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Then why not credit the lady who wrote it a bit more clearly/obviously?

Unless you were trying to pawn it off as your own?

Which you never-ever do, right Jimmy?
Would rather visit/ live in Mexico than the USA. Such an interesting culture with cities as attractive as anything to be found in Europe.

American cities are hideous on average, the people themselves being pigs who only care about money. Viva la Mehico!
That's Campeche I think. Probably the wealthiest city in Mexico. A tourist city.

I've spent time in a couple of the large cities in Mexico. They're not for novices.

A lot of poverty, and much more dangerous than 99% of Westerners will have ever encountered on their travels. But exciting, thriving, full of life and the Mexicans love to party.

America is much wealthier in general. It has extremes of rich and poor, but not as extreme as Mexico, or other countries in south America like Brazil, and the extremes of wealth and poverty visible in their cities.

America is also a very big place. Each state is almost like a different country. In somewhere like Santa Fe in New Mexico you might find similar vistas like in Campeche, and even a similar lifestyle.

What I loved about Mexico was how everyone was happy to stay up partying all night, including the old people, grannies still knocking back coronas at five in the morning and dancing their socks off, on a week night.

I think it is a key measure of the health of a society so many people staying in every night, like Jambi, watching TV, and glued to their devices.

By that measure, indeed, the US is sick society, and Mexico is healthful.

Also keep in mind there are "safe zones" for Americans in Mexico, almost akin to the gated communities so prevalent in the US, and the culture in those places is a compromise.
The American dream: a big giant spoof only idiots fall for.

The last place on the planet on my bucket list - I'd rather go to the black hole of Calcutta than any American city.

I have a great and valued American-born friend back home who just bought himself a house in the Liberties. He came into an inheritance and used it wisely after a previous attempt at buying a place. Here's his tall tale:

Back ten years ago Peter was looking to buy a place on the long finger and he was given a tip by a very well known Dublin restaurant and bar owner with a large number of outlets. He told Peter that a friend of his was selling a place along Martin's Row (where I was born and raised for the first years of my life) in Chapelizod so he went out to take a look. It was backed out onto the Liffey, had some garden space over the river, and he loved it the moment he saw it. Next step was to find a structural engineer to check the condition of the property and in advance of that, he hired in some machinery to clear the garden area in preparation for the renovations he had in mind. Then he found out that the house was NOT for sale when the neighbour popped by and asked him what he was doing. The key he'd been given to get in had ended up in the restaurateurs' possession by some strange series of events and he'd decided to spoof Peter and wind him up. He lost quite a bit of money and was extremely angry with his 'pal' for setting him up like that. His 'pal' is from a very wealthy and well known family in Dublin's business circles. Of the nightclubs, bars, lounges, restaurants, and multiple pop-up spots he owned at the time (post-Celtic Tiger period) his debts were soon increasing exponentially when the market crashed - and then later on Covid hit, which brought him to his knees. One of his bars hit the headlines for days during Covid when someone posted a video of the staff hanging out of the bar pouring shots into people's glasses and nobody in the house had a mask on. That cost him quite a bit in legal fees. He ended up having to sell off a few of his outlets and in time, lost several of his money-spinners at fire-sale prices. He's still in debt. He still has liens on his remaining outlets and cannot buy himself out of it. Millions went down the toilet. His reputation was shattered and his investors backed off, never to return. Now the cunt has massive debts on his ass and my man Peter came out of top. I'm so fucking proud of him for keeping things level-headed and waiting the game out (as I advised him) long enough for his inheritance come in and be invested wisely. The photos of the house he bought in the Liberties are fucking awesome: before and after, it looks fucking great. Big old style windows and wooden floors. I'm giving him a special gift next time I get home: the drum-sets I have in storage aren't being used, so I've gone through my notes and selected a kit for his lounge: a small jazz set up of high quality Pearl Session Elite drums and professional level Zildjian cymbals, it'll be furniture as well as a working set his new guest drummers can play instead of hiring commercial production studios. I can also use it myself if I come home for shows. I suggested to him that we try to book a short tour of all the venues previously owned by the rat bastard who set him up and cost him dearly. The cunt even had the nerve to say that it was a 'joke' and a funny one at that. That's Irish hubris for you - having worked for the cunt myself I know the sort of snide bastard he is. I hope he's still fucking stewing.

Not all Americans are fat morons.

But enough of them are.
I see they set the old Crown Paints factory alight?

Should be a fun weekend - Jambo's not around - so you know exactly where he is: down at the supermarket getting a slab of Dutch Gold and three frozen pizzas in for an exciting weekend of posting other people's thoughts and ideas.
Too true.

You'd have to wonder what the fuck they do with all these pictures of overhead cabling, metal grates, traffic lights, junction boxes.

Maybe the clever little yellow-fellows are planning to take over the world?
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