
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

IQ is mostly hereditary, and up to 80% in adulthood (so that dinghy has sailed for you) but you could still improve yourself, intellectually
I actually had a feeling that you were going to pull an all-nighter (by your standards) this evening. I was going to mention it earlier on..
Nah, stayed later in the studio last night than I had planned: a frequent thing these last months.

We hit a pocket and stuck with it - and the bounces of the session I was sent this afternoon are banging.

I'm really enjoying this gig - it's exactly the right challenge at exactly the right time.

With exactly the kind people who can inspire me to even greater heights.

Ever wish you picked up an instrument and learned how to use it, Seamus?


Ahh, sure.. .for fuck's sa.. ..
Nah, stayed later in the studio last night than I had planned: a frequent thing these last months.

We hit a pocket and stuck with it - and the bounces of the session I was sent this afternoon are banging.

I'm really enjoying this gig - it's exactly the right challenge at exactly the right time.

With exactly the kind people who can inspire me to even greater heights.
Ever wish you picked up an instrument and learned how to use it, Seamus?

If I hadn't I might of


Ahh, sure.. .for fuck's sa.. ..
Does Dan never ask himself how many cheeseburgers he could afford with of all that money he wastes in order to give a bunch of louts and drunks 24/7 airtime?
I think he has this angle where he believes that if he spends the $1,390 on the site, then it's good for his starvation diet.

That's 1,390 less cheeseburgers to worry about.
You'd have to wonder why Val hasn't left yet as he's about the only person left on Arsefield's who hasn't been made a moderator.
Val's a disaster.

Everything he touches turns to slurry.

When Roundy modded him, he immediately started battering at the foundations of the site workings to stop people altering reply/posts.

He's terrible fucking stupid like that.
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