
The Great Replacement "Theory" (reprise)

Just to recap. on area covered before. We had a thread that asked:

Is "great replacement" theory a dogma, conspiracy, or actually a good theory that fits the observations?


What is the Great Replacement Theory?

How a term coined by a French author came to inspire violent white supremacists in America
(p.s. do not take this article as anything more than an introduction to the theory, we will develop our own opinions about the theory's implications on this thread, and our own interpretations. The article's author's perspective is his own, however it is a good article in setting out a good number of relevant facts as introduction.).

Now we find this theory turns out to be absolutely central to poster's @EElectricity worldview, in fact everything in his mind revolves around it, so it seems.

He even calls it "nationalism" and stridently claims that it is the only worthwhile central tenet of Irish nationalism.

So, perhaps it would be a good exercise to see exactly what's in it.

Or, conversely, if it is in fact a theory that does a terrible disservice to the facts - particularly if it excludes other important and relevant facts that it may be harmful to ignore (on the strength of their not fitting in with the theory). And what is the nature of this disservice, and implications of same.

And whether it has taken the form of dogma in the minds of its adherents like @EElectricity. And whether it is a pernicious dogma.

(Admittedly I am already lead to strongly suspect dogma may well be the case - owing to this poster's continually hysterical putting the leading, loaded question to me of "Are you also indifferent to the elimination of a European country by demographic changes?" - when did you stop beating your wife etc.

Of course, we know his theory predicts "the elimination of countries by demographic changes", along with other predictions. But, we have not yet resolved the question of whether or not it is a good theory capable of making good and relevant predictions about the nature of reality. So as a first step, let us try and resolve that question, eh...).​
There's also this meme being brandished at me.
I know how the mUh CoNsPIraCy tHeORy shtick is used by (trained) anti-white gimps like you
I think we might start with that.

Now I had hardly discussed with him whether the theory has earned the right to be called a conspiracy theory, and the justifications for claimimg that.

If he read back, I was largely keeping the discussion to the basic fact that the idea of "white replacement" is a theory, and ensuring he grasped that most basic, simple, obvious fact.

We well established that it was a theory (yesterday). Of course it fucking is.

I think though let's not yet go onto the question of whether it is a "conspiracy theory" or not. Rather, as the next step, let's consider Epicurus’ Principle of Multiple Explanations – basically, if more than one theory is consistent with the observations, consider all theories.

So something else we established yesterday was that the theory of "great replacement" of white people, white civilisation and white culture, has been around for a hundred years or so.

Now let us review the observations that lead to the theory. (Everyone agrees that the "observations" must have come first, to lead to the theory, no?)

To do that, let's go back to the original formulations of the theory. - What exactly were the theory's proponents writing about when they formulated the theory?

Well James' theory's first appearance was in France in 1900, in the following book, that set out the core ideas of "Barresian nationalism".

L’Appel au Soldat - Wikisource

While in the English language it was Madison Grant's 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race that set out James' theory.


The Passing of the Great Race - Wikipedia

So, let us put the question to James - what were the observations made by these two writers that lead them to formulate this theory, to account for their observations?

And, as per Epicurus’ principle, might there by any other theory we could apply to account for these observations, and are these observations as they were formulated to develop the theory still relevant today?
Unfortunately the synopsis of findings link from that thread is dead.

However the basic outcome was that Jamboi is a braindead idiot.

Of course Jamboi's just trolling looking to cover this old ground again.

He'll fit in a few slogans that will activate the likes of Saul into the expected responses and behaviours.

Outside of that?
Mowl put it well in the previous thread:

Jambo's nationalism: can't speak any language except English and pure bollocks. Hates Irish people, which I'm willing to overlook as I do too. Loves English culture and the closest to Irish culture he finds himself, the more his feet angle themselves at ninety degrees as he mimics Liam Gallagher. Thinks Irish history is worthless old bollocks and refuses to engage with anything historic and Irish.

Speaks a language only the indoctrinated few understand and peppers his comments with tough guy type intimidation, but fails every time. Is single and will remain so until he finds a 100% Irish moth with cash to cover his costs. Has no life outside of online trolling, thinks women playing football is strictly for the gay quarter.

Doesn't have any moral compass, moral convictions, or respect for anything Irish, but demands to right to knock Irish culture every chance he gets. Has no online friends any more than offline friends. Needs a blowjob more than any white man this side of the Rio Grande.

Has a diction and lexicon so peppered with borrowed phrases from The Englishman's Guide To Being A Half-Baked Anarchist it's impossible to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. Is about as interesting as a car crash on the Sneem bypass between two culchies. Has all the originality of thought of a second Valamhic.

Has the personality of a self-loathing Weegie with a broken bottle in his one good hand, and the other picking his nose. Is about as large an embarrassment to Ireland as Ryan Tubridy. Is as boring as the day is long, has one single post which he's repeated non-stop for around eighteen months, and still hasn't made it clear what he's trying to say.

If youtube videos were gold, he'd still be a pauper.

If Telegrams were pork, he'd get food poisoning.

His benefit to this site? Zero.

His benefit to the planet at large? Even less.

His humour quotient? Likely the same as his life savings: fuck all.

A dole head, angry with life and world, probably hated by his own kin, a loner - but not in a good way. A wanker of extraordinary talent with a tissue and a tub of face-cleansing cream of his Ma's. Has about as many fans and as much respect for his efforts as the last mongrel Val slaughtered for supper.

And finally?

He has all the balls of a gimp in a box down in the basement.
Or perhaps David David would insert this clarifying post in the OP?

... I may as well emphasise this point for other struggling readers who may have missed the exchanges yesterday.

Perhaps Jambo's old "A-Team" may even be listening in, and god knows they may well need such simple points explained to them too.

A fact, or something we might claim is "actually happening" in this context would be things like.

Fact: Immigration has increased in Ireland since 2000 (or whenever).

Or, I might present a summary of known facts in the form of a graph, like say the below (taken from the 2016 census returns).


Whereas a theory tries to make as simple an explanation as possible that accounts for those facts.

It should be testable and falsifiable, and encompass the facts we're concerned with.

For example, theory: "yes, well the white race is being replaced, that is why immigration is increasing".

Or, theory: "yes, employers are lobbying governments so they can get more workers and keep wages down, that is why immigration is increasing".

Or, any number of other theories that may help to explain the facts.

See, fact versus theory. It's not that hard now is it. :rolleyes:
Or another clarifying post:

... I think I see now.

You're posting things in response to what Morgoth has told you your "anti-white" nemesis thinks and says.

So you ignore what's actually written, and substitute this phantom argument that you project onto me.

Whereas I have only clearly asked you what exactly are the observations that suggest the theory that the white race, homo europaeus, is in danger of submergence or "replacement" under a corrupt system dominated by non white races, and variations, and embellishments of the theory, thereof.

But anyway I'm done toying with you. Your abject stupidity has no redeeming features, it's utterly boring. Mind-numbing.

And I already know the answer to the thread title in your case at least. It's not best described as a conspiracty theory. It's best described as dogma.

Dogma. Like in how you selectively search out anything that might corroborate your theory. How you evade the finding of circumstances or data that go against the predictions of your theory. How you have a range of devices to avoid critical thinking. And everything else that characterises dogma.

You are like a moonie in the way you believe in this theory. So please fuck off now kindly unless you want to engage rationally without continual reversion to dogma and Morgoth's trite stereotypes and memes.
Mowl put it well in the previous thread:

Jambo's nationalism: can't speak any language except English and pure bollocks. Hates Irish people, which I'm willing to overlook as I do too. Loves English culture and the closest to Irish culture he finds himself, the more his feet angle themselves at ninety degrees as he mimics Liam Gallagher. Thinks Irish history is worthless old bollocks and refuses to engage with anything historic and Irish.

Speaks a language only the indoctrinated few understand and peppers his comments with tough guy type intimidation, but fails every time. Is single and will remain so until he finds a 100% Irish moth with cash to cover his costs. Has no life outside of online trolling, thinks women playing football is strictly for the gay quarter.

Doesn't have any moral compass, moral convictions, or respect for anything Irish, but demands to right to knock Irish culture every chance he gets. Has no online friends any more than offline friends. Needs a blowjob more than any white man this side of the Rio Grande.

Has a diction and lexicon so peppered with borrowed phrases from The Englishman's Guide To Being A Half-Baked Anarchist it's impossible to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. Is about as interesting as a car crash on the Sneem bypass between two culchies. Has all the originality of thought of a second Valamhic.

Has the personality of a self-loathing Weegie with a broken bottle in his one good hand, and the other picking his nose. Is about as large an embarrassment to Ireland as Ryan Tubridy. Is as boring as the day is long, has one single post which he's repeated non-stop for around eighteen months, and still hasn't made it clear what he's trying to say.

If youtube videos were gold, he'd still be a pauper.

If Telegrams were pork, he'd get food poisoning.

His benefit to this site? Zero.

His benefit to the planet at large? Even less.

His humour quotient? Likely the same as his life savings: fuck all.

A dole head, angry with life and world, probably hated by his own kin, a loner - but not in a good way. A wanker of extraordinary talent with a tissue and a tub of face-cleansing cream of his Ma's. Has about as many fans and as much respect for his efforts as the last mongrel Val slaughtered for supper.

And finally?

He has all the balls of a gimp in a box down in the basement.

That's a work of art.
I agree Mowl. Near enough to the perfect send up of the phenomenon that we know on here as "Jambo". With that, enough said, perhaps.

Jambo's nationalism: can't speak any language except English and pure bollocks. Hates Irish people, which I'm willing to overlook as I do too. Loves English culture and the closest to Irish culture he finds himself, the more his feet angle themselves at ninety degrees as he mimics Liam Gallagher. Thinks Irish history is worthless old bollocks and refuses to engage with anything historic and Irish.

Speaks a language only the indoctrinated few understand and peppers his comments with tough guy type intimidation, but fails every time. Is single and will remain so until he finds a 100% Irish moth with cash to cover his costs. Has no life outside of online trolling, thinks women playing football is strictly for the gay quarter.

Doesn't have any moral compass, moral convictions, or respect for anything Irish, but demands to right to knock Irish culture every chance he gets. Has no online friends any more than offline friends. Needs a blowjob more than any white man this side of the Rio Grande.

Has a diction and lexicon so peppered with borrowed phrases from The Englishman's Guide To Being A Half-Baked Anarchist it's impossible to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. Is about as interesting as a car crash on the Sneem bypass between two culchies. Has all the originality of thought of a second Valamhic.

Has the personality of a self-loathing Weegie with a broken bottle in his one good hand, and the other picking his nose. Is about as large an embarrassment to Ireland as Ryan Tubridy. Is as boring as the day is long, has one single post which he's repeated non-stop for around eighteen months, and still hasn't made it clear what he's trying to say.

If youtube videos were gold, he'd still be a pauper.

If Telegrams were pork, he'd get food poisoning.

His benefit to this site? Zero.

His benefit to the planet at large? Even less.

His humour quotient? Likely the same as his life savings: fuck all.

A dole head, angry with life and world, probably hated by his own kin, a loner - but not in a good way. A wanker of extraordinary talent with a tissue and a tub of face-cleansing cream of his Ma's. Has about as many fans and as much respect for his efforts as the last mongrel Val slaughtered for supper.

And finally?

He has all the balls of a gimp in a box down in the basement.
I see the lads were out and about along Kildare Street for the return to the Dail yesterday of Ireland's summer-recess inspired political class. Or some of them, at least. Mick Martin and Leo Varadkar are both over in New York at the moment (lucky boys) so they didn't have to witness 'de lads' on their protest yesterday. They came out like Jambo's favourite midget party leader, Justin Barrett - with a gibbet, a noose, and a mangy scarecrow hanging from it like something out of Billie Holiday's version of 'Strange Fruit' mixed with images of Appalachian in-breds and high-speed car-chase banjo music.

Thirteen people arrested, two have already been through the courts (gas, that) and the gates of Leinster House likely dripping in spittle and blood.

The vernacular on display is absolutely hilarious:

'Tray-rorz, dat's wha' yizz are - tray-rors. Fuck yooz all. Tray-ror bastards..'

Sean O'Casey himself would have blushed.

I can't help thinking that fifteen to twenty years ago, the notion of going out on any protest in Ireland at all was - for the little man, an unthinkable act of near treason. Questioning the church/state? Moi? No-no-no. These days we have the shell-suited and Puma/Nike wearing knackers leading the charge. Semi-literate baboon/ape/chimpanzee type mutants with blood and veins in their teeth, releasing all that pent-up rage they accumulated over yet another miserably grim Irish summer of rain and wind. And massive price increases along with it.

'Tray-rors - yizz are all tray-rors bu'.. ..TRAY-RORS! TRAY-RORRRRRRRRS!'

I wonder if Jambo went along? Just to offer a Nazi salute in an effort to enrage the bleeding hearts and permanently angry mob? No? Yeah, probably not. His version of 'ethno/civic-nationalism' doesn't actually 'do' anything. They just hang around the internet waiting for anyone to bite so they can hop on you and call you a leftist. It's a fairly dull game. Not much else happens. It's like people complaining about being offended. Same deal there: nothing actually happens. Life just goes on while they're crying into their snot-rags and shaking their fists at clouds in the skies.


Of course, in order for one to be a tray-ror, one must first have once believed and acted in unison with others on something seen by all involved as being a valid belief/viewpoint taken to heart and acted upon. Then turning away from that very same thing. For greed? For the craic, like? Or what? Ireland's such a tiny little microcosm, one where so many opposites exist simultaneously: The North/The South, Jackeen/Culchie, Prod/Catholic, GAA/Soccer, Guinness/Murphy's, Northsider/Southsider, Fine Fail/Sinn Fein, etc. It's mad how such a small population can completely hate each other and do so for so many reasons. Maybe it has something to do with the population's newly felt sense of outrage at their place on the world stage after sacrificing so much for so many bar their own people. All those Ukrainians, all those 'of fighting-age' men from all over the Middle East and central Africa living in your hotels and getting your tax-payer pocket money to spend on shiny beads and calls home to Nigeria in those cheap phone call shops they open all over the fucking place. The 'real' Irish are under siege, it seems. Paddy and Biddy McKnacker with a placard in one hand and a tin of Dutch Gold in the other, demanding recognition for self-sacrificing on a level even the Swedes might envy.

The Great Replacement Theory certainly seems to have caused quite a few believers to take to the streets to vent their spleens at whomever the chosen victim of the day is. Micheal Healy-Rae strutting down Molesworth Street flanked by two coppers in tracksuits. Those are tracksuits, right? Black and Yellow? Arses not looking too big in them? I note Healy-Rae is unsurprisingly midget-like. A distant cousin of Barrett's, perhaps? Little midgets in cheap suits and Peaky Blinders caps. Like something out of an episode of The Riordan's from the 1960s.

Makes me wonder if Jambo's not also challenged in the height area.

The Irish Midget Nationalist Party - 'give a little, it'll go a long way'.

You could replace the whole lot of them with a mob of mentally-deranged and meat-eating kangaroos
on strong amphetamines and still Ireland would be better off.
Probably speaking better English too, yiz tray-rors.
Just to recap. on area covered before. We had a thread that asked:

Is "great replacement" theory a dogma, conspiracy, or actually a good theory that fits the observations?​


lol It's incredible isn't it (how many times have I told him this)

From his link above -

Though he did not call it by its name, Gendron was referring to a far-right conspiracy theory known as the Great Replacement, which says Western elites, Jews in particular, are bringing in immigrants to replace whites.

That's it, that's the answer but it just won't sink in

At this stage, will we just put it down to roc being mentally retarded?


How a term coined by a French author came to inspire violent white supremacists in America​


(p.s. do not take this article as anything more than an introduction to the theory, we will develop our own opinions about the theory's implications on this thread, and our own interpretations. The article's author's perspective is his own, however it is a good article in setting out a good number of relevant facts as introduction.).

Now we find this theory turns out to be absolutely central to poster's @EElectricity worldview, in fact everything in his mind revolves around it, so it seems.​

He even calls it "nationalism" and stridently claims that it is the only worthwhile central tenet of Irish nationalism.

So, perhaps it would be a good exercise to see exactly what's in it.​

Or, conversely, if it is in fact a theory that does a terrible disservice to the facts - particularly if it excludes other important and relevant facts that it may be harmful to ignore (on the strength of their not fitting in with the theory). And what is the nature of this disservice, and implications of same.​

And whether it has taken the form of dogma in the minds of its adherents like @EElectricity. And whether it is a pernicious dogma.​

(Admittedly I am already lead to strongly suspect dogma may well be the case - owing to this poster's continually hysterical putting the leading, loaded question to me of "Are you also indifferent to the elimination of a European country by demographic changes?" - when did you stop beating your wife etc.​

Of course, we know his theory predicts "the elimination of countries by demographic changes", along with other predictions. But, we have not yet resolved the question of whether or not it is a good theory capable of making good and relevant predictions about the nature of reality. So as a first step, let us try and resolve that question, eh...).​

Though he did not call it by its name, Gendron was referring to a far-right conspiracy theory known as the Great Replacement, which says Western elites, Jews in particular, are bringing in immigrants to replace whites.

That's it, that's the answer but it just won't sink in. At this stage, will we just put it down to roc being mentally retarded?
Jambo's simplistic narrow "chess brain" strikes again.

In that I explicitly wrote under the article, "... do not take this article as anything more than an introduction to the theory, we will develop our own opinions about the theory's implications on this thread, and our own interpretations. The article's author's perspective is his own, however it is a good article in setting out a good number of relevant facts as introduction...".

Clearly that writer focused on the element that regard so called "replacement" as something the elites are secretively working to bring about. No doubt there is a significant element out there that hold to that.

Whereas on that old thread, we said that we would discount that element, as it did not comprise the general thrust of your view. So instead we focused on the theoretical underpinnings that lead to the postulation of "replacement" in your case, i.e. assumptions about such elements of your theory as time scales involved, or assumptions about the trajectories of population growth functions, or assumptions about the political consequences of there being no outright majority in a democracy made up of "minorities", or assumptions about make up of voting constituencies, and so on.

But all you ever have in reply is, "... ooh, ooh, you mean it is just 'a far right conspiracy theory'...".

You're a moron, Jimmy. Perhaps it's time you stopped always opening your mouth to remove any doubt about that fact? Even the stunted, half minds you find on the likes of Arsefields are embarrassed by you.
Jambo's simplistic narrow "chess brain" strikes again.
What I mean this time is that your brain seems to be able to only perform in pattern recognition.

Chess players play thousands and thousands of hours of chess and build up a repertoire of game patterns that they recognise.

(Acknowledging that even with these thousands upon thousands of play you remain a mediocre chess player) what you are doing here is insisting that the argument comprises a pattern that you recognise, and that you have a game-play ready for.

You are unable to respond to anything else.

Which is profoundly, utterly boring in its essential stupidity.
Jambo's simplistic narrow "chess brain" strikes again.

In that I explicitly wrote under the article, "... do not take this article as anything more than an introduction to the theory, we will develop our own opinions about the theory's implications on this thread, and our own interpretations. The article's author's perspective is his own, however it is a good article in setting out a good number of relevant facts as introduction...".

Clearly that writer focused on the element that regard so called "replacement" as something the elites are secretively working to bring about. No doubt there is a significant element out there that hold to that.

Whereas on that old thread, we said that we would discount that element, as it did not comprise the general thrust of your view. So instead we focused on the theoretical underpinnings that lead to the postulation of "replacement" in your case, i.e. assumptions about such elements of your theory as time scales involved, or assumptions about the trajectories of population growth functions, or assumptions about the political consequences of there being no outright majority in a democracy made up of "minorities", or assumptions about make up of voting constituencies, and so on.

But all you ever have in reply is, "... ooh, ooh, you mean it is just 'a far right conspiracy theory'...".

You're a moron, Jimmy. Perhaps it's time you stopped always opening your mouth to remove any doubt about that fact? Even the stunted, half minds you find on the likes of Arsefields are embarrassed by you.

I appreciate that this actually rather difficult for you (because you'll have to accept that you've made a giant tit of yourself, repeatedly) but the great replacement theory is a conspiracy theory, it's not any other kind of theory. I told you this fucking ages ago 😆
Listen you fucking moron:

Conspiracy theory: Something along lines of... Elites / Jews / EU bureaucrats / <Insert favourite cabal here> are deliberately importing non-white immigrants as part of a conspiracy against the white race.

Theory: Something along lines of... the current immigration trends lead to a range of phenomena that we may justly characterise as "replacement", including loss of political influence as the majority grouping, destruction of so called "white" culture and civilisation, and so on in that vein, dependent on certain assumptions holding that are needed to perpetuate the logic of the theory, including assumptions about the exact meaning and ideological import of the terms that we are using to describe the theory - terms like "white" and "race", etc.

The conspiracy theory element may or may not be an element included in the general theory depending on the person involved. We agreed at the outset of the original thread not to include it.
Listen you fucking moron:

Conspiracy theory: Something along lines of... Elites / Jews / EU bureaucrats / <Insert favourite cabal here> are deliberately importing non-white immigrants as part of a conspiracy against the white race.
Yes, and that's replacement theory. And it's what every link you've ever posted about it refers to

Theory: Something along lines of... the current immigration trends lead to a range of phenomena that we may justly characterise as "replacement", including loss of political influence as the majority grouping, destruction of so called "white" culture and civilisation, and so on in that vein, dependent on certain assumptions holding that are needed to perpetuate the logic of the theory, including assumptions about the exact meaning and ideological import of the terms that we are using to describe the theory - terms like "white" and "race", etc.

The conspiracy theory element may or may not be an element included in the general theory depending on the person involved. We agreed at the outset of the original thread not to include it.
There is no theory in replacement, it's an empirical, observable fact
For fucks sake.

Look, can I appeal to the gallery? You Arsefields chumps, Anderson, even, looking in.

Will you step in and say something here, I'm sure even you can see the distinction and its import.

Will you explain it to your old compadre Jimmy here for fucks sake.

Feel free to add your own input about where you think the argument should go, and what is the nub of the argument.

Because Jimmy is letting the side down really fucking badly here.
For fucks sake.

Look, can I appeal to the gallery? You Arsefields chumps, Anderson, even, looking in.

Will you step in and say something here, I'm sure even you can see the distinction and its import.

Will you explain it to your old compadre Jimmy here for fucks sake.

Feel free to add your own input about where you think the argument should go, and what is the nub of the argument.

Because Jimmy is letting the side down really fucking badly here.

You have always framed this as "replacement theory", going on to say such things as "one aspect" of that is a conspiracy theory. No. Wrong 🤣

Fact #1

Replacement theory is a conspiracy theory (end of)

Fact #2

Replacement is an empirical, observable fact
Those aren't facts you moron.

They are assertions. And particularly spurious and stupid ones at that.

But apparently, that's your "argument"?! That's it?!

Fuck off you cretin. I can't express how fucking stupid you must be.
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