
The Flat Earth Thread

Nope - why the fuck would I follow any links you send me?
Well, the link is for everybody. I just suggested that you might have a go at it seeing as you were here

Are you completely fucking stupid or is this another of your ploys to annoy?
Nah - it's your thread - it was accredited to Roc because your own OP was, like yourself, completely fucking useless.
Wrong again Mowl, I'm afraid. The thread is accredited [sic] to me. Although obviously it's not my thread title (I think only a leftist could come up with a thread title like that)

Have a wank, or maybe a cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

You're too fucking thick to be for real.

Mainly because you have nothing.
I see that roc_abilly roc_abilly was in da house earlier (he liked one of Mowl's posts), sad that he wasn't up to a response.

Fifth attempt:

Okay - so now that you've exactly (and I presume on your own terms accurately) described to us for the seven hundred and fiftieth time what your position/outlook is as a 'white nationalist/Irish ethno-nationalist' can you tell me just one thing?

How does this position of yours regarding the current conditions on the ground in Ireland reflect in your daily or monthly or annual actions and interactions? And exactly which actions do you plan on taking (or have already taken) in order to iron out the creases on critical race theory and Ireland as you see it?

I want to know how you manifest your idealism, and in which ways you practice your interactivity with other Irish and/or white/black/yellow people in general as an active Irish citizen looking to shape the future of Ireland.

In short: what do you actually DO to back up your beliefs and try to cause change 'for the better' in the Irish community?


I could think of a single sentence response myself, heck (let me count it in my head..1,2,3,4).. a single sentence of only 5 words!





I see that roc_abilly roc_abilly was in da house earlier (he liked one of Mowl's posts), sad that he wasn't up to a response. I could think of a single sentence response myself, heck (let me count it in my head..1,2,3,4).. a single sentence of only 5 words!
So the five word, single sentence I was thinking of is...

The Moon orbits the Sun

With the same orbital speed as the Earth. The Moon doesn't have to "constantly and drastically change its speed" to maintain its (Earth) orbit 😆 and of course the speeds referenced in the video are two separate things, the speed at which the Moon orbits the Earth and the speed at which the Earth (and Moon) orbit the Sun.
Speaking of the moon and moonheads in general, you're like the uninvited and unwelcome guy who shows up early for the party with no drinks of your own and nobody knows who you are or what the fuck you want. They just want you gone, you and your repetitive and useless bullshit about ethno-nationalism, and what it means to be one of the gang in this ethno-nationalist movement.

Except you've no idea how to answer when you're asked exactly what an ethno-nationalist such as yourself actually DOES with their beliefs.

As a long-time fan and disciple of the triumvirate of Woods/Moron/Skillet - you made it as far as memorizing the original author's exact wording and ever since then have been rehearsing it as often as you can get a chance. On here, in your mirror. Like prayers are for old people. They say them because they hope it'll get them past the bouncers, but they know perfectly well how much of a cunt they're really been in their lives and that last-minute prayers and pleas don't get you any time out from hell, heaven, or even purgatory. Or in your case - the dole office.

But even THAT isn't the reason that real nobody likes you or finds you in any way interesting.

That's mostly down to you being an utter, utter cunt.

Of exceptional scale.

But still, I've a feeling I'm not the only one who thinks like that, right?

You think it too, right?

Speaking of the moon and moonheads in general, you're like the uninvited and unwelcome guy who shows up early for the party with no drinks of your own and nobody knows who you are or what the fuck you want. They just want you gone, you and your repetitive and useless bullshit about ethno-nationalism, and what it means to be one of the gang in this ethno-nationalist movement.
Except you've no idea how to answer when you're asked exactly what an ethno-nationalist such as yourself actually DOES with their beliefs.
Could you give me an example of what you think I should be DOING with my beliefs? 🤔

As a long-time fan and disciple of the triumvirate of Woods/Moron/Skillet - you made it as far as memorizing the original author's exact wording and ever since then have been rehearsing it as often as you can get a chance. On here, in your mirror. Like prayers are for old people. They say them because they hope it'll get them past the bouncers, but they know perfectly well how much of a cunt they're really been in their lives and that last-minute prayers and pleas don't get you any time out from hell, heaven, or even purgatory. Or in your case - the dole office.

But even THAT isn't the reason that real nobody likes you or finds you in any way interesting.

That's mostly down to you being an utter, utter cunt.

Of exceptional scale.

But still, I've a feeling I'm not the only one who thinks like that, right?

You think it too, right?

Interesting enough documentary here on Gates, I suppose made all the more interesting that it was commissioned by Channel 4. Not that they make any connection with what they're saying about Gates and "the pandemic" being fake (ah well sure you can't expect miracles) -

Bill Gates: The Man Behind The Money | The Billionaires Who Made Our World | Channel 4 Documentaries

Oh I see it's "age-restricted" (lol) so you'll have to watch it on YouTube
Oh I see it's "age-restricted" (lol) so you'll have to watch it on YouTube

So how did you get to view it?

Did your Ma select it for you and then sat you down with a glass of milk and a Marietta biscuit?

Oh, wait: she's in the dirt, isn't she?

Dead a good few years alright.

Pity you didn't die with her.
On the ideological scale, we have this awful eejit Val Martin telling the world how Sinead O'Connor got it all wrong and that she shouldn't have been a singer but instead should have opened an rape/abuse clinic to help rape victims come to terms with themselves and what happened to them. Val fucking Martin: a fifty cent earning old fart who thinks he knows it all.

It's not the business of a private person to open a state-level abuse helpline or clinic - it's the responsibility of the sate, you stupid old fart. Stick to what you know: preaching to the culchies, you thick fucker. You're an unbelievable fucking moron, Martin - a hopeless case. Stick to shoveling shite - that's what you were born for. Smelly cunt.
On the ideological scale, we have this awful eejit Val Martin telling the world how Sinead O'Connor got it all wrong and that she shouldn't have been a singer but instead should have opened an rape/abuse clinic to help rape victims come to terms with themselves and what happened to them. Val fucking Martin: a fifty cent earning old fart who thinks he knows it all.

It's not the business of a private person to open a state-level abuse helpline or clinic - it's the responsibility of the sate, you stupid old fart. Stick to what you know: preaching to the culchies, you thick fucker. You're an unbelievable fucking moron, Martin - a hopeless case. Stick to shoveling shite - that's what you were born for. Smelly cunt.
In fairness to Val - "The Emperor has no clothes" is sometimes an expression used, for example, to describe the current Clown World we live in, which is not very pleasant for sane people (for insane people/leftists/anti-whites it's fine)
Well, while I would say that political correctness in the UK is off the scale, and we're not far behind in this country, I think here Jambo gives us a very good demonstration of ideological persuasion creating a distorted view of the world.

For see how to bolster cetain of his ideologocal doctrines he creates a hypothesis on the basis of such a tiny sliver of evidence, a hypothesis deliberately designed to appeal to emotion over all else?

To give an idea of the amount of evidence we need to form a substantial hypothesis, take just what the Yorkshire police themselves contribute, just to appreciate how much evidence may be missing:

“... From 12.12am on Monday, August 7, police received calls from a family member of a 16-year-old girl who was reportedly intoxicated and putting herself at risk in Leeds city centre.

“Officers attended at about 1am and drove the teenager to her home so she could be appropriately looked after.

“Upon returning her to the address, comments were made which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence. The nature of the comments made was fully captured on body-worn video.”

He said when the girl was fit to be interviewed, the interview took place with an appropriate adult, and she was later released on bail pending further enquiries.

“West Yorkshire Police takes its responsibilities around the welfare of young people taken into custody and around neurodiversity very seriously...

...We are fully reviewing the circumstances of this incident and ask that people avoid reaching any conclusions about it solely on the basis of the social media video...

Yes, indeed. That may elicit howls, but understand it is the emotional appeal of the hypothesis that has been formed on the basis of the video that elicits it.

But Jambo' whole world has been formed by these type of social media videos for so long, that he is hardly aware any longer of any reality existing outside of them - slivers of video like this, and slogans and mantras that he reads online constitute the totality of reality for his mind.

Look over on Arsefields to see this tendency in its full glory. Watch those utterly thick muppets construct a whole conspiratorial, paranoid, apocalyptic, dystopian, fantasy world on the basis of these type of social media slivers and other forms of misinformation and disinformation (a world that is basically a projection of their own mental pathologies).

Sure, the clip demands further investigation to see what really went on, and to make corrective changes to the systems involved if need be, that is how things are supposed to work.

But let's get all the facts as a first step. Of course. Then construct our hypothesis or hypotheses.
Imagine for example we had a video of the police arresting Golah / Zipporah /Paradosis / Sword of St. Catherine / Ratio Et Fides.

A video showing the arrest of some pathetic wizened specimen, it's chicken legs and arms struggling and kicking spasmodically as they try to move its wheelchair into their van, screaming oaths and curses, and no doubt the accompanying protestations from their carer that they are ill, autistic, handicapped, or whatever.

I'm sure such imasgery would elicit sympathy for the pathetic creature.

But that is all we see on the video. We see nothing of the trail they have blazed in their crusades of hate across politicalirish and Arsefields, ensuring that ignorant hateful voices are heard, and any opposition to their logic is shut down.

For example, most recently on Arsefields, yours truly protested against that poster, a moderator, deny the very existence of homosexuals, say it was merely a "deviancy", an aberration. I wrote the following post, repeatedly deleted in response to their representations:

A. Homosexuality is not considered "sexual deviancy" in the twenty first century in the West, even in Ireland for the last few decades, even in the Roman Catholic Church recently. To say it is so is rightly considered a device of hate speech, just as much as it would be to say someone with black skin is a "racial deviant" etc.

B. Justin Barrett has many mannerisms, not just the high falsetto voice, which might mark him out as having latent tendencies in that direction. This is not any type of a slur on him, the truth is he might be a much better person if he embraced it, stopped repressing it.

C. The fellow in the video obviously does not look like Justin's type, it is obviously a joke, he does not really look like he would be his boyfriend, and anyway Justin is not "out" yet, so how would I know it was his boyfriend? Any intelligent person would recognise it as a joke.

Why repeatedly deleted? Because it subverts their logic of hatred, their dogmatic misrepresentations. No other reason. And they are backed up in this censorship, shutting down of free speech, by the owners, Hans and Dan.

Anyway, the point is many facts are hidden at first. They need to be elicited. And all those videos and tweets usually only ever give a snippet of the facts, usually that snippet that serves the reinforcement of some stupid dogma of some stupid cult thinking.
Well, while I would say that political correctness in the UK is off the scale, and we're not far behind in this country, I think here Jambo gives us a very good demonstration of ideological persuasion creating a distorted view of the world.
Thanks, and I don't disagree.

Thinking that the arrest like that of a drunk, autistic girl for "homophobic comments" is justified is certainly - a very good demonstration of ideological persuasion creating a distorted view of the world. Most (decent) people wouldn't though.

And if only they cared as much when white girls (quite like the girl in this instance) are the victims of Muslim rape gangs but we see that ideology triumphs there, too.

For see how to bolster cetain of his ideologocal doctrines he creates a hypothesis on the basis of such a tiny sliver of evidence, a hypothesis deliberately designed to appeal to emotion over all else?

To give an idea of the amount of evidence we need to form a substantial hypothesis, take just what the Yorkshire police themselves contribute, just to appreciate how much evidence may be missing:

“... From 12.12am on Monday, August 7, police received calls from a family member of a 16-year-old girl who was reportedly intoxicated and putting herself at risk in Leeds city centre.

“Officers attended at about 1am and drove the teenager to her home so she could be appropriately looked after.

“Upon returning her to the address, comments were made which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence. The nature of the comments made was fully captured on body-worn video.”

He said when the girl was fit to be interviewed, the interview took place with an appropriate adult, and she was later released on bail pending further enquiries.

“West Yorkshire Police takes its responsibilities around the welfare of young people taken into custody and around neurodiversity very seriously...

...We are fully reviewing the circumstances of this incident and ask that people avoid reaching any conclusions about it solely on the basis of the social media video...

Yes, indeed. That may elicit howls, but understand it is the emotional appeal of the hypothesis that has been formed on the basis of the video that elicits it.

But Jambo' whole world has been formed by these type of social media videos for so long, that he is hardly aware any longer of any reality existing outside of them - slivers of video like this, and slogans and mantras that he reads online constitute the totality of reality for his mind.

Look over on Arsefields to see this tendency in its full glory. Watch those utterly thick muppets construct a whole conspiratorial, paranoid, apocalyptic, dystopian, fantasy world on the basis of these type of social media slivers and other forms of misinformation and disinformation (a world that is basically a projection of their own mental pathologies).

Sure, the clip demands further investigation to see what really went on, and to make corrective changes to the systems involved if need be, that is how things are supposed to work.

But let's get all the facts as a first step. Of course. Then construct our hypothesis or hypotheses.
I'm not saying anything is justified, I'm saying that you can't go on the basis of a confused video giving a tiny snapshot of the whole thing, and hearsay regarding what the daughter told to the mother, told to the police, and unverified autism and scoliosis, etc.

But apparently this video proves that "... the Alphabet people are oppressed, despite having a taxpayer funded army who'll haul you off to purgatory for the slightest infraction against them...".

No, it doesn't prove it. And thinking it does perpetuates a very strange, and I would say very pernicious, vicious circle.

Or, that the police don't care about these "Muslim rape gangs" (well if we granted a certain brand of rather suspect statistical analysis that posits it is more of a problem than the other cases of rape and sexual abuse, thus meriting reassignment of resources from white assailants to brown assailants, etc.)
I was making a mockery of the idea that a group with so much power could be oppressed.

If the authorities cared about the victims of Muslim rape gangs (almost exclusively white, working class girls) there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of them.
You're citing MP Sarah Champion who said, “...there are hundreds of thousands" - she calculated that herself "... as a rough estimate... I extrapolated that Rotherham is a town [of] 200,000 and had 1,400 known victims of CSE [child sexual exploitation] between 1997-2013 and 15% of women report their rape - so scaled up...”.

I'm not denying it is a problem in the UK, but it is another compounding problem that it has evolved into yet another "far right" narrative, that cares more for the narrative and what these events supposedly "prove", than for the complete set of facts, or for the true statistics presented competently and in context.

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