
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

And you've carried this resentment throughout your entire life.

Resentment? Moi? Hardly. In fact, the only thing I'm at all resentful about is that I didn't move up here sooner so that I could have been much happier for much longer. Long enough to be SO happy I'm even willing to share some you, you miserable cunt.

You Prods were always cold like that: it's one of the reasons that I fucked your women as hard as I did whenever I played shows in Proddy clubs and bars.

Being the sluts they are they thought I was being all passionate with them.

I wasn't - I was just pleasing myself at their expense.

I don't do that any more though - so your kids are safe enough.

That's if your seed has any vitality left in it at all.

Instead of looking inwards, you're in a constant state of lashing out

How about this, Seamus:





Ring any bells?

Anyway: well done, Jambo: you've taken your beating like a man, or near enough.

I've rarely slapped anyone around as much as I have done to you today, so pat yourself on the back for staying the distance.

It's now Mowl time for me - I have sauna in ten minutes, cold beers too. Then supper, which tonight is my own variation on Swedish meatballs on pepper sauce. I'd normally choose a red wine with a red sauce, but tonight I'm sticking to beer in the sauna and Bellini's after with a few spliffs of any one of four strains I'm currently sampling.

These ones here, in fact:

So anyway, I got into the second top class (of eight, I think) despite being what I effectively thought was being marked out of 66.6% (recurring).

I can't tell you how morto I was when I first went to Irish class. I mean, there were kids who were practically fluent, been to the Gaeltacht n shit. I couldn't have shrunk any lower in my seat..

Yeah, yeah - okay - we've got it.

See, I have a sauna to get to, and I have that box-load of weed to enjoy afterwards - I haven't the time to be listening to your miserable life story.

I'm far too busy being happy, you see.

Ever tried it?

Being happy, I mean - the weed you wouldn't even be able to afford one strain of: I have four, and they're all free, see?

Even the one marked 'Mild' is a fucking creeper: you think it's not that strong until you get up and find yourself wondering why. Then you sit down again and can't figure out what you just got up for. So you have another one and feel better about it all.

And here: forget Gaelic - you'll never be able to speak it in your lifetime, which may be long but it'll always be pale next to mine.



Seeya - I've some happiness issues here I have to deal with, y'know?


Ahh, sure...
Resentment? Moi? Hardly. In fact, the only thing I'm at all resentful about is that I didn't move up here sooner so that I could have been much happier for much longer. Long enough to be SO happy I'm even willing to share some you, you miserable cunt.
That doesn't make much sense Mowl (I don't think you know what resentment means).. I'll get back to your post in a bit (I feel like a sandwich)

You Prods were always cold like that: it's one of the reasons that I fucked your women as hard as I did whenever I played shows in Proddy clubs and bars.

Being the sluts they are they thought I was being all passionate with them.

I wasn't - I was just pleasing myself at their expense.

I don't do that any more though - so your kids are safe enough.

That's if your seed has any vitality left in it at all.

How about this, Seamus:

Ring any bells?

Anyway: well done, Jambo: you've taken your beating like a man, or near enough.

I've rarely slapped anyone around as much as I have done to you today, so pat yourself on the back for staying the distance.

It's now Mowl time for me - I have sauna in ten minutes, cold beers too. Then supper, which tonight is my own variation on Swedish meatballs on pepper sauce. I'd normally choose a red wine with a red sauce, but tonight I'm sticking to beer in the sauna and Bellini's after with a few spliffs of any one of four strains I'm currently sampling.

These ones here, in fact:

Yeah, yeah - okay - we've got it.

See, I have a sauna to get to, and I have that box-load of weed to enjoy afterwards - I haven't the time to be listening to your miserable life story.

I'm far too busy being happy, you see.

Ever tried it?

Being happy, I mean - the weed you wouldn't even be able to afford one strain of: I have four, and they're all free, see?

Even the one marked 'Mild' is a fucking creeper: you think it's not that strong until you get up and find yourself wondering why. Then you sit down again and can't figure out what you just got up for. So you have another one and feel better about it all.

And here: forget Gaelic - you'll never be able to speak it in your lifetime, which may be long but it'll always be pale next to mine.



Seeya - I've some happiness issues here I have to deal with, y'know?


Ahh, sure...
Resentment? Moi? Hardly. In fact, the only thing I'm at all resentful about is that I didn't move up here sooner so that I could have been much happier for much longer. Long enough to be SO happy I'm even willing to share some you, you miserable cunt.
That doesn't make much sense Mowl (I don't think you know what resentment means).. I'll get back to your post in a bit (I feel like a sandwich)

You Prods were always cold like that: it's one of the reasons that I fucked your women as hard as I did whenever I played shows in Proddy clubs and bars.

Being the sluts they are they thought I was being all passionate with them.

I wasn't - I was just pleasing myself at their expense.

I don't do that any more though - so your kids are safe enough.

That's if your seed has any vitality left in it at all.

How about this, Seamus:

Ring any bells?

Anyway: well done, Jambo: you've taken your beating like a man, or near enough.

I've rarely slapped anyone around as much as I have done to you today, so pat yourself on the back for staying the distance.

It's now Mowl time for me - I have sauna in ten minutes, cold beers too. Then supper, which tonight is my own variation on Swedish meatballs on pepper sauce. I'd normally choose a red wine with a red sauce, but tonight I'm sticking to beer in the sauna and Bellini's after with a few spliffs of any one of four strains I'm currently sampling.

These ones here, in fact:

Yeah, yeah - okay - we've got it.

See, I have a sauna to get to, and I have that box-load of weed to enjoy afterwards - I haven't the time to be listening to your miserable life story.

I'm far too busy being happy, you see.

Ever tried it?

Being happy, I mean - the weed you wouldn't even be able to afford one strain of: I have four, and they're all free, see?

Even the one marked 'Mild' is a fucking creeper: you think it's not that strong until you get up and find yourself wondering why. Then you sit down again and can't figure out what you just got up for. So you have another one and feel better about it all.

And here: forget Gaelic - you'll never be able to speak it in your lifetime, which may be long but it'll always be pale next to mine.



Seeya - I've some happiness issues here I have to deal with, y'know?


Ahh, sure...
Ah, that's better. Where were we? 🤔

Resentment? Moi? Hardly. In fact, the only thing I'm at all resentful about is that I didn't move up here sooner so that I could have been much happier for much longer. Long enough to be SO happy I'm even willing to share some you, you miserable cunt.
Yep, done that..

You Prods were always cold like that:
We were?

it's one of the reasons that I fucked your women as hard as I did whenever I played shows in Proddy clubs and bars.
Eh, okay

Being the sluts they are they thought I was being all passionate with them.

I wasn't - I was just pleasing myself at their expense.
You're coming across as fairly fucking creepy

I don't do that any more though - so your kids are safe enough.
My kids?

Neither of us have kids Mowl so we're both failures in that regard

By the way, I don't particularly have any affinity with Protestants (unless you're talking about my first girlfriend in primary school, Lisa) and not least because I amn't one. I'm an atheist

That's if your seed has any vitality left in it at all.

How about this, Seamus:

Ring any bells?

Anyway: well done, Jambo: you've taken your beating like a man, or near enough.

I've rarely slapped anyone around as much as I have done to you today, so pat yourself on the back for staying the distance.

It's now Mowl time for me - I have sauna in ten minutes, cold beers too. Then supper, which tonight is my own variation on Swedish meatballs on pepper sauce. I'd normally choose a red wine with a red sauce, but tonight I'm sticking to beer in the sauna and Bellini's after with a few spliffs of any one of four strains I'm currently sampling.

These ones here, in fact:

Yeah, yeah - okay - we've got it.

See, I have a sauna to get to, and I have that box-load of weed to enjoy afterwards - I haven't the time to be listening to your miserable life story.

I'm far too busy being happy, you see.

Ever tried it?

Being happy, I mean - the weed you wouldn't even be able to afford one strain of: I have four, and they're all free, see?

Even the one marked 'Mild' is a fucking creeper: you think it's not that strong until you get up and find yourself wondering why. Then you sit down again and can't figure out what you just got up for. So you have another one and feel better about it all.

And here: forget Gaelic - you'll never be able to speak it in your lifetime, which may be long but it'll always be pale next to mine.



Seeya - I've some happiness issues here I have to deal with, y'know?


Ahh, sure...
I didn't really see anything worth replying to here so, have a nice sauna
How many times did you, in your own words, stand up, forget why, and then sit back down again, can you remember?



But that'll soon change: I have to get things ready for tonight's fun at the studio: the engineer we're using has a birthday today but had his party last week. He's bringing all the booze that was left over after the bash down for us to have - he doesn't drink himself. Plus I have (as you saw) a few great strains of weed for us to try. They have a few too.

How about you?

All set for another cozy Friday evening in with your device?

Does time move slower for you when you can't have online arguments with strangers on the gay bar site or does time stand completely still?

I can't imagine a life like yours as being in any way happy or healthy. You never go out. I mean, even Roundy gets out at least once a day to wash the van and lay some fresh rat poison around the basement.

How many times did I, in my own own words, stand up, forget why, and then sit back down again, can you remember?



No - wait: tennis racquet?
Mowl Mowl, you're a Catholic,

Lapsed, I'm afraid.

My resignation was tendered and later returned to sender - back in 1996.

can I ask you how much time you spend thinking about God's existence? 🤔

None at all.


Did you imagine me getting down to pray before my beddy-byes?

Nah, I answered that question to myself before I turned eighteen. In fact, I stopped going to church altogether at age twelve: that was the house rule. You can choose to quit if you want to, but a clear explanation must be made. I explained that the first meeting I had with the cops was the day I resigned officially from the church. Father Arthur, my dear old friend, counseled me after I got booted out of St John's College for cracking one of Gerry's teeth and bloodying up his nose.

Neither of us wanted to fight, we were goaded into it by dozens of our schoolmates.

I only hit him once, it was the only blow I even attempted to strike.

He'd exhausted himself already trying to get close enough to hit me, but my arms and legs are very long, see?

I just kept him at bay until I saw a clear moment: then I struck, full force - right on the tip of the nose.

Cracked front tooth, nose in rag order.

Arthur went up to the school to plead my case and it worked out: next morning I had to apologize to Gerry in front of the whole classroom.

We were mates, both of us artistic - even if he dressed in classic boot boy gear.

He's a builder now, he did the concrete flooring in the basement of a gaff I did up down in Ringsend years ago.

He had his tooth replaced by then - the one I cracked rotted and he had to get it pulled.

A bit like Val's current gob situation.

Got your Dutch Gold in for tonight, Jimmy?
Lapsed, I'm afraid.

My resignation was tendered and later returned to sender - back in 1996.
Oh, so you're an atheist? 🤔

None at all.

I'll tell you in second..

Did you imagine me getting down to pray before my beddy-byes?

Nah, I answered that question to myself before I turned eighteen. In fact, I stopped going to church altogether at age twelve: that was the house rule. You can choose to quit if you want to, but a clear explanation must be made. I explained that the first meeting I had with the cops was the day I resigned officially from the church. Father Arthur, my dear old friend, counseled me after I got booted out of St John's College for cracking one of Gerry's teeth and bloodying up his nose.

Neither of us wanted to fight, we were goaded into it by dozens of our schoolmates.

I only hit him once, it was the only blow I even attempted to strike.

He'd exhausted himself already trying to get close enough to hit me, but my arms and legs are very long, see?

I just kept him at bay until I saw a clear moment: then I struck, full force - right on the tip of the nose.

Cracked front tooth, nose in rag order.
What, like this? (I take it that you didn't follow it up with the hammer fist) -

Arthur went up to the school to plead my case and it worked out: next morning I had to apologize to Gerry in front of the whole classroom.

We were mates, both of us artistic - even if he dressed in classic boot boy gear.

He's a builder now, he did the concrete flooring in the basement of a gaff I did up down in Ringsend years ago.

He had his tooth replaced by then - the one I cracked rotted and he had to get it pulled.

A bit like Val's current gob situation.

Got your Dutch Gold in for tonight, Jimmy?
I don't drink Dutch Gold
It's funny that the Australian mong, Fishalt, couldn't manage a single post in the Leo Quits thread on Arsefield's.

Twenty posts in his "funny meme" spam thread, another twenty playing toy soldiers in the Ukraine junk thread, two on US politics (a tweet and a Tucker Carlson video) and another three on stout and whiskey - no problem.
Oh, so you're an atheist? 🤔

A militant atheist in my time: but that was then and I did what I had to do.

No regrets either.

I'll tell you in second..

Take your time - I have lots of happiness to share if you need some.

What, like this? (I take it that you didn't follow it up with the hammer fist)

No, not really. Gerry came at me with fists and boots flying all over the place, his coordination was second rate. As a drummer, I have complete independence in all four limbs. I also have pin-point accuracy also from the discipline of the basic rudiments of drumming. I also have rather long arms and legs and I stand at 6'2'' in my bare feet. So when a guy shorter and broader than I comes at me, I try to dodge and dance around my opponent to see where their balance and technique lies. Once I spot an opening, it's all over: one clean fist to the face (anywhere, doesn't matter) will either knock him flat out or else merely hurt him badly while setting him off in a rage.

Once the emotions are added in, the task gets even easier.

An angry and uncoordinated shorter opponent isn't much of a threat to me.

Gerry took the punch I gave him, but when the other bystanders were picking him up, I was already walking away. Then something really sad happened. He yelled down the street after me: 'I'm going to get my big brother after you - you're DEAD'.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned back to him with a look of total sorrow on my face: he was bleeding and holding his nose/mouth. I knew if I went back that the lads would force us to continue but Gerry had enough, he was all fucked up. I went home, told my parents what happened and waited until school next morning. As soon as I was in the gate, the teachers nabbed me and I brought to the head brother's office: he booted me out for three weeks.

I tried to explain that neither Gerry or I wanted to fight, that we were gang-banged into it.

Didn't care: Gerry had to go to the hospital and then the dentist - I was out on the streets two minutes later.

I walked towards home and the only thing I could feel was sympathy for Gerry - I liked the guy, we got on well.

Then Fr Arthur drove past and stopped the car, he asked what I was doing at ten in the morning walking away from school. I told him what happened, he took me over to his digs (the same one he shared with Anthony Walsh) and gave me a cup of tea and told me to wait there. An hour later he came back and told me to return to school after lunch break, things were sorted out.

I found out then that Gerry had made it clear he had no beef with me - only with the gang that banged us. We talked about it after school and forgave each other. I felt particularly bad because, for all the boots and swings he made, none really connected. I only hit him once, and when he fell, I was already picking up my school bag to leave. Then the thing about his brother: that was when I saw in his face that he didn't really mean a word of it, he was just trying to save face. I felt horrible. But we got over it and got on with things, even though a bond was broken.

Didn't see him again for years, he left after InterCert and went into building with his brother's business. Then started his own, and was hired to do the concrete in the basement of a house I was doing the finishing for. He was a huge fucker by then. But in his eyes?

Still the cheeky little teenage boot-boy I remembered.

We didn't talk about the scrap, ever.

But I'll never forget it.

Even though it turned out as it did, I've always been ashamed of hitting someone I considered a friend and fellow artist.

Perhaps I'd feel different if I just let him hit me a few times - fall over, get up again - and quit?

See, that opens another door to a whole other situation: I'd be constantly targeted like I was for being so tall in primary school. I had to learn to use my few attributes in violence like the Old Man taught me: height and length equals distance and accuracy. Better to make one big hit than stretch a scrap out and get bruised all over before taking the other fucker down. My specialty then was to weave and dodge and wait until I could grab the opponent's hand/wrist/arm and pull the fucker over my shoulder and head first into the dirt. I used that one loads of times. It got the fuckers off my back.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Violence isn't in my nature, it takes a lot to rile me up into a foaming-at-the-mouth anger.

Last scrap I was in was at the jazz club some years back: one sleazy fucker passed my lady and said some shit about her (rather large) breasts. I tapped him on the shoulder and said aloud: 'you ever speak to my lady like that again and I'll fuck you up'. He snarled at me and fucked off to the toilets, then came back pointing his phone at me saying his mates were coming over. So I stamped him on the back of the ankle with the heel of my boot. He swiped at me and missed. Then again. Another miss. After the third time I waited for his over-reach and then planted him right in the nose/teeth and down he went.

The music stopped, the bar staff and doorman came over and lifted the cunt up and tossed him out the front doors.

They barred him: they know me well for many years, they knew my (then) lady too (she's a popular chef) and that it certainly wasn't either of us who started the shit. They said that the same guy did the same shit all the time and I wasn't the first to plant him.

I don't drink Dutch Gold

Lookit: your name is Jambo and you chosen weapon IS Dutch Gold - everyone knows this.



Ahh.. . ..
A militant atheist in my time: but that was then and I did what I had to do.

No regrets either.

Take your time - I have lots of happiness to share if you need some.
Have you ever had a theological or teleological argument with a theist about God's existence? 🤔

No, not really. Gerry came at me with fists and boots flying all over the place, his coordination was second rate. As a drummer, I have complete independence in all four limbs. I also have pin-point accuracy also from the discipline of the basic rudiments of drumming. I also have rather long arms and legs and I stand at 6'2'' in my bare feet. So when a guy shorter and broader than I comes at me, I try to dodge and dance around my opponent to see where their balance and technique lies. Once I spot an opening, it's all over: one clean fist to the face (anywhere, doesn't matter) will either knock him flat out or else merely hurt him badly while setting him off in a rage.

Once the emotions are added in, the task gets even easier.

An angry and uncoordinated shorter opponent isn't much of a threat to me.

Gerry took the punch I gave him, but when the other bystanders were picking him up, I was already walking away. Then something really sad happened. He yelled down the street after me: 'I'm going to get my big brother after you - you're DEAD'.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned back to him with a look of total sorrow on my face: he was bleeding and holding his nose/mouth. I knew if I went back that the lads would force us to continue but Gerry had enough, he was all fucked up. I went home, told my parents what happened and waited until school next morning. As soon as I was in the gate, the teachers nabbed me and I brought to the head brother's office: he booted me out for three weeks.

I tried to explain that neither Gerry or I wanted to fight, that we were gang-banged into it.

Didn't care: Gerry had to go to the hospital and then the dentist - I was out on the streets two minutes later.

I walked towards home and the only thing I could feel was sympathy for Gerry - I liked the guy, we got on well.

Then Fr Arthur drove past and stopped the car, he asked what I was doing at ten in the morning walking away from school. I told him what happened, he took me over to his digs (the same one he shared with Anthony Walsh) and gave me a cup of tea and told me to wait there. An hour later he came back and told me to return to school after lunch break, things were sorted out.

I found out then that Gerry had made it clear he had no beef with me - only with the gang that banged us. We talked about it after school and forgave each other. I felt particularly bad because, for all the boots and swings he made, none really connected. I only hit him once, and when he fell, I was already picking up my school bag to leave. Then the thing about his brother: that was when I saw in his face that he didn't really mean a word of it, he was just trying to save face. I felt horrible. But we got over it and got on with things, even though a bond was broken.

Didn't see him again for years, he left after InterCert and went into building with his brother's business. Then started his own, and was hired to do the concrete in the basement of a house I was doing the finishing for. He was a huge fucker by then. But in his eyes?

Still the cheeky little teenage boot-boy I remembered.

We didn't talk about the scrap, ever.

But I'll never forget it.

Even though it turned out as it did, I've always been ashamed of hitting someone I considered a friend and fellow artist.

Perhaps I'd feel different if I just let him hit me a few times - fall over, get up again - and quit?

See, that opens another door to a whole other situation: I'd be constantly targeted like I was for being so tall in primary school. I had to learn to use my few attributes in violence like the Old Man taught me: height and length equals distance and accuracy. Better to make one big hit than stretch a scrap out and get bruised all over before taking the other fucker down. My specialty then was to weave and dodge and wait until I could grab the opponent's hand/wrist/arm and pull the fucker over my shoulder and head first into the dirt. I used that one loads of times. It got the fuckers off my back.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Violence isn't in my nature, it takes a lot to rile me up into a foaming-at-the-mouth anger.

Last scrap I was in was at the jazz club some years back: one sleazy fucker passed my lady and said some shit about her (rather large) breasts. I tapped him on the shoulder and said aloud: 'you ever speak to my lady like that again and I'll fuck you up'. He snarled at me and fucked off to the toilets, then came back pointing his phone at me saying his mates were coming over. So I stamped him on the back of the ankle with the heel of my boot. He swiped at me and missed. Then again. Another miss. After the third time I waited for his over-reach and then planted him right in the nose/teeth and down he went.

The music stopped, the bar staff and doorman came over and lifted the cunt up and tossed him out the front doors.

They barred him: they know me well for many years, they knew my (then) lady too (she's a popular chef) and that it certainly wasn't either of us who started the shit. They said that the same guy did the same shit all the time and I wasn't the first to plant him.

Lookit: your name is Jambo and you chosen weapon IS Dutch Gold - everyone knows this.



Ahh.. . ..
Yeah, a lot of kids go into these (organised) fights all geed up, fists and feet flying..

I actually had a similar experience to yours when I had to have a fight with someone that wasn't a natural thing.

So a group of us, mostly common friends, sort of eh, delineated into two different gangs, we'd pass each other on separate sides of the street, giving each other the finger, whatever, and then it was decided that we all had to fight each other, one on one, and the person I ended up being paired with.. well, there just wasn't any real animus between us 😆 (there was with some others, mind), so we just shared a few black eyes and other bruises between us after our fight
Have you ever had a theological or teleological argument with a theist about God's existence? 🤔

No, I tend to avoid religious people like the plague.

Most of them are simply too fucking dumb to take seriously.

I recall one midsummer night a few years ago we were out all over town and someone mentioned a concert taking place on Senate Square at midnight, so we all went over and took our pews. I was drinking wine from the bottle, we all were really, but the beauty sitting next to (her name's Sini) wasn't. I asked why not and she said it was wrong to drink in a church.

I asked if she was religious - yes.
Did she believe in god? Yes.
Because I do.
Because you DO?
So do you think I'm a sinner for sipping wine?
What about the priests?
What about them?
They drink wine, live onstage too.

She looked at me askance.

That's not wine they're drinking.
What is it then?
The body and blood of Christ.
So they're mimicking cannibalism?
What then?
It's symbolic.
The wine?
Okay - but they still drink it.
Only because they have to.
Why's that?
The service wouldn't mean anything.
Why not?
The ritual.
Yes - Jesus died for our sins.

I'm starting to laugh.

He might have died for your sins, but he definitely didn't die for mine.
How do you know?
I don't need to know - I'd need to believe first.
Don't you worry about the afterlife?
Fuck, no: I'm too busy trying to cope with this one.
Maybe if believed and let Jesus into your heart?
Nah - I watched lots of religious fuckers interfere with kids where I grew up.

Shock - horror.

Yes - I was there, I was involved in trying to stop it.
Did you get raped?
No, they beat the shit out of me lots of times instead.
Because they could.
It was legal to strike a child?
Strike? They beat the shit out of us. Legally.
They simply acted on their own instincts I suppose.
And nobody complained?
Everyone complained.
What happened?
They eventually made violence against kids illegal.
And it stopped?
Fuck, no - they were still raping and assaulting the kids.
How did you avoid it?
Easily - they were terrified of my Dad, he hated them all: priests, brothers, sisters.

I left the conversation hang on the moment, she was happy to back off after that.

Conversations with Mikko (of The Senators Of Helsinki) were always a blast. He's a professor of theology in Helsinki University. When we played long-distance dates we'd talk through the night while driving. He's a brilliant and very gentle mindset. He's studied all the religions of the world and his various theses are all online if you're interested:

Professor Mikko Sillfors
Helsinki University

Some quick links:


Yeah, a lot of kids go into these (organised) fights all geed up, fists and feet flying..

They seem to think fights are going to go like they do on the telly.

They don't: in Ballyer, they used nasty tricks: spit in your eye and then attack, or collect some sand and fuck that at you and then attack. Wait until somebody behind you shoves you off balance. A second knacker invites himself into it. Family shows up. Cops called. That sort of shite.

I actually had a similar experience to yours when I had to have a fight with someone that wasn't a natural thing.

So a group of us, mostly common friends, sort of eh, delineated into two different gangs, we'd pass each other on separate sides of the street, giving each other the finger, whatever, and then it was decided that we all had to fight each other, one on one, and the person I ended up being paired with.. well, there just wasn't any real animus between us 😆 (there was with some others, mind), so we just shared a few black eyes and other bruises between us after our fight

I was a loner, I moved from one gang to another to see what was going on, then left. My street gang were always tight, and they knew my game. The street gang from around the corner included Alan Hughes (of morning television and Irish pantomime fame?) but they were lame. I refused to have anything further to do them after one guy, Joe - lost a bet to Sexton, one of three brothers. Then one guy hogged up a huge loogie and spat it out.

Sexton dared Joe to suck it up instead of repaying on the bet.

He did it.

I walked away, traumatized.

Never spoke to any of them again until I bumped into Hughesy in The Dress Circle of The Gaiety Theater where I played every weekend at the after-midnight clubs. He was a total fucking fake. The theatrical show running was called 'Canaries' and was about a Dublin couple on holidays played by Tina Kellegher and your man that was married to Twink. Des? My then woman (a Swedish actress living in Dublin with her very wealthy father) played a ditsy blond bimbo on holliers with a man twice her age. It ran for months. It was crap.

Anyway, Hughesy was all up in my face about my being there at all, then she came over and grabbed me. That pissed him off even more.

'You're with her?'

'Yeah, nice - eh?'

'Ya fuckin' Ballyer pig, ya..'

I laughed the cunt away.

Snobby bastard - thinks he's royalty among the luvvies: but only TV3 would hire him.

Plus he (and his husband) lost a fortune on some 'Sammy Sausages' panto they were rehearsing when Covid struck: his money was gone. It made me laugh. Sammy fucking sausages? The fuck? Fuck off. Fake cunt.

He was the only outwardly gay bloke I knew - but I sometimes wondered if Sexton and his crew knew it too.

They didn't seem to, to my eyes - they just thought he was a bit effeminate.

This song was in the charts at the time, he knew the chorus and had a little dance he made up - he looked like a right tool-bag doing it.

This twat:

Ballyer's full of characters, mind you.
That's my point, atheists don't get into theological or teleological arguments (unless they're some sap like Alex O'Connor (an atheist darling of theists)) about God's existence.

But theists don't seem to realise this, case in point in Wendy's "It's God Whodunnit" thread on Arsefield's by scolairebocht -

Post in thread 'Origins Thread' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/origins-thread.639/post-86484

, I tend to avoid religious people like the plague.

Most of them are simply too fucking dumb to take seriously.

I recall one midsummer night a few years ago we were out all over town and someone mentioned a concert taking place on Senate Square at midnight, so we all went over and took our pews. I was drinking wine from the bottle, we all were really, but the beauty sitting next to (her name's Sini) wasn't. I asked why not and she said it was wrong to drink in a church.

I asked if she was religious - yes.
Did she believe in god? Yes.
Because I do.
Because you DO?
So do you think I'm a sinner for sipping wine?
What about the priests?
What about them?
They drink wine, live onstage too.

She looked at me askance.

That's not wine they're drinking.
What is it then?
The body and blood of Christ.
So they're mimicking cannibalism?
What then?
It's symbolic.
The wine?
Okay - but they still drink it.
Only because they have to.
Why's that?
The service wouldn't mean anything.
Why not?
The ritual.
Yes - Jesus died for our sins.

I'm starting to laugh.

He might have died for your sins, but he definitely didn't die for mine.
How do you know?
I don't need to know - I'd need to believe first.
Don't you worry about the afterlife?
Fuck, no: I'm too busy trying to cope with this one.
Maybe if believed and let Jesus into your heart?
Nah - I watched lots of religious fuckers interfere with kids where I grew up.

Shock - horror.

Yes - I was there, I was involved in trying to stop it.
Did you get raped?
No, they beat the shit out of me lots of times instead.
Because they could.
It was legal to strike a child?
Strike? They beat the shit out of us. Legally.
They simply acted on their own instincts I suppose.
And nobody complained?
Everyone complained.
What happened?
They eventually made violence against kids illegal.
And it stopped?
Fuck, no - they were still raping and assaulting the kids.
How did you avoid it?
Easily - they were terrified of my Dad, he hated them all: priests, brothers, sisters.

I left the conversation hang on the moment, she was happy to back off after that.

Conversations with Mikko (of The Senators Of Helsinki) were always a blast. He's a professor of theology in Helsinki University. When we played long-distance dates we'd talk through the night while driving. He's a brilliant and very gentle mindset. He's studied all the religions of the world and his various theses are all online if you're interested:

Professor Mikko Sillfors
Helsinki University

Some quick links:


They seem to think fights are going to go like they do on the telly.

They don't: in Ballyer, they used nasty tricks: spit in your eye and then attack, or collect some sand and fuck that at you and then attack. Wait until somebody behind you shoves you off balance. A second knacker invites himself into it. Family shows up. Cops called. That sort of shite.

I was a loner, I moved from one gang to another to see what was going on, then left. My street gang were always tight, and they knew my game. The street gang from around the corner included Alan Hughes (of morning television and Irish pantomime fame?) but they were lame. I refused to have anything further to do them after one guy, Joe - lost a bet to Sexton, one of three brothers. Then one guy hogged up a huge loogie and spat it out.

Sexton dared Joe to suck it up instead of repaying on the bet.

He did it.

I walked away, traumatized.

Never spoke to any of them again until I bumped into Hughesy in The Dress Circle of The Gaiety Theater where I played every weekend at the after-midnight clubs. He was a total fucking fake. The theatrical show running was called 'Canaries' and was about a Dublin couple on holidays played by Tina Kellegher and your man that was married to Twink. Des? My then woman (a Swedish actress living in Dublin with her very wealthy father) played a ditsy blond bimbo on holliers with a man twice her age. It ran for months. It was crap.

Anyway, Hughesy was all up in my face about my being there at all, then she came over and grabbed me. That pissed him off even more.

'You're with her?'

'Yeah, nice - eh?'

'Ya fuckin' Ballyer pig, ya..'

I laughed the cunt away.

Snobby bastard - thinks he's royalty among the luvvies: but only TV3 would hire him.

Plus he (and his husband) lost a fortune on some 'Sammy Sausages' panto they were rehearsing when Covid struck: his money was gone. It made me laugh. Sammy fucking sausages? The fuck? Fuck off. Fake cunt.

He was the only outwardly gay bloke I knew - but I sometimes wondered if Sexton and his crew knew it too.

They didn't seem to, to my eyes - they just thought he was a bit effeminate.

This song was in the charts at the time, he knew the chorus and had a little dance he made up - he looked like a right tool-bag doing it.

This twat:

Ballyer's full of characters, mind you.
That's my point, atheists don't get into theological or teleological arguments (unless they're some sap like Alex O'Connor (an atheist darling of theists)) about God's existence.

I try not to snort in laughter.

By the time I get to heaven's gate, I'll be on the guest-list.

Plus one.

But theists don't seem to realise this, case in point in Wendy's "It's God Whodunnit" thread on Arsefield's by scolairebocht -

Post in thread 'Origins Thread' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/origins-thread.639/post-86484

Yea, yeah, yeah. Does it not occur to you how fucking lame it is that you're continuing an argument with someone on a site you're barred from, especially when you got your arse handed to you before they set you sail?

It's the dumbest fucking thing I've seen anyone on these boards do.

You come across as extremely needy - and rather useless.

You tend to bore the pants off people when you're online and drinking your Dutch Gold, Jimmy.

Buy a mirror - learn how to use it.
No one handed me my my arse on Arsefield's. Declan let loose an Australian mong with a banhammer.. Which is precisely why I'll be deleting my account, soonest
No one handed me my my arse on Arsefield's.

You tried, you failed, and ultimately - you lost.

Deal with it.

Declan let loose an Australian mong with a banhammer..


It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?

Which is precisely why I'll be deleting my account, soonest

No, you're currently at the mercy of Roundy Kelly - who might be a fat fool but he knows your game.

If you lick his balls (like you really mean it) he might delete you.

If you simply demand that he does - then he won't.

He's a bitch like that.

Short, fat, old, and spoofy.
It's impossible to have an adult conversation with you, you can't see beyond your (supposed) nearest enemy or (imagined) vendetta.

You not only have a very low IQ, you have really quite significant psychiatric problems.
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