
The Music Thread

Eh, original?

Something you'll NEVER be, Jimmy.

The volume's a bit low, this has better

I wouldn't know - I never listen to any music videos you post.

Your taste in music is like your IQ: weak.

I like good quality audio so I was in a bit of a(n annoying) quandary which to choose.

You wouldn't know a transistor from an accordion, you dumb fucker.

Ultimately I went with the "original" for the aesthetic.

Just like Oasis with their cheap-shot rehashing of classic Beatles riffs.


Fantastic. I love Grace Jones.

The above song I posted though came to my mind from reading the latest forum posts this morning.

Jimmy do nothing. Jimmy stay home and post memes online.

So I thought "Do or die" sung by a beautiful black lady to him might resonate somewhere with him?

Or how about this one? "Should I Do It"?

So c'mon Jimmy.

A statement of intent from you at least as a first step?

Get your disco gear on.
Fantastic. I love Grace Jones.

Same here: Island Life was a killer record that consumed me for years.

Tracks like this:

I love the solidity of this groove, Sly pulls the back beat even backer.

The above song I posted though came to my mind from reading the latest forum posts this morning.

Jimmy do nothing. Jimmy stay home and post memes online.

He's at home right now - as usual.

So I thought "Do or die" sung by a beautiful black lady to him might resonate somewhere with him?

There was a video by Declan Rooney (Irish comedian) which was a piss-take on U2's 'Beautiful Day' except he changed the line to 'it's a miserable day' and shot the video up on the roof of U2's Clarence Hotel - in the rain. I couldn't stop laughing, but they made him pull it down.

Or how about this one? "Should I Do It"?

So c'mon Jimmy.

A statement of intent from you at least as a first step?

Get your disco gear on.


The Pointless Sisters, as we called them.

Then Jimmy Smyth (The Bogey Boys) formed a trio of female backing vocalists and adopted the pointless sisters, for the craic, like.
Gordon Giltrap: 'Heartsong'

When I was a kid I used to set goals for myself as a musician, and one of them was donning my ear-goggles and tuning in to any radio station at random and play along with whatever the DJ played. From rock to pop to jazz to choral, I wouldn't change the station, instead I disciplined myself to complete each song as best I could. It helped me out a lot and I soon got myself a radio/tape ghetto blaster and soon progressed to completing full albums such as Steely Dan's 'Aja and 'Katy Lied' which are very challenging.

On other occasions when I had the house to myself, I'd take my Dad's ghetto blaster and set up a blank cassette to record mode so that when I was listening to my blaster via headphones and playing along, the other blaster recorded my parts which I could then study further to try to catch all of the ghost notes and other minor dynamics. I still play along these days but not in such a complicated manner. I have a digital/electronic kit which is almost silent apart from the kick drum component which sits on the floor that my downstairs neighbor said he could hear, so I converted a cheap 14'' floor tom into a tiny bass-drum with a mesh head and trigger on instead.

Anyway, the song above is one of the earlier tracks I can recall from those days, classic ballad/rock with some nifty little drum fills.
Apparently so; I was a fan of his since he played the Irishman Liam Devlin in The Eagle Has Landed, which I watched with my Old Man.

A great character actor, very intense but also capable of bringing the humour into things.

His son Keifer has some rather large boots to fill - I hope he doesn't try though.
Apparently so; I was a fan of his since he played the Irishman Liam Devlin in The Eagle Has Landed, which I watched with my Old Man.

A great character actor, very intense but also capable of bringing the humour into things.

His son Keifer has some rather large boots to fill - I hope he doesn't try though.
Can't say that I'm very familiar with Donald's body of work. There's a picture of him that was memed quite a lot during the scamdemic (playing the role of a Covidian) -


I remember Kiefer from some favourites from my youf such as Stand by Me, The Lost Boys, Young Guns..
Can't say that I'm very familiar with Donald's body of work. There's a picture of him that was memed quite a lot during the scamdemic (playing the role of a Covidian) -


I remember Kiefer from some favourites from my youf such as Stand by Me, The Lost Boys, Young Guns..

Hollywood - like RTE, Fine Gaerl, Fianna Fail, and most of your other political parties - has this nepotistic/incestuous thing going on since the year dot.

If you inherit the family name, the job's oxo - you're in.

Name your wage.
Can't say that I'm very familiar with Donald's body of work. There's a picture of him that was memed quite a lot during the scamdemic (playing the role of a Covidian) -


I remember Kiefer from some favourites from my youf such as Stand by Me, The Lost Boys, Young Guns..

That shot is from the film 'Invasion Of The Body Snatchers' which was released in 1978.

I can see why the Covid gang used it.
Perhaps his moustache and beard were all the masking he needed in this rather fetching pilot's hat:

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