Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore said that the new government must tackle the ‘growing threat to young people’.
Vile fucking habit. Finland outlawed these products a few years back, but they're still available for purchase (if you know the sales assistant) for people trying to quit cigarettes: the doctor gives you a note which you hand in at the check-out and they record the sale and return the receipt to your doctor to show it's been purchased, then you get your money back, apparently.
The Nordic version they banned is a slightly different form of snus: it's fucking disgusting, but here goes.
You plunge a plastic syringe (no needle) into the tub of snus, suck up a big blob of the shit, then use the syringe to deposit it up into the gums above your canines and in between the gum and upper lip. You suck on it and it gives you a quick hit of nicotine that apparently lasts for a while. Some packets include finely ground glass in the snus mix: this is to lacerate the skin and make the hit come even faster and apparently much stronger too. Men mostly, but I've seen women using it too, which is a 101% turn-off to the power of pi.
Regular users tend to have these horrible brown stains running through their teeth and the smell is horrid too.
Worse again is the way they simply use their tongue to dislodge the snus and then they spit it out. The versions they're selling in Ireland appear to be the 'teabag' variety where the snus is in a little packet/pouch. After it's given you the hit, you have to dump the packet, and that's where the spitting out part happens. Utterly fucking vile, rotten, disgusting habit. Don't try it. For the love of bejayzus don't fucking try it.
When I quit smoking cigarettes, I sometimes used cannabis leaf, the left-overs from flowering plants that have been harvested for sale. It doesn't get you high, but it does take the edge off wanting a nicotine hit if you're addicted to tobacco. You can also buy hemp leaf in the head/herb shops: perfectly legal hemp, non-crushed or crushed, you choose what amount and how fat/thin your fag is. It's a great option of you're serious about quitting tobacco.
But snus?
Fuck no - I'd rather smoke and inhale a fat Cuban cigar - which would likely kill me in seconds flat.
Horrible shit in every possible way.