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You guys worry too much about flags. Ireland's always had a problem with flags/flegs whether north of or south of the border. Flags are tainted by the bad blood of the past and flying one on your property is basically making a statement, both personal and political. This can lead to getting your nuts individually battered or your house petrol-bombed in some sensitive areas of the island.

Whether it's the tri-colour or the Union Jack, Red Hand, or otherwise - it's considered in-your-face antagonism in certain communities. Other more acceptable shows of allegiance are the decorations lashed up for Ireland's international football games: under Jackie, the people of Ireland took to painting their neighbourhoods in green, white, and orange and hanging out the bunting. Of course, in many cases one shade of green didn't match the next. Same with orange, and even with the white paint loads of them scabbed-off and used emulsion instead of oil, which washes away pretty quickly leaving a variety of shades of green that with age, look like algae and moss, and the many shades of orange, which ended up as various shades kind of piss-coloured and worn out shading.

In Finland there are strict rules about flying flags. Designated flag days are numerous across the year and are marked by flags at full mast over the doorway of every block in the country with janitors arriving at dawn to erect them, and again just before dusk to remove them. You may not hang the flag after dark, it goes up with the sunrise and preempts it when coming down.

When a death occurs, a family will hang the flag at half mast if they have a separate house. If they live in an apartment block, the janitor is notified and the flag will hang at half mast (during approved hours) the day after the person has died. Newborn children get no such ceremony, which(to me) is kind of weird in a way: we celebrate the life of the passed but not the arrival of the new?
Anyway, wearing the Finnish flag wrapped around yourself at games or whatever makes you look like a nationalist numbskull.
One of the optics I quite enjoy when there's a stand-off between the protesters and the "counter-protesters" is that on the side of the protesters, there's the flag of our nation and on the other side there aren't any.. other than perhaps flags of Faggotry or other Marxism

A Finnish national hockey team shirt is considered appropriate for games and matches; I have one myself, official issue, Cost a bit but it's the real deal. Only problem is that the underwear of hockey players includes massive shoulder-pads, elbow pads, wrist-wraps, etc. So wearing it without all that kit under it is okay, in certain weather. In summer it lets the skin breathe, in winter it can be worn to hide multiple layers of clothing if you're going to watch the hockey match. The halls are fucking freezing.

I've previously attended several glad-handed parties at my embassy up here over the years: by far, the most common dress code (for a formal event) is the green football jersey. But not me, I dressed for the occasions. I no longer attend any of them. The permanent Finnish staff loath me, and the big burly 'official driver' (heavy duty Lithuanian security guard) does too. So fuck 'em - when I need paperwork taken care of I do it by post.
I don't hang flags of any sort.

I may in the near future design one of my own and have it stitched up.

'Made in the republic of Mowl '
Individualistic nihilism complete..
One of the optics I quite enjoy when there's a stand-off between the protesters and the "counter-protesters" is that on the side of the protesters, there's the flag of our nation and on the other side there aren't any.. other than perhaps flags of Faggotry or other Marxism

Cops don't need to bring a flag, Jimmy - they bring a uniform which is immediately identifiable, along with a number which is (supposed to be visible at all times) but lately even that's become increasingly invisible. The new cops uniforms are fucking ridiculous by the way. What scumbag knacker decided the coppers should be wearing what look like track-suits? Female cops arses on display? Are those uniforms also supposed to be worn during the winter months?

Protestors carrying the flag can serve dual purposes: one is to wave it around and generate some good old national pride, while the other might be poking a copper's eye out with it, or cracking him/her around the head as they themselves seem to enjoy doing to the protestors - even old men and women passing by are getting clattered, sprayed, moved on, names taken, etc. while out on their daily errands like collecting the pension, heading down to the bookies, out for a walk, or even just rubbernecking the goings-on.

There are not good optics for Ireland's reputation abroad: the land of a thousand welcomes is currently regarded as afire with the rage of a thousand arsonists and other violent reactionaries. It seems that ever since Irish people got it into their heads that gathering and demonstrating whatever issues of the day is actually quite fun, they'll currently show up to the opening of an envelope with Mick McPallet's and Paddy McSpud's court appearance details, along with their full name, address, occupation, status (single/father) and future options for life in Ireland after they've been dragged through the bush backwards and shamed in front of the entire population.

Individualistic nihilism complete..

(1) Why can't a man design his own flag? You seem as confused as most Irish people are regarding the purpose of a flag. The taboo of waving the green, white and orange is tainted with the blood of so many Irish people across the centuries in our endless struggle with our nearest neighbours. It's fucking ridiculous.

About ten minutes walk from here, there's a site which houses around two hundred small private mökkit: it's within the city limits, has no access to sea or lakes, but is very popular during the summer months when the people who own them lock up their regular house and they go to their mökkit to do all the same stuff Finns do in the mökkit up north into the wilds. They all have flag poles erected in their gardens. They're shorter poles than the ones above our front doors in the block, and the flag type is a long slender flag that's one fifth the size of a regular national flag.

These are very common in privately owned gardens and mökkit.

They're raised at sunrise and they come down at dusk.

The ceremony can be seen all across the area housing the mökkit, everyone does it at the same time and you can often hear the national anthem being played if you happen to be walking past. The overhead view of Vallilan Siirtolapuutarha:

Google map 3D location: https://www.google.com/maps/@60.1998535,24.9586319,844m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

Individualistic nihilism complete..

(2) So when a guy goes into a sports shop and picks his national jersey and has his own name on it rather than that of his sports heroes in his national team, that makes him an 'individualistic nihilist' now? That's quite a fucking leap in the dark, Jimmy.

You clearly haven't thought this through - but sure that's just the way you are, permanently angry about something, something, Ma, something.

Kids might get a jersey ready made with Ronaldo or George Best's name on, but adults might prefer their own.

You need to get out a bit more often. I can put you in contact with a committee member of Vallilan Siirtolapuutarha if you like: maybe you can rent one for a week? No electricity (not you), no flowing water, no TV, and only outdoor cooking, tending the gardens and herbs and so on, and generally making sure the flag goes up when it should and down when it's time.

Or you could just stay at home with your Manchester City football jersey on with Liam Gallagher's name printed in a brightly coloured script.
Cops don't need to bring a flag, Jimmy
🤦‍♂️ I wasn't talking about cops

I suggest you read (in full) every post at least three times with five minute pauses in-between for contemplation before you reply

See if it improves your reading (for comprehension)

- they bring a uniform which is immediately identifiable, along with a number which is (supposed to be visible at all times) but lately even that's become increasingly invisible. The new cops uniforms are fucking ridiculous by the way. What scumbag knacker decided the coppers should be wearing what look like track-suits? Female cops arses on display? Are those uniforms also supposed to be worn during the winter months?

Protestors carrying the flag can serve dual purposes: one is to wave it around and generate some good old national pride, while the other might be poking a copper's eye out with it, or cracking him/her around the head as they themselves seem to enjoy doing to the protestors - even old men and women passing by are getting clattered, sprayed, moved on, names taken, etc. while out on their daily errands like collecting the pension, heading down to the bookies, out for a walk, or even just rubbernecking the goings-on.

There are not good optics for Ireland's reputation abroad: the land of a thousand welcomes is currently regarded as afire with the rage of a thousand arsonists and other violent reactionaries. It seems that ever since Irish people got it into their heads that gathering and demonstrating whatever issues of the day is actually quite fun, they'll currently show up to the opening of an envelope with Mick McPallet's and Paddy McSpud's court appearance details, along with their full name, address, occupation, status (single/father) and future options for life in Ireland after they've been dragged through the bush backwards and shamed in front of the entire population.

(1) Why can't a man design his own flag? You seem as confused as most Irish people are regarding the purpose of a flag. The taboo of waving the green, white and orange is tainted with the blood of so many Irish people across the centuries in our endless struggle with our nearest neighbours. It's fucking ridiculous.

About ten minutes walk from here, there's a site which houses around two hundred small private mökkit: it's within the city limits, has no access to sea or lakes, but is very popular during the summer months when the people who own them lock up their regular house and they go to their mökkit to do all the same stuff Finns do in the mökkit up north into the wilds. They all have flag poles erected in their gardens. They're shorter poles than the ones above our front doors in the block, and the flag type is a long slender flag that's one fifth the size of a regular national flag.

These are very common in privately owned gardens and mökkit.

They're raised at sunrise and they come down at dusk.

The ceremony can be seen all across the area housing the mökkit, everyone does it at the same time and you can often hear the national anthem being played if you happen to be walking past. The overhead view of Vallilan Siirtolapuutarha:

Google map 3D location: https://www.google.com/maps/@60.1998535,24.9586319,844m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

(2) So when a guy goes into a sports shop and picks his national jersey and has his own name on it rather than that of his sports heroes in his national team, that makes him an 'individualistic nihilist' now? That's quite a fucking leap in the dark, Jimmy.

You clearly haven't thought this through - but sure that's just the way you are, permanently angry about something, something, Ma, something.

Kids might get a jersey ready made with Ronaldo or George Best's name on, but adults might prefer their own.

You need to get out a bit more often. I can put you in contact with a committee member of Vallilan Siirtolapuutarha if you like: maybe you can rent one for a week? No electricity (not you), no flowing water, no TV, and only outdoor cooking, tending the gardens and herbs and so on, and generally making sure the flag goes up when it should and down when it's time.

Or you could just stay at home with your Manchester City football jersey on with Liam Gallagher's name printed in a brightly coloured script.
I wasn't talking about sportsball either but it is a perennial mocking point among nationalists, e.g. -

🤦‍♂️ I wasn't talking about cops

In general terms, it's the cops on the other side facing down the protestors.

Or you could try (but fail) to drag me down into one of your word salad rabbit holes to help you pass the time.

I suggest you read (in

I've been reading since I was four years old, Jimmy.

You can tell.

I write beautifully as a result.

full) every post at least thr

How's the weather in Ireland today, Liam - sorry, Jambo?

It's 27c up here with a lovely breeze that cools the skin.

ee times with five minute pauses in-be

These are great times indeed: world's happiest country, sunshine, financial rains (I just got a rather juicy cheque in the post - for music business work with that sax player from New Jersey we had in last week) and a great forecast for the days ahead and across the coming weekend. I'm planning a day out with herself before Friday: we'll sail from the harbour on Market Square and out across the sea to Suomenlinna, the island fortress and world heritage site.

The swimming is awesome, the island full of things to see and do, the gigantic cannons pointing out to sea, the pits, tunnels, underground walkways, are really cool even when the sun's blazing down outside, like stepping into a fridge. We'll be having barbecue, drinking nice wines and beers (rare for me) which we'll cool in the sea. My favourite spot is on the eastern side of the island: big rocks along the sea-line are great for jumping off when it gets too hot. The waves slam into the rocks just below where I set my disposable barbecue pack (which I MacGyver into a pit instead) for chicken fillets and a nice sauce I'll make beforehand.

Any plans for the summer ahead, Shay?


Ahh, sure..

tween for contemplatio

Every window and door in the place wide open and I'm still sweltering.

Same yesterday, so I took sauna at over 100c with my neighbour from Mogadishu, Yazin.

It cooled me right down.

n before you reply

See if it impro

Any joy getting accepted onto GayChat or Arsefield's just yet, Jim?


Ahh, jaze..

ves your reading (for comprehe

Is it raining where you are?


I wasn

The birds are in chorus up here, and the updrafts in the courtyard are attracting more and more of them.

They swoop, they dive, they glide, they call out, it's beautiful - like a chorus of angels performing for the Mowl.

't talking about sportsball either but it is a perenn

Do you own a flag at all, Jimmy?


Ah, for...

ial mocking point among nat

Fruit flies.

I fucking hate them.

Oh, wait: is that a link?

Let me get my helmet and I'll give it a go.


I like Wales, it's a lovely country to drive through.


Lily the link:

In general terms, it's the cops on the other side facing down the protestors.
It's bad enough that you couldn't figure out who I was talking about and I literally used the term - "counter-protesters"

Or you could try (but fail) to drag me down into one of your word salad rabbit holes to help you pass the time.
lol Rabbit hole me arse (just you being a thicko)

I've been reading since I was four years old, Jimmy.

You can tell.

I write beautifully as a result.

How's the weather in Ireland today, Liam - sorry, Jambo?

It's 27c up here with a lovely breeze that cools the skin.

These are great times indeed: world's happiest country, sunshine, financial rains (I just got a rather juicy cheque in the post - for music business work with that sax player from New Jersey we had in last week) and a great forecast for the days ahead and across the coming weekend. I'm planning a day out with herself before Friday: we'll sail from the harbour on Market Square and out across the sea to Suomenlinna, the island fortress and world heritage site.

The swimming is awesome, the island full of things to see and do, the gigantic cannons pointing out to sea, the pits, tunnels, underground walkways, are really cool even when the sun's blazing down outside, like stepping into a fridge. We'll be having barbecue, drinking nice wines and beers (rare for me) which we'll cool in the sea. My favourite spot is on the eastern side of the island: big rocks along the sea-line are great for jumping off when it gets too hot. The waves slam into the rocks just below where I set my disposable barbecue pack (which I MacGyver into a pit instead) for chicken fillets and a nice sauce I'll make beforehand.

Any plans for the summer ahead, Shay?


Ahh, sure..

Every window and door in the place wide open and I'm still sweltering.

Same yesterday, so I took sauna at over 100c with my neighbour from Mogadishu, Yazin.

It cooled me right down.

Any joy getting accepted onto GayChat or Arsefield's just yet, Jim?


Ahh, jaze..

Is it raining where you are?

The birds are in chorus up here, and the updrafts in the courtyard are attracting more and more of them.

They swoop, they dive, they glide, they call out, it's beautiful - like a chorus of angels performing for the Mowl.

Do you own a flag at all, Jimmy?


Ah, for...

Fruit flies.

I fucking hate them.

Oh, wait: is that a link? Let me...es, it's a lovely country to drive through.

Lily the link:

It's bad enough that you couldn't figure out who I was talking about and I literally used the term - "counter-protesters"

I know exactly what you were talking about, Jimmy.

I decided the best way to respond is to continue laughing at your pathetic efforts at being recognized as a poster of any worth.

You aren't, and you won't be at any time in the future; your best bet is to hop off a tall building wearing nothing but the tricolour.
Howya boys. Thinkin of goin lez 4 a few weaks.

Me fanny could do wit a gud scissorin
In general terms, it's the cops on the other side facing down the protestors.

Or you could try (but fail) to drag me down into one of your word salad rabbit holes to help you pass the time.
I've been reading since I was four years old, Jimmy.

You can tell.

I write beautifully as a result.
Regardless, you can't read (for comprehension)

Secondly, no doubt you have confused a few people by your, how do I put it again 🤔.. Oh yeah - mediocre vocabulary and passable written English (into thinking that you're not stupid)

Whereas I'm going to examine the content of someone's thoughts (or lack thereof) before I make that judgement

How's the weather in Ireland today, Liam - sorry, Jambo?

It's 27c up here with a lovely breeze that cools the skin.

These are great times indeed: world's happiest country, sunshine, financial rains (I just got a rather juicy cheque in the post - for music business work with that sax player from New Jersey we had in last week) and a great forecast for the days ahead and across the coming weekend. I'm planning a day out with herself before Friday: we'll sail from the harbour on Market Square and out across the sea to Suomenlinna, the island fortress and world heritage site.

The swimming is awesome, the island full of things to see and do, the gigantic cannons pointing out to sea, the pits, tunnels, underground walkways, are really cool even when the sun's blazing down outside, like stepping into a fridge. We'll be having barbecue, drinking nice wines and beers (rare for me) which we'll cool in the sea. My favourite spot is on the eastern side of the island: big rocks along the sea-line are great for jumping off when it gets too hot. The waves slam into the rocks just below where I set my disposable barbecue pack (which I MacGyver into a pit instead) for chicken fillets and a nice sauce I'll make beforehand.

Any plans for the summer ahead, Shay?


Ahh, sure..

Every window and door in the place wide open and I'm still sweltering.

Same yesterday, so I took sauna at over 100c with my neighbour from Mogadishu, Yazin.

It cooled me right down.

Any joy getting accepted onto GayChat or Arsefield's just yet, Jim?


Ahh, jaze..

Is it raining where you are?

The birds are in chorus up here, and the updrafts in the courtyard are attracting more and more of them.

They swoop, they dive, they glide, they call out, it's beautiful - like a chorus of angels performing for the Mowl.

Do you own a flag at all, Jimmy?


Ah, for...

Fruit flies.

I fucking hate them.

Oh, wait: is that a link?

Let me get my helmet and I'll give it a go.

I like Wales, it's a lovely country to drive through.

Lily the link:

Regardless, you can't read (for comprehension)

I just did.

Secondly, no doubt you have confused a few people by your, how do I put it again 🤔.. Oh yeah - mediocre vocabulary and passable written English (into thinking that you're not stupid)

Aha: so my writing style and the fact that people love me for it really does bother you?

Do you dream about me at night when you're man-handling your little willy?

Whereas I'm going to examine the content of someone's thoughts (or lack thereof) before I make that judgement

Nobody cares what you do, what you're about to do, or what you did last month, Jimmy.

You're too fucking dull and predictable for words.

Apart from this one: mong.
WORLD'S RICHEST MAN Declares War On 'Woke Mind Virus'

Did anyone watch the interview with Peterson and Musk? It's a bit annoying with Peterson (literally dressed as a clown) constantly interrupting and practically doing a parody of his (Canadian) self.

Watch on Telegram 👇
Shades of Gibson? 🤔

You guys must be thrilled to read that RTE won't be going anywhere anytime soon - apart from deeper into your pockets.

Three quarters of a billion of your money, after everything that's passed in the last year?

And Dee Forbes is still at large?

You stupid fucking cunts.
You guys must be thrilled to read that RTE won't be going anywhere anytime soon - apart from deeper into your pockets.

Three quarters of a billion of your money, after everything that's passed in the last year?
Do they still have d'angelus before you sit down to watch the 6.1 on the telly of an evening? 🤔

And Dee Forbes is still at large?

You stupid fucking cunts.
Jambo's so dumb he thinks that if you watch RTE news, then you believe it.

Like when he goes and see a movie about say - a shark, and then afterwards when he leaves the cinema, he's on the look-out for sharks everywhere. In the Liffey, in the sewer with the hoor, walking down Talbot Street selling ten-spots or flying through the air like it's Shark-fucking-nado.

I left Urrlind to get away from all your bullshit, yet still find RTE News an hilarious Irish joke in and of itself. Jambo's convinced that his 'sources' are unique in that nobody else has access to 'de fax uf de mather ' in Urrlind as he has. But then again Jambo's also a closet homosexual and simply can't face owning up to his real self. And his infinite crush on the Mowl. And on Keith, Mortgage, and the other chump.

Be jaze.

Classic homosexual in the closet with his device trained on Keith Woods's toileting habits.

Poor little Jimmy, wouldn't let go.
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