
Race is real versus race is a social construct.

Are the whites still having regular panics around the redneck states that the former slaves are running amok and coming for their women? :) That's what the KKK started out as, a militia to protect white farms and slave owners from marauding bands of slaves.

Regular hysteria in the redneck states at the beginning of the 19th century and onwards and it is still visible in 'white flight' to places like Florida. It is not a new story. Rome got pretty nervous when they realised that the slaves in the city outnumbered the citizens.

The United States of America is a colonialist construct and was never intended to include any citizen other than a white landowner. It started out as a sort of Orange Free State for religious nutters from Europe, a Europe that was quite frankly glad to see the back of them.

PJ O'Rourke: 'Never forget that the USA was founded by religious nuts with guns'.
I love the fact that fat Harvey and fat Mobilene see Florida as a place to hide out with the other whites. It will be the first state to disappear under rising sea levels. If you've ever flown along the Florida coastline on a clear day you'll see why.

I'm going to be up all night following it on all channels as the snakes and the alligators from the everglades invade the golf courses and start taking bites out of Harve and Mobilene and their fat kids. Alligators can really move in shallow water conditions and Harve, Mobe, Harvey Jr and lil' Sassafras can only hit 12 mph in short bursts.

Popcorn time on 24/7 all channel news. Fuck 'em. They weren't any use to anyone anyhow.
I love the fact that..
.. you're a boring retard

Imagine getting to your stage in life and (still) being the way you are


fat Harvey and fat Mobilene see Florida as a place to hide out with the other whites. It will be the first state to disappear under rising sea levels. If you've ever flown along the Florida coastline on a clear day you'll see why.

I'm going to be up all night following it on all channels as the snakes and the alligators from the everglades invade the golf courses and start taking bites out of Harve and Mobilene and their fat kids. Alligators can really move in shallow water conditions and Harve, Mobe, Harvey Jr and lil' Sassafras can only hit 12 mph in short bursts.

Popcorn time on 24/7 all channel news. Fuck 'em. They weren't any use to anyone anyhow.
Hahaha.. Lumpy is too scurred

He's waiting for Mowl Mowl to come along (who'll be wearing his underpants over his trousers) to come and save him 🤣

So - the Saul/CG&P/burgling question: any answers for us?

Or do you still stand shoulder to shoulder with Irish nationalists who rob their own elderly and get a free pass?

Do not disturb The Mowl.

The only thing about Jambo that disturbs me is his crooked slant on Irish nationalism.

He thinks that grown men/fathers who have middle-aged sons who still lives at home and who robs old people in their beds at night is a suitable candidate for a Jambo-style Irish nationalist party. He'll walk next to the same cunt who protects a thief who robs from the weakest of his own people.

Jambo's nationalism is like his race bullshit: depends on the day and which way the wind's blowing.

He's a failure to his own cause.
Some worthwhile nationalism for Jambo here, he might learn something.

This black gentleman has been guarding the indigenous forests of his country, and has resisted having them "replaced" by tillage fields or by anything else for that matter (this is a form of Jambo's replacement theory by inference).

So he absolutely lays it on the white guy. Impressive stuff.

As a post-British colony, their main language is English.

Like everywhere else they colonized, they deny their responsibilities and still claim to have brought 'civilization' to their slaves.
Some worthwhile nationalism for Jambo here, he might learn something.

This black gentleman has been guarding the indigenous forests of his country, and has resisted having them "replaced" by tillage fields or by anything else for that matter (this is a form of Jambo's replacement theory by inference).

So he absolutely lays it on the white guy. Impressive stuff.

WTF is this shit??
WTF is this shit??
Jambo, just so you're aware, even while you get ridiculed on Isle - placed in the stocks, pilloried, cabbages thrown at your turnip head - there is usually also a serious message waiting to ambush you.

Let me explain this one so even a child could understand it.

Any worthwhile Nationalism is about culture and heritage, including natural heritage.

Where does culture reside?

It does not lie either in the hue of one's skin, or in being a self-proclaimed mensatard.

It lies in one's feeling - for the culture, natural heritage, built environment, archeology, language, and other such artifacts.

The measure of a worthwhile nationalism is what it brings to the culture of a nation.

You claim to bring something to it by preventing the "replacement" of white skinned dutch gold drinking introverts from Coolock by dark gentlemen with bigger willies than you (not very hard).

But actually, if it wasn't obvious, you bring nothing to anything, apart from slogans and phrases you import from other small willied white men living in bastard lands across the waters. Do you.

So look at your personal contribution to the culture of this country as against say one of these dark skinned gentlemen who have fallen in love with say the trees and forests of this country, or our old language, and do something positive.

Are they not greater Irish Nationalists than you are?

Or not just the men, what about the dark skinned gentle women in this country, and the positive infusion of their individuality and energy and vitality drawing from their own culture, into this culture?

So you see. Now compare and contrast to your own "nationalism" and the quality and character of your own contribution to the life of this country.

Yep. That's the shit. No wonder you have such trouble understanding the very basics.
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