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I bet someone's already spotted ways to burn the system.

Up here, kids who are hard up for cash have a little trick: tie a string/bootlace to the top of a 2L sized plastic bottle (it returns 40c in credit) and put it into the chute. After it's been decoded and logged by the laser, pull it back out again and repeat the process. Keep it going as long as you can and then take the credit receipt to the cashier and grab the winnings.

The bar code can also be photocopied: take a decent quality picture of the bar code on the plastic bottle. Lay it out in photo/paint and fill the entire A4 sheet with copies you can cut out and stick to any receptacle you have handy. Shove the lot into the chute and get paid.

Hot tip: the same trick works for lots of things. I wanted AAA access passes for the Flow Festival here in Helsinki city, but they'd completely sold out the entire three day party. So I went down around lunchtime on the Friday when the construction/installation guys were finishing up. I walked up to one guy and asked for directions but slyly and silently I took a picture of his AAA and brought it home. Upload it into the computer, tone the colours and fix any irregularities in paint or photoshop, print it off and then laminate it with a standard electric iron (you can buy laminate plastic in most print shops) and hang it on a standard loop.

When Radiohead played Dublin on 'The Bends' tour, I went and bought the new single (cassette version) which came in a cigarette box-like case from HMV. Took a shot of it and uploaded it into paint. Added some detailing (Staff/AAA/Tech) and printed off just two copies. Went down to the gig, saw hundreds of people lining up, went to the stage door with a mate and acted kind of breathless and in a hurry. Knock on the stage door, glance at the doorman and continue talking about bulb replacements and electrical problems. Doorman stands aside, we walk right into the pit up front. Mate goes back out (with my copy and his own) gives it to another mate, they come in, one goes out, two come in, one goes out, etc, etc. Seventeen heads in total.

Didn't put my hand in pocket all night with the free beers.

Met Johnny Greenwood backstage with his Missus.

Showed him the blag AAAs and he cracked up.

And that concludes today's lesson.
You're getting to be really good at copy/pasting other people's thoughts onto sites like this.

Maybe one day you too will have an original thought of your own.

Looking forward to it?

I know I am.
Nah - fresh as a daisy up this end.

Another beautiful day in the world's happiest country.

Apparently Finland qualified for the eurovision finals.

Haven't even heard the song myself, nor do I know who's singing it. But your little viper lady seem quite provocative. Bambam Thug-Life? Bet without all that make-up she's some right minger. Got your slabs of Dutch Gold in for the final? Your set of pink bunny ears?

Good man.
There's always some arseholes with sacks full of bottles and cans at the machines, taking half the century to dispose of them for cash in return. You begin to ask yourself if it's even worth your time in order to get some measly 25 cent voucher back.
Ireland's already concreted over, with hideously ugly housing estates attached to every traditional village...and an American-style McMansion eyesore in just about every field at this stage.

You can thank the Gombeen class for that.
There's always some arseholes with sacks full of bottles and cans at the machines, taking half the century to dispose of them for cash in return. You begin to ask yourself if it's even worth your time in order to get some measly 25 cent voucher back.

The solution to that up here is that there are notices reminding customers that if they have a very large (say more than twenty-five items) number of tins and bottles that they must return them between 0700 (opening time) and 1100, a busier time in the malls. Then also from 2100 to 2300, closing times.

If it's the middle of the day and someone ahead of you has a massive sack, you can always try to (a) remind them of the rules or (b) just tell the stupid cunt to get out of the way and let you return your smaller few. If there's any tangles, security can be called from a in-house phone placed next to the return machine. There's also a security camera above the machine watching for people trying to scam it with stringed bottles and so on.

In general, the rule is observed both early and late up here, but Ireland's a case apart.

You just opened your new portal to New York yesterday and already the yanks are horrified at the walking dead stumbling around, and others pissing on the glass, mooning the yanks, spitting at it, and falling into it when monged out. Whoever the fool was who decided to erect the portal next to the GPO needs a boot in the hole. Top of Grafton Street, by the gates of the Green, where it can be monitored 24/7.

But like your Millennium clock under O'Connell Bridge, this one won't last jaze time.
Watched a bit of some tourist's drone footage over Dublin city centre (southside) in and around the Dame Street/Stephen's Street area from last night (Friday 10th May) and the streets were teeming with people outside the bars and lounges drinking in the street. In the entire four minute video shot from just above a tall person's head height, I didn't see one dark skinned person. Not one. They were all white people, standing and sitting around, groups of dozens of girls and boys, chatting drinking and having a laugh.

It honestly reminded me of the early 1990's when the Dublin scene really began to explode as a result of the youth and culture of the times.

Yeah, one or two Asians - but hooded black guys in groups? None.

Hard-faced skangers? None.

Pretty girls? Loads.

Regular blokes? Loads.

Laughter, people-watching, people talking to each other rather than engrossed in the phone/device.

I found it rather heart-warming, it's some of the nicest reminders of my old Dublin, which I know doesn't exist any more.

But a guy can dream, eh.
I think that's a good idea and it should be implemented in Ireland. Time to send some TDs a few emails highlighting the Finnish example. But as usual they'll probably be too busy catering to the potholes crowd, or some other parish pump bullshit...this is Ireland after all.

If there's one positive from this it's that it incentivises people to clean up the environment. The less bottles and cans left in forests and dumped into rivers by scumbags the better.
I think that's a good idea and it should be implemented in Ireland. Time to send some TDs a few emails highlighting the Finnish example. But as usual they'll probably be too busy catering to the potholes crowd, or some other parish pump bullshit...this is Ireland after all.

Simple solutions are simple: if you go to the machine and there's a big bloke standing there loading his tins into the machine, you can also ask him to take a thirty second break by stopping putting items in, request the receipt for credit, let you return your smaller number of items, and then he can continue where he left off. Doesn't matter how many receipts you have, they're all redeemable at the point of sale.

If there's one positive from this it's that it incentivises people to clean up the environment. The less bottles and cans left in forests and dumped into rivers by scumbags the better.

That's exactly why I was so happy to read about Ireland actually getting this done.

It's appalling to see how awful some people can be about dumping their shit anywhere they feel like it.

Ireland's a filthy country: only three or four days ago, the same guys who took the power hoses to the concrete on Mount Street after the migrants were booted out were sent to do the same to the pavements on O'Connell Street where they hosed down the entire street in a few hours. That's the first time I've ever seen or heard about power-washing public streets in Dublin, or Ireland in general.

The last snow melted very quickly. The city sent the guys in to clear all the remaining grit off the pavements and re-store it into the boxes. Then they took out the power washers and now you can't find any grit anywhere: they sprayed the pavements (you can even see the left/right of the swishing of clean water) and the roads, the gutters, the lot. It's now spotless where it was previously a mess of mushy slush pebbled with grit.

Washing the streets in the city centre is a nightly affair: they come around 0500, along with delivery trucks for the outlets. No trucks after 0800 in the city. Finns are used to waking up to clean streets, no trash, and no chewing gum stuck to the ground. That was the thing about O'Connell Street. Every time I came home to Dublin, I'd go from the airport into town to see how things are looking. The streets are full of gobs of green phlegm, the stink of piss everywhere, chewing gum and other shit on the pavements, disgusting crap everywhere - and Irish people STILL wear their shoes inside the home.

I mean, how stupid can you be?

You're stepping into and out of filth and grime, then you walk it into your carpets and mats inside your house?

The fuck?

No shoes beyond the hallway - walking in with your boots on will see you booted back out again.

Never ever wear outdoor shoes inside your home.
Watched a bit of some tourist's drone footage over Dublin city centre (southside) in and around the Dame Street/Stephen's Street area from last night (Friday 10th May) and the streets were teeming with people outside the bars and lounges drinking in the street.
In the entire four minute video shot from just above a tall person's head height, I didn't see one dark skinned person. Not one. They were all white people, standing and sitting around, groups of dozens of girls and boys, chatting drinking and having a laugh.
They were elsewhere

It honestly reminded me of the early 1990's when the Dublin scene really began to explode as a result of the youth and culture of the times.

Yeah, one or two Asians - but hooded black guys in groups? None.

Hard-faced skangers? None.

Pretty girls? Loads.

Regular blokes? Loads.

Laughter, people-watching, people talking to each other rather than engrossed in the phone/device.

I found it rather heart-warming, it's some of the nicest reminders of my old Dublin, which I know doesn't exist any more.

But a guy can dream, eh.

By "migrants" presumably it's meant asylum seekers (fakeugees)
At least the black lads get up off their holes to see the city they live in.


Not so much.

Sloganeering little tosser.

Get a fucking grip, you stupid little cunt.
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