Yeah - but The Bangles are still shite.
Yes, do you have a more interesting question?
How do you feel about Mowl being centre-stage in the world's happiest country, Jambo?
Do you think I just rolled the globe and threw a dart at it when deciding it was time to go?
Or have you finally copped on that my life as a touring musician actually had another more devious (and subversive) plan behind the mask? That I was actually doing something other than playing bars and clubs? That I was looking for the most fertile ground to plant my seed? See, that's the difference between you and me: you can see exactly how you're being fucked over, but you still sit there letting them slap you round the jaw.
I went through all that too, but by the time I was done with the courts and my obligations to my school mates and hometown, I was already hatching plans to get the hell out of there from age thirteen. My parents told me beforehand: '
making your statement is one thing. What comes after that is another thing altogether, but you have choices: you don't HAVE to stay here, you can go anywhere you like with your skills..'
I enjoyed touring all over Ireland and playing pubs and town festivals as a kid with my bodhran. But once I got my passport I was already long gone. I only ever came home to do my laundry, catch a breath, then fuck off again. And of all the places I've been, none appealed to me more than Helsinki and Finland. It was virgin territory. they barely spoke English. They were meek and mild, they were genuinely amazed that I was so interested in their way of life. So I explained to them that catching a wave and being in the right place at the right time is an art, a skill not many possess. In time, it became exactly the right place because to my eyes - most of the elements were already in place - I just had to bridge the gap and find my feet. So as a musician, I kept hitting Helsinki over the years for work and then took to spending my winters here before moving permanently.
It's better to know what to expect than show up like your man over on Pish did: arrived on the Saturday, started work on the Monday, booked a ticket out by the Wednesday, and was gone the next Friday - pockets emptied. A total failure in every possible way.
So yeah - interesting questions - that was it, right?
How does it feel to NOT live in the world's happiest country, Seamus?
Would you like to come up and have a wee sample of happiness, Jimmy?
Ask me anything - I'll answer you honestly, Jambo.
I swear, but..