You're gay.
For Keith Woods.
Lookit - don't worry: I'm used to this. My ex always said that I can turn straight men gay after five minutes of me speaking to them. They just seem to melt and it's usually when they start staring lustfully at my lips while I'm speaking that confirms to me that, yeah - this fucker's gone - all fairy. For me. The Mowl? Again? How many's that? Must be into the hundreds by now.
Set yourself up a JAMBO.COM telegram site - that way you could post your own posts for everyone to ignore.
Or laugh at - if you're all full of swagger and bluster after copying another one of Keith's by-lines and bastardizing it into a fake of your own.
You're useless like that.
You're gay.
For Keith Woods.
Lookit - don't worry: I'm used to this. My ex always said that I can turn straight men gay after five minutes of me speaking to them. They just seem to melt and it's usually when they start staring lustfully at my lips while I'm speaking that confirms to me that, yeah - this fucker's gone - all fairy. For me. The Mowl? Again? How many's that? Must be into the hundreds by now.
Set yourself up a JAMBO.COM telegram site - that way you could post your own posts for everyone to ignore.
Or laugh at - if you're all full of swagger and bluster after copying another one of Keith's by-lines and bastardizing it into a fake of your own.
You're useless like that.