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Look at a headline like this one - of which there have been dozens and dozens more throughout the last say nine months, one gets the feeling that Ireland could both earn and learn more from her criminals than from her institutions. Ireland's criminals are creaming it in. Millions every month, and when it's dope we're supposed to swallow the line that it all gets destroyed in some combustion chamber to keep it off the streets.

If anything, we've more to gain from studying how these guys devise their schemes to make their money than we are listening to the various institutions telling us to stay on the right side of the law. Gold bullion. Drugs, in huge amounts. Bundles of used notes. All taken out and burned?

Yeah - right you are so.

I bet you did.
The 2025 Budget is being published tomorrow, yes?

And it includes the recent Apple windfall?

That money only just arrived, factoring it into Budget 2025 was hasty, no?

This is all going to end very badly: Paddy, Bridie, and cash dollar money should never sleep together, their bastard children will have to pay the price for their next overspend as well as the current national debt. This budget doesn't even include the Apple €14bn tax windfall, and I get the feeling that given the 'we're all in it together' tone your new kid on the block Jack Chambers is selling you, that Paddy and Bridie are expecting a big handout to go mega-shopping again.

Cue all the empty lots in the Blanchardstown shopping centre filling up with crap goods and there's queues of people out the door and down to the back of the mall waiting to throw their money at what-ever is going. Maybe add in another SSIA type longer-investment 5/10yr account they'll pay back with a plus twenty-five percent added to grease their way back into power after the next election.

Whatever they tell you to do, do the complete opposite.

It's the only way to make any sense of modern Irish life and commerce.

Give Paddy five hundred euros and watch him piss the lot up the wall and then stagger home with his fish and chips. Give Paddy six thousand euros and watch him turn it into a debt of twice that amount. Watch as his kids start getting a bit bored with all this up/down, in/out, shake-it-all-about type financial chicanery and decide that as soon as college/uni's finished, they're off.

Anywhere but Ireland.
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I think the wisest piece of knowledge concerning women our fathers pass on to us as their sons would be:

"Just nod your head in agreement at all times for women are always right, even when they're wrong".
Sadly the same cannot be said about the political class: phone pouches for everyone! Get yours today - get your kid to stop fiddling with their phone all day and try to pay attention to their classes!

Reminds one of the days of the EEC butter and cheese mountains. Cheese giveaways. Cheese vouchers for the unemployed. Shops taking in cheese vouchers and handing out tobacco and alcohol products. Fuel vouchers for the unemployed, traded for drink. Welfare day parties and happy hours. Children's allowance day drinking sessions. Drink-links: open an account with Louis FitzGerald's 'BeneFitz' off licenses: you can run a tab if you sign up to pay X amount on the first day of the month, and if you run short of cash they'll still deliver your drinks to your door and you can pay on the long finger after spending X amount over a period of X months. Refuse to pay and you're barred from all of his joints, your details logged - you're an easy write-off for the Fitz chain, they own more pubs, lounges, restaurants, hotels, off licenses than anyone in Ireland.

I should know, I worked contracts with him for over twenty years. I was on the floor of every place he owns, I got to know his methods, his customers, how he treats them, how he sets up these guaranteed-profit ideas that push the boundaries of the law, and so long as the money's coming in, so keep it up until the add a legal clause preventing it.

He's the very man who got his lawyers together with his architects twenty-odd years back to stretch the definition of the law in regard to smoking bans. No smoking allowed? Hmmm. No smoking rooms allowed? Fine. So what constitutes a 'room' as such? Four walls, a floor, a ceiling, and an exit/entrance, right? Well, is it still a 'room' if the ceiling and walls don't meet? How about the floors? Is concrete a floor? How about concrete with a washable/removable rubber-based carpet temporarily placed over it? Is there a law about putting tables and chairs out in your delivery bay? How about a wall-mounted and insulated TV or suspending one from a ceiling which doesn't actually meet the walls? And what's a wall anyway? Is there such a thing as a glass wall? Yes? Grand. How about those standing heat lamps? Can you stick a few of those up in your bay without any planning permission? Yes? They're mobile, they can be easily moved around. How about punters hanging around the delivery bay area during business hours? That's okay? Grand.

So how about we mix up all these ingredients and create something that's perfectly legal as well as semi comfortable?

And so you had the birth of the now standard smoking rooms of pretty much every bar across Europe. But it was Louis who did it first. He has a lot invested in the law regarding keeping his chain in the black. Spending loads of his dosh on exactly this type of thing is what put him where he is today. He started out as a barman in Limerick. He had nothing. But he took his chances and worked his fingers to the bone to accumulate the vast wealth he and his family enjoy today.

Once he had the legalities sorted out, he had the same people do his planning, get it all drafted and then ply the local councils and the state with it.

They couldn't stop him, he had the whole thing boxed up and untouchable by the law before he took one step towards slotting them into his many outlets.

Smart man, very smart.
Here's a shot of a one/two-person cell in Ireland's Cloverhill prison:

And here's a shot of a Dublin flat to let at around €1200 per month:

Strange, no? Some lad from Ballyfermot was murdered in Cloverhill yesterday. An improvised weapon of some description was used and he was taken to hospital but died shortly after. Inmates killing each other? Nasty. The murderer is currently in Garda custody. From one cell to another and soon enough up before the judge again. Then back to a cell.

I guess when the choices are between a nice warm and well insulated (rent free) cell with a television, room service, and all the time in the world to daydream as opposed to a smelly tent down some piss-stinking lane-way littered with dirty syringes and piles of shite in the freezing cold, then the choice makes itself.

I doubt the new children's hospital offers as many comforts as Cloverhill prison.

By the way, how do you guys feel about the recent budget?

Happy enough to see that Apple tax-rebate spread around?

It constituted half of the budget, but it wasn't even a reality until as recently as two months ago.

How's that going to pan out for you lot?
Irish nationalism. What a load of useless toss? These mugs really crack me up: I mean, you have stuck record Jambo over on the gay bar site muttering on and on about your ethno-nationalism, civic nationalism, post-nationalism, pre-nationalism, green-nationalism, ethno-Dublinism, civic-Ballyerism. He has fuck all else to discuss bar precisely WHERE on the political spectrum everyone else is, in his opinion. Like a child with a kid's laboratory set, he studies the instructions to the letter and still ends up burning off his fingertips with a corrosive acid.

This cunt's another howl: he was caught robbing clothes from a Ukrainian support centre down in Cork. Imagine robbing from refugees? From women and children? What a fucking cunt. I hope he has his name dragged all over the papers for the next few days. That'll teach all about his own and Saul's flavour of nationalism in modern-day Ireland: rob the pensioners, they're easy pickings. Rob the charity shops - they can't even afford security cameras, so they're asking for it. Rob anything NOT nailed down. Rob from your own family members - like Deco going through his wife's purse while she's napping after a long day at work.

Face it: nationalism means nothing in Ireland.

You have nothing to be nationalist about, now do you?

I mean, y'all had it in the palms of your hands and the door was wide open to you.

'You coulda had class.
You coulda been a contender.
You could've been somebody, instead of bums - which is what you are.
Let's face it.

Blighe, like many who went before him, is now fuck all but a petty criminal, a cowardly rat bastard who pilfered the clothes intended for war refugees, for women and children, and then tried to weasel his way out of it. A right fucking gouger scumbag. These are the very people the gay bar site adore and champion with their daily delusions of importance. They're more than willing to accept the nod and wink from any other rat bastard scumbag too: just look at the way they all try to prop Saul up even though they know what his family business actually is: robbing from the very aged asleep in their beds, a family of heavy-gang type techniques of coercion and threat. Nationalists have nothing to be proud of, if they did then they wouldn't tolerate not being able to sit down next to Patrick Kavanagh along the canal at Ranelagh. They can't - too many tents.

What they should do (nationalists) is to head down to the Grand Canal and rob whatever clothes they find drying out in the wind hanging from the trees. Rob their knickers, boots, wind-breakers, and their prized (smelly) sneakers (in reality, the blokes living along the canals and out in the distant suburbs of Clonsilla and Blanchardstown have better footwear than most of your regular Irish slobs/sheep. When those lads go robbing, they don't get caught).

When Irish nationalists go robbing, they end up on the front page.


Stings, eh.
Youtube has become seriously fucking unusable lately, every video I select I get gives me two ads I can't click away. They then stick ads in the middle of things too, making it a complete fucking waste of time. Continuation is lost. Doesn't matter what you select, they stick ads all over everything, period. Fuck that, won't be wasting my time with it any more: maybe some music things but the rest can fuck off and fester.
They're putting in more ads to try and get people to subscribe/ pay for YouTube Premium...yet another subscription service among the other two million.

Nearly everything is a subscription these days, gone is the concept of paying for something once and then owning it forever.
They're putting in more ads to try and get people to subscribe/ pay for YouTube Premium...yet another subscription service among the other two million.

Makes sense, I guess.

From their point of view - but not the end user.

Nearly everything is a subscription these days, gone is the concept of paying for something once and then owning it forever.

I have two Spotify accounts: one is a freebie I was given for signing up, and the other is an ad-free private account paid for by the brother of a girl I was seeing. He maintains it from his bank account, but I sign in for free and can make playlists etc on my end seeing as he doesn't even use the account.

That said, Daniel Ek is a thorough-bred cunt.
Arsefielder mods take themselves far too seriously it has to be said. I hear talk of "keeping things respectful" etc. whenever I browse your fine forum. Christ on a bike but you're little more than useful idiots, willing to spend time devoted to virtually policing drunken muppets....time which could otherwise be devoted to important things such as engaging with friends and family. Dear Arsefield's mods:

▪︎You're not important, nor is the "job" which Danny boy has assigned to you.

▪︎Nobody gives a flying fuck what a bunch of pissheads say or mention on a website devoted to at most 10 - 15 members... a TD will never wrongfully lose an election due to xyz saying something naughty.

▪︎Nobody in real life gives a fuck...FF / FG / The Greens are probably going to get elected irregardless of your 24/7 rantings....so maybe find another passion to pass the time?

Don't get me wrong, I admire your passion...but truth be told - Ireland is changing whether you like it or not. Whinging 24/7 on Yankee Dan's shitstorm of a website won't change a thing in the long run and the lot of you know that deep down. Maybe find an old man pub in which to carry out your daily whinging- at least that way you might get listened to...Danny out in Boston-way truly couldn't give a flying fuck either way so long as he has a website to boast to the wife about. Danny and his crazy website out yonder Boston-way will do fuck all to change the course of modern-Irish history. Try to challenge me all you want but you all know deep down that I'm speaking the truth here

Happy Halloween 🎃 you crazy bastards on Arsefield's. I don't think you're wrong 100% of the time, but I think you're crazy bastards all the same. I don't actually hate you and everything you stand for, but am rather annoyed at Feeney's constant attempts at trolling and disrupting this forum. Join Isle if you want, I couldn't give a monkey's either way - just be prepared for the feasibility of having to stand your own ground, aka. there are no mods to babysit you on Isle...you're on your own, aka. take on the Mowl at your own peril.,

p.s. These "forum wars" are just for the lulz at the end of the day. Goodnight you crazy bastards on Arsefield's and have a great Halloween all the same...let's at least celebrate this Ancient Celtic tradition together irregardless of our differences 👍🎃

Oíche Shamhna shona duit, agus hyvää Samhain y'all.

The local kiddies have been coming and going all day: I stocked up on fresh fruit and nuts for their campaign. Happy parents, but the kids weren't exactly in uproar about my healthy choices. They sang me a song anyway, and all the neighbours came to hear them. Lovely little tykes dressed as witches and spooks, faces painted and long branches covered in coloured feathers to celebrate autumn and the falling leaves that harken the coming winter.

Didn't carve a pumpkin this year, but my cousin John did:

Good to know the Scandis are at long last celebrating Halloween...we Celts at least owe the Norse a night of fun considering they established most of our trading posts - which in 2024 continue to attract 99% of our FDI.

Goodnight Norseland, enjoy the night and go easy on the demon drink whatever ye do 👍🇫🇮🇸🇪🇳🇴🇮🇸🇩🇰
Am I the only one who couldn't give a flying fuck about US elections, or who the Yanks vote for every four years? Both the GOP and Democrats are owned by Wall Street...the average man on the street was getting fucked over for another four years irregardless of who got in.
Couldn't give much less of a shit about Americans.

I hope Trump fucking destroys America for once and for all.

Ignorant, crude, childlike people with no self awareness and even less self respect.

Fuck America, fuck the American people.

What the utter fucking fuck is he singing about? Pahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! What a crazy fucking bastard! Pahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! He sings like a retarded child with a Jaze, he even washed himself and changed out his manky jumper for a farmer's suit jacket. I note too that he's got a new haircut and a very close shave, including having his nasal hair waxed. Which means someone sent him into town to the barbers to clean his shit up for him. The plugs of ear hair that stuck out even bigger than his big mad ex-copper ears has been waxed off too. Looks like he's getting ready for something alright.

He lit a candle for the Donald. A candle, says you? Aye, a little candelabra from the 1930s. Then starts singing muttering groaning the American national anthem? He must have been smacked hard in the arse by his bull. He's actually trying to sing A SECOND TIME even after the debacle that was 'The Scratchin' Song'. Holy lord of the fucking jaze help us all.

And this man's running for office in Ireland?

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