This is the same James "super sleuth" Dawson whose "sleuthing" turned up the thing underlying the problems this country has as something some vicious, ignorant yanks termed "antiwhiteism"?
You're some fucking chimp, Jambo.
Here's a tip for your future "sleuthing" - Watch how that creep continually turns adjectives into Nouns.
It's not a grammatical error, it is a rhetorical device.
Like how the creep always refers to "Hitlerism" (saying things like that this "Hitlerism" is "... very much out of fashion...", to deny the constancy in human nature of elements like fascism or antisemitism.
I.e. It was just an odd momentary idealism that some people got sucked into, the same as "Fascistic".)
And that's apart from the same habits of missed words, and vocabulary, idioms,and manner of speaking that you can observe across the two handles, and you can observe always these type of "devices".
Or consider the pious 50's style catholic persona that was born in their "Ratio Et Fides" handle post Paradosis.
Paradosis: "... Oh crap; I think I showed that I have a huge interest in the early Irish Church..." ....... Getting away from Vatican II type cowardice faithful Catholics know that homosexuality is caused but they people NOT wanting to have God infront of or inside them. Also there are no homosexuals, only homosexual desires and acts. Its not rocket science...".
Also noting in the above again that there are no homosexuals, only what he later decides to only refer to as "Homosexualism".
Similarly there are no Nazis, rather they are "... NSADP members who were horrified to discover the details of the Shoah and repudiated Hitlerism because of it...", etc).
That's what his capitalising "Fascistic" is about.
You're some fucking chimp, Jambo.
Here's a tip for your future "sleuthing" - Watch how that creep continually turns adjectives into Nouns.
It's not a grammatical error, it is a rhetorical device.
Like how the creep always refers to "Hitlerism" (saying things like that this "Hitlerism" is "... very much out of fashion...", to deny the constancy in human nature of elements like fascism or antisemitism.
I.e. It was just an odd momentary idealism that some people got sucked into, the same as "Fascistic".)
And that's apart from the same habits of missed words, and vocabulary, idioms,and manner of speaking that you can observe across the two handles, and you can observe always these type of "devices".
Or consider the pious 50's style catholic persona that was born in their "Ratio Et Fides" handle post Paradosis.
Paradosis: "... Oh crap; I think I showed that I have a huge interest in the early Irish Church..." ....... Getting away from Vatican II type cowardice faithful Catholics know that homosexuality is caused but they people NOT wanting to have God infront of or inside them. Also there are no homosexuals, only homosexual desires and acts. Its not rocket science...".
Also noting in the above again that there are no homosexuals, only what he later decides to only refer to as "Homosexualism".
Similarly there are no Nazis, rather they are "... NSADP members who were horrified to discover the details of the Shoah and repudiated Hitlerism because of it...", etc).
That's what his capitalising "Fascistic" is about.