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Jambo's like the postman: when you wake in the morning and head downstairs to put on the tea, he delivers these little postcards from the war and you find them at the foot of your door right under the letterbox. Most of it is junk mail and it goes straight into the bin, the rest can be used for kindling later on out the back garden on the barbecue pit.

Today I got two postcards - this one:

And this one:

I just hope that Jambo doesn't go the way of Philip Dwyer, kicking dogs in the face when they get a bit close enough to lash out at.

Then again, Jambo's the mirror image of Dwyer: fat, pudgy, roundy, a knacker, a spiv, a loser, and a lock-in.

Must be confusing for an Irish man to translate English people's language/actions into Irish bloggers language/actions?
Jambo's like the postman: when you wake in the morning and head downstairs to put on the tea, he delivers these little postcards from the war and you find them at the foot of your door right under the letterbox. Most of it is junk mail and it goes straight into the bin, the rest can be used for kindling later on out the back garden on the barbecue pit.

Today I got two postcards - this one:
And this one:

I just hope that Jambo doesn't go the way of Philip Dwyer, kicking dogs in the face when they get a bit close enough to lash out at.

Then again, Jambo's the mirror image of Dwyer: fat, pudgy, roundy, a knacker, a spiv, a loser, and a lock-in.

Must be confusing for an Irish man to translate English people's language/actions into Irish bloggers language/actions?
Jaysus boys gott so drunk last nite ended up flashin me tits at some fellas at s stagg party

Hope Dave dont find outt
Could you do us all a favour, Mizz Feeney?

Could you please take off your bloomers and sit on Jambo's face for a while?

He misses his Mammy.
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