
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

(Not-even-a) Midwit Sargon (you don't know who he is, I know) typifies tldr and his "path to enlightenment". tldr is one of biggest gobshites on Arsefield's and that's saying something
What difference does it make? 🤔

The only person who's going to be barred on Arsefield's is Declan and the rest of the Arsefielders - by me

I will give him (Declan) a final chance to avoid that course of action by barring the Australian mong, Fishalt
What difference does it make?

To me?

Fuck all, none, niente.

Yeah, okay.


The only person who's going to be barred on Arsefield's is Declan and the rest of the Arsefielder's - by me


I will give him (Declan) a final chance to avoid that course of action by barring the Australian mong, Fishalt

Hah hah! What a dope.

I'm sure he cares.

What are you going to do?

Fly over to Boston for a 'straightener' ?
I'm not going to partake on a site that has a retarded, spamming toddler running around with a banhammer

Ultimately, by the way, Fishalt is just another one of my bunny boilers, a la Doggy
Is it my imagination or has your (anti-social) spam been getting worse lately the Mowl Mowl?

I know you've been pulling a few all-nighters recently.. which to you is to try to stay up (after a long day's drinking and drugging) and still post compos mentis until about 8-9pm (your time)

But you really shouldn't do that, it's only wearing you out and remember why you usn't do it in the first place
Is it my imagination or has your (anti-social) spam been getting worse lately the Mowl Mowl?

Nah, that's just your jealousy - the bugged-out green-eyed monster that has you permanently caught in my slipstream.

I know you've been pulling a few all-nighters recently.. which to you is to try to stay up (after a long day's drinking and drugging) and still post compos mentis until about 8-9pm (your time)

Yeah - last weekend was a banger.

I noticed that you stayed home posting on Friday and Saturday nights into the wee hours.

It must suck having no pals or anywhere to go?

Just you and your porn list, a few angry posts onto the gay bar site, some self-congratulation over here, and then another little wank before beddy-byes.

But you really shouldn't do that, it's only wearing you out and remember why you usn't do it in the first place

Err, what?

You're on the Dutch Gold already, aren't you?

When did your dole cheque arrive?
The only eh, discipline you have is not to (incessantly) post after about 5-6pm (your time) is the realisation that you're smashed

No one else in the history of Irish political fora does that - you're obviously drinkin n druggin all day
The only eh, discipline you have is not to (incessantly) post after about 5-6pm (your time) is the realisation that you're smashed

They don't sell Dutch Gold in Finland, Jambo.

The Irish government are happy enough that you're a fan of the Dutch method.

No one else in the history of Irish political fora does that - you're obviously drinkin n druggin all day

Yeah - what are on just now?




Your monthly pain killers for the cramps?

1800 hours (Finnish)

1600 GMT

Mowl's finished

Obviously not, Darling.

16 hour sleep and he'll be back tomorrow (with the same shite)

I had the best sleep ever last night, Shay - so did herself, but only after taking care of business.

Ever gotten laid, Jambo?


IQ: -77

Poor Jambo - he can't get anything right these days.

That Dutch Gold is a blight on the working class Irish out in Coolock.
Mowl would have us believe that he's too busy with his hareem to have time for the internet after 1800 hours.. It's utterly hilarious 🤣
Hopefully there weren't any kids around this time

The sauna can be used by a whole family if they book and reserve it.

The kids will either go if they want to or else not if they don't want to.

But they always want to.

It's sad that a man of your years can't tell the difference between a sexual setting and a spiritual one.

But that's why you're on Dutch Gold all day and I'm not.

But, I know you, you can't get enough of the sweaty, hairy pits. You're a man of the twenty-twenties

You have a problem with women who don't shave their oxters, Jambo?

How about men?

Do you trim your armpit hair or do you - like Val - wait until an infection kicks in before you wash them?
The sauna can be used by a whole family if they book and reserve it.

The kids will either go if they want to or else not if they don't want to.

But they always want to.

It's sad that a man of your years can't tell the difference between a sexual setting and a spiritual one.

But that's why you're on Dutch Gold all day and I'm not.
You can call naked men being around naked boys anything you like

You have a problem with women who don't shave their oxters, Jambo?
Yes, I do

It's disgusting

To you it's something, something sensibilities

But you're a faggot

How about men?

Do you trim your armpit hair or do you - like Val - wait until an infection kicks in before you wash them?
You can call naked men being around naked boys anything you like

This is Finland - not a Christian brothers school in Ireland, Shay.

So, about your armpit issues:

Yes, I do


It's disgusting

In what way?

To you it's something, something sensibilities

To me it's sexy - so long as it isn't body-wide.

Nobody likes a heavy bush, right?

But you're amazing to me, I think about you all the time..

I know.

One day you'll eventually feel your balls drop into place.

Until then, take your orders/direction from Keef Woods and stand up for Urrland.

Good man.
This is Finland - not a Christian brothers school in Ireland, Shay.

So, about your armpit issues:

In what way?

To me it's sexy - so long as it isn't body-wide.

Nobody likes a heavy bush, right?
I know that you're not attracted to women (adult females)

I know.

One day you'll eventually feel your balls drop into place.

Until then, take your orders/direction from Keef Woods and stand up for Urrland.

Good man.
Whoa! You're on your second slab already, Jambo?

How much do you get on the dole these days?

Or is it just your Da who's on the scratcher and you sponge off him?

Or maybe you just nick the tins from his slab after he's passed out face down on the kitchen table, a picture of you just after you were born crushed in the palm of his rather shaky hand? Jambo - how sure are you that he's your real Da?

Maybe that's why he hates you?
Mowl, you don't seem to realise how easy this puzzle is..

So, you could claim that you're eh, cerebral (but everyone knows that you're a dunce (with an above room temperature IQ)) and you see the eh, inner beauty of someone like Paul J Harvey and other girls with hairy pits.

But then you also act the macho man, the two don't add up, the whole thing's an act. You're as faggoty as f*king Christmas
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