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I liked the quip when he was giving a speech and someone in the hall popped a balloon.

Without missing a beat he says: 'you missed' and continued with his speech.

It was shortly after an attempt on his life.

He reminds me of Cutty from The Wire.

Gil Scott Heron is a fish of an entirely different colour.

'B Movie' was decades ahead of its time.

In fact, I doubt it would even get a release these days.
When travelling through Boston's black neighbourhoods Dan probably drives at full speed in his SUV soccer-mom mobile, with all windows and doors locked...all so he can safely get back to his laptop at home in Dedham to insult black people.
When travelling through Boston's black neighbourhoods Dan probably drives at full speed in his SUV soccer-mom mobile, with all windows and doors locked...all so he can safely get back to his laptop at home in Dedham to insult black people.
Have you ever driven through a black neighbourhood, Dave?
Dan actually thinks this is cool...

...as opposed to this.

Dan has to be the lamest, biggest square on the internet.

Dan has to be the lamest, biggest square on the internet.

Roundy simply wouldn't fit in through the doors - not even if they were twice the size they are.

Neither would the chassis hold his weight: hit one speed bump and that's his arse in the concrete.
Marianne would probably ground him and take away his pocket money if he ever decided to purchase a muscle car.
Howya boys. Gott pissed last nite an shagged a few fellas. Jaysus im feelin gr8.

Hope Dave dont find out
Howya boys. Gott pissed last nite an shagged a few fellas. Jaysus im feelin gr8.

Were any of them posters on Arsefield's?

Hope Dave dont find out

Dave's a fucking dope.

An ugly dope at that.

What did you do to him when he was a baby?

Slap him around?

Bounce his skull off the kitchen walls?

Throw him under a steamroller?

Pump him full of fart gas and plug up his mouth, nose, and arsehole?
Mary Lou McCommunist's statement on the Crown Plantation centre in Coolock -

"The rejection of racism and the need to welcome and integrate new people to Coolock is understood and supported."
I'm not sure what exactly her ambitions are but you could certainly say that she's remaining ideologically sound, Sinn Fein being a Marxist (and de facto anti-nationalist) outfit
Nah, it's South Park, and the comedic angle is rather raw, as usual.

Still not as funny as Dave Chappelle's 'The Niggar Family'.

Or Paul Mooney's 'House Nigg*rs' skit.

Ever read Gil Scott Heron's 'The Nigg*r Factory'?

I was once accosted on a bus while reading it.

Thankfully the lady wasn't carrying steel.

You guys worry too much about flags. Ireland's always had a problem with flags/flegs whether north of or south of the border. Flags are tainted by the bad blood of the past and flying one on your property is basically making a statement, both personal and political. This can lead to getting your nuts individually battered or your house petrol-bombed in some sensitive areas of the island.

Whether it's the tri-colour or the Union Jack, Red Hand, or otherwise - it's considered in-your-face antagonism in certain communities. Other more acceptable shows of allegiance are the decorations lashed up for Ireland's international football games: under Jackie, the people of Ireland took to painting their neighbourhoods in green, white, and orange and hanging out the bunting. Of course, in many cases one shade of green didn't match the next. Same with orange, and even with the white paint loads of them scabbed-off and used emulsion instead of oil, which washes away pretty quickly leaving a variety of shades of green that with age, look like algae and moss, and the many shades of orange, which ended up as various shades kind of piss-coloured and worn out shading.

In Finland there are strict rules about flying flags. Designated flag days are numerous across the year and are marked by flags at full mast over the doorway of every block in the country with janitors arriving at dawn to erect them, and again just before dusk to remove them. You may not hang the flag after dark, it goes up with the sunrise and preempts it when coming down.

When a death occurs, a family will hang the flag at half mast if they have a separate house. If they live in an apartment block, the janitor is notified and the flag will hang at half mast (during approved hours) the day after the person has died. Newborn children get no such ceremony, which(to me) is kind of weird in a way: we celebrate the life of the passed but not the arrival of the new?

Anyway, wearing the Finnish flag wrapped around yourself at games or whatever makes you look like a nationalist numbskull.

A Finnish national hockey team shirt is considered appropriate for games and matches; I have one myself, official issue, Cost a bit but it's the real deal. Only problem is that the underwear of hockey players includes massive shoulder-pads, elbow pads, wrist-wraps, etc. So wearing it without all that kit under it is okay, in certain weather. In summer it lets the skin breathe, in winter it can be worn to hide multiple layers of clothing if you're going to watch the hockey match. The halls are fucking freezing.

I've previously attended several glad-handed parties at my embassy up here over the years: by far, the most common dress code (for a formal event) is the green football jersey. But not me, I dressed for the occasions. I no longer attend any of them. The permanent Finnish staff loath me, and the big burly 'official driver' (heavy duty Lithuanian security guard) does too. So fuck 'em - when I need paperwork taken care of I do it by post.

I don't hang flags of any sort.

I may in the near future design one of my own and have it stitched up.

'Made in the republic of Mowl '
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