

You didn't watch the video did you roc.

I mean, that's okay. No one should be expected to watch a ten minute video.

Although please spare us the Mowl routine - "I don't watch any of your videos or click on any of your links Jamb..", blah, blah blah/Morgasm/Coldchops/in your own words, etc.

I just thought it might have appealed to you.
I don't really have an opinion about chess, or much interest in it beyond the very occasional game.

It is a bit like all that mensa malarkey isn't it.

I.e. People who are good at doing certain kinds of puzzles, and usually with terrible social intelligence, and emotional intelligence, are drawn to these kind of things.

In the case of mensa in general, and white supremacists playing chess in particular, it also is clearly about assuaging an inferiority complex.

That is also why many more on average, in these two groups, are drawn to conspiracy theories and the like. - They desperately need to feel like they have a superior special insight into how our world "really" works, to mitigate their inferiority complex.

The same reason they feel a need to join these kind of groups, like mensa or the local chess club.

So, the likes of godsdog with his mensa memberships, or you with your interminable chess bore fests, are an interesting phenomenon to me to survey, to try and understand your respective pathologies, and how you both were driven to assume the kind of views you have.

That's all. That is the only opinion I really have about any of it.
Okay roc_abilly roc_abilly, that wasn't really very fair (just laughing at your post).

Allow me to retort..

I don't really have an opinion about chess, or much interest in it beyond the very occasional game.
You don't know how to play chess, you literally don't know how to move the fucking pieces.

You certainly do have an opinion on it, though, a simple search for your username with posts with the word 'chess' in it, certainly on this site (albeit many of those posts have gone to internet heaven), would bring back billions and billions and billions of results.

It is a bit like all that mensa malarkey isn't it.

I.e. People who are good at doing certain kinds of puzzles, and usually with terrible social intelligence, and emotional intelligence, are drawn to these kind of things.
R u generalising? I have great emotional intelligence (as well as standard) and I'm good at chess

In the case of mensa in general, and white supremacists playing chess in particular, it also is clearly about assuaging an inferiority complex.
I'm not a white supremacist. When I developed an interest in chess at, say, age 5 or 6, I wasn't Roman saluting in between games, or something

That is also why many more on average, in these two groups, are drawn to conspiracy theories and the like. - They desperately need to feel like they have a superior special insight into how our world "really" works, to mitigate their inferiority complex.
'Conspiracy theorist' is just another lazy, dishonest smear from your (anti-white) cult

That said, I'm perfectly prepared to call someone a conspiracy theorist, I've done it. Look at that utter spastic Plonker on Arsefield's, he's a conspiracy theorist, and should be shot with pellets of his own shite

The same reason they feel a need to join these kind of groups, like mensa or the local chess club.

So, the likes of godsdog with his mensa memberships, or you with your interminable chess bore fests, are an interesting phenomenon to me to survey, to try and understand your respective pathologies, and how you both were driven to assume the kind of views you have.

That's all. That is the only opinion I really have about any of it.
Doggy is no more a member of Mensa than you are.

How can you say that chess is boring when you don't even know how to play it (and neither does Doggy)
I didn't say chess itself is boring, necessarily. In a certain context the game may well have its redeeming features. I said in particular that your chess threads and opinions about chess are "chess bore fests".

It would be like if that moron 'Regards...jmcc' put up threads about the ins and outs of dealing with the IE Domain Registry back in the 1990s.

Obviously he thinks it's a subject full of incredible interest and he's in a position to hold forth on all the possible moves that one would consider in their interactions with the registry authorities.

For the rest of us, it's a snore fest, a bore fest, and very fucking American-like.

Well you get exceptions, the odd one or two who are even worse rejects - like that desperate "shitstick" far right character who used to hang about you.

You see their type go along with it because they've been reduced to a state of abject desperation by their circumstances that they'd talk about anything, it doesn't matter what it is, they are just looking for any sort of passion that they can piggy back on.

Whether the likes of Jmcc's passion for tedious minutiae of historical domain registry regulations, or your own binary world view revolving around white plays black, which is just as tedious.
I didn't say chess itself is boring, necessarily. In a certain context the game may well have its redeeming features. I said in particular that your chess threads and opinions about chess are "chess bore fests".

It would be like if that moron 'Regards...jmcc' put up threads about the ins and outs of dealing with the IE Domain Registry back in the 1990s.

Obviously he thinks it's a subject full of incredible interest and he's in a position to hold forth on all the possible moves that one would consider in their interactions with the registry authorities.

For the rest of us, it's a snore fest, a bore fest, and very fucking American-like.

Well you get exceptions, the odd one or two who are even worse rejects - like that desperate "shitstick" far right character who used to hang about you.

You see their type go along with it because they've been reduced to a state of abject desperation by their circumstances that they'd talk about anything, it doesn't matter what it is, they are just looking for any sort of passion that they can piggy back on.

Whether the likes of Jmcc's passion for tedious minutiae of historical domain registry regulations, or your own binary world view revolving around white plays black, which is just as tedious.
There's almost no point replying to any more of your rubbish regarding boring, transatlantic underwater sea cables, white supremacy and so on when you literally don't know how to play chess, but you pretended to, with me (and so did Doggy). Why the f*ck would you pretend to know how to play chess - and expect to get away with it. You're a total spa
I can play chess, just not at your level. You've been playing since you were five, and obviously are totes mad into it, watch the youtube and all.

As for me, well I think there's a connection between your emotional attachment to chess, and your professed ideology of white supremacism, including your ideas about these 'IQ' metrics of intelligence, but not only that.

So that is why I interact with you on the topic, it is not because I am particularly interested in chess itself, I couldn't really give a fuck to be honest, I do play occasionally with my young fellow, but that's about it. Whereas I am interested in your white supremacism.

So I suppose we're at cross purposes. Well you more than me, I suppose, because any movement in the petri dish that I have you swimming around in gets written down in the notes of my experiments, it's all towards a purpose.
Doggy is no more a member of Mensa than you are.
Well he seemed pretty genuine on politicsirish when he was practically crying that the only friends he had were the ones he met up with on his mensa outings, and that no one else understood him, and how he felt so alone because of his great propensity to solve those puzzles that they give you in the IQ tests. And how he hangs his mensa cert up on his mantelpiece and looks at it every morning and night to reassure himself that it's not him, it's everyone else, that he is special, as he alone understands the great conspiracy.
So those of you who know card counting watching that video might have thought - cough, bullshit.

Derren explains (hardly at all) how his eh, lofty idea of a (mental) room with 52 antiques in it with stickers on them allows him to beat blackjack.

Of course, card counting (which is how to beat blackjack) doesn't involve any memorisation, it's counting. It takes (statistical) advantage of the rules of blackjack, namely high cards are good for the player (in no small part because blackjack pays greater than even) and low cards are good for the dealer (less likely to go bust).

So a value is assigned to the cards, 1 for low cards (2-6), -1 for high cards (10, Ace) and 0 for the cards in the middle (7-9). And then, starting at zero, as each card is revealed at the table (for your fellow players if any, you and the dealer) you simply count accordingly, and all you're remembering is a single number. When that number is positive, it's favourable to bet.

You're expected to play every hand when at a blackjack table so bet sizing is then the final part. Min bets for zero or negative counts, increased sized bets for positive counts.

PS. Hopefully Val (who's always considered himself good at counting) has now found a practical use for negative numbers and will take his local casino for millions :)
Save it for your low IQ pals, Jambo - nobody fucking cares about you playing snakes and ladders with Pinchymamma.

You dumb cunt.
Do you see what happened tho, Mowl?

Black is up a rook and three pawns in the endgame, it's a won game for black.. and that's why the worst move possible for black was taking the ("free") white rook, that's stalemate, a draw. And that's why you never resign.
Here's another entertaining YouTube Short video from the young man, and he's quite musical like you @THE Mowl, he's always listening to music -

You fancy him because he 'listens to music like the Mowl does'?

And you call yourself a chess player?
So here's where the power of the double check kicks in Mowl -

With a double check in chess, the checked king invariably has to move. You see that white can't block the (discovered) check by the queen by pushing the g pawn because of the knight check, and white can't capture the knight (with any of 3, count it, THREE pieces) because of the queen check.

So white only has one legal move, king to h1.. and then it's curtains, it's all over the Mowl, black delivers mate with the queen (supported by the knight) - Qh2#

Neat, huh?

By the way, he does remind me of someone (from many years ago). I'll tell you that story next..
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