
The Flat Earth Thread

I find Muslim rape gang denial one of the most prutid things an anti-white can do.. If anything proves that you're sociopaths, it's that

It's what now?

You who are so concerned about the definition of words.

Maybe, after he sorts out his hangover - he might explain what prutid means.

Last night's post count from Jambo's corner reeks of Dutch Gold.

And soap-bar hash.

It's what now?

Maybe, after he sorts out his hangover - he might explain what prutid means.
I got all the letters right, didn't I? Why are you making fun of my dyslexia?

Last night's post count from Jambo's corner reeks of Dutch Gold.
Yeah, roc took a pasting yesterday. So much so all he's been able to muster today is a video of a chimp out in a Dublin shop
I got all the letters right, didn't I? Why are you making fun of my dyslexia?

Because you have a very tiny penis.

Yeah, roc took a pasting yesterday.

The only pasty anything around here is the colour of your face.

So much so all he's been able to muster today is a video of a chimp out in a Dublin shop

Poor Jambo - lives in a world of his own.

His country is on her knees and he's still watching afternoon soap operas and drinking his Dutch Gold.

This 'ethno-nationalism' of yours isn't up to much, now is it?

How do you apply your 'ethno-nationalism' in the face of say, Ireland getting a pasting on the international news stakes being correctly described as a festering shit-hole full of dangerous knackers and scumbags everywhere? I mean, how would you set about correcting Ireland's current woes such as the national debt, the violence and homelessness, the drink and drugs, the rape of children, the cost of rent, the filth everywhere you look, the smell of piss and shit all over the city centre, the dregs of Irish society sleeping in doorways?

Oh - yeah: and the one that English tourist said: 'I passed by a bloke sitting in a chair on the street who asked me if I wanted to buy drugs, so after getting a whallop off his mates, I got up and ran into an ice cream parlour to wait for the police. My two mates were still getting battered just up the street, but I wouldn't go to their aid lest I get stabbed or something..'

What, in the above sentence, is the operative point the guy is making? Having to run away? Running into an ice cream shop for safety? Calling the coppers? Getting his nose broken? The other two lads getting their faces smashed in as well as his own?

Or would it be a street dealer - sitting in a chair, on the street, offering drugs for sale?

Take your time choosing - Ireland will only slide even further into global shame while you're scratching your rather tiny nuts.

Any thoughts on the question we've been asking you for the last three weeks and more which you haven't yet gotten round to answering?


Ahh, sure crack open another tin - be grand.
Because you have a very tiny penis.

The only pasty anything around here is the colour of your face.

Poor Jambo - lives in a world of his own.

His country is on her knees and he's still watching afternoon soap operas and drinking his Dutch Gold.

This 'ethno-nationalism' of yours isn't up to much, now is it?

How do you apply your 'ethno-nationalism' in the face of say, Ireland getting a pasting on the international news stakes being correctly described as a festering shit-hole full of dangerous knackers and scumbags everywhere? I mean, how would you set about correcting Ireland's current woes such as the national debt, the violence and homelessness, the drink and drugs, the rape of children, the cost of rent, the filth everywhere you look, the smell of piss and shit all over the city centre, the dregs of Irish society sleeping in doorways?

Oh - yeah: and the one that English tourist said: 'I passed by a bloke sitting in a chair on the street who asked me if I wanted to buy drugs, so after getting a whallop off his mates, I got up and ran into an ice cream parlour to wait for the police. My two mates were still getting battered just up the street, but I wouldn't go to their aid lest I get stabbed or something..'

What, in the above sentence, is the operative point the guy is making? Having to run away? Running into an ice cream shop for safety? Calling the coppers? Getting his nose broken? The other two lads getting their faces smashed in as well as his own?

Or would it be a street dealer - sitting in a chair, on the street, offering drugs for sale?

Take your time choosing - Ireland will only slide even further into global shame while you're scratching your rather tiny nuts.

Any thoughts on the question we've been asking you for the last three weeks and more which you haven't yet gotten round to answering?


Ahh, sure crack open another tin - be grand.
Mowl these stories may be great for your Facebook page but they really have nothing to do with nationalism

It would seem to be a bit like when you're a kid and you go down the green and there's a gang of kids who say they're all in the Jolly Rogers Pirate gang.

And you ask can you join, and they say you have to drink a capful of the piss of all the kids who already are in the gang, as initiation.

That's it. Now you can go around and say you're a Jolly Roger Pirate, and there's nothing more to it than that, you just give a knowing wink to the other Jolly Rogers, knowing you're part of the gang now.
Jambo's "ethno nationalists" have all drunk the same capful of piss, that's pretty much all that makes them "ethno nationalists".

They go to the "clubhouse" (online) to listen to the older kids talk about the stuff they learned from even older kids before them.

And the fact they drank the piss means they can now go around showing off to other kids about how they are now "ethno nationalists", repeating some of the stuff they hear in the clubhouse.

All very childish really. Very American, noting that so much American culture is really just about playing at being big kids.

Fact is you might as well ask a Jolly Roger Pirate to hold up the corner sweetshop with a cutlass if he is really a pirate, as ask Jambo whether he will follow through on his "beliefs" in any real world manner if he is really an "ethno nationalist".
"We must protect our liberal democracy!" 🙄

Germany is debating whether to ban the far-Right Alternative for Germany (AfD) as the party surges to 21 per cent in the polls, amid warnings from intelligence officials that its members are becoming increasingly extreme...

Fucking hell. Here we go again. What is it with the fucking Germans? (Noting that same as last time around many other countries in Europe weren't too far behind them).

Recall it was September 1930 the Nazis grew their vote ten-fold from the election two years previously to win 107 of the Reichstag seats, making them the second largest party.

And they then went on to more than double that in the 1932 election, winning 230 seats, twice the number as the next largest party had.

Are we going to see history repeat itself? Probably, that is what lack of education does, all this emphasis on "technical" education, and STEM subjects for the big faceless corporates.

Twat city.
Don't mention the war - it'll only upset any Jews reading the site.
A bit late for that I would have thought.

The tendency is particularly strong in Germany, probably reflecting the rise of parties like Jambo's AfD and others.
Fucking hell. Here we go again. What is it with the fucking Germans? (Noting that same as last time around many other countries in Europe weren't too far behind them).

Recall it was September 1930 the Nazis grew their vote ten-fold from the election two years previously to win 107 of the Reichstag seats, making them the second largest party.

And they then went on to more than double that in the 1932 election, winning 230 seats, twice the number as the next largest party had.

Are we going to see history repeat itself? Probably, that is what lack of education does, all this emphasis on "technical" education, and STEM subjects for the big faceless corporates.

Twat city.
You see here that roc goes straight for muh Nazis. I hadn't stopped laughing at "far-Right" and "warnings from intelligence officials"
A bit late for that I would have thought.

The tendency is particularly strong in Germany, probably reflecting the rise of parties like Jambo's AfD and others.
My AfD 🙄

Obviously Germans should vote for the AfD (if the Regime wants them banned that's a good enough reason) but I'm not aware that they're a nationalist party
You see here that roc goes straight for muh Nazis.
There are parallels.

I suppose admittedly it's somewhat like your "replacement" ideas.

In that I see the progressively deteriorating position of Jews and other minorities, and wonder where it will end up. Just as you observe a mathematical progression in immigration and have a theory about where it will end up.

The AfD no doubt are a long way from the Nazis, but they are the same in offering the populist "quick fix" to problems, not only in advocating the road of violent and illegal deportations, ignoring the fundamental rights of migrants etc.

Also as we have observed about you on here, there is a strong cult flavour, I would call it a ''political religion,'' in your beliefs, and certainly there was a Hitler cult that promised a utopia, somewhat similar to your cult utopia of a "white European homeland" etc.

People like you may have grievances, and it may be understandable that you want a simple narrative, simple answers, and some type of magic young prince to save you from your discontents, but truth is there are no easy answers, it's not simple, and can't be made so, and to insist it can is a similar road as Germany in the 30s, the exact same road in fact.
There are parallels.
You think the AfD are going to install a dictatorship, start World War III and gas six million Jews all over again?
Ah Jaysus, are you all there son? 🤔

I suppose admittedly it's somewhat like your "replacement" ideas.
Replacement is an empirical, observable fact

In that I see the progressively deteriorating position of Jews and other minorities
You see, as in the future tense? Because the most powerful group in the world and the first class of first class citizens certainly aren't experiencing any "deteriorating position"

and wonder where it will end up.
You think there shouldn't be an AfD because you're hysterical?

Just as you observe a mathematical progression in immigration and have a theory about where it will end up.
A mathematical progression is not a theory

The AfD no doubt are a long way from the Nazis, but they are the same in offering the populist "quick fix" to problems, not only in advocating the road of violent and illegal deportations, ignoring the fundamental rights of migrants etc.
For starters, perhaps we should close the borders to illegals and not grant them ridiculous "rights", just for starters, but that isn't the plan.

In fact, you see how brazen the Irish government is in giving the colonisers their "rights" via the asylum/refugee racket and the protests that have sprung up, you would think they might try to boil the frog more slowly

Also as we have observed about you on here, there is a strong cult flavour, I would call it a ''political religion,'' in your beliefs, and certainly there was a Hitler cult that promised a utopia, somewhat similar to your cult utopia of a "white European homeland" etc.
I've never said anything about "a white European homeland", other than that there are white European homelands, plural (Ireland being just one of them).

I remember poor Lumpy Von Talbot Lumpy Von Talbot was so confused by that that he started looking at a map of Africa 🤣

Of course denying that whites are indigenous to anywhere is just another component of anti-whiteism.

People like you may have grievances, and it may be understandable that you want a simple narrative, simple answers, and some type of magic young prince to save you from your discontents, but truth is there are no easy answers, it's not simple, and can't be made so, and to insist it can is a similar road as Germany in the 30s, the exact same road in fact.
Ah Jaysus 🤣
You see, as in the future tense?
No one can predict the future. I don't pretend to. Neither can you with your "replacement" theory.

You wouldn't know where to start with your response. In every word there is a demonstration of idiocy. Well let's try something.


What is the next number? You will probably say it is 14.

But no, it is actually 7.


You see you assume you can predict, and indeed I suggested this presupposition to you.

But the only basis for your answer was the hope of simplicity and your trust that the sequence was complete and ordered.

Unfortunately (or indeed fortunately) the next fact is never available. But the next fact may always drive you to another level of complexity, or another type of series.

We do not know enough about how the present may lead into the future. You are never able to say you can predict its total course.

Prediction can never be absolutely valid, and therefore maths or science can never prove some generalisation or even test a single descriptive statement and in that way arrive at final truth.

Let's just start with this one delusion you have. Can you possibly see it? The delusion I mean?
No one can predict the future. I don't pretend to. Neither can you with your "replacement" theory.
Replacement is an empirical, observable fact

Replacement theory is a conspiracy theory

You wouldn't know where to start with your response. In every word there is a demonstration of idiocy. Well let's try something.


What is the next number? You will probably say it is 14.
Yeah, I would, because it is, you fucking bimbo 🤣
But no, it is actually 7.

lol No, it isn't

Were you trying to add to your (banality of) "not being able to predict the future"?

If you were to give me a sequence like -


Then I could predict the future and say that the next number is 14 (also, as it happens)

You see you assume you can predict, and indeed I suggested this presupposition to you.
Anyone can predict anything, but they can't predict it with absolute certainty. The Irish may never become a minority in Ireland, for example, because an asteroid may hit the Earth and wipe out the human species.

What I can say is, with continued replacement, it will happen. And no amount of you shiteing on is going to change that.

But the only basis for your answer was the hope of simplicity and your trust that the sequence was complete and ordered.

Unfortunately (or indeed fortunately) the next fact is never available. But the next fact may always drive you to another level of complexity, or another type of series.

We do not know enough about how the present may lead into the future. You are never able to say you can predict its total course.

Prediction can never be absolutely valid, and therefore maths or science can never prove some generalisation or even test a single descriptive statement and in that way arrive at final truth.

Let's just start with this one delusion you have. Can you possibly see it? The delusion I mean?
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