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Yeps, that reads very familiar to my own experiences when I get home to Dublin. Ballyer is a great central spot for me to get to work in all the surrounding counties. From nearby Chapelizod, and the house I was born into, I can get to pretty much anywhere on the fringes of Dublin county and into the rural areas at a very low price. From the city, I can get to anywhere else I need to be using Busarus, a bit more expensive but also very comfortable for the price.

The local buses?

Man, a fucking nightmare - every time.

I'm usually covered in paint, my clothes, my hands, even my face sometimes. When I'm in work mode I don't pay any attention to these things as they happen constantly and besides - fuck it, I couldn't care less what people think, say, or do about it. This can attract the scobies looking to burn some time on the buses. They're warm and dry, there are no ticket inspectors with big enough balls to handle them, so they can ride all day. Sitting there, out of it on smack. Rolling spliffs. Shouting and roaring. Intimidating everyone on the bus. Looking to start a scrap. Dealing hash. Soap bar, the really nasty stuff.

It's a fucked up way to go, but that's Ireland for you.

The Irish too.

Up here, the migrants yelling into their phones are not tolerated. If they're being exceptionally noisy and unruly, the driver will summon the transport security who'll get there pronto and inspect the scene. If the idiot is still yelling into the phone, they approach, tell them to desist, and stand by until they get off. Tickets will be checked, IDs will be requested, names taken, etc. Continue to act like that and you'll be barred from public transport directly at the ticketing office where you can buy credit for your phone ticket. When they have your name, the office can refuse to issue you a weekly or monthly ticket by using your personal ID number - and we all have one. If you're caught riding without a ticket, the cash fine is €100, or else you're delivered to the station police. They'll take your details and the bill will be sent to your home address. You can't dodge them either, your henkilotunnus (ID number) accesses ALL of your information: home, status, married, single, arrest details, complete criminal record, your tenancy, your work details, etc. Even your medical records, if needs be.

Ireland's just too fucking casual about these things: ahh, sure it could be worse and that, lighten up.

In the depths of Nordic winter, few cycle to work or to get around. Public transport has to maintain standards. Sometimes a driver might even stop to come to someone quietly drinking beer from a tin, point to the no food or drink signs, and tell them to get off. They always do. Transport security are available at pretty much every metro station across the city and getting to the tram stops by bar or motorbike is quickly done. Large groups of unruly types will attract security real fast. They'll come and stand by, watching the crowd and eyeballing them individually. That's more than enough to calm them down.

The Red line of the Luas?

Fuck me, that's like a fucking zoo on wheels.

No fucking thanks.
Has fatso Kelly tried to ban you at IP?

He tried to do that me yesterday, not that it makes the slightest bit of difference but it does show one thing: for all his spoofing about being carefree, he still has the jitters in the shitters every time I mention the fat fuck's name.

IP ban?



The fucking state of the fat twat?


Lace curtain plastic Paddy arsehole bum mother-in-law fucker from the schticks.

Just DIE, Kelly - DIE you fat fucking mong.

IP address banning's a gas, eh.
If he did I'd just use a VPN to circumvent it. Nothing will keep me from my daily dose of The Val Martin Show, Ireland's greatest comedy since Father Ted.


Mowl's Bullshit Translator: 'Just had a quick look st the kiddie fiddlers site for the first time in about two weeks..'

Actual Meaning: Can't keep my eyes off that Mowl rascal for the life of me. He has me hooked like a Clondalkin slut on diet pills.

Mowl's Bullshit Translator: 'I guess being the priests used and discarded sextoy really does have lifelong mental health implications'.

Actual Meaning: Nobody ever even LOOKED at me when I was a fat little child with snots all over me top lip; why didn't they bugger me?'

Mowl's Bullshit Translator: Perhaps Gowl should beg for Fr. Tony's forgiveness?'

Actual Meaning: It fucking kills me knowing that Mowl took down Walsh before he'd even turned thirteen; how the fuck did he do that?

Mowl's Bullshit Translator: 'Maybe he could form an Elvis Presley tribute act and sing the padre a few love songs?'

Actual Meaning:'I wish I was notorious for being anything other than a whiney and ineffectual little bitch'.

Mowl's Bullshit Translator: 'It could be a form of therapy after he seduced the weak priest and landed him in jail'.

Actual Meaning: Now I'm so desperate to rile up the Mowl that I'm resorting to ridiculously desperate measures like reversing the roles of the priests and the kids in buggery - because I'm a weak-assed little cunt and have zero shame - except about my unusually weak ego'.

Mowl's Bullshit Translator: 'Poor cunt'.

Actual Meaning: 'fuck me but Mowl's seriously smart about losers like me. It's weird being shrunk by a Ballyer boy.

It's a gas reading you spoofers on Arsefield's, especially YOU, Wilfy. You're like a little girl who can't get her way and so resorts to pissing her little knickers in a fit of rage. You really didn't learn anything at all on your trip to Helsinki. I put word out to the new owner and even slipped him a tenner and told him to buy a beer and a shot for anyone who came in looking for me by name. He handed me back the tenner two days ago - you spineless little girly-girl.

You're a poofter, Milf. A sad little twat with no mates, a tiny willy, little energy for life, and an ugly as sin wife - several steps below Feeney's missus.

Seen her?

She has the face of a stain on your brown bed sheets after you dildo-ed your hoop into melt-down: now we know why you like to use the word: 'prolapse'.

It's because you ARE one, you silly little girl.

☝️Declan in drag on the left, and his bum-boy supreme Wilfy on the right.

Good aul' Wilf - he's always up for a laugh, and a kick in the nuts to make it even more memorable.

Came all the way to Helsinki, wouldn't meet me at my local for a straightener: because the little shit-stain knows what's good for him.

Now get back to finishing your rat-and-kidney pie, you sad bastard.

The truly funny bit is that you actually think you're winning something.

You aren't: you're being taken for a ride, Milfred - just like Tigger: the 'tiger' to your 'wolf'.. ..and the sheer irony of that lost on the pair of ye.

Poor little Winifred - thinks his thumbs-ups are bullets.

You're about as wolf-like as you are a useless little tosser who wouldn't dare put his own name to his online gripes, never mind the things you threaten to do. Face it, Dumbo: you're stuck like a few select drops of superglue on a public toilet seat when you're regretting taking a sip from someone else's left-over dregs from a discarded tin of Dutch Gold you found on the 46A on your way to work.

I know you hate Ireland.
I know you probably hate it even more than I do, and that's saying something.
I know you blame all those nig-nogs and Kowalskis hanging around your chip shops sniffing at your wife when she's stumbling in for the family supper.
But it's actually your own fault that you are where you are and in the quandary you find yourself: you demand the right to lash out at Ireland, but you'll fight tooth and broken/dirty nails to defend your right to do it but not mine. Imagine being that fucking thick? You actually think it's the preserve of the losers who stayed behind have the moral high ground on this one.
But you'd be as wrong there as you are about everything else, bar your incessant whining.
Your life is supposed to suck - don't you get that yet?
Staying behind when you know you should have left is the spineless Charlie Butts to Clint's Frank Morris sort of sadness that'd almost make me weep.
You're a natural born loser, Milly - give it the fuck up - no one cares about your suffering any more than they give a shit about your rage, you imbecile.
You were BORN to turn out like you have.
Well done: mission accomplished.


had a look there for the first time in a few months

Hi Jambo, we both know that's incorrect. And the reason I know it's incorrect is because the IP associated with your E Electricity account shows up in the site visitor's section of Members Online on a regular basis, if not on a daily basis.

Nice try though, aka. pretending you don't care.

Hi Jambo, we both know that's incorrect. And the reason I know it's incorrect is because the IP associated with your E Electricity account shows up in the site visitor's section of Members Online on a regular basis, if not on a daily basis.

Nice try though, aka. pretending you don't care.

Yeah - I just had a look in on Arsefield's for the first time since 1873.

And you know that's right.

Nice to see the new owners of The Hairy Lemon get a decent swifty in the bollocks.

When Sean was running the Lemon, everything was grand: great staff, happy vibes, huge crowds every night, and they treated me like royalty. Then this new cunt moved in and when my artwork won The Dublin Business Development Authority competition for Best Shopfront Design he pocketed the five grand cash prize and a weekend over in some spa hotel in west of Ireland and didn't bother telling me.

Next time I was in I saw the award on the wall - with my artwork front and centre.

I asked him why he didn't at least tell me, and he replied something about how 'you should consider yourself lucky I'm still hiring you instead of someone cheaper. So I walked out the door. he came after me, asking when he was going to have his artwork done. I replied he should hire someone cheaper, I'm not his man. Then I wrote a lengthy post on their Facebook page which they deleted as soon as they saw it, but it was a duplicate of the same post I posted on my own page with their name all over it.

Loads of their customers said he was a rotten cunt to do that to an independent artist and fuck him if he thinks they're going back to his pub.

His reputation took a battering, even amongst his regulars, and I worked for his neighbours but not him over the next couple of years.

Fuck him, he's gotten another kick in the nuts from yet another enemy.

I hope they spit in his pint.
Copying and pasting this before Dan deletes it.

Let's clarify once again, Jimmy.

My problem was only ever with the distortion of "free speech", the waving the banner of it, by unscrupulous website operators like 'Dan' and 'Hans' to facilitate anonymous besmirching of other communities, while protecting the anonymous turds subscribing to their websites from any personal consequences, even a well deserved lambasting from myself.

I didn't like the way they protected anonymous individual member posters from consequences, from examination and exposure of their ethos, at the same time glibly dismissing consequences that might bear on society at large, and for minority groups, that potentially followed from the lies, incitements, conspiracies, stupid beliefs, and bigoted world-views they promoted om their websites.

I saw and see it as a misuse of administrative and moderator powers that internet technology put in their grubby fat hands.

Another observation was that the common denominator of these fora was quite destructive to "free speech" - basically, believing oneself oppressed and victimised by the granting of equality to the "other".

By all means, have the users of these fora blather away all day around this US syndicated white supremacism, pseudo-libertarianism, racist nationalism, conspiracy theories, or what have you. Let you spew your discriminatory political gibberish that is neither verifiable nor falsifiable, stripped of context, distorted, disjointed, always misleading, and always seeking to impose a particular narrative.

Seethe away in your online mobs distorting logic to your own ends, appealing to stereotypes, stooping to any device to promote your racist world view.

What matter is it to me that there are bands of toxic angry fellow failures who commiserate in echo chambers and tell each other all day long say how blacks are violent, indigent, stupid, or how Israelis are racist", "savage", "greedy", "profiteering", "scheming", "child murderers" etc?

If you see that as your "free speech", go ahead and knock yourself out.

But the nub of my complaint has been about those who "conduct the orchestra" of these forums, who have the decks stacked all in their favour by dint of their administrative and "moderation" control, who have unbelievable editorial power over everything that is published, who publish anything and everything that can be used to play to the fears of people, and justify their failures.

So for example I thought there should be transparency of media ownership, including of these websites - acknowledged as an essential component of any media system, and crucial for media pluralism and democracy. The public knowledge of media owners' identities is key to preventing abuses of media power, undue influence, and other abuses of their position as administrators and owners of these websites.

So that's what I'm against. That's what I'm complaining about. All of the above not doing actual "free speech" many favours either
Nice: it was a great post - poor Jambo had to resort to bullshitting about some aul tat - like a mongrel mutt getting its nose rubbed into its own piss.

Jambo's a fucking gas.

Endless guffaws at his hopeless search for himself on the intersnots.

I really do pity the poor fool sometimes.

But only sometimes.
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