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On behalf of Isle I would like to offer my condolences to Saul's family and friends. The loss of a loved one is never easy.
Shithole fucking country, America.

Fuck 'em - let them all kill each other; it's a failed state suitable only for spoofing chancers like Roundy Kelly and his rat bastard clan.
On behalf of Isle I would like to offer my condolences to Saul's family and friends.

I don't.

The loss of a loved one is never easy.

Even if the loved one was a cowardly racist Nazi prick who only doxxed himself because he knew someone else would if he didn't?

I strongly doubt it, especially if the bereaved are also nationalist racist Nazi pricks.

And even more especially if the loved one was the father of a rat cunt burglar who singled out and robbed specifically pensioners: the single most cowardly, disgusting, and yellow-bellied, form of robbery. No banks. No post offices. No factories or warehouses.

But old folks - who live alone and who are usually asleep in their beds.

You might think I'd also overlook/forget it now as you lot have all done for the last two years? Why would I lie about Saul's coming to me about what to do about his own son, who had his wits stretched to breaking point? Why would anyone make up such a thing? And pepper it will so many details that he tried and failed to deny or obscure? When I heard the sons' age, I was shocked. I couldn't believe I was having this conversation. He's no kiddo. He's been on the scratch for some time.

And to boost his weekly spend?
Rob supermarkets for the daily items?
Rob the off license for the evening treats?
Hold up the petrol station for the contents of the till?

Nope, none of the above.




Repeat those three words and ask yourself how malignant you are yourself.

You fucking hypocrites.

You're scum, the lot of you.

You deserve each other.

You'll die an even more obscure death than the spineless Bucket just did.
A stopped clock is right twice a day... I actually agree with Mandy on this one and wish that I too could leave this shithole of an island for good.


That stupid little cunt will continue to do as he's done up to now: bend over and take it, hard.

He's going fucking nowhere, the useless little prick.

he'll die within two miles of the spot where he was born - another useless and dickless Paddy in a world of Bridie's.

They really have you fools under their spell, don't they? The meteorological experts assign these silly names to weather events and everyone on the shitty little island follows suit thereby giving the weather a schedule, a personality, and a fairly vicious and predictive destructive streak as one trait of same. Ever wondered why they name the Irish storms weather during the various seasons?

Because it gives you something to blame all of your shittily built houses, roads, estates, and everything else they lash up at the highest available price to one of their mates on. 'Oh, that bastard storm Darragh's some cunt, eh? The fucker lifted me garden furniture our' of it and now I can't watch the bleedin' telly because me cables are down after the skinny wooden flag-poles they hang from were selected by Darragh for felling across the (recently fixed) boreen in order to punish me, the poor tax-payer. Oh woe is me: what am I to do?'

You could try holding your pox-ridden national institutions and service providers to higher standards for a start. You could pull them up on issues like the bike shed and the hut. But you didn't, did you? Instead you laughed about it and then promptly voted them straight back in like you always do, and now you're being treated like a dumb kid all over again - and you appear to like it too.

So Darragh wrecked your Friday night out?

Was The Late Late Toy Show not enough to distract you from simple reality?

Those clowns you voted in are exactly what you deserve, you lazy shower of useless fucking mouth-breathing cunts.

Darragh too - I hope he fucked your shit up good.

You deserve it, you steaming piles of cowardly and broke-backed scutter.

You make me laugh.
So are you guys planning on sending them back now that their war is over?

Or will you roll over and let them stay on the public teat for another generation?

I know where my money's going.



Remember that scene in the comedy movie 'Schindler's List' where the Jews are taking a stroll down the middle of the street with all their worldly possessions in tow and there's a little girl standing on the pavement shouting at them; 'goodbye, Jews - goodbye Jews'?

That was really funny.

I wonder how many Jews there are in Ireland today. I applied for a job in their historic museum in Portobello years ago, just to see (a) what was in the building and (b) how they'd feel about interviewing a lapsed catholic for a position handling their historic documents. The old geezer that interviewed me was highly amused at my complete lack of any experience in the field of research, and even more amused that I was from Ballyer. Needless to say, I didn't get the job but it was an interesting way to get to see the lifestyle behind the blank faces of the few Irish Jews I know personally.

Most of whom - but not all - I despise and detest.

Two of the families I dealt with both have a gaggle of kids, and it's the ones around thirty-five to forty-five years of age I know personally. One is in the music business. Or maybe it'd be better to say he was in the music business. An arrogant little prick with a rich Dad and little talent, he released his first solo album last November 2023. Two days later war kicked off when Hezbollah flew in on their little James Bond uni-copters and starting shooting up an all-night rave when the sun rose. he went mental on social media, I mean really crazy shit he was flinging out at anyone who so much as posted a laughter emoji at him. He deleted his entire social media and as much of his history as he could. Then he disappeared.

I kept an eye on what was going on with his self-financed new record: was it getting any airplay? Any videos being made for telly, etc.

There was nothing.

At all.

It flopped even faster than he did and he's out of pocket by some tens of thousands.

Which is nice.

So now they haven't an embassy for their Jewish issues.

Which is also nice.

As I said: I don't hate all Jews - only those I know personally.

And they're all over commercial Irish media, like long shadows over Montrose.
This lady from France, Gisele Pelicot: raped by more than fifty men over a ten year period while drugged up by her husband, who invited all these strangers into their house to rape her one after the other:


This slut, Lily Phillips: allowed herself to be fucked stupid by one hundred men in one day, and is currently looking to expand her curriculum vitae by getting fucked by 1,000 men in a single day for her next adventure.


In Pelicot's case, the rapists are being sentenced in a few hours time. In Phillips's case, the men she allowed fuck her applied for their shot at having sex with her, and they flew in at their own expense (in some cases with their current wives' consent) to do so. We live in strange times.
Aye, t'would be quite a feat even for Missus Feeney herself to outdo young Lily here.

Line up all the blokes and attach a set of those electronic milking teats dairy farmers use to get milk: she could suck off a battalion of big men and still be home in time to make the toasted cheese sandwiches for the lad's suppers.

WTF? That doesn't look a bit like Rory. He had tits? Rory Gallagher? Our Rory? And what the fuck is with the Telecaster? That was his back-up guitar, his main guitar is the Stratocaster which was auctioned off by Sotheby's late last year. Rory and his Fender Strat are synonymous with each other, so which fucking twat decided to have him playing his back-up guitar?

Paddy Dunning (Temple Lane Studios/Ormond MMC/Grouse Lodge Studios) was responsible for the Sinead O'Connor statue which was withdrawn two or three hours after it was unveiled. It looked like a shop-window mannequin. Looked fucking NOTHING like her. Dunning's a fucking cunt. He's always been a cunt. He'll likely remain a cunt until his dying day, the cunting cunt-bucket. I'd love to clatter the bastard.

Why are Irish people so hopelessly disposed to getting even the simplest of things wrong? Like with the Phil Lynott statue: the sculptor should have known people would keep on ripping the strings off his bass. They have to be replaced every couple of months, when in fact the strings shouldn't have an add-on weld, they should have been carved INTO the guitar so the whole body of it was solid and singular. Tourists keep putting plectrums under the strings as well, which causes them to loosen and become easier to nick.

Irish people.

Fucking useless.

Every fucking time.
Ah, dear auld Ireland - the country I left behind.


It's amazing how much I really don't fucking miss the auld dump. D'you know what? If I'd known earlier that I could be this happy, I'd have dumped Ireland yonks ago rather than two years ago. I threw my last Irish passport into the bin at the embassy when my Finnish one arrived. The auld snot who works on the desk can't stand me, so I did it to annoy her. Two weeks later they sent it back to me in the post, the top corner clipped to render it invalid.

She had to reach into her own bin to retrieve my unwanted Irish passport because I fucked it at her.

No wonder I'm so fucking happy.

How are the lads down by the canals doing, Wilfy?

Still camping out like real men?

Jaze, but that photo of Joyce is rather disturbing, eh.

Must suck being replaced by a scabby Moldovan or Roma beggar - but it's probably the most efficient thing to do, all things considered.

Ireland 0 - 3 Finland

So I win, again.

As per.

I find it hard to give even the slightest shit about LA/Hollywood burning down.

In fact, I find it hard to have any sympathy at all about America and Americans these days: the crazier and more fucked up it gets, the sooner it'll all fall apart.
The sheer hilarity of Ireland and Irish people:


That'll soon stop all the dead drivers being announced every Monday morning.
One thing I've always noticed from US television is that Americans love their stereotypes about Europe:

▪︎Irish people = always drunk, always fighting, red hair

▪︎Italians = mobsters

▪︎Germans = Nazis

▪︎French people = rude, always wearing a beret and striped shirt
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