
The Great Replacement "Theory" (reprise)

And Jambo, for the last time, I don't give a fuck about chess. I'd castle. I have no idea if that's the best move, or even a stupid move, I haven't been memorising chess patterns and chunking since I was four like yourself, that level of chess would bore the fucking head off me, two games a year when I'm desperate for something to kill time, that's about the height of it, now would you ever fuck off, the only person ever interested in that shtick of yours was your far right toxic Hitler half wit fanny, and you could tell even she wasn't interested in the game, she was just scoping you out as a potential date. Desperate stuff all together. Now fuck off, or I will request David David delete all of this stupid chess tedium that you are using to try and divert the thread.
The stock Stormfront riposte.

I don't want anything for Israel
You want Israel to remain ethnically Jewish, you lying rat.

In fact, this is how the whole replacement thing began with you (and me) culminating in your infamous self-immolation thread. Which I think you posted a web archive link to on the first page of this thread.

, apart from an acknowledgement of the facts by Irish antisemites who masquerade under anti-zionism.

(Actually to be honest I probably don't really give a fuck if they acknowledge them or not, I just want to see them dance, pretend they don't understand, double down on their illogic, see how far they'll go with their stupidity in the name of whatever has got a hold of them, a bit like yourself, Jambo...)

Facts like the Jews are not gratuitously and malevolently slaying innocent Palestinians in some sort of vacuum, like they just woke up one morning and decided to get an army and all military like with them for no reason.

Facts like much of the Arab leadership clearly see Israel as an "Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day", and therefore explicitly as strategy and tactic in this war to take the land from the Jews hold the 1948 refugees hostage.

“In demanding the return of the Palestinian refugees the Arabs mean their return as masters, not slaves, or to put it more clearly – the intention is the extermination of Israel.” - Salah al-Din, Egyptian Foreign Minister

“If the refugees return to Israel – Israel will cease to exist.” - Gamal Abdel Nasser

“The day on which the Arab hope for the return of the refugees to Palestine is realized will be the day of Israel’s extermination.” - Abdallah al-Yafi, Lebanese Prime Minister etc.

But you seem to be saying here that the same thing is happening in Ireland? (Or, actually you seem to be more interested in the UK as a "nationalist").

Well you must know the Muslim population in Ireland is only 1.62%. (In the UK it's 6.5%).

So, what, just like the Arabs are trying to do in Israel, you think the Muslims are going to get to 51% in Ireland in the UK and make the country Islamic?

Gtfo. There's no comparison you fucking halfwit. You're just sloganeering again like the sub imbecile you are.

And that's not even accounting for the fact that many of the Muslims arriving in the West are in fact running away from the authoritarian, repressive, totalitarian, woman hating, anti democratic, violent, sectarian shit baggery they previously lived under.

But you're doing a Breivik again, and saying we're under threat from a 51% Muslim majority "invasion"?

You're painfully fucked up in the head you total peasant minded sub imbecile conspiracy parrot. Get a fucking life, fuck off, and get fucked, you fucking mindless parrot you.
It is a stock Stormfront white supremacist riposte.

Stormfront | U.S. Jews demand refugees, but not in Israel

And propagated downstream of course. E.g.


You want Israel to remain ethnically Jewish, you lying rat.
I clearly set out for you my real and actual position, based on the facts, that you are unable to acknowledge due to the blinkers of your ideology. I suggest you read it again you ideologically blinkered cretin:

I don't want anything for Israel, apart from an acknowledgement of the facts by Irish antisemites who masquerade under anti-zionism.

(Actually to be honest I probably don't really give a fuck if they acknowledge them or not, I just want to see them dance, pretend they don't understand, double down on their illogic, see how far they'll go with their stupidity in the name of whatever has got a hold of them, a bit like yourself, Jambo...)

Facts like the Jews are not gratuitously and malevolently slaying innocent Palestinians in some sort of vacuum, like they just woke up one morning and decided to get an army and all military like with them for no reason.

Facts like much of the Arab leadership clearly see Israel as an "Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day", and therefore explicitly as strategy and tactic in this war to take the land from the Jews hold the 1948 refugees hostage.

“In demanding the return of the Palestinian refugees the Arabs mean their return as masters, not slaves, or to put it more clearly – the intention is the extermination of Israel.” - Salah al-Din, Egyptian Foreign Minister

“If the refugees return to Israel – Israel will cease to exist.” - Gamal Abdel Nasser

“The day on which the Arab hope for the return of the refugees to Palestine is realized will be the day of Israel’s extermination.” - Abdallah al-Yafi, Lebanese Prime Minister etc.

But you seem to be saying here that the same thing is happening in Ireland? (Or, actually you seem to be more interested in the UK as a "nationalist").

Well you must know the Muslim population in Ireland is only 1.62%. (In the UK it's 6.5%).

So, what, just like the Arabs are trying to do in Israel, you think the Muslims are going to get to 51% in Ireland in the UK and make the country Islamic?

Gtfo. There's no comparison you fucking halfwit. You're just sloganeering again like the sub imbecile you are.

And that's not even accounting for the fact that many of the Muslims arriving in the West are in fact running away from the authoritarian, repressive, totalitarian, woman hating, anti democratic, violent, sectarian shit baggery they previously lived under.

But you're doing a Breivik again, and saying we're under threat from a 51% Muslim majority "invasion"?

You're painfully fucked up in the head you total peasant minded sub imbecile conspiracy parrot. Get a fucking life, fuck off, and get fucked, you fucking mindless parrot you.

Also, fyi it is not only spurious but glaringly self referential white supremacist ideologically distorted logic to insist that the Jews in Israel are "ethnically Jewish".

No, the truth is the Jewish community is highly ethnically and culturally diverse in many aspects.

What actually binds the Jewish community is a shared religion, evolving in an increasingly secular age to elements of shared culture, shared experience, shared language (Hebrew is experiencing a revival on a par with Ireland's nineteenth century Irish revival).

Also shared experience with the Holocaust, a shared need to band together against persecution from hostile Arabs, white supremacists, radical leftists, unwitting indecent gobshites in thrall to anti Zionism, and why don't you join the queue.

Again, I don't really want anything, but I think it's painfully clear that the Arabs have been aiming at 51% Muslim Arab in Israel that's precisely why the refugees have been kept hostage for 75 years, as I already set out.

And the Palestinian leadership themselves in their draft constitution declared that "the principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the main source of legislation."

So I do think countries should be democratic rather than be under such a savage religiously based totalitarianism, that is about the height of "what I want" for Israel.

Just the same thing as I would want for anybody else, including ordinary Palestinians, whose interests would not be served by Shari’a either.

But all that has zero to do with the situation in this country, 1.6% Muslim, even less so with what white supremacists like yourself actually envision, if you cut away the layers upon layers of slogans, stock answers, propaganda and dishonesty that is part and parcel of white supremacism or "race realism" or whatever you're calling it this week.
A British citizen and a British person are not the same thing, or, that's civic "nationalism" (poor Mowl Mowl doesn't have a clue what that is, he thinks it's something to do with civility 🤣).

Your terminology bores the shit out of everyone.

You're like a kid with his weekly 10p pocket money in a candy store.

And that, civic "nationalism" (after decades of gaslighting) pervades in the West along with the demonisation of ethno-nationalism. But to a large extent in the rest of the world, ethno-nationalism is the norm. And I think even white western civic "nationalists" have some residual instinctiveness for that.

Yeah - really.

And this causes you to act how?

Consider this infographic -

It's just a meme - lowest common denominator shit-for-brains attention seeking arse-holery.
It is a stock Stormfront white supremacist riposte.

Stormfront | U.S. Jews demand refugees, but not in Israel

And propagated downstream of course. E.g.


I clearly set out for you my real and actual position, based on the facts, that you are unable to acknowledge due to the blinkers of your ideology. I suggest you read it again you ideologically blinkered cretin:

Also, fyi it is not only spurious but glaringly self referential white supremacist ideologically distorted logic to insist that the Jews in Israel are "ethnically Jewish".

No, the truth is the Jewish community is highly ethnically and culturally diverse in many aspects.

What actually binds the Jewish community is a shared religion, evolving in an increasingly secular age to elements of shared culture, shared experience, shared language (Hebrew is experiencing a revival on a par with Ireland's nineteenth century Irish revival).

Also shared experience with the Holocaust, a shared need to band together against persecution from hostile Arabs, white supremacists, radical leftists, unwitting indecent gobshites in thrall to anti Zionism, and why don't you join the queue.

Again, I don't really want anything, but I think it's painfully clear that the Arabs have been aiming at 51% Muslim Arab in Israel that's precisely why the refugees have been kept hostage for 75 years, as I already set out.

And the Palestinian leadership themselves in their draft constitution declared that "the principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the main source of legislation."

So I do think countries should be democratic rather than be under such a savage religiously based totalitarianism, that is about the height of "what I want" for Israel.

Just the same thing as I would want for anybody else, including ordinary Palestinians, whose interests would not be served by Shari’a either.

But all that has zero to do with the situation in this country, 1.6% Muslim, even less so with what white supremacists like yourself actually envision, if you cut away the layers upon layers of slogans, stock answers, propaganda and dishonesty that is part and parcel of white supremacism or "race realism" or whatever you're calling it this week.
I "acknowledge" that you want Israel to remain a Jewish ethnostate, and for white countries to be a 'Brotherhood of Man'. The same as Wokal Distance (who's Jewish) and both of you give the same excuse for your hypocrisy.
What's YOUR excuse then?
My excuse? I don't have one. Because I don't need one.

In fact, if I was to interpret the meaning of your question as if it was made by a person of normal intelligence (probably a mistake, I know), I would inform you that I am Irish political fora's most famous Nazi ZIONIST! Ask anybody
Anyway, as promised, here's the video -

So for those of you who watched the video and saw what the move is, congratulations.

Alessia missed it in the game and went ahead and traded the queens.

She doesn't say what the move is (that she missed) but we see that the eval bar (computer evaluation of the position) after dxe goes berserker! in favour of black.

And the move is (images brought to you by chessboardimage.com)..



And now Kxf2 is forced and then what's that? It's a free cheese macaroni (white's queen)..



And that's basically resign time for white.
We'll be sad to see the back of you, Jambo.

You've proven yourself an endless well of jollity and hilarity these last few years.

But oblivion beckons, and your time is short - like your IQ, fingers, toes, and willy.
Yes, if nothing else, Jamboi was a good sport to be the site's plaything for so long. He reminded me of that gimp that keeps coming straight back to the sexual fray after he has just been in hospital getting his rectum stitched up after his last encounter, time and time again.

Well I see now he is ensconced back on Arsefields, his true home, strutting his stuff, tapping the side of his nose knowingly at the other posters, about ex leaders of the British National Party and British National Front, former colleagues of that English chap Mark Collett he loves, who he for some reason thinks is the answer to what he calls Irish nationalism.

Isn't he just like a pig returned to the pig sty, rolling around with relish in the lowbrow racist shit and manure that they specialise in over there, grunting along with the others, except you can see he feels in himself that his grunt is a superior grunt to the other grunts.

Well good riddance, I have no doubt his theories about "replacement", and his ideas about his own narrow and cock-eyed "empirical" view of the world as something that the wider world should generalise from, will find a much greater acceptance over there.

Well as long as his syndicated content does not clash too much with Hans' own syndicated content. And as long as Hans' can put up with the tarnish of blatant white supremacism on his own little "nationalist" endeavour. In other words, I bet he'll be back for another round of chastening soon enough, like the little racist tart that he is.
I think it would be quite a good idea. Replacement Theory. The people who tend to fear it the most are exactly the sort of people you'd want replaced. It all works out.
Poor Jambo. It really does all come down to having a small willy.

As ever the superiority complex implicit in the notions of these pathetic specimens actually lies in an inferiority complex.

What would Freud have to say. Jambo's replacement theory is actually about the fear of their willies being replaced?
Small Willy!


Yes, The Lump has awoken from his slumber (in his bedsit in Munich) to begin his day spamming online here before moving on to Gaychat (where he does most of his worst work) after breakfast..
Small Willy!

It makes you happy to have one?

Good man yourself.


Yes, The Lump has awoken from his slumber (in his bedsit in Munich) to begin his day spamming online here before moving on to Gaychat (where he does most of his worst work) after breakfast..

Ehh, that was Roc you just replied to - not The Cap'n.

But anyway: about this nationalist movement of yours and the fact that it includes protection of Irish criminals beating up and robbing Irish pensioners.

Where in your good book can I find the answer to the very question you've been asked multiple/dozens of times?

Why do you demand others answer YOUR questions when you won't answer yourself?

Your brand/type/strain of nationalism seems rather thieving and burgling to me - is that the plan?

I mean, that your sort of nationalists get into power and set about robbing everyone over the age of 68 of any possession that can be sold on?

How is it nationalist to rob Irish people and beat on them with iron pipes?

You like that sort of thing, is it?
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