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Is Marianne a housewife by any chance? I hear there's a new black fella doing the milk rounds in Dedham.
Dan is not a nationalist, he's just some bourgeois Yankee prick who's obsessed with money above all else - in typical American fashion.

That's mostly because he doesn't have any - most fuckers who bang on about being rich are Walter Mitty's distant cousins.

Yet the muppets who frequent his site genuinely seem to believe he's some Irish cultural nationalist.

That video?

Oh, wait - THIS video:

The sheer fucking state of the little roundy cunt? He's been banging on about his own coin for around fifteen to sixteen years at this stage, and he still hasn't made a move. He seems to think he's some sort of Paul Revere with his silver penny dreams of having created something that'll outlive him. Try your fucking y-fronts, you stupid little cunt. Go on a fucking diet too, you fat bastard.

You're as fucking dumb as a tin of paint that's crusted over and been on the shelf since 1967, you roundy loser.

Youngdan, a wolf in sheep's clothing if ever there was one.

A fat little kitten in sheep's clothing, more like. If Roundy ever raised a fist to another man, then he'd need three days in bed sleeping to recover from it. His elbows are his most important asset - without them, how's he going to cram all those cheeseburgers into his fat face?

He's absolutely fucking hilarious really, but not in the way he was hoping for: even Val's out-classed him.
Is Marianne a housewife by any chance? I hear there's a new black fella doing the milk rounds in Dedham.

No, she's a working woman. Somebody has to pay Roundy's bill. She took time out for raising the kids, but they're all adults now and only Roundy and herself live in the old clapboard house. Marianne inherited it in 1998 when her Mam passed on. Roundy was the carer for the old dear and Marianne took care of their kids for their school years, then she went back to work when she had time on her hands.

Hers is a real job, she's not a van driver like her husband.

She doesn't busk in the streets either, like her husband.

She likely isn't even aware of what her idiot husband is up to, same as Val's wife - they don't talk about it, it only ever leads to another big shouting match.
That's mostly because he doesn't have any - most fuckers who bang on about being rich are Walter Mitty's distant cousins.

That video?

Oh, wait - THIS video:

The sheer fucking state of the little roundy cunt? He's been banging on about his own coin for around fifteen to sixteen years at this stage, and he still hasn't made a move. He seems to think he's some sort of Paul Revere with his silver penny dreams of having created something that'll outlive him. Try your fucking y-fronts, you stupid little cunt. Go on a fucking diet too, you fat bastard.

You're as fucking dumb as a tin of paint that's crusted over and been on the shelf since 1967, you roundy loser.

A fat little kitten in sheep's clothing, more like. If Roundy ever raised a fist to another man, then he'd need three days in bed sleeping to recover from it. His elbows are his most important asset - without them, how's he going to cram all those cheeseburgers into his fat face?

He's absolutely fucking hilarious really, but not in the way he was hoping for: even Val's out-classed him.

I wonder if you asked him 'and you think you are an example of western civilisation, do you?'

A cow at least has some point to its existence.

Exploding pagers?

Who the fuck uses pagers any more?

Lithium batteries - remotely triggered: fingers/hands, faces/necks, stomachs and arses; all blown to bits.

How the fuck did they set that one up?
So if pagers can become explosive devices, how advanced does the technology of telephony need to be for the same breach to happen in digital format? My presumption was that the lithium battery packs in the pagers might have been triggered remotely, but using what criteria? Pagers are analog devices, so it wasn't done by a code triggering something resulting in mass chaos and lots of nasty wounds all over the body and all across Lebanon.

Mobile phones, tablets, laptops - and the many associated extension devices (Apple watches, spectacles, your in-car/in-flight attachments, etc) would seem to me to be the ideal means by which to cause such chaos. The technology to fire up and overheat a battery pack would seem a more fool-proof option than planting small explosives inside the pagers. Anybody could have opened the pager for any number of reasons. So is it the case that the Israelis managed to infiltrate a delivery of pagers and then either planted them one by one, or simply dumped the original consignment and sent them a different consignment that looked the same and were taken at face value?

This is a whole new way to fight a war: using the very technology war-time communications are based on to lay into your opponent. But then again, it's hardly rocket science either. The logic of flying a plane full of passengers into a landmark building is one thing, but Q himself from the James Bond movies wouldn't have/didn't think/thought of it before 9/11, so the whizz who thought up using pagers as bombs has opened up a whole other way of attacking your enemy on their own turf, quite literally. Lots of blokes will have lost their tackle, women's wombs torn apart, bellies exploded open, ears blown off, fingers, hands, eyes, the kid walking along at head height beside the pager while holding his Dad's hand. All ripped apart in a way I haven't seen before let alone even heard of.

Are there any recorded precedents of this type of attack?

It's nasty - yes.

But also effective.

Fucking Jews.
Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins wikipedia page, last updated in May 2024.

It's written in the second person but with an added Nordie accent that reflects the man himself.

Coincidentally, I played a date in one hotel/club in Temple Bar one night some years back and heard that the Hurricane was staying for the weekend to do some celebrity snooker events for whatever cause. He was standing at the bar from sound check through to the show an hour later. He seemed to be having fun and was laughing along at the lyrics, so he was compos mentis at that time. We introduced ourselves and I shook his hand. It genuinely upset me to see a man in such an advanced state of decomposition while still standing, and with a brim-full glass of whiskey in hand.

Anyway, whomever updated his page exsplains the sit-ye-ay-shin: read it alood in yar bescht nordie axscient.
Bike shed, anyone?

Seriously, they're standing over you and pissing down your shirt at this stage.

What the fuck does it take for Paddy and Bridie to get up off their arses and put a stop to this shit?

A fitness instructor?

And Mary-Lou?

And Simon Harris?

You poor stupid fucking losers, kill yourselves.

Before your children have to do it for you.

Look at a headline like this one - of which there have been dozens and dozens more throughout the last say nine months, one gets the feeling that Ireland could both earn and learn more from her criminals than from her institutions. Ireland's criminals are creaming it in. Millions every month, and when it's dope we're supposed to swallow the line that it all gets destroyed in some combustion chamber to keep it off the streets.

If anything, we've more to gain from studying how these guys devise their schemes to make their money than we are listening to the various institutions telling us to stay on the right side of the law. Gold bullion. Drugs, in huge amounts. Bundles of used notes. All taken out and burned?

Yeah - right you are so.

I bet you did.
The 2025 Budget is being published tomorrow, yes?

And it includes the recent Apple windfall?

That money only just arrived, factoring it into Budget 2025 was hasty, no?

This is all going to end very badly: Paddy, Bridie, and cash dollar money should never sleep together, their bastard children will have to pay the price for their next overspend as well as the current national debt. This budget doesn't even include the Apple €14bn tax windfall, and I get the feeling that given the 'we're all in it together' tone your new kid on the block Jack Chambers is selling you, that Paddy and Bridie are expecting a big handout to go mega-shopping again.

Cue all the empty lots in the Blanchardstown shopping centre filling up with crap goods and there's queues of people out the door and down to the back of the mall waiting to throw their money at what-ever is going. Maybe add in another SSIA type longer-investment 5/10yr account they'll pay back with a plus twenty-five percent added to grease their way back into power after the next election.

Whatever they tell you to do, do the complete opposite.

It's the only way to make any sense of modern Irish life and commerce.

Give Paddy five hundred euros and watch him piss the lot up the wall and then stagger home with his fish and chips. Give Paddy six thousand euros and watch him turn it into a debt of twice that amount. Watch as his kids start getting a bit bored with all this up/down, in/out, shake-it-all-about type financial chicanery and decide that as soon as college/uni's finished, they're off.

Anywhere but Ireland.
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I think the wisest piece of knowledge concerning women our fathers pass on to us as their sons would be:

"Just nod your head in agreement at all times for women are always right, even when they're wrong".
Sadly the same cannot be said about the political class: phone pouches for everyone! Get yours today - get your kid to stop fiddling with their phone all day and try to pay attention to their classes!

Reminds one of the days of the EEC butter and cheese mountains. Cheese giveaways. Cheese vouchers for the unemployed. Shops taking in cheese vouchers and handing out tobacco and alcohol products. Fuel vouchers for the unemployed, traded for drink. Welfare day parties and happy hours. Children's allowance day drinking sessions. Drink-links: open an account with Louis FitzGerald's 'BeneFitz' off licenses: you can run a tab if you sign up to pay X amount on the first day of the month, and if you run short of cash they'll still deliver your drinks to your door and you can pay on the long finger after spending X amount over a period of X months. Refuse to pay and you're barred from all of his joints, your details logged - you're an easy write-off for the Fitz chain, they own more pubs, lounges, restaurants, hotels, off licenses than anyone in Ireland.

I should know, I worked contracts with him for over twenty years. I was on the floor of every place he owns, I got to know his methods, his customers, how he treats them, how he sets up these guaranteed-profit ideas that push the boundaries of the law, and so long as the money's coming in, so keep it up until the add a legal clause preventing it.

He's the very man who got his lawyers together with his architects twenty-odd years back to stretch the definition of the law in regard to smoking bans. No smoking allowed? Hmmm. No smoking rooms allowed? Fine. So what constitutes a 'room' as such? Four walls, a floor, a ceiling, and an exit/entrance, right? Well, is it still a 'room' if the ceiling and walls don't meet? How about the floors? Is concrete a floor? How about concrete with a washable/removable rubber-based carpet temporarily placed over it? Is there a law about putting tables and chairs out in your delivery bay? How about a wall-mounted and insulated TV or suspending one from a ceiling which doesn't actually meet the walls? And what's a wall anyway? Is there such a thing as a glass wall? Yes? Grand. How about those standing heat lamps? Can you stick a few of those up in your bay without any planning permission? Yes? They're mobile, they can be easily moved around. How about punters hanging around the delivery bay area during business hours? That's okay? Grand.

So how about we mix up all these ingredients and create something that's perfectly legal as well as semi comfortable?

And so you had the birth of the now standard smoking rooms of pretty much every bar across Europe. But it was Louis who did it first. He has a lot invested in the law regarding keeping his chain in the black. Spending loads of his dosh on exactly this type of thing is what put him where he is today. He started out as a barman in Limerick. He had nothing. But he took his chances and worked his fingers to the bone to accumulate the vast wealth he and his family enjoy today.

Once he had the legalities sorted out, he had the same people do his planning, get it all drafted and then ply the local councils and the state with it.

They couldn't stop him, he had the whole thing boxed up and untouchable by the law before he took one step towards slotting them into his many outlets.

Smart man, very smart.
Here's a shot of a one/two-person cell in Ireland's Cloverhill prison:

And here's a shot of a Dublin flat to let at around €1200 per month:

Strange, no? Some lad from Ballyfermot was murdered in Cloverhill yesterday. An improvised weapon of some description was used and he was taken to hospital but died shortly after. Inmates killing each other? Nasty. The murderer is currently in Garda custody. From one cell to another and soon enough up before the judge again. Then back to a cell.

I guess when the choices are between a nice warm and well insulated (rent free) cell with a television, room service, and all the time in the world to daydream as opposed to a smelly tent down some piss-stinking lane-way littered with dirty syringes and piles of shite in the freezing cold, then the choice makes itself.

I doubt the new children's hospital offers as many comforts as Cloverhill prison.

By the way, how do you guys feel about the recent budget?

Happy enough to see that Apple tax-rebate spread around?

It constituted half of the budget, but it wasn't even a reality until as recently as two months ago.

How's that going to pan out for you lot?
Irish nationalism. What a load of useless toss? These mugs really crack me up: I mean, you have stuck record Jambo over on the gay bar site muttering on and on about your ethno-nationalism, civic nationalism, post-nationalism, pre-nationalism, green-nationalism, ethno-Dublinism, civic-Ballyerism. He has fuck all else to discuss bar precisely WHERE on the political spectrum everyone else is, in his opinion. Like a child with a kid's laboratory set, he studies the instructions to the letter and still ends up burning off his fingertips with a corrosive acid.

This cunt's another howl: he was caught robbing clothes from a Ukrainian support centre down in Cork. Imagine robbing from refugees? From women and children? What a fucking cunt. I hope he has his name dragged all over the papers for the next few days. That'll teach all about his own and Saul's flavour of nationalism in modern-day Ireland: rob the pensioners, they're easy pickings. Rob the charity shops - they can't even afford security cameras, so they're asking for it. Rob anything NOT nailed down. Rob from your own family members - like Deco going through his wife's purse while she's napping after a long day at work.

Face it: nationalism means nothing in Ireland.

You have nothing to be nationalist about, now do you?

I mean, y'all had it in the palms of your hands and the door was wide open to you.

'You coulda had class.
You coulda been a contender.
You could've been somebody, instead of bums - which is what you are.
Let's face it.

Blighe, like many who went before him, is now fuck all but a petty criminal, a cowardly rat bastard who pilfered the clothes intended for war refugees, for women and children, and then tried to weasel his way out of it. A right fucking gouger scumbag. These are the very people the gay bar site adore and champion with their daily delusions of importance. They're more than willing to accept the nod and wink from any other rat bastard scumbag too: just look at the way they all try to prop Saul up even though they know what his family business actually is: robbing from the very aged asleep in their beds, a family of heavy-gang type techniques of coercion and threat. Nationalists have nothing to be proud of, if they did then they wouldn't tolerate not being able to sit down next to Patrick Kavanagh along the canal at Ranelagh. They can't - too many tents.

What they should do (nationalists) is to head down to the Grand Canal and rob whatever clothes they find drying out in the wind hanging from the trees. Rob their knickers, boots, wind-breakers, and their prized (smelly) sneakers (in reality, the blokes living along the canals and out in the distant suburbs of Clonsilla and Blanchardstown have better footwear than most of your regular Irish slobs/sheep. When those lads go robbing, they don't get caught).

When Irish nationalists go robbing, they end up on the front page.


Stings, eh.
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