A Status Orange wind warning remains in place for the entire country.
They really have you fools under their spell, don't they? The meteorological experts assign these silly names to weather events and everyone on the shitty little island follows suit thereby giving
the weather a schedule, a personality, and a fairly vicious and predictive destructive streak as one trait of same. Ever wondered why they name the
Irish storms weather during the various seasons?
Because it gives you something to blame all of your shittily built houses, roads, estates, and everything else they lash up at the highest available price to one of their mates on. '
Oh, that bastard storm Darragh's some cunt, eh? The fucker lifted me garden furniture our' of it and now I can't watch the bleedin' telly because me cables are down after the skinny wooden flag-poles they hang from were selected by Darragh for felling across the (recently fixed) boreen in order to punish me, the poor tax-payer. O
h woe is me: what am I to do?'
You could try holding your pox-ridden national institutions and service providers to higher standards for a start. You could pull them up on issues like the bike shed and the hut. But you didn't, did you? Instead you laughed about it and then promptly voted them straight back in like you always do, and now you're being treated like a dumb kid all over again - and you appear to like it too.
So Darragh wrecked your Friday night out?
Was The Late Late Toy Show not enough to distract you from simple reality?
Those clowns you voted in are
exactly what you deserve, you lazy shower of useless fucking mouth-breathing cunts.
Darragh too - I hope he fucked your shit up good.
You deserve it, you steaming piles of cowardly and broke-backed scutter.
You make me laugh.