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Afghan father of six (the eldest of whom is six) currently living in an apartment is waiting for the Regime to give him his free house before bringing his brown baby making factory wife and kids over under the 'family reunification' scheme

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Afghan father of six (the eldest of whom is six) currently living in an apartment is waiting for the Regime to give him his free house before bringing his brown baby making factory wife and kids over under the 'family reunification' scheme

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Any plans to act on this one, Seamus?

Or will you spend the afternoon in like you spent last night in too?

You're not much of an activist, are you?

I'm beginning to think you never leave the house at all.

Are you obese?

Handicapped? I mean outside of the obvious issues we all see?

Or just plain fucking lazy?

That's the worst thing about the dole: it breeds laziness.
Shitty little country, innit Jambo?

Any plans afoot to make it a better place to live?

After all - you've never won the 'World's Happiest Country' competition even once.

We've won it five times - five times, in a row.

Imagine that?

Ever thought about happiness, Jambo?

Want to get some?

You won't find any on telegram - not until Keith Woods does his annual strip-tease for you:

That lap dance was fairly close to the bone(r) for you, I'm guessing.

Do you own a pair of men's platform shoes?

Or do you prefer to wear heels?
THE DIRT are organising an anti-racist <anti-racist is a code word for anti-white> "counter-protest" on Monday -


Well Jambo, are you going to fork right, step up (in your little blue shorts) and save Western civilisation for us?

Post up your task list, or action list. Let's see if the forum members on here can bring something to your plans, help you get stuck into your mission.

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.

As they say.

Or are you waiting for Morgoth or someone to issue you more specific instructions?

What if they said, "the choice is all yours, Jamboi"?

So what you gonna do about it, Whitey?

Just sit there?
Well Jambo, are you going to fork right, step up (in your little blue shorts) and save Western civilisation for us?
I don't care about being called a "racist", haven't for a long time and that's the point of what you're replying to

The only objection I've made is when you lie about me being a white supremacist, but that won't stop you, you don't care that you're a liar

Post up your task list, or action list. Let's see if the forum members on here can bring something to your plans, help you get stuck into your mission.

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.

As they say.

Or are you waiting for Morgoth or someone to issue you more specific instructions?

What if they said, "the choice is all yours, Jamboi"?
So what you gonna do about it, Whitey?
You really cannot disguise (((your))) (genocidal) hatred for white people, can you

No, the point is choose to do something, or choose to do nothing.

You're going to be called a racist whatever you choose. So there's no difference there.

But there is a difference between doing something and doing nothing.

(Which is what the Mowl in his wisdom has being trying to tell you all along. You only finally seem to get it when a meme says it - although even then you seem to be struggling, still worrying about being called a racist, even though the meme is trying to explain that you're a racist whether you sit on your hole or actually do something).

Ignoring the "save Western civilisation" lampooning of sad saps like you (in their little blue Jambo shorts).
And Jambo, you are a white supremacist, ffs. How many times have we examined the evidence for it. You've had yourself endlessly cited back at yourself; been shown that your slogans and narratives are of white supremacist ideology, and endless more demonstrations. So quit being a tit, you fail the duck test every single day, almost.
You're going to be called a racist whatever you choose. So there's no difference.
Yes, correct. I guess even you can figure out something (very) occasionally

Which is what the Mowl has being trying to
The Mowl has been doing his "Whatcha gonna do about it?!!" routine for how long now (boring everyone to fucking tears)? And now here you are to parrot it? 🤦‍♂️ -

You only finally seem to get it when a meme says it - although even then you seem to be struggling, still worrying out being called a racist
Didn't I just tell you that I amn't, you are a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

You can't help yourself
And Jambo, you are a white supremacist, ffs. How many times have we examined the evidence for it. You've had yourself endlessly cited back at yourself; been shown that your slogans and narratives are of white supremacist ideology, and endless more demonstrations. So quit being a tit, you fail the duck test every single day, almost.

You just can't stop (lying)..

You need to quit your (mindless) rubbish about slogans, dogmas, Dylann Roofs, narratives, Stormfronts.. and actually provide some evidence of how I am a white supremacist (by a reasonable definition of the term) but you can't do that. Because you're a liar
I mean, you've had your hour (p/w) posting your (anti-white) rubbish and winding up your retarded attack dog here.. Can't you now go back to Gaychat and shill for your fellow Jewish war criminals?
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