Jambo - he grabbed what's called a pop-shield.
Y'know those lads who man the sentry boxes outside Buckingham Palace?
Well, you know those big fluffy hats they wear? *
A pop shield is kind of like that, but not really - its function is to reduce the noise of the winds blowing around it that would otherwise fog up the microphone input levels. We use them in the studio all the time for vocalists: when an artist is singing from the heart, flecks of spittle can dart off the lips and hit the microphone's metal shield, making a pop sound. You won't hear it as it happens, but you definitely will when you solo the vocal part and play it from the start. Those little pops have destroyed many an otherwise 100% recording.
Some studio wags prefer to buy a pair of women's tights: they cut off the crotch area and attach it to a bent-up wire hanger and place it just in front to the middle of the junction between the voice and the microphone. Of course, some fuckers use their ex-girlfriend's tights, which is nasty.
* I was going to say: 'hang your bollocks on it', but I changed my mind at the last moment.