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Managed to get a bit lost over the weekend using the new tram line, heading out to the new studio by the sea we're booked into. The trams are really well designed: spacious, futuristic looking, great sound insulation, and really lovely views along the way.

I hopped off at the right stop but started out in the wrong direction.

So when I passed an open store, I went in to ask where this street was, and lo! there's the real Jamal, the one I studied Finnish with but had to oversee too as his cultural ambassador. I looked him right in the face and thought: 'jaze, but these lads all look the same' as he pointed the way on his phone. I thanked him and set off.

Suddenly I hear a shout - '..good to see you again, Irish!'

I turned and he was still standing there grinning, then I clocked it was him and we both laughed.

Next time I'm passing, I'll do some shopping there to boost his wallet and cheer him up.

One good turn deserves another.
Can you keep this rubbish to a dedicated spam thread or threads, Dave?

You have precisely zero influence on this site, Che.

Zip it.

Howya boys. Tryin too seduce some black lad who work in d chipper.

A wood chipper?

Keep goin in with me tits half shown but he not noticin.

Boobs that embrace the belly-flaps aren't all that attractive Missus, not at your age anyway.

Think he mite be one of da queers



Nah - he wouldn't be able for all that searching around in the Phoenix Park, looking for boy-meats.

Too busy at home, studying for his inter cert.

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