angry about.

Well, here I am.

Give it your best shot, Shay - I'm standing here waiting for you to wake up and smell the sewer you live in.
Ouch, etc.

You still spend your days day-dreaming about me? How pleasant for you.

You can always tell when Jambo's back is up against the wall.

He doesn't want any of this to be true, so he denies it's happening at all.

Seven, Jimmy.



You are dumb, you are Irish, and you are fucked.

Why can't you just admit that Ireland's fucked, has been fucked for a long time, and will remain fucked for the foreseeable future?
Me? I'm fucking loving my life, another blistering sunshiney day and babes all over the joint.

Always thinking in music me

Spice o' life, Jimmy - spice o'life.

Same with you, the endless whining, the misery of another failed and miserable Irish summer, the rain, the cold and the damp, the cost of living, the shrinking bank account, the dole queue, the white bread and crisp sandwiches, the bums on the streets, the lack of options, the shitty news day after day, the dead kids crashing their E-scooters, the men drunk ans hopeless Irish driving their cars into trees and stone walls. Simon fucking Harris. Mary-Lou, your one hope of some degree of 'Irish first' tossed out with the leftovers of last night's beans on toast. But anyway.

Look! Over there!

Oooh - it's a rat, let's chase it!

It's really killing you. I can tell, Jimmy. Even when you try your best to contain your raging jealousy, you still spring leaks all over the place. I know you aren't happy where you are and I know you know I know you're miserable mostly with yourself for being the failure unto yourself you actually are. So forgive me if I have to laugh at your sad attempts at trying to minimize as best you can the quality of life we lead.

See, if it were Ireland (like it was in let's say the period 2003 to 2006) then you cunts couldn't show it off enough. You thought you'd finally made it onto the world stage. You lot were so fucking desperate to be noticed you all set about inflating the bubble and the Celtic mutt as much as you could: spend now, worry later. That was a major error, and not just for the most obvious reasons, like your national debt.

You should have done what we did: kept your head and shut the fuck up.

But that's how we roll: we're discreet, on the down-low.

You twats started screaming it off the rooftops to anyone who'd listen, then they began to descend on your doorstep looking for handouts. You gave them shitty and menial little tasks and kept stuffing your faces with fish and chips while they scrubbed your floors. It hurts when you find the tables have turned, right?

That's what really galls you, drags you down, makes you jealous, makes you need someone to get angry about.

Well, here I am.

Give it your best shot, Shay - I'm standing here waiting for you to wake up and smell the sewer you live in.
Would you call yourself an 'agnostic'? 🤔
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