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He's his own worst enemy.

By the time he wakes up and starts in on his slab of cheap lager, he'll be screaming hell-fire and erupting like a volcano in sheer rage at the injustices done to him by this big bad world and everyone in it. No fucking wonder the poor cunt hasn't had a ride in years and years. Not even a prostitute would take his money, such is his rat-like nature.

He's also a fucking coward, a loser who knows he can't make it on his own: unlike the site owner here, unlike even Val Martin, and again unlike the Mowl. Even Roundy Kelly has something else under his belt than just fat and flab. He has a busy little rat's den with some of Ireland's nastiest knacker bastards crawling all over it. Even Fish-paste quit his mod-job and went walkabout. Now Cunt/Crappery's fucking off as well.

And Jambo?

He's still in his pyjamas and has a tin in one hand and his Nokia phone from 1997, looking for things to get angry about.

He should really wash his butt, then hang himself.
It's a pity we don't have forums such as PW.org anymore - so many high-quality threads and zero twatter links. The last thing we want is for Isle to become yet another toilet bowl like Arsefield's.
It's a pity we don't have forums such as PW.org anymore - so many high-quality threads and zero twatter links. The last thing we want is for Isle to become yet another toilet bowl like Arsefield's.

I was on PW.Org for a year or so. The old hag who ran was seriously uptight: one time she banned me for some days after posting John Cooper Clarke's live version of his classic poem 'Twat'. Because it contained the word 'twat' in it. On another occasion she flipped when I referred to that other fat auld wan that used to read the RTE news as having three chins and no neck.

Which was weird, because the woman has three chins and no visible neck.

I reckon Jambo's considering his position, all the usual crap he posts late at night doesn't seem to be available. Maybe he thinks that if he doesn't post his links then the site will go down. It won't, it's far too nice on here even if we have a small coterie of posters and members, we still have lots of traffic from competing sites rubbernecking the Isle every day.

But anyway, nobody will miss Jambo's linky-poos - apart from Jambo.
Watching an episode of Only Fools and Horses where they're painting the walls of a Chinese restaurant when a black cat comes rushing out the front door...

DEL: "That's going to please Mister Chin isn't it?"

RODNEY: "Was it his pet?

DEL: "No, but number 39's off the menu"
I was a huge OFAH fan years back, then I got roped into doing some musical work with a plastic Paddy from Essex. A natural born cunt, a seriously sleazy and rotten bastard. He pulled a stunt on me and I caught him red-handed: trying to rob me and at the same time blaming me for robbing a bottle of expensive vodka at the party we were playing. Both my Ray Bans and the lady's vodka were found in his rucksack, which he tried to hide, but was recorded on a security camera.

It was such a hideous and embarrassing act of complete fucking rotten-to-the-core bastardism.

I quit the project after the show and made my thoughts clear to the cunt.

Ever since then, whenever I hear the cockney accent, it drags me back to that night and cornering the cunt before making sure everyone at the event knew exactly what happened and by whom. So I lost all the entertainment value of classic OFAH shows. Can't bear to hear Rodney in particular, who's played brilliantly by Nicholas Lyndhurst. All the fun's gone out of it for me. Apart from Trigger, who floors me every time but he only features as an occasional character.

In fact, if Trigger had a show of his own he'd be an even bigger legend.

Poor Jambo's probably gone and "replaced" himself.

He realised that if the immigrants coming in were actually going to "replace" him, he'd logically have to do away with himself.

Ideology, isn't it. What's more important than one's ideology.

So he took Mowl's advice, except on his own terms, he was going to show everyone that "replacement" was "fact".

Only the only problem has been no one has missed him. Well except us here on Isle.

The upshot is, Jambo loses his virtual game of "chess".

Poor Jambo.
I could have been wrong. For Jambo's apparently been spotted out on the street, according to sources.

It seems he finally took on board the advice of Isle to get out of his bloody flat and actually DO something!

Wonders will never cease!
So maybe it's not yet 'check-mate' for poor old Jambo in that grand game we call "life". He may have a few more moves left up his sleeve!
That's Jambo?

Yes, that's the after-diet photo.

Apparently he lost around six kilos of body fat, but the blood pressure's still through the roof.

Just one wank over the limit could render the poor bastard wheel-chaired.

Or uni-cycled: Jambo on a clown's tiny one-wheeler would be some sight to see, especially set to Oasis songs.
E Electricity

Off moderation. Just remember that tweets, screenshots etc go here 👇

Some guy was hauled up for threatening Simon Harris's family home being targeted: the guy is named, and they said he's the sole carer for his elderly mother, which immediately brought that idiot from Galway over on Arsefield's to mind. He's fat, baldy, ugly, and wears a train-spotter's raincoat.

Sham Pox personified.

'A 48-YEAR-OLD Connemara man charged with issuing a threat on social media to kill or cause serious harm to Taoiseach Simon Harris and his family has been released on bail.

Patrick Grealish of 16 Garrai an Choirce, Lettermullen, Co Galway, appeared before Judge Gerard Furlong at a special sitting of Galway District Court this afternoon

It has to be the case that as this hate speech thingy they're blanketing you with is going to expose more and more real names of characters who are likely to be associated with online craic such as these sites. As for worrying about the legality of things, I stand by all my posts - even the ones inviting certain losers to top themselves. It's a slog of a job - but someone has to do it.

Seems to me to be a daily occurrence reading the news from Ireland that your roads are fucking dangerous. It's always the Monday news that reads worst: how many dead on how many roads. Nowadays it's every day. Dropping like flies in the polar regions. Odd too that they never mention whether the passengers killed were great men/women for the GAA, as they do with other sad and avoidable deaths.

If I ever end up in Finnish court for some crime, then I'm pleading the GAA get-out clause: 'you Finns may not know or even understand the role of GAA in Irish life, but to an Irishman of my stature, my crimes pale next to the beautiful game, and I hereby request that this court be abandoned and all charges drop-kicked to the bleachers...'

Two young women dead today as a result of using Irish roads.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? They're roads, no skyscrapers. They're flat, you don't need to pick anything up to build one, you just keep dumping wet cement as you move forward. What's the deal with crappy Irish engineering? You throw more than enough money at these things but not only do you get charged for using what you paid to build, you might also die using one. And if you do - it's your own fault - nobody else's.

Mental little country.
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