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It's gotta hurt, watching your own people getting battered - by the same cops your taxes pay for.

Well, not YOU-you as such, but Irish people who work.

Have you been over to Coolock today - or are you in pea-shooter mode, thinking you're all Tommy-Matty Crooks?

Philip Dwyer "taken prisoner" by State Plantation Service

Where did they take him?

McDonald's or Burger King?
What did he do now?

Shout a bit?

Point his phone at some copper's face?

Mangle his spoken English into some sort of mush that not even inner city kids can decipher?

You got an idea how to solve the problem, Jambo?

Why don't you write into the commission. Put your draft up here for a critique, then collect petition signatures from all your old online circles to emphasise your idea.

Play a constructive part in the world, like you keep being told to.

You got an idea how to solve the problem, Jambo?

Why don't you write into the commission. Put your draft up here for a critique, then collect petition signatures from all your old online circles to emphasise your idea.

Play a constructive part in the world, like you keep being told to.

Umm.. a good start would be to drop the pretence that the migrants are genuinely seeking 'asylum', and any official or politician who says that they are should be held accountable for 'misinformation' and being complicit in a crime against humanity (genocide)
How do you Jambo know so well that there is no war, poverty, climate, and other factors displacing people outside the oasis of your basement flat and online connection to Collet and Woods? Is it just because you, Jambo, say so?

Why do you think people flee even from designated safe countries like say Georgia and South Africa? Are you, Jambo, intimately familiar with the conditions being created by the Russians in Georgia for certain minority groups, or the Muslims in SA for LGBT minorities, for example, who are reportedly facing abuses, including murder, assault, and harassment?

Not your problem, is that what you say? Are they only the problem then of say Colombia, Germany, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, which five countries between them host three quarters of all asylum seekers in the world? Turkey alone hosting a refugee population of 4 million?

Should Turkey just kick them all out, the same way as you advocate, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander - why then doesn't every country just go populist isolationist, every problem in the world is someone else's problem?

Where would that leave the world? Is this really the type of solution that anyone is soliciting, well apart from some retard so called, self professed "nationalists" hanging out around on Arsefields, Stormfront, drinking Dutch Gold in some dingy flat?

And says you - anyone who says otherwise should be brought up in front of a kangaroo court and charged as you suggest with complicity in a crime against humanity, of "white genocide", or whatever colour the skin of the majority in the country is?

Or in other words, as part of this great idea of yours, we accuse them on the basis of your "Great replacement" theory - the theoretical underlyings of which we've dissected at length on here, and found to be so completely unscientific as to be in the domain of a mentally disturbed chimp?

Go back to bed, Jambo. Bring your beer tin with you back to bed, dab some antiseptic on your bed sores, bring in the comforting veil of alcohol a little quicker today, read something funny and save the porn for later so you don't feel too debilitated, help is coming, that pretty black nurse to tend you full time is only two more major nervous breakdowns and another soapbar induced psychosis away, Jambo.
How do you Jambo know so well that there is no war, poverty, climate, and other factors displacing people outside the oasis of your basement flat and online connection to Collet and Woods? Is it just because you, Jambo, say so?

Why do you think people flee even from designated safe countries like say Georgia and South Africa? Are you, Jambo, intimately familiar with the conditions being created by the Russians in Georgia for certain minority groups, or the Muslims in SA for LGBT minorities, for example, who are reportedly facing abuses, including murder, assault, and harassment?

Not your problem, is that what you say? Are they only the problem then of say Colombia, Germany, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, which five countries between them host three quarters of all asylum seekers in the world? Turkey alone hosting a refugee population of 4 million?

Should Turkey just kick them all out, the same way as you advocate, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander - why then doesn't every country just go populist isolationist, every problem in the world is someone else's problem?

Where would that leave the world? Is this really the type of solution that anyone is soliciting, well apart from some retard so called, self professed "nationalists" hanging out around on Arsefields, Stormfront, drinking Dutch Gold in some dingy flat?

And says you - anyone who says otherwise should be brought up in front of a kangaroo court and charged as you suggest with complicity in a crime against humanity, of "white genocide", or whatever colour the skin of the majority in the country is?
Or in other words, as part of this great idea of yours, we accuse them on the basis of your "Great replacement" theory - the theoretical underlyings of which we've dissected at length on here, and found to be so completely unscientific as to be in the domain of a mentally disturbed chimp?


Go back to bed, Jambo. Bring your beer tin with you back to bed, dab some antiseptic on your bed sores, bring in the comforting veil of alcohol a little quicker today, read something funny and save the porn for later so you don't feel too debilitated, help is coming, that pretty black nurse to tend you full time is only two more major nervous breakdowns and another soapbar induced psychosis away, Jambo.
Im so sick and tired of libtard jerkoffs trying to guilt trip patriotic Americans with their anti-gun rhetoric.

America is the land of the free. We have resisted Communism and government tyranny for nearly 250 years now. All thanks to our right to defend ourselves.

Guns dont kill people. People kill people. Should be ban knives too? Librard logic 101.

Uncle Joe Stalin Biden wants to destroy our 2nd amendment. Not gonna happen pal.

I will never put down my gun. Its my right to defend my life, liberty and happiness.

The only way these Commie libtards will get my gun is from my cold dead hands.

If Russians had guns then the Soviets would never have taken over.

Tyrants realise a well armed populace is a threat to their power. And so do we.

Dont even think about it pal. This is America and it is my birthright as an American to defend myself and my property.

No to gun control and the New World Order agenda
I thought that Millenial Woes chap had said he was leaving white supremacist politics to "deal with the character flaws that I have neglected" as he put it?

LOL @ rightwingwatch.org


LOL @ you deleting my post this morning from your (latest) dumb blog thread

LOL @ you deleting my post this morning from your (latest) dumb blog thread

I added a note saying that you were welcome to repost your meme accompanied by your own considered opinion and commentary. Did you not get that message along with the deletion? That is pretty standard moderation procedure on most discussion boards to ensure the quality of a board and it doesn't just descend into a 4chan like billboard of animated gifs and memes. You are being asked to just up your game only slightly. I don't think that is unreasonable at all.
... If Russians had guns then the Soviets would never have taken over...
If you were educated enough to understand how the Soviets actually took over, you might see that you pretty much have the whole thing upside down - and you are probably at the wrong end of the stick, helping to bring about the very thing that you fear.

"... The “struggle for peace” has always been a cornerstone of Soviet foreign policy. Indeed, the Soviet Union itself rose out of the ashes of World War I under the banner of “Peace to the People! Power to the Soviets!” Probably from the very first, Bolshevik ideologists were aware of how powerful a weapon for them the universal craving for peace would be—how gullible and irrational people could be whenever they were offered the slightest temptation to believe that peace was at hand.

Only a year before the Bolsheviks raised their banner, the most terrible prospect for any Russian would have been to see an enemy burning down his villages and defiling his churches. Yet once blinded by the slogan, “A just peace without annexations or tribute,” he was to rush from the front lines, along with hundreds of thousands of his fellow soldiers, sweeping away the last remnants of the Russian national state. He did not want to know that his desertion had done no more than simply prolong the war for another year, not only condemning thousands more to death on the Western front, but ending in that very German occupation of the Ukraine and Russia he had so much dreaded just a year ago. For the moment the only thing that mattered was peace — right now, and at any price.

Hardly anyone taking part in the stampede back home in 1917 knew the first thing about the ideology of Communism — except possibly for a couple of simple slogans and this one incendiary word: Peace. In a country of 70 million there were only 40,000 Communists. Anyone who had taken the trouble to read the Communists’ “fine print” with just a little care could have discovered that what their soon-to-be masters meant by “peace” was not peace at all but rather the “transformation of imperialist war into civil war.”

The Russian people were in any case so fed up with the war by then that they did not care. Anything seemed better, or at least not worse. After three years of civil war, however, in which some 20 million people were slaughtered or died of starvation, cold, and typhoid (i.e., ten times as many as were killed at the front during the whole of World War I), the war came to seem a trifle by comparison, a sort of frontier skirmish somewhere in the Byelorussian swamps.

And once again an irresistible craving for peace drove people to accept Soviet rule — as a lesser evil. Anything was now preferable to this monstrous slaughter, starvation, and typhoid. They would give anything for some kind of order.

The order imposed by the Communists was nothing more than a permanent state of civil war, both inside the country and around the world..."

LOL @ rightwingwatch.org
Well if you refuse like a child to listen to the words of your declared opponent, can you at least take in the message as written by your muse himself, from his very own pen?


You see he said he was doing it because people like you "look up to him" (I wonder does he have an idea just how much you "look up to him".)
If you were educated enough to understand how the Soviets actually took over, you might see that you pretty much have the whole thing upside down - and you are probably at the wrong end of the stick, helping to bring about the very thing that you fear.

"... The “struggle for peace” has always been a cornerstone of Soviet foreign policy. Indeed, the Soviet Union itself rose out of the ashes of World War I under the banner of “Peace to the People! Power to the Soviets!” Probably from the very first, Bolshevik ideologists were aware of how powerful a weapon for them the universal craving for peace would be—how gullible and irrational people could be whenever they were offered the slightest temptation to believe that peace was at hand.

Only a year before the Bolsheviks raised their banner, the most terrible prospect for any Russian would have been to see an enemy burning down his villages and defiling his churches. Yet once blinded by the slogan, “A just peace without annexations or tribute,” he was to rush from the front lines, along with hundreds of thousands of his fellow soldiers, sweeping away the last remnants of the Russian national state. He did not want to know that his desertion had done no more than simply prolong the war for another year, not only condemning thousands more to death on the Western front, but ending in that very German occupation of the Ukraine and Russia he had so much dreaded just a year ago. For the moment the only thing that mattered was peace — right now, and at any price.

Hardly anyone taking part in the stampede back home in 1917 knew the first thing about the ideology of Communism — except possibly for a couple of simple slogans and this one incendiary word: Peace. In a country of 70 million there were only 40,000 Communists. Anyone who had taken the trouble to read the Communists’ “fine print” with just a little care could have discovered that what their soon-to-be masters meant by “peace” was not peace at all but rather the “transformation of imperialist war into civil war.”

The Russian people were in any case so fed up with the war by then that they did not care. Anything seemed better, or at least not worse. After three years of civil war, however, in which some 20 million people were slaughtered or died of starvation, cold, and typhoid (i.e., ten times as many as were killed at the front during the whole of World War I), the war came to seem a trifle by comparison, a sort of frontier skirmish somewhere in the Byelorussian swamps.

And once again an irresistible craving for peace drove people to accept Soviet rule — as a lesser evil. Anything was now preferable to this monstrous slaughter, starvation, and typhoid. They would give anything for some kind of order.

The order imposed by the Communists was nothing more than a permanent state of civil war, both inside the country and around the world..."

How old are you?

If you don't want to be precise then the decade will do
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