
The Music Thread

You're an unusually dumb exhibit of modern America's drugged-up white people living in caravan parks most of the time, no?
Athens was like that at one time, so was Rome. Germany was like that at one time. In the long run the self-valuations ran them Donnie-like into the sand. You'd have to wonder what level of insecurity lies behind the constant attempts to puff one's self up as inherently special because of being born in a geographic location.

Probably a major insecurity behind it. Mind you Athens and Rome probably took around 800 to 1000 years to reach that stage of insecurity. The USA appears to have developed such notions since WWII. The Chinese will eat them alive in the long run.

Underrated Irish pop rock band? 🤔

Three thicko Paddies thinking they're hot black rappers.

Shame, shame, shame.

I knew that singer when he was a child, his bigger brother was a member of The Big Geraniums:

Darragh, in the white shirt/braces and white-dyed hair.

Not sure which festival this one is, but they played them all.
Mark Sheehan, guitarist - dead at 46.

That's harsh.

Of the old line-up of the Geraniums, I did sessions with a variety of their many off-shoot bands. We also hired Neil McCartney (Wigan UK) for several European and Scandinavian tours back in the 90's/00's. Great player, versatile, sings well, plays fiddle, guitar, bass, piano, decent engineer too. I also worked on Jenny Woods side project 'Hoochie Mama' with Reza Mottiar: we did sessions for RTE on several occasions. Then we used Moll (bassist) in a latter-day version of PAMF (The Pussy-Assed Mother-Fuckers) and also house band at a club I ran with Dreadzilla and DJ Paco at Dublin's DA Club. First drum'n'bass club in Ireland, two floors of bands and DJs from 2000/0200 on Saturday nights. Mental club, absolutely nuts for the ecstasy and cocaine.

The Irish scene is very small, you deal with the same people time and again.

We got muscled out by MCD who had a far bigger budget than we had: in fact, if they had a hundred euros to invest, they'd be one hundred euros ahead of us.

By the arse of our pants mostly, but still great fun.

The Script do precisely nothing for me.
18 Facts You May Not Know About Estonia:

1. Estonia is one of the most digitally advanced countries in the world, with e-residency and e-voting systems.
2. Over 50% of Estonia is covered by forests.
3. The country has one of the highest literacy rates in the world at 99.8%.
4. Estonia has one of the world's best internet freedom rankings.
5. It was the first country to adopt online voting in 2005.
6. Estonians celebrate "Day of Restoration of Independence" on August 20.
7. Estonia has a unique singing culture and hosts the world's largest amateur choral event, Laulupidu.
8. It has over 2,000 islands, the largest being Saaremaa and Hiiumaa.
9. The official language, Estonian, is one of the hardest languages to learn for English speakers.
10. Estonia has no standing army, but every male citizen is required to serve in the military.

Trad Attack: Pass Pass (Estonia)

11. The country is famous for its digital startups, including Skype.
12. Estonia has a high number of meteorite craters per square kilometer.
13. Tallinn, the capital, is one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Europe.
14. Estonians love saunas and often combine sauna sessions with a dip in icy water.
15. The country has a rich folklore and mythology tradition, including tales of forest spirits and magical creatures.
16. Estonia is a member of the European Union, NATO, and the Eurozone.
17. The country is known for its high-quality dairy products, particularly its cheese and butter.
18. The population of Estonia is 1.3 million. The population of Wales is nearly two and a half times the population of Estonia.

Lauri Kadalipp's Social Jazz: 'Feels Just Right' (Estonia)

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