
The Flat Earth Thread

Hermit the Flerf vs Val Allen

I see that another round of Flat Earth has broken out on Arsefield's.

So Hermit starts it off with a copy/paste from the flerf script -

Post in thread 'To The Moon' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/to-the-moon.162/post-99536

Val replies with the correct answer (gravity) and Hermit moves on with -

Post in thread 'To The Moon' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/to-the-moon.162/post-100051

"Demonstrate gas pressure without a container. Demonstrate a ball of gas in a vacuum."

This might be a novel answer to the question :) -

The air you breathe, bro. The air you breathe is a ball of gas in a vacuum without a container.
Hardly - you'll never see me hanging these seedy joints at night when yourself and the other rodents come out to feed.
You seem to forget that it's YOU living on that shitty little island - not me.

I used to live there, but not any more.

I live in the happiest little country on Earth, and the natives simply adore me.

Especially the girls, whom I like too - hence my evenings being otherwise engaged.

Your addiction to the Six/One News is absolutely fucking hilarious though.
You seem to forget that it's YOU living on that shitty little island - not me.
How could I forget when you remind me in every post (in place of content)

I used to live there, but not any more.
Any more than what?

It's anymore, Mowl. Learn the difference

I live in the happiest little country on Earth, and the natives simply adore me.

Especially the girls, whom I like too - hence my evenings being otherwise engaged.

Your addiction to the Six/One News is absolutely fucking hilarious though.
How could I forget when you remind me in every post (in place of content)

About what?

My being so happy to live in the world's happiest country while you're so miserable over on the broken little rock?

Yeah - that'd piss me off too.

Any more than what?

Any more than usual.

It's anymore, Mowl.

No, it isn't.

Learn the difference

Opened your slab of Dutch Gold for Saturday evening yet?

Another evening of fun for Jambo - talking to members of other sites who aren't even aware he exists.

Tell us: have you managed to get even ONE reply from another site when you've posted to one of their members?

Or do you not realize how desperate and sad your whole set-up really is?

Morning, noon, and night - yapping at other sites who booted you into touch.

You're some sad bastard.
About what?

My being so happy to live in the world's happiest country while you're so miserable over on the broken little rock?

Yeah - that'd piss me off too.
Any more than usual.
You don't live in Ireland any more than usual?

No, it isn't.
lol Yes it is

I don't know which is worse about you Mowl, your inability to learn or your reluctance to

Opened your slab of Dutch Gold for Saturday evening yet?

Another evening of fun for Jambo - talking to members of other sites who aren't even aware he exists.

Tell us: have you managed to get even ONE reply from another site when you've posted to one of their members?

Or do you not realize how desperate and sad your whole set-up really is?

Morning, noon, and night - yapping at other sites who booted you into touch.

You're some sad bastard.

LOL @ probably -

Post in thread 'To The Moon' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/to-the-moon.162/post-100487

Also, what does "give up atheism" mean? 🤔 That's a bit like asking a non-smoker about giving up cigarettes.

Anyway, it's incumbent upon the askee of a What if question to answer accordingly (and as I demonstrated with the Mowl Mowl, people below a certain IQ simply can't handle such questions) but it has to be said that Flat Earth isn't just about the Earth being flat. It's about gravity not existing, space not existing, the 'firmament', can't explain what we see when we look to the heavens or any number of natural phenomena and so on.

If we were to take your What if as just the Earth being flat, all other things being equal shall we say (the other planets in the solar system being round etc.) then that would be inexplicable and you could fill that explanation with God, and a God that particularly regards us, the Earth is our home after all.

But then you would still be left with the original problem of believing in any particular (man-invented) religion. Although I suppose Christians would point to passages in the Bible proclaiming a flat Earth, or whatevs.

As for Hermit (who says that he does believe in God) not being a Christian, I think that's a bit silly. Or put it this way, when Hermit shuts his eyes and pictures his God he's picturing the one he's culturally accustomed to.
Yes, of course a container containing gas could have a pressure gradient,

You're a container containing gas.

Rather stinky, mind you.

a very noticeable one if was the size of say, Mount Everest.

The flerfs though are usually talking about small containers, like the old biscuit tin Mowl Mowl hides his weed stash in (graded from cheap to cheapest)

Nah, I keep my weed in bags/glass jars in the fridge. I usually have at least three different strains at any one time, but have on occasion had several types at the same time. Using them in rotation tends to keep the tolerance to a minimum. Today I have three types, but tomorrow evening that'll become five different strains.

Local prices average around the €12/€15 per gram, so I order around ten to fifteen grams depending on the quality.

Nothing worse than having money in the bank and no weed - than vice versa.

So I remain prepared at all times.
You're a container containing gas.

Rather stinky, mind you.
How drole 🙄

Nah, I keep my weed in bags/glass jars in the fridge. I usually have at least three different strains at any one time, but have on occasion had several types at the same time. Using them in rotation tends to keep the tolerance to a minimum. Today I have three types, but tomorrow evening that'll become five different strains.

Local prices average around the €12/€15 per gram, so I order around ten to fifteen grams depending on the quality.

Nothing worse than having money in the bank and no weed - than vice versa.

So I remain prepared at all times.
No one cares about your drug habit / addiction

The only thing of note is seeing that you've been smoking cannabis every day since you were about 7 or 8 years old.. it prossibly arrested your (mental) development. You know that there are studies about that, right? 🤔
How drole

Or droll.

No one cares about your drug habit / addiction

Better to be honest and open, nothing changes otherwise.

The only thing of note is seeing that you've been smoking cannabis every day since you were about 7 or 8 years old.

Now you know that's just plain stupid.

. it prossibly arrested your (mental) development.

On the drink already.

You know that there are studies about that, right?

Yes, in fact I conducted some studies of my own.

But certainly not at age seven or eight.

Nor in the daytime - only at night.

Sadly, your drunken relationship with the Dutch beer export quarter is also well-noted.

Pissed most days before four in the afternoon.

It's not a good look, Shay.
Or droll.
So funny I forgot to laugh

Better to be honest and open, nothing changes otherwise.

Now you know that's just plain stupid.

On the drink already.

Yes, in fact I conducted some studies of my own.

But certainly not at age seven or eight.

Nor in the daytime - only at night.

Sadly, your drunken relationship with the Dutch beer export quarter is also well-noted.

Pissed most days before four in the afternoon.

It's not a good look, Shay.
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