
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Funnily enough, the term (as it relates to religious belief) was coined by Thomas Henry Huxley, 'Darwin's bulldog' and has been used to appease theists ever since

I have no recollection of you ever saying that.
I have

Or try some of this new strain of weed called 'Gorilla' - it's a monster.
What was?
'Agnosticism'. To placate theists. That's why Huxley ('Darwin's bulldog') came up with it

Ironically enough, evolution (theory of) isn't exactly popular today with theists but back then, blasphemy would have been more serious and so Huxley was trying to avoid that charge and nowadays theists love it when atheists call themselves 'agnostic', it calms them the f*ck down, twas always thus
I often wonder how that engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin puts up with his details and go-see photograph selection (standard kit for working actors/models) being bandied about on Arsefields?

I mean it's not as if the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin is on de telly a lot.

Personally, if I were in the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin's shoes, I wouldn't like it.

Perhaps the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin ought to tread more carefully?

I really hope not, because the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin seems a nice enough chap to me. Not exactly a fashion magazine front page/centrefold spread for the bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin, now is he?

At least now Arsefield's has someone to counter the bile posted by the entire crew over there, and so I say let engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin shine on. He can think for himself, and indeed write far better than any of the utter mongs and culchie half-wits on the site.
Mods vs Roc_ers

Ah, Jimmy - you're awake.
It's two oclock in the afternoon mind you, but sure at least we know you haven't topped yourself yet.

Read it hours ago - you should have gotten up when your alarm went off at 1100.

You'll never save Ireland keeping hours like those.

Why does the first clown or actor* lie about Japanese citizenship (after he's done espousing magic dirt theory)?

As a reference point, and it's not a lie either, you complete fucking dope.

*This may well be a mock interview (the guy who posted it on his Twatter is an anti-white fag anyway)

So you reckon Twiter/X is worse than telegram?

Personally, I totally admire the neck on engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin. He knows that the eejits on Arsefield's aren't to be taken seriously. Like myself the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin likes to poke at idiots to see how they respond.

I mean, if you were invited to have a chat and a beer paid for by the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin what are the chances you'd turn it down? I doubt you'd have the balls to face someone like engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin. I get along quite well with the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin. We share a taste in clattering idiot posters like yourself, Jimmy. You're no match for the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin, so stop kidding yourself about the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin and post another Oasis cover of a Beatles song.
Ah, Jimmy - you're awake.
It's two oclock in the afternoon mind you, but sure at least we know you haven't topped yourself yet.

Read it hours ago - you should have gotten up when your alarm went off at 1100.

You'll never save Ireland keeping hours like those.
As a reference point, and it's not a lie either, you complete fucking dope.

So you reckon Twiter/X is worse than telegram?

Personally, I totally admire the neck on engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin. He knows that the eejits on Arsefield's aren't to be taken seriously. Like myself the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin likes to poke at idiots to see how they respond.

I mean, if you were invited to have a chat and a beer paid for by the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin what are the chances you'd turn it down? I doubt you'd have the balls to face someone like engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin. I get along quite well with the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin. We share a taste in clattering idiot posters like yourself, Jimmy. You're no match for the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin, so stop kidding yourself about the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin and post another Oasis cover of a Beatles song.

That's it?

Jaze, not very vexatious at all from the pusillanimous Jimmy Dawson, just out of bed and already three tins into a slab of Dutch Gold.
Haven't you anything nasty to say about the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin?
I think he's a gas, our engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin.

You, not so much.
For anyone who's as retarded as Mowl, the guy in the video claims that someone born in Japan to two Irish parents would be a Japanese citizen i.e. Japan has birthright citizenship. A lie
For anyone who's as retarded as Mowl, the guy in the video claims that someone born in Japan to two Irish parents would be a Japanese citizen i.e. Japan has birthright citizenship. A lie

So you watched the video, listened to what the random nobody-of-any-great-importance said, decided you disagree, and now you're calling him a liar?

Even our pal the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin would laugh at that.
So you watched the video, listened to what the random nobody-of-any-great-importance said, decided you disagree, and now you're calling him a liar?
I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is a lie, mocked up by a few anti-white goons

Even our pal the engineer and bit-part actor/extra Rory O'Connor of 178 Moreen Road, Sandyford Road Co. Dublin would laugh at that.
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