
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

This is the same James "super sleuth" Dawson whose "sleuthing" turned up the thing underlying the problems this country has as something some vicious, ignorant yanks termed "antiwhiteism"?

You're some fucking chimp, Jambo.

Here's a tip for your future "sleuthing" - Watch how that creep continually turns adjectives into Nouns.

It's not a grammatical error, it is a rhetorical device.

Like how the creep always refers to "Hitlerism" (saying things like that this "Hitlerism" is "... very much out of fashion...", to deny the constancy in human nature of elements like fascism or antisemitism.

I.e. It was just an odd momentary idealism that some people got sucked into, the same as "Fascistic".)

And that's apart from the same habits of missed words, and vocabulary, idioms,and manner of speaking that you can observe across the two handles, and you can observe always these type of "devices".

Or consider the pious 50's style catholic persona that was born in their "Ratio Et Fides" handle post Paradosis.

Paradosis: "... Oh crap; I think I showed that I have a huge interest in the early Irish Church..." ....... Getting away from Vatican II type cowardice faithful Catholics know that homosexuality is caused but they people NOT wanting to have God infront of or inside them. Also there are no homosexuals, only homosexual desires and acts. Its not rocket science...".

Also noting in the above again that there are no homosexuals, only what he later decides to only refer to as "Homosexualism".

Similarly there are no Nazis, rather they are "... NSADP members who were horrified to discover the details of the Shoah and repudiated Hitlerism because of it...", etc).

That's what his capitalising "Fascistic" is about.
Trying to teach Jambo even the most basic approach to copping himself on is like attempting to educate a monkey how to clean out his hard drive history.

Or even wipe his own arse.
This is the same James "super sleuth" Dawson whose "sleuthing" turned up the thing underlying the problems this country has as something some vicious, ignorant yanks termed "antiwhiteism"?

You're some fucking chimp, Jambo.

Here's a tip for your future "sleuthing" - Watch how that creep continually turns adjectives into Nouns.

It's not a grammatical error, it is a rhetorical device.

Like how the creep always refers to "Hitlerism" (saying things like that this "Hitlerism" is "... very much out of fashion...", to deny the constancy in human nature of elements like fascism or antisemitism.

I.e. It was just an odd momentary idealism that some people got sucked into, the same as "Fascistic".)

And that's apart from the same habits of missed words, and vocabulary, idioms,and manner of speaking that you can observe across the two handles, and you can observe always these type of "devices".

Or consider the pious 50's style catholic persona that was born in their "Ratio Et Fides" handle post Paradosis.

Paradosis: "... Oh crap; I think I showed that I have a huge interest in the early Irish Church..." ....... Getting away from Vatican II type cowardice faithful Catholics know that homosexuality is caused but they people NOT wanting to have God infront of or inside them. Also there are no homosexuals, only homosexual desires and acts. Its not rocket science...".

Also noting in the above again that there are no homosexuals, only what he later decides to only refer to as "Homosexualism".

Similarly there are no Nazis, rather they are "... NSADP members who were horrified to discover the details of the Shoah and repudiated Hitlerism because of it...", etc).

That's what his capitalising "Fascistic" is about.
You sad bastard Jambo.

I think Jambo is so far gone that the only way anyone can get through to him is to talk in memes, white supremacist catch phrases and single syllables.

Jambo. Can you hear us in there (from within your indoctrinated empty idiot brain with its simplistic chess and poker algorithms, and databases of stupid memes)?

What's with you and that ghoulish lying old man freak Golah, hey?

You sad bastard Jambo.

I think Jambo is so far gone that the only way anyone can get through to him is to talk in memes, white supremacist catch phrases and single syllables.

Jambo. Can you hear us in there (from within your indoctrinated empty idiot brain with its simplistic chess and poker algorithms, and databases of stupid memes)?

What's with you and that ghoulish lying old man freak Golah, hey?

lol The Left Jews can't meme?

I've expressed my disdain for framing things as woke, wokeism, being anti-woke etc. before. It really doesn't explicitly say much about antiwhiteism and I prefer the term cultural Marxism instead of woke anyway

Secondly, painting yourself as some sort of 'centrist' is laughable. You're a mentally retarded (low IQ), paranoid, psychotic, anti-white Jew

As for SwordOfStZip, presumably the connection you're making between me and her, her and I, is antisemitism. Which is all you're really concerned about at the end of the day
lol The Left Jews can't meme?

I've expressed my disdain for framing things as woke, wokeism, being anti-woke etc. before. It really doesn't explicitly say much about antiwhiteism and I prefer the term cultural Marxism instead of woke anyway
Secondly, painting yourself as some sort of 'centrist' is laughable. You're a mentally retarded (low IQ), paranoid, psychotic, anti-white Jew

As for SwordOfStZip, presumably the connection you're making between me and her, her and I, is antisemitism. Which is all you're really concerned about at the end of the day

Thread 'Trump's policy of zero tolerance for antisemitism.' https://politics.ie/threads/trumps-policy-of-zero-tolerance-for-antisemitism.290727/

Thread 'Trump's policy of zero tolerance for antisemitism.' https://politics.ie/threads/trumps-policy-of-zero-tolerance-for-antisemitism.290727/
Post in thread 'Trump's policy of zero tolerance for antisemitism.' https://politics.ie/threads/trumps-policy-of-zero-tolerance-for-antisemitism.290727/post-14110348

You're actually right (for once in your life) distinguishing between far left and 'white supremacist' antisemitism (you know your antisemitism well) but I fail to see how one is more "overt" than the other - that was probably a Freudian slip

Thread 'Trump's policy of zero tolerance for antisemitism.' https://politics.ie/threads/trumps-policy-of-zero-tolerance-for-antisemitism.290727/

Another productive day from Jambo - with his dog whistle and a copy of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.

Dublin's on fire again, but like Zippy/Swordid, he has his eyes fixed firmly on the Jewish issue.

The Taoiseach lambasted protestors in a variety of interviews and broadcasts, but with his party falling apart at the seams with resignations and inner turmoil, Jambo lets his big chance to climb aboard the protestor's bus slide. Again. Protest from home. Agitate the knackers, tell them all sorts of things like: 'these five hundred men aren't 'un-vetted males', these are the first wave of incoming migrants - the men are sent first to get a foot in the door in Ireland and then after they do? Their wives and kids will join them later when things have settled down'.

This is their excuse: men first, then the six or eight immediate family members next.

Measured across five hundred male imports, with an average of say three kids and a wife that's only around twenty-five thousand imports.

Post in thread 'Trump's policy of zero tolerance for antisemitism.' https://politics.ie/threads/trumps-policy-of-zero-tolerance-for-antisemitism.290727/post-14110348

You're actually right in distinguishing between far left and 'white supremacist' antisemitism (you know your antisemitism well) but I fail to see how one is more "overt" than the other - that was probably a Freudian slip

That's some great work you're doing for Ireland there, Jimmy.

Riot police, battered heads, arson, burning vehicles - cars, vans, diggers. Pepper spray, batons at the ready, van-loads of uniformed cops, un-uniformed cops, full military gear type riot coppers, and gang-loads of rubberneckers, arsonists in waiting, tent cities going up, tent cities going down. The canals on both sides of the river sequestered by the incoming foreigners the state loves and cares more for than you or yours. As I predicted, the Phoenix Park is now on their go-to list for safe places to pitch their tents. I know the park like the back of my hand and could offer information on a number of spots where they could set up and be left entirely alone as no-one would even know they're there unless they start lighting fires and attracting attention.

The canals are far from done with. If they won't let the hordes pitch up in the city, then they'll start to move west along the canals. That'll eventually bring them to areas like Dolphin's Barn, Crumlin, Drimnagh, and finally up to Ballyfermot and the Labre Park site. That's not going to go well. I hear whispers, working class people are getting a more than a bit pissed off with Harris's rhetoric: they aren't far right, they aren't even near right - they're pissed off locals used to getting shit on by the state no matter who is in power - but I doubt they're going to allow the hordes set up near our schools, creches, clinics and parks.

But by all means, Jimmy: keep yelling at those other sites you're barred from.

Maybe one day someone might even notice you there waving your arms in the air and screaming like a little bitch.

It's rats like you that has the poor blighted island in the state she's in right now.
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Mods vs Roc_ers & Kangal

Look at these two disgusting hasbaras agreeing with each other that the Irish people should just shut up, sit down, do nothing and accept empty platitudes from the gombeen man traitor bastards about muh much debate to be had -

Post in thread 'Dublin Anti-Mass Migration protest, 13 July 2024' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...igration-protest-13-july-2024.944/post-106348

Shout a bit louder, Jimmy - I don't think they can hear you unless the wind shifts.
Ir's a gas watching my pet white supremacist fan up in the back of the "away" peanut galleries, jumping up and down, screeching impotently, over-excitedly like a mildly retarded chimp, having impotent conniptions and regurgitating all his inane white supremacist sideline commentary. It's probably your best contribution to filling up the tiers of the "home" Isle peanut gallery, Jambi.
PS I have no idea what that Kangal chap is on about really, I have rarely read his posts. And can't make much sense of that post.
Ir's a gas watching my pet white supremacist fan up in the back of the "away" peanut galleries, jumping up and down, screeching impotently, over-excitedly like a mildly retarded chimp, having impotent conniptions and regurgitating all his inane white supremacist sideline commentary. It's probably your best contribution to filling up the tiers of the "home" Isle peanut gallery, Jambi.
Tbh, if I was you, I'd be more concerned with 'white supremacist' antisemitism than crusties waving Palestinian flags (who in the main support white genocide anyway), wouldn't you? 🤔
Jambo, for all the time I may have spent poking you around a petri dish, your ideology, toxic and dumb as a bag of bricks as it may be, has a tiny penetration, relatively. The reasons you offer why it might be legitimate to resume hating Jews are not compelling or acceptable to a majority. Those attacking Jews in this latest wave are crying slogans quite different to your own slogans.

'Our men'.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
God, the state of him. It strikes me he has the same pathetic "swagger" as that ex-postman chap who went around kicking dogs, that Philip Dwyer. It's so cringeworthy. They're retards. They're like the type of old fellows who get really into Airsoft or Paintball, buy all their own gear, and live out their dreams of being Rambo, or James Bond, unloading on all those who ever put them down, imagine they're getting their revenge on all those who ever laughed at them sitting in the corner in the dunce's hat; all the mean dogs that smelt out the inclinations in them and bit them in their flabby arses. Something very similar going on with Dan.
Tbh, if I was you, I'd be more concerned with 'white supremacist' antisemitism than crusties waving Palestinian flags (who in the main support white genocide anyway), wouldn't you? 🤔
Haha.. is anyone surprised that 'billy ran for the hills here?

He's perfectly content for the calling of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians what it is as antisemitic, but the last thing he would want is the "more overt" (chortle) 'white supremacist' antisemitism to be widely understood (then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down for the Juice)
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