
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

So you watched the whole thing.


No, I claimed that Brian Nugget seeking out gullible young girls among a crowd of mostly male violent reactionaries at a protest site was creepy.

Different thing altogther.

But then your relationships with women are rather unique.

Yes you.


I did.

Appearances can be deceptive, Jimmy. I mean, look at you? You know the alphabet, you can count up to one hundred, you can read the instructions on the tin, you know what size shoes fit you, you can tell when you need to change your underwear and when to recharge your phone.

But none of that, nothing at all of that, indicates that you're anything less than the crank you actually are. You claim a high IQ. We all know it's fucking rubbish.
You learned how to use two person's names to claim that other posters are less than you are, so both Dunning and Kruger get trotted out every time you're backed into a a corner.
Dunning-Kruger is reserved for a particular type of idiot, flerfs being the perfect example

You (also an idiot)? You freely admit that you don't know anything about anything

I mentioned to you once that I like to listen to RTE six/one news for the laughs: you grabbed that one and you still haven't stopped running with it. You crawl around on thin ice, and you know that if a crack appears under you that it'll take you away into the depths of the cold, cold sea.

You have no life achievements worth noting. You don't make anything (bar applications for the dole) and you don't venture out too often either. You're online all day and night trying to cultivate an image/idea of yourself that no one believes, we all find you hilarious. Your mock seriousness, your devotion to the triumvirate of fools whose holes you lick on a daily basis. You're also gay. I know this - you know this. Everyone knows this. You reject all women unless they're the Mammy type cold inside Irish bitches the likes of the Shitstick, whose fanny you'd happily lick clean of her vaginal excretia. And then show her how you'll swallow it too, such is your experience of nasty women. You don't trust them. You don't let them get too close. You eye them warily. And why is that?

Because your Ma died and left you in the incapable hands of your drunk Da.

You're a classic text-book case of 'little boy lost'.

That's why she pulled you in close - her own son's a handicapped little runt who she sent to a aromatherapist to cure his rather severe full-body acne.

You're on your own, kid - nobody wants you around; you have no friends, no and worthy enemies either - bar members of other sites you're banned from.

Face it: without me your days would inevitably lead you to topping yourself: by whatever means are to hand.

Without me around, you serve no purpose whatsoever.

Ireland doesn't need you - you need her, because you know you couldn't/wouldn't make it anywhere else.

You're a spare prick in a world full of the men you traipse around after.

Utterly, utterly gay.
Dunning-Kruger is reserved for a particular type of idiot, flerfs being the perfect example

You (also an idiot)? You freely admit that you don't know anything about anything

Nah, I simply don't bother with your 'I'm down with the kids' type abbreviations.

They bore me.

But not you.

Think about that.
Now, now, Mister Bucket. It's a well established fact that you are the father of a known criminal in the greater Monaghan area who robbed from grannies and granddads as they slept in their beds, and then sold the gear he robbed for drink money so he wasn't under your feet all day and night; so it's no shock to anyone bar your Arsefield's pals that you yourself are a liar, a thief, enabler of Irish-born thieves, protector of Irish-born thieves, and therefore a dupe nationalist by lie and by fakery.

And as you well know, when Mowl bites down on you he sinks his teeth deep and doesn't let go - try wriggling your lazy dole-sponging arse out of that one, cunt.


Moore Street traders have always been on their own, you fucking twat - just ask the tax man. Yeah, Moorse Street is a fucking dump. It stinks all the time: piss and puke, shite and rotting fruit and vegetables, rats running wild, garbage dumped anywhere and everywhere. Pickpockets, street dealers selling drugs. Migrants in shoe-box sized 'mobile phone repairs and unlocking' shops selling weed and hash. Dealing in stolen phones, laptops, you name it.

Those Roma you see hanging around aren't anything unusual for the entire EU. We have them up here: litter louts, smashing stuff when they're drunk. Clattering their wives and kids around in broad daylight on the streets. Mooching at the metro stations and picking pockets. You can spot them a mile off in the national dress-code. Except up here we don't just watch them closely, we report them. The cops move them along. It usually ends in tears when some bloke is carted off after trying to punch a female copper. In short, nobody wants them around, anywhere. So we keep them moving, on the hop all day every day.

As for your big, brave bollocksology in 'barging through them'?

You utterly fucking stupid and cowardly cunt.

When you physically and aggressively barge into one of their women, their men go after your women. When you step up to one of their men with threats and warnings of violence, their men batter the shite out of the next Irish weakling that passes them. When you 'let them know what you think of them' they'll return the favour by going after the Irish old Dears trying to run their stalls. They'll start lighting up the plastic bins, ganging up on traders and shop-keepers and robbing everything not nailed down before legging it (at a fairly moderate pace, what with the complete absence of any active security or law) and by the time you're at home having your first tin of many, many cheap beers, Moore Street is still afire after your big-balls cowardly-bastard rodent behaviour.

You shouldn't even fucking need this to be explained to you, but given the rat-like sewer-dweller you are, I have to tell you anyway. It's cowardly bastards exactly like you who cause the most fucking trouble and backlash for your own fellow Irish folk. For every scumbag like you who shows their disdain through yellow-ratty teeth, they have half a dozen. Every time you spit at their feet, that's another young Irish girl going to have her bag, phone, shoes, jacket, and virginity stolen.

You were always a fucking loud-mouth bullshitter though, so none of this comes as any surprise.

You're the problem, arseholes exactly like you - cunts who think they're one step above the drunks, junkies, and knackers that roam your capital city.

You ain't.

You're a fucking shit-stirring coward.

Next time, try stopping and looking one of them in the eye and telling him exactly what you think rather than throwing him a dirty look and some muttered profanities before quickly hopping onto the Red Line home to your beans on toast, you utterly fucking cretinous scumbag. Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you.

Sincerely -



Post in thread 'An Open Letter to Atheists' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/an-open-letter-to-atheists.710/post-107960

This would be for the confirmed atheists on the site rather than for casual consumption.

Who would that be? I can't think of any since I left and Fishalt left (who was last seen doing his 'agnostic' routine anyway).

Secondly, someone should really tell the theists that atheists don't actually watch their tedious videos (due to a lack of interest).


Post in thread 'An Open Letter to Atheists' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/an-open-letter-to-atheists.710/post-107960

This would be for the confirmed atheists on the site rather than for casual consumption.

Who would that be? I can't think of any since I left and Fishalt left (who was last seen doing his 'agnostic' routine anyway).

Secondly, someone should really tell the theists that atheists don't actually watch their tedious videos (due to a lack of interest).
It's like Dawkins said to the boy O'Connor - WTF would you (an atheist) do a degree in theology 😆
Mowl, also an atheist,

No, active atheism requires me to either agree or deny the existence of a God.

I do neither - because it's beneath me to even consider the one or the other.

What's the point in arguing about a myth?

Cuchulain wore knickers: debate me.

would rather scratch his eyes out after pouring cement in his ears than watch that video 🤣

..or any of your videos, links, postcards, quotes, songs by Oasis, gossip about Liam G, and lies about yourself.

Eh, thanks?

No, active atheism requires me to either agree or deny the existence of a God.
Come again?

I do neither - because it's beneath me to even consider the one or the other.

What's the point in arguing about a myth?

Cuchulain wore knickers: debate me.
..or any of your videos, links, postcards, quotes, songs by Oasis, gossip about Liam G, and lies about yourself.
I suppose you were a bad example to give because you're not really interested in anything

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