Irish nationalism. What a load of useless toss? These mugs really crack me up: I mean, you have stuck record Jambo over on the gay bar site muttering on and on about your ethno-nationalism, civic nationalism, post-nationalism, pre-nationalism, green-nationalism, ethno-Dublinism, civic-Ballyerism. He has fuck all else to discuss bar precisely WHERE on the political spectrum everyone else is, in his opinion. Like a child with a kid's laboratory set, he studies the instructions to the letter and still ends up burning off his fingertips with a corrosive acid.
Blighe, 44, was previously convicted of stealing a t-shirt from the Palyanysta Ukrainian Hub in Merchants Quay Shopping Centre in Cork city.
This cunt's another howl: he was caught robbing clothes from a Ukrainian support centre down in Cork. Imagine robbing from refugees? From women and children? What a fucking cunt. I hope he has his name dragged all over the papers for the next few days. That'll teach all about his own and Saul's flavour of nationalism in modern-day Ireland: rob the pensioners, they're easy pickings. Rob the charity shops - they can't even afford security cameras, so they're asking for it. Rob anything NOT nailed down. Rob from your own family members - like Deco going through his wife's purse while she's napping after a long day at work.
Face it: nationalism means nothing in Ireland.
You have nothing to be nationalist about, now do you?
I mean, y'all had it in the palms of your hands and the door was wide open to you.
You coulda had class.
You coulda been a contender.
You could've been somebody, instead of bums - which is what you are.
Let's face it.
Blighe, like many who went before him, is now fuck all but a petty criminal, a cowardly rat bastard who pilfered the clothes intended for war refugees, for women and children, and then tried to weasel his way out of it. A right fucking gouger scumbag. These are the very people the gay bar site adore and champion with their daily delusions of importance. They're more than willing to accept the nod and wink from any other rat bastard scumbag too: just look at the way they all try to prop Saul up even though they know what his family business actually is: robbing from the very aged asleep in their beds, a family of heavy-gang type techniques of coercion and threat. Nationalists have nothing to be proud of, if they did then they wouldn't tolerate not being able to sit down next to Patrick Kavanagh along the canal at Ranelagh. They can't - too many tents.
What they should do (nationalists) is to head down to the Grand Canal and rob whatever clothes they find drying out in the wind hanging from the trees. Rob their knickers, boots, wind-breakers, and their prized (smelly) sneakers (
in reality, the blokes living along the canals and out in the distant suburbs of Clonsilla and Blanchardstown have better footwear than most of your regular Irish slobs/sheep. When those lads go robbing, they don't get caught).
When Irish nationalists go robbing, they end up on the front page.
Stings, eh.