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Guess how many imports are staying in tents along our coastline, Jimmy?

Or even in any of our (actual) well-serviced tent parks?

That's right: none at all.

And why is that, do you reckon? And why aren't they piling into beautiful Estonia? As I've told you, her star's on the rise, she's moving real fast and is dead set on becoming an (actual) Europe's most powerful internet media hub. Her advances in so short a time as six or seven years has seen them move from an obscure former eastern block country to becoming a model country and culture as to how our Europe could actually be in the future. She's been very careful to protect her heritage, the bombed out areas up the hill from the old town and town square is still a standing museum reminding her people how life was as recently as within the last fifty years.

But y all means, please continue with your noble quest of spending your waking hours arguing over the definition of ethnic/nationalism, blah, blah, blah.

You utter fucking clown.
Never ceases to amaze me how in awe Irish people are of America.
It's a shithole country full of shithead people.
This, btw, is the "meme" @roc_abilly deleted earlier from his dumb blog thread -

More wise words from an Australian -

The truth we routinely deny to ourselves and are taught to associate with villainy is that in politics there’s no morality; there is no right and wrong, there’s only those with power and those without it.

Those with power establish ‘right and wrong’. What is ‘right’ is whatever maintains their position. What is ‘wrong’ is any pathway through which those without power can organise to gain it.

Racism for example is a route to Nationalism, ethnic autonomy and power over one’s own national destiny, for this reason it’s the wrongest of wrongs.

Antisemitism is really just a process of identifying those with power, examining their disposition and understanding their goal, this is also very wrong because it leads to racism.

What they say is wrong for you is almost always considered wrong because it’s a pathway to power or to some semblance of personal freedom at the very least.

Watch on Telegram 👇

As I recall, you have a hump about people using the term 'random' without a clear explanation of its definition.

In that light, how 'random' was the poor cunt who got it in the neck?

Was he an elderly man of say Declan Kelly's age? Out for his evening walk (to the cheesebooger shop) and then grabbed and battered senseless for nothing? Or are the persons being singled out already on the coppers radar? Random? Meh.

But anyway, Jimmy - Ireland's in safe hands. Just check out the sheer innocence of these two lovely young girls getting interviewed by Arsefield's roving reporter, Brian Nugent. As you can see, the two silly bints have swallowed the Kool Aid without ice or even a glass - they sucked it right out of the syringe. Nugent ought to cop himself on, singling out young girls who only want their fifteen minutes but might end up costing them their flowers. Tread carefully there, Brian. Roundy Kelly is definitely on the radar after this week's antics. Declan's enraged that Val's gone viral and poor Roundy's left in the shade.

But the young wans are a gas:

'Dee done belong heeyar. Dare all rapists and muderders. Day all rip up their passports coz dare wanted for rape. Enn murder an' all. We done want dim. Dee can fuck off back to whatever shithole dee came frum. Urrland fur de Urrish, Down wit dem copper-basturds hittin' arr men coz dee done want deez rapists and all dem other wuns from countries I never even bleedin' herd of, bu'. Dee can fuck off. Right off, righ'?' Dis is arr towen. It's always been arr towen. And we're no' moving' eeder, righ'?'

The naivete is gorgeous really; you can tell by the way they're looking at each other they're both 'scarle'' to be on de telly.

God bless the Irish.
As I recall, you have a hump about people using the term 'random' without a clear explanation of its definition.
I've said before that the misuse of 'random' irks me, yes

In this instance, I don't have a problem, the implication being that he wasn't doing anything wrong and was simply a person in the way of the Plantation Service's legionaries' march

In that light, how 'random' was the poor cunt who got it in the neck?

Was he an elderly man of say Declan Kelly's age? Out for his evening walk (to the cheesebooger shop) and then grabbed and battered senseless for nothing? Or are the persons being singled out already on the coppers radar? Random? Meh.

But anyway, Jimmy - Ireland's in safe hands. Just check out the sheer innocence of these two lovely young girls getting interviewed by Arsefield's roving reporter, Brian Nugent. As you can see, the two silly bints have swallowed the Kool Aid without ice or even a glass - they sucked it right out of the syringe. Nugent ought to cop himself on, singling out young girls who only want their fifteen minutes but might end up costing them their flowers. Tread carefully there, Brian. Roundy Kelly is definitely on the radar after this week's antics. Declan's enraged that Val's gone viral and poor Roundy's left in the shade.

But the young wans are a gas:

'Dee done belong heeyar. Dare all rapists and muderders. Day all rip up their passports coz dare wanted for rape. Enn murder an' all. We done want dim. Dee can fuck off back to whatever shithole dee came frum. Urrland fur de Urrish, Down wit dem copper-basturds hittin' arr men coz dee done want deez rapists and all dem other wuns from countries I never even bleedin' herd of, bu'. Dee can fuck off. Right off, righ'?' Dis is arr towen. It's always been arr towen. And we're no' moving' eeder, righ'?'

The naivete is gorgeous really; you can tell by the way they're looking at each other they're both 'scarle'' to be on de telly.

God bless the Irish.
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I've said before that the misuse of 'random' irks me, yes

And the entire population of the planet dropped to their knees in sorrow.

In this instance, I don't have a problem,

Oh, but you have more than just the one problem/singular.

the implication being that he wasn't doing anything wrong and was simply a person in the way of the Plantation Service's legionnaires' march

Perhaps if you got up off your arse and stopped spouting tripe all day you might be of some use to the active protesters?

What has you up so early this morning anyway? I logged on around 0730 Irish time, and there you were - standing over some posts from last night and panting like a hungry bear who can't catch a fish hopping and leaping itself up-river to spawn. Was it signing on day or what?
Poor Jimmy: he's barred from every other site out there, but being the true soldier he is, he keeps on shouting at them even though he knows they can't hear him. And even if they could, they still wouldn't be bothered. So instead of trying to engage other posters here (the one site he's allowed on) he's putting us on ignore. I would consider that to be a treasonous act and one that deserves due punishment.

Give him two days off from using The Isle as a launching pad for his silliness elsewhere.
If he doesn't want to engage any of us, then let him try to find another perch elsewhere to spout his claptrap at other sites he's not on.
I've seen some really dumb shit in my time - but Jambo's current trajectory is going to leave him in serious limbo.

You can't hide from the truth, Jimmy.

Nor me.

Fair play to Finnegan - he got justice from the courts, which is kind of startling given his opponent is a detective/copper.

Finnegan had a very bad time with the St John Ambulance, and he's been picketing the organization's HQ on Leeson Street Upper for some years. I know the man he claims abused him, and that man was a fucking creep, a nasty, slimy, manipulative scumbag who was also our Superintendent in the Old Kilmainham lodge. I know what he did to other kids, I saw it with my own two eyes. Not only did I manage to serve five years in the brigade without him trying it on with me, I also took on weekend job working for him: collecting down-payments/rents/fees on second hand refurbished washing and drying machines bought on the long finger by people in dire need with families to take care of. It took me to some really sad places, usually blocks of flats built in the 40s/50s/60s.

The fucker's dead now, and I really hope it wasn't anything too trivial that wasted him.

I could give you his name and address right now if you want it.
Ahh, wait - that ignore function thingy isn't working properly, right?

Because if it was functioning then the only answer to the mystery is that you're not actually ignoring me at all. That would mean you still love me, long time. So anyway, are you heading over to Coolock later to join in with 'The Soldiers Of Groaning' from Arsefield's? Rumour has they invested in a CB radio to get an advantage over on the guards, who are monitoring Roundy Kelly constantly.

The latest reports from Dedham say twenty-seven are down, forty-two injured but walking/wounded, and one died.

This is from the tent onsite at Crown Paints over in Coolock, the one where they fry the chicken wings, cheeseboogers, and curry chips.

Stay off that curry sauce lads: by midnight you'll all be barricading yourselves from each other.
I'm not using the "ignore function thingy", if one uses that and the last person to post in a thread is on one's ignore list, then that thread disappears from the front page

Considering that you have chronic last-wordism and a pathological need to shit all over every thread with your mindless rubbish, there wouldn't be any threads left for me to see and click on
I'm not using the "ignore function thingy",

Well, of course.

if one uses that and the last person to post in a thread is on one's ignore list, then that thread disappears from the front page

That's some good advice right there.

Considering that you have chronic last-wordism and a pathological need to shit all over every thread with your mindless rubbish, there wouldn't be any threads left for me to see and click on



By Susanne Delaney

Five days ago, Geoffrey Kumah, 27 from Ghana (described as "a Clare resident") was sentenced for the rape of a 17-year-old at an Irish accommodation centre. When the victim texted him afterwards, he replied he "wouldn't do it next time." Judge Justice McGrath stated there were aggravating factors including Kumah failing to heed several vocalisations of "no".

Despite this, the judge removed 18 months from the sentence and suspended the final six months.

He did so because it would be harder for Kumah, in the judge's view, to serve a sentence without family present in the country, and this would cause him "additional hardship." When he says "additional" it is unclear what is meant.

Quite frankly who cares about the "hardship" a rapist caused to themselves?

Shouldn't hardship be a consequence of rape?

This is one Judge in a long list who has given undue leniency to foreign rapists who should be deported... which would also solve the problem of not having family here.

It was also reported in court that Kumah is with a woman who claims he is a good father figure to her child (which is supposed to point to his good character, as do his "church activities"). This rapist should be nowhere near children, and yet in this case his proximity to a child was used to curry favour.

Elsewhere this week, Judge Dermot Dempsey said of Philip Dwyer's peaceful, lawful activities, "He can live with the consequences" of his journalism. It appears from footage that @PhilipDwyer_MOI was unlawfully arrested by Garda inspector Alan McDevitt who told him “You’re a prisoner now" (this Guard also unjustifiably battered Dwyer's legs with a baton in November 2023).

Judge Dempsey stated in court that if Dwyer contravenes his bail conditions, he will face custody. Presumably part of those bail conditions involves not attending and filming any protest at Coolock.

But if the riot police are acting within the law, then why would they not want to be filmed and reported upon?

Why is the state seeking to heavy handedly prevent citizen journalists from reporting?

Meanwhile they're giving male migrants the message that sexual offences will be dealt with leniently. Why?

And all the while more and more of these sexual assault cases are coming before the courts. Victims are invariably young women or young teens and are often unknown to the perpetrators. Yesterday a man was before the court for sexually assaulting a young woman despite having arrived in Ireland 5 days previously. The Algerian man had already committed a string of offences in the 12 months he lived in the UK. Under the Dublin regulation he shouldn't even be here so why wasn't he sent home? Instead, he will be let out within 2 years, free to offend again.

Nonetheless, we're told repeatedly that we are racist, and our concerns are unfounded, as the government continues to forcibly put these large groupings of illegal males into our working-class communities while silencing the locals with brutal force.

Force that they're endeavouring to hide by using the courts and the threat of jail to silence those who are brave enough to report upon it.

The actions of the state are increasingly undeniably hostile and authoritarian.

They're using our own police force in a sinister, calculated and strategic manner against natives, in order to facilitate an agenda which appears to WANT to put our communities in clear and present danger.

If anyone else can offer me a believable, cogent, innocent alternative explanation for what's happening (other than the "humanitarian duty" larping) then please do.

The peace of mind would be most welcome in the increasingly nightmarish reality that's unfolding before our eyes.
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