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Very sorry to hear that, Missus Feeney - he's utterly flaccid most of the time, and this explains why he's always hiding and changing his name.

A bit like Jambo, but without the rabbit holes.

Free and Clean - like an after-sex check-up by a doctor who knows about these things.
Does anyone think it's coincidental that the only figure on the 'far right' who roc_abilly roc_abilly supports is the Islamophobic, Zio shill Tommy Robinson? 🤔
Correlation is not causation.

I know nothing about Tommy Robinson except what he had to say for himself in the below.

And you really think "Islamophobia" is an accurate description of his views as he states them in that video?

You see Jambo, you are too stupid to see I have never really taken any side - apart from basically being against anyone who unthinkingly bleats stupid poisonous "ideology" and obvious disinformation they imbibed at the knee of others, whether knowingly, or unknowingly.

And when I watched Tommy above, to see what all the noise about him was about, clearly he does not fall into that category.

Entirely unalike say the likes of your Sam Melia, who operates on stupid slogans like "End white guilt", and puts up pictures of Adolf Hitler and Third Reich posters in his bedroom etc.

Sure, Tommy may well have a side to him that makes him unfit to represent anything in public, you cannot have that in a public representative. So good riddance.

However all I commented on was based on the above speech - and presented with those views, the way he presented them in that video, well I'd respect what he is saying, first because he seems honest (according to my best judgement), second, he is using his own words, and his own experiences, that are clearly more than just racist.
Correlation is not causation.

I know nothing about Tommy Robinson except what he had to say for himself in the below.

And you really think "Islamophobia" is an accurate description of his views as he states them in that video?
Obviously people below a certain IQ (such as yourself) are bound to take things literally.

I don't particularly endorse (nebulous) slurs e.g. Islamophobia and antisemitism (used mostly in an anti-white context), racism (used exclusively in an anti-white context) etc.

Tommy doesn't say that he's against all Moslems just, you know, the 'radical' ones, which is also your publicly stated position.

And that's not where the similarities end. Tommy is a civic 'nationalist' who demonises actual nationalists (calls them far right, Nazis etc.) and is of course for Israel/Zionism and against antisemitism.

Your dishonest claptrap aside, it's obvious why he's the only figure on the 'far right' who you support, you could be one of his Jewish handlers.

You see Jambo, you are too stupid to see I have never really taken any side - apart from basically being against anyone who unthinkingly bleats stupid poisonous "ideology" and obvious disinformation they imbibed at the knee of others, whether knowingly, or unknowingly.

And when I watched Tommy above, to see what all the noise about him was about, clearly he does not fall into that category.

Entirely unalike say the likes of your Sam Melia, who operates on stupid slogans like "End white guilt", and puts up pictures of Adolf Hitler and Third Reich posters in his bedroom etc.

Sure, Tommy may well have a side to him that makes him unfit to represent anything in public, you cannot have that in a public representative. So good riddance.

However all I commented on was based on the above speech - and presented with those views, the way he presented them in that video, well I'd respect what he is saying, first because he seems honest (according to my best judgement), second, he is using his own words, and his own experiences, that are clearly more than just racist.

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14096898

"My American relatives are all entitled to Irish citizenship and are 'ethnic irish' (if such a thing even exists)"

He (or she) might have a few IQ points or two over you (which isn't saying anything) and, unlike you, he is political (retarded shitlib, religion: Anti-Racism, etc.) but you definitely remind me of each other..
One of the things he does that's the same as Mowl is to reply to multiple people in the same post. Who does that? Why?

I mean, I don't even bother to scrape away any of Mowl's bullshit (whether to me or not) in one of his posts that I'm replying to but it is an annoying thing to do, why not reply to each post individually?
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