I'm not sure one converts from atheism
Je sais pas
Why don't you ask him?
I seem to recall on a livestream some time ago he was asked if he was a Catholic and he said noMais tu connais sa taille de caleçon.
I wouldn't lower myself to converse with anyone you find attractive.
So you decided to forego a visit to Newtownmountkennedy for the 'replacement people' protest?
Your brand of nationalism doesn't seem to exist outside your online travails.
Imagine ten years from now?
Reckon you'll end up hanging yourself from the back of your bedroom door?
I don't mean for the auto eroticism, but rather a sense of complete and total despair in realizing that you could be replaced by a box of matches or a tennis racquet with no string? You know it's true, so why not just get the rope right now? Or would you rather stay online here at the Isle and try to catch the attention of fat ugly losers on other competing sites?
Is your Da also a blogger?
When he's sober, like.
Or is he just a wife-beating savage alcoholic grifter?
You most certainly areextraordinarily dull
Why would you watch a speech by Eva?Saw it already on FB.
You're slowing down - is it an age thing?
Or just you being a sad bastard again?
This one's even more realistic.