
Arsefield's Hall of Shame


Poor auld Roundy.

He just can't catch a break.
She does seem to have a desire to be a moderator

Why would anyone actively set out to go to work for someone they never even met for no money at all?

Seven days a week, eighteen hours a day, for fuck all bar a ban-hammer.

but you don't help your cause by being a pathological liar

Hardly - so I named a few names and dragged them out into the spotlight.

What's the last thing you did for anyone's benefit?

(then again, like roc_abilly roc_abilly, your reputation is in the dirt anyway)

Mowl is the single most loved character ever to grace these sewers you swim in.

She's not a moderator on Gaychat (50% of the sites she posts on)


He is a bloke.

Grey old balls, arse hair up to the back of his neck, sitting in his own piss and crusty underpants, plus a golden bra to hold his man-tits up and out of the way of his keyboard, ready to let fly at any passing Jews.

I'm not surprised he has you fooled.

Even Saul is smarter than you are - he knows when to stop.
Wonder how his weight loss project is going.

He probably walks a treadmill in the gym next door to the local McDonald's.

Then asks them to deliver.
So who are the biggest retarded Catholic bigots on Arsefield's 🤔

Would anyone disagree with my Top 3 (in no particular order)?

Mad as a Tiger
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